Pony Express Courtship (23 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Gibson

BOOK: Pony Express Courtship
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“Would I have to call you Papa Seth?”

The seriousness in Benjamin's voice reminded Seth that in Beni's eyes he was trying to take John's place in their lives. He shook his head. “No, you don't. I'll always be Seth to you. I can't take Papa John's place in your heart, Beni. No one can.”

He looked to his other brothers, who nodded their heads at him. Benjamin looked back to Seth. “Then I reckon it's all right with me, if you want to marry Ma.”

Seth stood and faced them once more. He swallowed. “Thanks.”

They laughed and clapped him on the back. Andrew stood off to the side with his arms crossed over his chest. Seth turned to him. “Andrew, are you sure you're all right with me asking her to marry me?”

“Yep, I was just thinking. Now you have to actually ask her. These guys are acting like she's already said yes. She might say no.” He turned and walked out of the bunkhouse.

Seth's heart sank. Andrew was right. What if she did say no? What if she did reject him? Would she feel like Beni, that no man could take her late husband's place?

Chapter Twenty-Five

he next morning, Seth was still worrying about Rebecca's answer. The sound of a rider coming in fast drew his attention. There weren't any Pony Express riders scheduled. He stepped out his side door and watched as the sheriff entered the yard.

He walked over to him. “What brings you out this morning, Sheriff?”

The sheriff leaned on his horse's saddle horn. “Just thought you'd like to know we caught our road bandits. It was thanks to your quick shooting.”

“Who are they?” Jacob asked, coming to stand beside Seth. The other boys crowded around them, too.

The sheriff tipped his hat back. “Jake Edwards.”

“Mr. Edwards that owns the general store?” Clayton asked.

“One and the same. Seems he and a couple of his old buddies were making extra money on the side by robbing stagecoach passengers. Seth here put a bullet in Edwards.” He grinned. “Those things smart when they get infected. Bring a man to tears and to the doctor.”

“How'd you catch the other two?” Seth asked.

“Seems the pain was pretty bad and he told Doc everything while the bullet was being removed.” He rubbed his chin. “Who knew Doc could get information like that just by taking out a bullet?”

Seth was glad the men were behind bars. “Thanks for letting us know, Sheriff. We'll breathe a little easier around here.”

The sheriff nodded. “Well, I best be getting back to town. I have prisoners waiting for breakfast this morning.” He spun around and headed back to town.

All the way into the house, the boys talked about Mr. Edwards and the fact that they knew he was no good all along. Seth listened but didn't add to the conversation. His thoughts were on Rebecca and how she was going to answer his marriage proposal.

* * *

Rebecca listened to the boys repeat what the sheriff had said. She watched Seth's reaction to the news. He seemed distracted and she couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking of Charlotte.

They hadn't had their nightly meeting the evening before. Seth hadn't bothered to come in for dinner. Had he been packing a bag? Even now, was he planning on leaving after breakfast?

The boys lingered over breakfast longer than normal. She noticed that they watched Seth, too. Were they concerned that he would be leaving soon?

It was Andrew who finally said, “Seth, are you doing this today or should we go on and do our chores?”

Seth looked startled for a moment and then he swallowed hard and stood to his feet. He walked to Rebecca's end of the table and offered her his hand.

Unsure what was going on, Rebecca allowed him to pull her up. She opened her mouth to ask what he was doing when he laid a finger over her lips.

“Rebecca Young, I have known for a while now that I love you, but because of Charlotte and my promise to marry her, I haven't been able to tell you. Until today.” He stopped and searched her eyes.

Had he just told her he loved her? In front of her kids, Fay and Emma? She looked around the room. The boys all just sat watching expectantly. Fay covered her mouth with her hand and Emma and Joy sat staring with big eyes. She looked back to Seth. “I...”

Seth kneeled down on one knee in front of her. “I love you, Rebecca Young. Will you marry me?” His warm eyes held all the love that was within his heart.

“I do love you, Seth, but I can't agree to marry you.”

He stood. Pain reflected in his eyes. “Why not?”

She looked to her children. “I need their permission.”

Smiles broke out over the boys' faces.

Jacob laughed. “Ma, we've already given Seth our approval.”

A smile began to touch her lips. Seth had respected her and her boys enough to ask their permission. “What about you, Joy?”

She felt Seth's arm snake around her waist.

“I like Seth. I want to keep him.”

Rebecca turned to face Seth. His eyes now held understanding, but uncertainty at what her answer was going to be. “I want to keep you, too. Yes, I'll marry you.”

Seth didn't give her a chance to change her mind. He pulled her close and kissed her lips. The boys hooted, the women laughed and Rebecca relaxed in his arms.

When he pulled away from her, she whispered against his lips, “I love you, too, Seth. I have for a while now.”

He hugged her close. Rebecca savored the warmth of his arms as she thanked the Lord for bringing Seth into their lives. And for helping her to realize that God was in control and it was all right to love again.


ebecca looked at her reflection. The full-length mirror had been a wedding present from the boys. She admired the soft cream-colored dress Fay had presented her with the day before. It was much prettier than the blue Sunday dress she'd intended to wear. Tiny pearl-like beads lined the sleeves and the train of the gown.

“You are beautiful, Ma.”

She smiled over her shoulder at her eldest son, Jacob. He was to walk her the short distance to her groom. He wore a blue suit that looked snug about his wide shoulders. No longer was he the twelve-year-old boy she'd adopted. Jacob was a man.

“Thank you, son.” She looked back at her reflection. Like her, Jacob had a right to start his life again. He needed to know about his mother.

He placed both hands on her shoulders. “Ready?” Their gazes met in the glass.

“Almost.” She turned and gave him a hug, then pulled away. “But first I have to tell you about your real mother.”

His back straightened. “Today's not the day for that, Ma. We can talk about her another time.” Jacob held his arm out for her to take.

Rebecca placed a gloved hand in the crook of his elbow. “I know where she is and I want you to go to her. If for no other reason than to find out why she abandoned you.”

Jacob led them to the door. He pulled it open and nodded. “All right. Where is she?”

She swallowed hard. As soon as he knew, Jacob would leave. Rebecca was sure of it. “In California. A few years ago, she married. I'm not sure where in California they live, but she was last known to be somewhere in the vicinity of the Pony Express station called Twelve Mile Station.”

He patted her hand. “Thank you for telling me, Ma.”

Rebecca pulled him to a stop. “Aren't you going to go find her?” She studied her son's face, wanting to know and yet not wanting to know if he was leaving.

Jacob turned her to face him squarely. “Yes, I am, but I will come back. This is my home. You are my true mother. Nothing will change that.” He used his thumb to wipe away a tear that had slipped down her cheek at his words. A smile touched his lips. “But first we have a wedding to attend. And I can't take you in there with tears on your face. Seth would have my guts for garters.”

His words caused her to chuckle. Rebecca nodded. “Promise you'll say goodbye before you head out?”

“Promise.” He kissed her cheek. “Now let's get you married.” Jacob turned and offered her his elbow once more.

Rebecca took it. She pushed all thoughts of Jacob and his future aside and focused on her own future. A future filled with Seth and the rest of the boys and little Joy.

Jacob walked her to Seth, who stood in front of the fireplace looking handsome in his dark pants, light blue shirt and cowboy boots. His smile was for her alone.

She couldn't pull her gaze from his. He was all she'd ever wanted in a husband. They shared friendship, as she and John had, but they also shared so much more. His touch made her feel warm and safe. His smile brightened her day and his voice sent shivers down her spine like no other man's ever had. She'd loved John and nothing and no one could take from that. But now she shared a special love with Seth.

Rebecca thanked the Lord that she could love both men without taking from either of them. They were both special to her in their own ways. Loving Seth would be a new chapter in her life, one she intended to savor.

As she repeated her vows and looked into Seth's strong face, she remembered the day he'd come racing into the yard to help put out a barn fire. Unbeknownst to him, he'd ignited her heart with flames of love. She silently thanked the Lord above for bringing such a wonderful man into her life.

“You may kiss your bride.”

Seth pulled her close and gently kissed her lips. She ignored the wedding party and focused solely on her new husband. He was all she'd ever hoped for and so much more.

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from
by Linda Ford.

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Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for picking up the first book in the Saddle and Spurs miniseries,
Pony Express Courtship
. I hope you enjoyed Rebecca and Seth's story.

Dove Creek is a fictional Pony Express Home Station but based on a real one. As far as I know, there weren't any home stations like Rebecca's, but my imagination didn't stop me from creating it. Also, as far as I know there were never two riders who went together on the trail, but again for my story, I created that possibility. What allowed me to create so freely is that there are many things that aren't known to be “facts” about the Pony Express.

I hope you will continue this journey with the Young family with me. The Pony Express changed many young and old men's lives. Let's explore some of them together. Please join me for the ride.


Rhonda Gibson

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