Polar Reaction (11 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Polar Reaction
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“Tuck’s going to have his way with me. I tried to resist but he’s bigger and stronger, so I gave in. Want to watch? Better yet, want to participate?”

Brendan’s eyes were wide as plates and now his mouth opened as well. He looked at Tuck, back at Jamie and then to Tuck again. “You’re going to…?”

Tuck tried and failed to get a read on Brendan’s reaction. Was he excited by the idea? Turned off? Jealous? Hoping it was the former, suspecting it was also the latter and praying it wasn’t the one in between, he put his hand on Brendan’s shoulder and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

“Would you like to see how it’s done? Maybe join in if you feel comfortable?”

Brendan’s cock was rising like a windsock, despite his protest. “Oh, um. I don’t think I could…”

“You didn’t think you could do any of this before we started, did you?” Jamie stared pointedly at Brendan’s undeniable erection. “And now look at you. I bet you could hammer a nail with that thing.”

Brendan’s cheeks were scarlet. Jamie was relentless with his teasing. To give Brendan a break as much as anything, Tuck tackled Jamie, grabbing him around the waist and pulling him down onto the cot. He began to tickle Jamie, running his fingers mercilessly over Jamie’s bare sides and digging in. Jamie laughed while trying to shield himself with his hands, but Tuck showed him no mercy.

Joining in, Brendan leaned over and grabbed Jamie’s wrists, pulling his arms taut overhead. “There you go, Tuck. Let’s teach this mouthy boy a thing or two.”

Jamie was writhing beneath them, laughing hysterically, tears spilling down his cheeks. “Stop—” he gasped. “No more…I’ll be good, I swear…”

After several more minutes of torturing poor Jamie, they relented. Brendan let go of his wrists and Tuck sat back, folding his arms over his chest. He stared down at Jamie, assuming a mock-stern expression that slid into a grin despite his best efforts. “Stop teasing Dr. Aaronson. He’s your team leader, don’t forget. Show a little respect.”

Jamie, still gasping for breath, nodded as he wiped tears of laughter from his cheeks. Tuck noticed his cock wasn’t as erect as before. No doubt he was distracted by the tickling. Deciding to remedy that, he grabbed Jamie’s cock and pulled, jerking the loose skin upward. He gripped hard on purpose, having noted the night before Jamie’s intense sexual reaction to mild erotic pain.

As he expected, Jamie drew in his breath at the rough treatment. His cock hardened in Tuck’s grip and he thrust his hips upward. “You like it rough, hmm, Jamie?” Tuck found himself aroused by Jamie’s ardent response. His own cock had regained its former prowess.

Jamie didn’t answer. Tuck jerked harder at his erection, thrilling to Jamie’s reaction. “Yes,” Jamie whispered raggedly. “Please.”

The mood shifted. Gone was the playful atmosphere of a moment before. Power flowed like liquid fire through Tuck’s veins. He released Jamie’s bone-hard erection.

He looked at Brendan, who was watching them. Tuck’s surging power rush was checked by the look in Brendan’s eyes—half desire, half pleading.

He leaned close, his mouth near Brendan’s ear. “You okay? I want to fuck Jamie, but I want you to be a part of this.”

Brendan nodded, his eyes fixing on Jamie, who lay inert beside him, his cock still caught in Tuck’s grip.

“I want to try something.” Tuck rolled from the cot to the floor and knelt facing the other two. “Brendan, you kneel up on the bed facing us. Jamie, you get on your knees facing Brendan, your ass as close to the edge of the cot as you can get.”

He held his breath, waiting to see if they would obey. He was reasonably sure Jamie would, but Brendan remained the unknown quantity. He was both pleased and relieved when Jamie scrambled upright and Brendan scooted back. He knelt as directed, his erect cock thick and hard between his legs.

Jamie shifted to a kneeling position, the globes of his tight, sexy ass splayed over the edge of the cot. They knelt waiting, face-to-face, cock-to-cock. Tuck picked up the strip of condoms, tore open one of the packets and rolled the pre-lubricated sheath over his cock.

He moved closer, pointing his cock toward Jamie’s offered ass. Though the cot was lower to the ground than a regular bed, he wanted better access. “Give me those pillows.”

Brendan, following his gaze, tossed the three pillows toward Tuck. He positioned them beneath his knees. The added height was perfect for penetration.

But not yet. First Tuck licked his finger and ran it around the rim of Jamie’s dark pink puckered hole. He pushed a finger inside. Jamie grunted and pushed back against him, causing the finger to sink in to the second knuckle. Tuck inserted another finger beside the first, moving them inside Jamie’s tight ass until the muscles relaxed.

Tuck looked at Brendan. His face was flushed, his blond hair tousled, his eyes glittering in the glow of the nightlight. Tuck almost forgot Jamie as he stared into them. Brendan swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing, his tongue appearing on his lower lip.

His balls aching, Tuck turned his attentions back to Jamie, adding a third finger to the stretching orifice. With his other hand, Tuck gripped Jamie’s balls from behind and squeezed. Jamie groaned and wriggled back wantonly against Tuck’s hand.

Satisfied he was ready, Tuck removed his fingers and positioned himself behind Jamie, the head of his cock nudging between Jamie’s cheeks. He withdrew it a moment, spit on his fingers and rubbed them along the condom, hoping the pre-lube plus his saliva would be sufficient to keep Jamie comfortable.

Repositioning himself, he teased the entrance with the tip of his cock until Jamie pushed back against him, causing the head of his cock to penetrate. He pressed forward, reveling in the grip of Jamie’s tight ass. He was careful at first, giving him a chance to adjust, but Jamie pushed back again, forcing Tuck’s cock deeper.

Tuck craned his head around Jamie’s broad back and what he saw made him catch his breath. It was even better than he’d hoped. Brendan’s hand was wrapped around Jamie’s shaft, Jamie’s on his. They were pumping each other’s cock with rhythmic strokes.

“Jesus, you two are hot,” Tuck breathed. He couldn’t see Jamie’s face, but Brendan turned to look at him, his eyes blazing with pure lust. Tuck rested his cheek against Jamie’s shoulder, keeping his eyes on Brendan as he eased himself all the way inside the hot passageway.

Jamie’s ass held him like a vise, the pleasure almost excruciatingly acute as he moved in and out of the tight hole. Jamie began to pant, his body quivering and jerking with each thrust. Brendan brought his arms around Jamie, pulling him into a strong embrace. Jamie, likewise, dropped Brendan’s cock and put his arms around him.

Tuck, his cock buried inside Jamie, brought his arms around the pair as well, sandwiching Jamie between them. Brendan leaned forward until his face was close enough to touch.

Tuck kissed Brendan, pummeling Jamie’s ass while his tongue danced with Brendan’s. Jamie was moaning, trapped between the two strong men. He let his head fall back on Tuck’s shoulder, his body convulsing against the relentless onslaught.

Tuck began to shudder, on the edge of orgasm though he didn’t want to stop. He didn’t ever want to stop. Life could suspend at this precise instant in time, with him buried deep in Jamie’s hot ass, his tongue down Brendan’s throat, the three of them locked together in the most intimate of embraces.

His body took over however, dragging him into a climax that started in his toes and ripped through his body like a freight train. He slumped against Jamie, his heart threatening to beat through the wall of his chest, the blood roaring in his ears. He was vaguely aware of Jamie’s body spasming beneath his.

When he could catch his breath, he moved back, careful to keep the condom in place as he withdrew. He looked across at the two men, both still breathing heavily.

Jamie gave a small, embarrassed laugh. “Oops, I did it again.” He slid from Brendan’s lap to sit beside him and Tuck realized what had happened. No doubt the friction of his cock mashed up against Brendan’s body, coupled with Tuck’s cock thrusting into him had sent Jamie over the edge. Tuck saw both Brendan and Jamie’s stomachs were smeared with the evidence of Jamie’s release.

Using the edge of a sheet, Jamie wiped his belly and turned to do the same for Brendan. “No.” Tuck’s tone held command. “Lick it off.”

Jamie turned to stare at him, his expression inscrutable. Tuck waited to see how he would react, keeping his own face impassive. After a beat, Jamie slipped from the cot to kneel beside Tuck. Leaning forward, he snaked out his tongue, touching its tip to the white ribbon of come dripping down Brendan’s stomach.

Pressing his tongue flat, he licked in a long, hard line toward Brendan’s erection, not stopping until he reached the shaft. Brendan moaned and leaned back on his hands, his head falling back, as Jamie slid his tongue along the shaft and closed his lips over the head of the cock.

Tuck dipped his head beneath Jamie’s, licking at Brendan’s balls. “
” The word was wrenched from Brendan between gasps of pleasure. Within less than a minute, he cried out, his fingers twisting in Jamie’s hair, his hips thrusting upward in orgasm.

Tuck didn’t stop licking Brendan’s balls until Jamie had sucked every last drop from him. Jamie was smiling baby-wide toward Brendan, but Brendan’s eyes were fixed on Tuck. His expression was at once so fierce and yet so tender it made Tuck’s heart skip a beat. Was this what love felt like?

Chapter Eleven

At first no one reacted to the sound. Jamie was the first to move. It was only reluctantly that Brendan tore his gaze from Tuck’s handsome face. If he’d had his choice, he would have lain there forever, just staring at its planes and contours, committing each feature to memory.

But the phone was ringing.

The phone was ringing!

Jamie, already halfway across the room, hurtled toward the card table, on which the cell phone was jangling. “Jamie Hunter.” He held his breath, listened and nodded, turning wide, excited eyes toward the other two.

“Yes. Yes, excellent. Okay. Keep us posted. We’ll be ready. Thank you. Oh, God, thank you so much.” There were tears in Jamie’s eyes. He stood naked, the cell phone in his hand, his hair wild and hanging in his face.

“They’re coming. They said the worst is over. The winds have died down enough to get a helicopter over from McMurdo Air Force Base. They have a cargo plane there that can take us to New Zealand. We’re really lucky because they’re closing down in a few days. If this blizzard had kept it up a while longer, we’d be spending a long, dark winter in this godforsaken place.”

The incredibly sensual, hot mood seemed to chill and evaporate like so much ice vapor in the wind. Tuck was moving quickly, pulling on underwear and reaching for his jeans. “When are they coming? How long do we have?”

“They hope within the hour. They’ll call again to make sure we can get out of the building.”

Brendan sat up, the sensual net that had been thrown over him burning away at last as he absorbed the full implications of what was going on. It was over. They were being rescued. They would all be going home. Tuck and Jamie to California, he back to Washington State.

“Come on, Bren.” Tuck’s tone was affectionate but there was urgency beneath it. “Get your sexy ass moving. We’ve got to pack what we can fit in rucksacks, shut down the generator, bundle ourselves up and see if we can’t get outside again. As hot as you look lying there butt naked, we’ve got to get cracking.”

Brendan stood abruptly. Tuck was right. There was a lot to do. They wouldn’t want to keep a hovering helicopter waiting. He headed to the bathroom. He would have liked to shower, but settled for splashing water over his face and chest.

Jesus, had that really happened? In light of the impending rescue, Brendan couldn’t decide how he felt. Looking at himself in the mirror as he dried his face, he shook his head. He wasn’t gay. He couldn’t be falling in love with another
. Or, for that matter, two men. Could he?

Okay, so maybe he was bi. Or bi-curious. Yes, that was more accurate, and being a scientist, naturally he wanted to be accurate, even where emotions and sexuality were concerned. Only, if he were honest, his curiosity wasn’t satisfied—not by a long shot.

Yet surely it was only because of the extreme situation in which they’d found themselves that the whole crazy scene had happened at all. That and enough liquor to pickle a healthy liver. It never would have happened in normal circumstances.

Well, things were returning to normal, weren’t they? In a few short hours they’d be at McMurdo, and from there back to civilization. Back to a life that didn’t include Tuck or Jamie. He would return to his lab, his teaching, his dull, contained, controlled little world.

“Hurry up, Brendan. We’re both packed. Get a move on.” Jamie, who was nearly ten years Brendan’s junior and a mere lab assistant, was out there shouting orders like he owned the place. Instead of being annoyed, Brendan grinned with affection. He was going to miss the hell out of him.

Jamie was fully dressed. Both his and Tuck’s rucksacks were crammed with the contents of their storage trunks. Brendan moved to his trunk, grabbing armfuls of clothing and shoving them carelessly into his bag. He shut down his laptop and carefully placed it into its case, slipping the backup memory stick that contained a copy of all his raw data and research into his pocket.

Tuck emerged from the kitchen. “Should we take a couple of energy bars for the road?”

“If I never see another fucking energy bar, it will be too soon.” Jamie laughed.

Brendan turned off the space heaters. Almost at once the room began to cool. At least the wind was no longer buffeting the building. In fact, it was eerily quiet. Brendan felt unsettled and out of sorts. He looked around the room, telling himself it was because he didn’t yet believe they were really being rescued, but in his heart he knew otherwise.

Their gear in tow, the three men moved into the kitchen, where they suited up in their outer pants, boots, scarves, gloves and parkas, their mittens shoved into their pockets.

They walked down the hallway, flashlights at the ready, stopping first at the generator shed. “Guess they’ll have to fix that one next summer,” Tuck remarked. Brendan, recalling the bright red blood splattered over the floor and covering half of Tuck’s face, suppressed a shudder.

His usual ruddy color had returned. He looked fit, the only evidence of his fall the bandage still covering the stitches. Thank God he was okay.
I don’t want to leave him.
Brendan pushed the thought away.

Tuck moved forward to flick the off switch and the rumbling engine died. Flashlights guiding the way, they entered the lab where Jamie and Brendan had made their first escape, deciding to go with a route they already knew worked.

The pale light of the waning sun backlit the cloud-covered sky. Soon that sun would dip permanently below the horizon for the next hundred days or so, plunging the continent into an eternal night.

The cell phone rang in Brendan’s pocket and he pulled it out. “Brendan Aaronson.”

“The helicopter will be there in about five minutes. They won’t be able to land, but they’ll drop a sling harness and airlift you one at a time. You all ready?”

“Yeah, we’re ready to get the hell out of here,” Brendan asserted, ignoring the whisper of aching sadness deep in his heart.

They managed to push the window open. A drift of snow fell into the room. Donning their mittens, they brushed the sill clear and climbed out, one at a time, into the freezing air.

Their gear hoisted over their backs, they waded through the snow toward the side of the building nearest the landing strip and waited, no one speaking. Within a few minutes the sound of the chopper was audible and in a moment it appeared against the blanket of blinding white snow that stretched as far as the eye could see.

It hovered overhead, the wind from the propellers stirring up the air and sending sharp needles of icy snow spraying into their faces. The door on the side of the helicopter opened and Brendan saw the winch, on which was wound thick, sturdy cable, a horse-collar rescue sling attached.

“You go first,” he shouted to Tuck, concerned about his bandaged head in the biting cold. Tuck nodded and moved forward. He passed the sling under his arms and gave a signal for them to raise him. Brendan watched him being lifted from the ground, unaware that tears had gathered in his eyes until they spilled, freezing at once along his cheeks. He told himself they were tears of joy.

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