PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (59 page)

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Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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I didn't feel like hearing her drama at that moment, but being the good friend that I am, my conscience wouldn't let me ignore her. Her phone only rang once before she picked up and dropped a bomb on me. I thought my heart stopped because I was frozen again, and didn't know where I was for a few seconds. When reality kicked back in, I cut her off from talking and yelling at me for taking so long to pick up and told her “I'M ON MY WAY!”

I was in frantic mod. At first I didn't even know where my clothes were. Finally I realized where they were, ran over and started putting them on so fast, it was as if I was Superman trying to get back in his every day Clark
clothes before someone recognized him. Once Mr. Visage realized I was fully dressed, he demanded that I stop what I was doing and finish what we started, but I wasn't hearing him. I mean I was hearing what he was saying, but it wasn't registering in my brain. Finally, I grabbed my suit case and started to run out, so he realized I was leaving for real.

“Can you at least unlock these locks, and help me down? The key is on the table.”

At that moment I felt bad for him, and realized I couldn't leave him hanging up in the sling could I? Well after I checked, and double checked the table for the key with no luck, I couldn't search any longer.

“I'm sorry Mr. Visage. I can't find the key, and under any other circumstance I wouldn't leave you like this but it's an emergency. I have to go, I'm so sorry.”

As I ran out the dungeon and headed for the elevator I heard him yelling for me to tell Caleb he needed help down. When the elevator made it to the main level I ran past Caleb cleaning up and with one breath I told him

“Your boss needs your help I'm sure you know where to find him.”

I ran outside and Eddie was leaning against the limo smoking a cigarette. When he saw me charging toward the limo like a linebacker, he quickly put it out, and opened up the door for me.

“Is everything okay? I expected to be out here for a few more hours.”

“No, it's not. Take me Good Samaritan Hospital in L.A. as fast as you can.”




Chapter 25

We’re here for the Dash party.”


The drive to Santa Barbara was surreal. I felt like I was in this brand new space, one that was unearthly, a place where only Lanell and I existed. Our love was our oxygen and our passion was the food that silenced our hunger. Several times as he drove, I looked over at him. I couldn’t get over how fate had thrown us together. He came up to me in The Devil’s Den without even knowing that we would meet again. He had no idea that we were going to be filming together that night, yet something pulled him toward me, and something kept us together.

“What are you thinking about Jasmine, you look like your plotting something?”

I wrapped my hand tighter around his massive hand and leaned over and kissed his neck. I sat there trying to find the right words, the words that would make him fully understand my hearts reaction to him, but I felt like nothing could come close.

“Just thinking about life and what it has offered me. So many times, we wake up and pray for the things that don’t matter or the things that in the end, will be meaningless. But sitting in the car with you right now… it just makes me realize that most of what I have wanted doesn’t matter, it’s the people that we meet, the people that we love, even the ones we hate, they are the ones who shape us, who shape our lives. Like you and me, out of everyone in the world we found each other and that’s a needle in a hay stack. I bet if just one thing in our lives was changed, we wouldn’t be sitting here together today.”

“So are you saying that you’re thankful for porn?” Lanell asked as if he only half way understood where I was going with my statement.

“What I’m saying is that if it weren’t for porn I would have never met you.”

“You never know,” he said with a shrug of his shoulder.

“That’s just it, we will never know. But what we do know is that because of it, I have found you and I’ll always be thankful for that. I can’t really see my life without you now, even if I did have all of this going on with the dancing and the move. I just don’t think that it would be the same without you. It’s almost as if my heart beats for you,” I said looking straight as him. When the words left my mouth he took his eyes off of the road and stared at me. Then he pulled to the side of the road and undid his seatbelt. I took his hand and put it up to my heart as if I was trying to prove my statement true. It wasn’t long before his lips were on mine and my body was on top of his.

“You really wanna do this out here?” he asked, as I pulled up the skirt that I had on and adjusted myself on top of him.

“It’s not like we’re not used to having people watch.”

The cars zoomed by as I unzipped his pants. He pulled off my top and slipped one of my perky breasts from my top and slipped his mouth over my nipple. I moaned as I reached over and turned the volume knob up higher.

“Trying to set the mood?” Lanell asked with a smile.

You fine as hell, I guess I met you for a reason only time will tell.”

I rapped along with J. Cole as if the lyrics were written for me. And since it was about eight in the morning I asked what Drake and Mr. Cole asked on the song.
Can I hit it in the morning
? I felt his stiffness between my legs and I was just as ready as he was. I reached down and pulled out the part of his body I wanted inside of me. I smiled at the chocolate thunder that was his dick and knew I was about to get my world rocked. I slid down on his pole really slow, wanting to feel every inch of him in me. As I did my job holding a steady pace, he slipped his hand down and eased the seat down. I lowered my chest back to his mouth and he continued making wetter and wetter. As the songs changed and our love sounds now merged with the song Red Lips off of Trey Songs Passion, Pain, and Pleasure album. We we’re both close to finishing the race. He leaned up and kissed my red lips and made me cum. Within the next minute or so, he followed suit.




The drive from Vegas to Santa Barbara was about five hours, but that didn’t matter. Lanell and I enjoyed each other’s company, sex, and conversation. We talked about the new life we were going to have in Vegas and as far as we both were concerned, the stars were the limit. We checked into the hotel and after showering, we took a short nap. We woke up around four, got ourselves together and went out for lunch.

“I’ve been thinking,” I said before taking a sip of my drink.

“I wanna go shopping and pick up something nice for tonight, plus I want to bring a gift.”

Lanell looked up from his food and smiled before shaking his head.

“What?” I asked with my own smile crawling across my face.

“I remember when we went to that Caribbean day thing and I brought you an outfit to wear, you gave me hell for that shit so I wasn’t even gonna ask if you wanted to shop for…for something more appropriate.”

I laughed. Wow that only seemed like yesterday.

“Well, I was just thinking that the clothes I have with me aren’t right to meet your family in, not with my ass hanging out and all.”

I stood up and turned around so he could see the short shorts that barely covered my round ass.

“And there’s one more thing,” I said while taking my seat. He waited to hear what I had to say.

“Would you mind if we told your family that I was a performer in Vegas instead of the truth? It’s not like we would be completely lying,” I said with a sly smile. I couldn’t tell how he was taking my request. His face was blank and I started to worry that asking him totally was wrong.

“That’s really sweet Jasmine.”


“That you want to make a good impression for my folks. That shows that you’re in this 100%.”

I walked over to him and kissed his lips.

“You should never have to wonder Lanell ‘cause you’ll have 100% of my heart always.




“Are you sure this dress is okay, maybe I should have gotten the black one, don’t you think that it shows too much?”

I was freaking out. I must have tried on fifty dresses that afternoon and I still didn’t think that I had gotten the right one.

“Calm down, Jasmine, you look banging baby.”

I smacked my lips and threw my hands on my hips.

“Banging, I didn’t want to look banging, I wanted to look classy,” I said giving myself the one over. The red dress Lanell helped me pick out was tight, strapless, and cut right above my knee. Although this was considered covered up compared to my slut wear, I still felt naked.

“Trust me Jasmine, you’re fine. Plus, I wasn’t gonna have you looking like a grandma. I still want you to look sexy. My dad and brother are going to love you in this dress.”

His joke helped calm my nerves as he came up behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist.

“My family’s gonna love you just like I do. Plus, you never know, you may have a couple of fans there who know your work.”

Now why did he have to go and say that? My face frowned up and worry filled my gut again. He laughed and thought that it was cute, but to me, I was on the verge of throwing up.




“Are you ready?” Lanell asked as he looked over to my shaky leg. We were sitting outside of the restaurant where the dinner for his parents was being held and I couldn’t bring myself to get out of the car.

“Just give me a minute.”

He sat there patiently, not wanting to rush or push me too fast. He actually liked the fact that my heart raced and that my legs were shaky.

“Okay, let’s do this,” I say after a few deep breaths. He pulled up to where the boys in red jackets were waiting to park the cars and jumped out. The valet guy walked to my door and opened it. Lanell was there to help me out of the car and held my hand as we entered the restaurant.

“We’re here for the Dash party,” Lanell told the hostess. She led us upstairs to the private room where at least thirty or so people were sitting and talking. I squeezed Lanell’s hand as all heads turned our way and my eyes landed on the two people I knew were his parents.

“Hi, mom, dad, this is Jasmine, my baby.”

I extended my hand first to his mother since she was the closet to me. She smiled sweetly and shook my hand.

Hi, Jasmine, I’m Robin, I love that dress. Did Lanell tell you that red is my favorite color?”

I smiled as I looked into Robin’s eyes. I had seen them before, the way they seemed to look right through you. They were the same gray eyes that Lanell hypnotized me with.

“No, he didn’t tell me that but he did have a heavy hand in picking out the dress. Guess he was covering all angles, huh?”

We all laughed and she swept her hand against his cheek.

“That’s my son, ever so thoughtful; well this is my husband, Tino. My first born takes after him the most, as far as personality.”

As I shook Tino’s hand, I couldn’t help but catch the admiration each had for the other. He and his wife looked at the other as if they had just met yesterday. As if Tino had never seen her naked and fantasized about her body as she spoke to him. I understood why, Robin was still stunning in her fifties. She was tall, about 5’9 with a bee hive complexion. Her hair was short, soft, and cut very stylishly. Her body looked as if she never missed a day at the gym and her shape was that to be envied with her small waist, round behind, long legs and shapely hips. Without knowing her age, no one would ever say that she was a day over 35.

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