Popping the Cherry (35 page)

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Authors: Aurelia B. Rowl

BOOK: Popping the Cherry
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‘Would you like your birthday present now, Tink?’

Something was off, or not quite right, and it prompted me to turn and study him. He looked exactly the same, but I’d heard it, just a subtle difference in his voice. It was as if the edge of his usual self-confidence was gone.

‘Um … sure,’ I said, his nerves rubbing off on me. ‘Will here do, or do we need to go back in?’

‘Here is good.’

Jake reached into the inside pocket of his tailcoat and withdrew something, but it was too dark for me to make out, and small, fitting in the palm of his hand. The wind chose that moment to blow, nipping at my exposed skin. My skin goosed, and there was nothing I could do about the shiver that ripped through me.

‘You’re freezing,’ he said, already undoing his button.

‘N-no, I’ll be fine.’ My words fell on deaf ears.

He shrugged the jacket off and draped it over my shoulders, the tails falling all the way down to my calves. The warmth from Jake’s body wrapped itself around me in a sweet caress—a hug—and his scent drifted over me. I inhaled deeply, savouring the smell I’d been missing for so long.

‘Close your eyes and hold out your hand,’ he said, unable to hide the tension from his face this time. I did as he asked, and felt something light, almost weightless, fall into my hand. ‘OK, you can open them now.’

The most exquisite necklace I’ve ever laid eyes on rested in the cup of my palm, sparkling and glinting beneath the night sky.

‘It’s beautiful, thank you.’ The next words clawed at my throat. ‘But it’s too much, I can’t acc—’

‘No, wait,’ Jake blurted. A tic spasmed in his jaw as he sank onto the bench and stared down at his hands, seemingly oblivious to the cold. ‘It actually comes with a bit of a story, so, before you refuse it, please can you hear me out?’

When he looked up at me again, my breath caught in my throat. Jake’s eyes were so deep I wanted to lose myself in them—no shutters, no barriers, just Jake. His heart wasn’t on his sleeve: it was right there in his gaze. My heart skipped a beat and my knees threatened to give way, so I sat beside him. Right beside him, our shoulders, hips and legs touching. His arm snaked around my waist just as I’d hoped.

‘I’m listening.’

‘The necklace is—was—actually my Nanna’s. My grandfather gave it to her on her eighteenth birthday, but it had been his grandmother’s before that.’ Jake sucked in a deep breath, and his grip on my waist tightened. ‘Pops wanted it to be a sign of his devotion, and now I’d like to present it to you, to continue the family tradition.’

‘Oh, Jake …’ I tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

‘I’m in love with you, Tink. I’ve been in love with you for so long I can’t even remember when it happened. It kinda snuck up on me.’

I shivered.

‘Shit, I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘Here’s me harping on when you’re freezing. Let’s get you back before you freeze.’ He made to stand up but I made a grab for him.

‘No, stay,’ I blurted. ‘Please, I’m not cold.’

‘You’re not? Then why did you shiver?’ A frown scrunched his face up, and I instinctively reached up to smooth it out.

‘You, Jake,’ I said, closing the distance between his face and mine. ‘Because of you.’

‘Oh.’ He raked his free hand through his hair, mussing it up, but he didn’t look away. ‘So will you keep the necklace?’

‘I’d be honoured to. Thank you.’

Jake held out his hand. ‘May I?’

I uncurled my fist and let the necklace slip from my hand onto his. He let go of my waist, needing both hands to open the tiny clasp, making light work of it. He stood up, then walked behind me. The oval pendant appeared from above my head, glinting in the moonlight as Jake placed it against my breastbone, fixing the clasp at the back of my neck. When he let go, it dropped and settled halfway between my collarbone and the dip of my cleavage. I couldn’t help myself, I had to reach up and touch it.

Jake pressed a kiss against the back of my neck, zapping me and making my toes curl up inside my shoes. He squeezed my shoulders, then walked around the front, reaching for my hand and drawing it away so he could see.

‘Incredible. From here it looks like both a “T” and an “L”, as though it were made for you.’

‘Yet from my side it looked like a “J” and it’s lying right beside my heart—where it belongs.’ I tugged on his hand. ‘Jake, can you sit down again, please?’

‘Er … sure.’

The moment he sat down, I climbed onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. Jake’s arms closed around my waist and I moaned in appreciation.

‘Jake?’ I whispered.

‘Yes, Tink?’

‘Doesn’t the birthday girl usually get a kiss?’

‘I think that can be arranged.’

Jake’s hand skimmed over my back to grip the base of my head. I leaned into his touch, my eyes drifting closed as the nerve endings went into overdrive. When I opened them again, I saw Jake gazing at my mouth, and my tongue darted out of its own accord to moisten my suddenly parched lips. Jake lifted his gaze to my eyes but his focus was soon drawn back to my lips. He inched closer and my heart rate quickened. Short blasts of air hit my face, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

No more than two inches away, his torso was pressed up against mine and I could feel his heart hammering. My eyes refused to stay open. Jake brushed his lips against my forehead first, then the tip of my nose, and finally, my lips, dusting them with soft, sweet kisses. My lips parted but Jake had already stopped kissing me and was pulling away from me.

‘Happy birthday, Tink.’ he said.

I could actually hear him smiling. Opening my eyes only proved it.

I pouted. ‘Is that it?’

‘Didn’t you like it?’

‘Yes. No. I mean—’

Jake’s grin disappeared in the time it took me to blink. He swooped, crushing his lips onto mine, and wasting no time in seeking out my tongue for a duel. I whimpered into his mouth and my body melted against him. The hand he’d left around my waist pulled me closer still, leaving me in no doubt that I had an effect on him. I squirmed and his groan reached all the way to my core muscles. He dragged his lips from mine and leaned his forehead against mine.

‘Why did you stop?’ I asked.

‘Tink, I don’t have that kind of control. I’m strong—but I’m not that strong. You’re just too …’ His words fluttered over me like more of his butterfly kisses. I squirmed again and he hissed through clenched teeth. ‘I think we should get back inside.’

‘Spoilsport,’ I huffed.

‘Oh, believe me, Tink, I would.’ The growl from deep inside his chest agreed. ‘But not here, and not now. Especially not when I’m expecting a search party to come looking for us any moment now.’

‘Good point.’ I shuffled off his lap and planted my feet on the floor.

Jake stood up too and reached for my hand, leading me back towards the bright lights. ‘Plus, I promised a lady a dance.’

I froze and yanked him around to face me.

Jake chuckled. ‘You can stop pulling that face. I meant Nanna.’

My massive grin chased the frown away. ‘Oh—whoops—that’s OK, then.’

The party was still in full swing when we returned. Gemma and Nathan were standing guard at the doorway, which explained why nobody else had appeared outside. Gemma noted that Jake and I were holding hands, then passed me my lipstick and held up a compact mirror so I could fix my appearance.

‘Well it’s about bloody time,’ she said.

‘We weren’t outside that long, were we?’

‘I don’t mean that, doofus. I meant you two. Together. The pair of you have been driving me up the wall.’ Gemma lowered the mirror and stared at me. ‘You are together-together now, aren’t you?’

Jake spoke first. ‘Well, I am happy to state on record that I am in love with Lena, and that I am one hundred per cent devoted to her, but I’d say you both knew that already.’ The confidence was back in his voice—if it were something tangible, it would swagger—so it hit me even harder when it wavered. ‘It’s up to Lena now, but, no matter what, I’m her friend for life.’

‘Tonight has got to be the most romantic thing I’ve ever witnessed,’ Nathan said on a sigh, his gay-guard slipping enough for Gemma to shoot a quizzical look at him. He cleared his throat and went ultra-butch to make up for it. ‘Right, I’m off to wow somebody else with my newfound dancing skills, seeing as Jake’s usurped my place.’

‘Whoa there,’ I said, reaching for his arm. ‘Jake is promised to another so I’m all yours, at least for the next dance.’

Gemma’s jaw dropped. ‘You’re kidding me.’

‘Not at all. In fact, I’m going right now.’ Jake wandered off, looking back over his shoulder and hitting me with a smile—one I’d never seen before. It did funny things to my tummy, and a little lower down, too.

‘Nanna. I should have known,’ Gemma said. ‘And isn’t that her necklace you’re wearing?’

My fingers sought it out the moment she mentioned it.

‘Yes, it is.’

‘It’s just about perfect with your outfit as it happens.’

‘Really?’ I lifted it up so I could see it in the full light and discovered the purest amethyst I’d ever seen—my birthstone—and it was surrounded on one side by a curved row of diamonds. ‘I need a drink.’

‘Yes, milady, right this way.’ Nathan led me back to our table and pressed my glass of white wine into my hand.

Nanna commandeered Jake to two more dances, but I was more than happy dancing with Nathan. The string quartet finished their set and the DJ took over. Jake reappeared by my side and, even though the music had changed, he continued to waltz around the zombie couples in the centre of the floor. I took a break from dancing to mingle, seeking out Mum and Dad first. They were both thrilled for me, and Nanna was even more delighted when she saw her necklace around my neck. Jake soon sought me out again, bearing a glass of wine, which was strange when he was on lemonade.

‘What time is it? Do you know?’ I asked, having lost track.

He lifted his wrist and checked his watch for me.

‘It’s ten to midnight.’ Jake must have seen something in my face—although I was certain I gave no clues at all as to what I’d been thinking about—and he dipped his head and whispered in my ear. ‘There’s still ten minutes until deadline. It’s still doable, if it means that much to you.’

‘That’s just the thing,’ I said, keeping my voice low. ‘It doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I mean, there’s no rush, right?’

‘No rush at all, and, for what it’s worth, I’m glad you see it that way too.’

‘Well, just so you know, yours was the only name I ever wanted on that damned list anyway.’ I shrugged, revelling in his gaze. ‘There was only ever you, Jake.’

‘It would be my absolute privilege to be your first, Valentina Bell, and I will wait for you however long it takes. Even if that means waiting for ever.’

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I squinted and stared around the Saunders’ garden at all the faces I knew and loved: my family, Jake’s family, Nathan too. We’d all come together in one place to celebrate Jake’s birthday, and for once, the weather forecasters had got it right. The late sun gave off the same amount of heat as the dying embers from the barbecue, but a lot less smoke.

‘Hey, Tink, you OK?’ Jake’s arms slipped around my waist from behind.

I bit back my yelp of surprise and leaned against his warm, solid chest.

‘Yeah …’ Crap, I should never have opened my mouth. A cloud of smoke seized its chance to dive in and choke me, setting me off on a coughing fit. ‘Except everywhere I move, the smoke seems to follow me,’ I said, wafting my hand in front of my face so it couldn’t attack my lungs again. I had enough problems going on with my body today, without any external issues getting in on the act too.

‘Well, you are irresistible.’ His lips brushed against my ear as he spoke and sent a shiver down my spine. My skin prickled with anticipation and set free a colony of butterflies. ‘Your folks are heading off, by the way.’

‘Oh, right. I’d best go say goodbye.’ I snapped to attention and started to walk away but Jake caught hold of my hand.

‘Hey, slow down,’ he said, getting in front of me to block my way. ‘Is everything all right? You seem a little … jumpy.’

Ha! Funny that …

‘Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.’
My insides were acting like a wildflower reserve, a veritable hive of activity beneath the glorious late-spring sunshine. ‘You?’

Jake’s brow wrinkled. ‘If you want to head home with your folks, I can always ask Nathan to give me a ride home.’

‘No,’ I blurted, flinching when my voice came out much louder than I’d intended. ‘It’s OK. I said I’d give you a lift.’

Jake tilted his head to one side, turning it away slightly, but kept his gaze locked on mine. Damn it, I had to do better. I couldn’t afford to arouse his suspicion so I plastered a smile on my face.

‘OK,’ he said, not even slightly appeased. ‘Is half an hour good for you?’

Too bloody right

‘Hey, it’s your party, just let me know when you’re ready.’ I did a much better job at keeping my voice on the level this time.

Jake opened his mouth to speak but was beaten to it when Mum burst out onto the patio.

‘Ah, there you are,’ she said, saving me from any further questions. ‘We’re off now, love.’ She leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheek, then did the same to Jake. ‘Enjoy the rest of your birthday, son.’


‘Thank you, Yvonne, I will,’ Jake replied, looking as composed as ever, but I’d seen the tiny twitch in his eyebrow before he got it under control.

Mum lingered, her eyes growing decidedly moist the longer she stayed. She reached up and squeezed my shoulder. It was a move I’d come to know: that look, that squeeze, that shaky breath … It was the one that said, ‘My baby’s all grown up,’ and it was usually followed by a heavy sigh.

‘Bye, Mum,’ I said, hoping to prompt her exit before Jake picked up on the mother–daughter undercurrent.

Mum let out a deep sigh—
—then wandered back to find Dad. She dragged him from the kitchen and the two of them made their way to the front door in a flurry of goodbyes. Some of the tension that had built in my shoulders eased off, but that had been too close for comfort. Nathan was the next to leave, and, judging from the glint in his eye and the extra-tight hug he gave me, he was bang on the mark with his suspicions. He did the man-hug thing with Jake and managed to sneak in a thumbs-up when he did the fist-pump thing. Nanna left soon afterwards, getting a ride with Gemma, who was on her way to Ben’s, anyway. Even Gemma gave me ‘the look’ on her way out of the door.

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