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Fusato, Angelo, 84–85, 169, 181–82


Gainsborough, Thomas, 165

Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 262

Garfield, James, 259

Garland, Hamlin, xxii

Garrick, David, 287

Gaskell, Elizabeth, 69, 195, 214

Gautier, Théophile, 199–200

Gemini, Countess (char.), 135, 140, 196, 207, 268–69, 275–78

Geneva, 179–80, 181

Genoa, 166

George II, King of England, xxii

Germany, 33, 322, 323

(Zola), 198, 201

Gilded Age, 33–34, 72, 251, 259, 306

Giotto di Bodone, 130

Gladstone, William Ewart, 60, 99, 101

Glastonbury, 210

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 59, 141, 152, 154

Goncourt, Edmond de, 197–99, 202, 250

Goncourt, Jules de, 198

Goodwood, Caspar (char.), 9, 69, 72, 75, 106–7, 114, 133, 136, 227, 268

   Isabel Archer’s final encounter with, 325–31

   Isabel Archer’s rejection of, 157, 161–62, 163, 222

Gordon, Lyndall, 29, 128, 174, 182–83, 184, 315

Gosse, Edmund, 83, 84–85, 90–91, 170, 176, 286, 289, 323

   HJ’s letters to, 197

Gould, Jay, 34

Gounod, Charles, 8

Gower, Lord Ronald, 297

Grahame, Kenneth, 49

Grant, Ulysses S., 134

Gray, John, 22, 28

Great American Novel, HJ’s mockery of, xv

Great Expectations
(Dickens), 98, 216

Greece, 161

Greek Slave
(Powers), 126

Greene, Graham, 160

Grove, George, 211

Guggenheim Collection, 181


Haggard, H. Rider, 252

Hardwick Court,

Hardy, Thomas, xxii, 25, 64, 195, 245, 249, 304, 328

Harleth, Gwendolen (char.), 63, 66, 69, 231, 276

xiv, 42, 128, 178, 209, 210, 246

Harte, Bret, 246

Harvard Annex, 282

Harvard Law School, 19, 20, 22

Harvard University, xvi, 17, 24, 32, 40, 50, 54, 306

   Lawrence Scientific School at, 18

   medical school at, 18

   William James as professor at, 38, 101, 264

Haussman, Baron Georges-Eugène, 122

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, xx, 17, 25, 112, 148–49, 209, 315

   on Europe and the American novelist, 31–32, 35, 278

   in Florence, 122, 125–26

   HJ’s book on, 34–37, 41, 44, 114

   “imported” sense of sin of, 151

   in Rome, 143, 145, 147, 152, 205

Hawthorne, Una, 205

Hay, John, 176, 182

Haymarket Theatre, 290

Hazard of New Fortunes, A
(Howells), 24

Hemingway, Ernest, 323–24

“Henry James, Jr.” (Howells), 243–47

Henry James at Work
(Bosanquet), 88, 101

Henry James Goes to Paris
(Brooks), 198

“History” (Emerson), 115

Hockley, E. M., 12

Hogarth Press, 88

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 19, 22, 32, 89

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 210

Holmes, Sherlock (char.), 286

Homer, 99, 231

Homer, Winslow, 191–92, 194, 205


   of Alice James, 282

   of HJ, xviii, xxii, 13, 78–94, 170, 184, 185–86, 187, 290, 297–99, 304, 328

   illegality of, 83–84

   of John Addington Symonds, 83–86

   of Oscar Wilde, 78, 83, 85, 290, 299

Horace Chase
(Woolson), 181

Hosmer, Harriet, 125, 147

Hôtel de l’Arno, 121

Houghton, H. O., 210

Houghton, Mifflin, 103, 208, 210, 211, 239–40

Household Words,

House of Mirth, The
(Wharton), 307

Howells, William Dean, 41, 129, 241

23–25, 43, 101, 104, 166, 199, 208, 213, 215, 219, 246

   HJ’s friendship with, 24–26, 130, 215

   HJ’s letters to, 43, 53, 90, 96, 199, 202, 208, 211, 249, 284

   as novelist, 37, 127, 148, 234, 239, 241–45, 251, 273

The Portrait of a Lady,
104, 243–47

Huckleberry Finn
(Twain), 36

Hughes, Linda K., 215, 219

Hugo, Victor, 243

“Humble Remonstrance, A” (Stevenson), 248

Hunt, William Morris, 15, 17

Hutton, R. H., 242, 331


Ibsen, Henrik, 83, 288

Ideal Husband, An
(Wilde), 290

illegitimacy, 195

Importance of Being Earnest, The
(Wilde), 83, 291

“Importance of Elsewhere, The” (Larkin), 79

Indian Summer
(Howells), 127, 148

(Dante), 94

Interior in Venice, An,

Irving, Henry, 287

Isherwood, Christopher, 79–80

Italian Riviera, 166

Italy, 12, 134, 161

   American expatriate community in, 125–26, 138, 146–50

   Constance Fenimore Woolson in, 176

   divorce barred in, 273

   English expatriates in, 146–48

   HJ in, 28, 37, 44, 165, 168, 172, 176, 181, 199

   as new nation, 166

   Risorgimento in, 150

   standard of beauty in, 127


James, Alice (sister), 21, 38, 262, 265

   Boston marriage of, 281–82

   death of, 16, 266

   European travels of, 33, 258

   HJ’s letters to, xx, 93, 94, 103, 104, 128, 130, 180, 287

   illness of, 16, 261, 263, 281, 320

   inheritance of, 264

James, Alice (sister-in-law), 78, 101, 258, 282, 320, 321, 324

James, Bob, 15, 17, 27, 32, 261

   in Civil War, 18

James, Henry:

   as American in Europe, 259

   on American life and identity, 31, 32, 33, 34–37, 41–42, 53–54

   as American triumphalist, 242

   appearance and personality of, xix–xx

   aspirations to greatness by, xv

   biographies of, 78

   brand identity of, 42

   British citizenship taken by, 323–24

   Cambridge burial of ashes of, 261

   career choices and, 16–17

   as central figure in history of the novel, 237

   childhood travels of, 15–16

   cigarette smoking by, xxi

   Civil War and, 18–19, 23, 77

   commitment to his work by, 38

   Constance Fenimore Woolson’s relationship with, 175–78, 179–82

   correspondence burned by, 81

   death of, 324

   depression of, 319–20

   disengagement from public life by, 16, 33

   early writing career of, 20–21, 23, 24–25, 34

   emotional inabilities of, 30

   in engineering school, 15

   Englishness of, 307

   evil as conceived by, 273, 315–16

   as expatriate, xii, xv, xxii, 31, 34, 54, 77–78, 79, 80, 95, 102, 126, 197, 239–40, 281, 305

   family and background of, 13–16

   family expectations and, 80

   first adult European visit of, 12, 27–28, 126

   French fluency of, 16, 123

   at Harvard Law School, 19, 20

   health of, 18–20, 27, 319–20, 322

   homosexuality of, xviii, xxii, 13, 78–94, 170, 184, 185–86, 187, 290, 297–99, 304, 328

   independence as value of, 126

   inheritance of, 264

   letters of, xxii–xxiii, 27, 28–30, 38, 59, 77, 80, 89–90, 105, 131, 184, 262, 264, 298, 299;
see also
specific recipients

   letters to family by, 59, 91, 96, 101, 104, 138, 148, 149, 150, 153, 165, 198, 211

   literary reputation of, 284–85

   loneliness of, 88

   longing for travel by, 27, 33

   marriage refused by, xvii–xviii, 45, 77–81, 131, 175, 184

   as “The Master,” xix

   Max Beerbohm’s caricatures of, 300


   notebooks of, 264, 293–94

   Order of Merit awarded to, 324

   output of, 264

   passing of parents’ generation noted by, 264–67

   photographs and, xx, xxii–xxiii, 47,

   portraits of, 17, 322, 333–34

   at Quincy Street, 24, 26, 32

   returns to America by, xv, xvii, 34, 80, 257–64, 305–8, 320–21

   revisions by, xiv–xv, xxi, xxii–xxiii, 308, 309–19

   scenic method of novelistic construction by, 21

   secrecy in art of, 184

   secretaries of, xxi–xxii, xxiv, 88, 165, 295, 297, 310, 321, 324

   social nature of, 79, 97–98, 99, 165, 286

   subsequent career of, 280–81

   on taste and aestheticism, 137–38

   transatlantic world of, 12, 37, 283

   translation discouraged by, 250

   William Dean Howells’s friendship with, 23–26, 130, 215

   William James’s family and papers of, 78

   on Winslow Homer, 191–92

   writing habits of, xxi, 165, 168, 295, 318

James, Henry, works by:

   “The Altar of the Dead,” 186, 266, 286

The Ambassadors,
xv, 37, 86, 91, 157, 180, 199, 293–94, 300, 303–5, 311

The American,
xvi, xxiii, 43, 44, 198, 201, 213, 250, 287–88, 292, 310

   “American Journal,” 93–94, 99, 258–59, 267

The American Scene,
xv, xx, 34, 307, 309, 317

   “The Art of Fiction,” xvii, 74, 194–95, 235, 246–49, 250–51, 267

The Art of the Novel,

The Aspern Papers,
86, 174, 178–79, 180, 185, 284

   “The Author of ‘Beltraffio,’ ” 82–85, 86, 285

   autobiography of, 20, 28, 123, 160, 259, 265, 321–22

The Awkward Age,
90, 204, 293–94

   “The Beast in the Jungle,” 36, 87, 186–87, 315

The Bostonians,
176, 281–83, 287

   “Brooksmith,” 30

   character as central in, 40, 46–47, 74–75, 139, 242–43, 274

   comic writing in, 268–69


   consciousness depicted in, 199, 302–3, 304

   critical successes of, 44

Daisy Miller,
xvi, xvii, xix, 10–11, 41–42, 99, 102, 141–42, 169, 188, 204–6, 211, 212, 244, 250, 277, 286, 287, 304, 321

   deathbed scenes in, 107–9

   “The Death of the Lion,” 86, 285

   elaborate late style in, 294, 295, 301–2

   endings of, 318

   essays by, 280

The Europeans,
26, 43, 62

   expatriates in, 37, 124, 134, 163, 280, 283, 300–301, 303, 309

   “The Figure in the Carpet,” 86

   free indirect discourse in, 302

   “The Friends of the Friends,” 186, 266

   ghost stories, 108, 186–87, 260, 266

The Golden Bowl,
90, 100, 109, 149, 157, 199, 232, 237, 300–305, 307–8, 312, 317, 327, 328

   “Greville Fane,” 265

Guy Domville,
289–92, 293

34–37, 41, 44, 114, 163, 323

   “An International Episode,” 42

   international theme in, 37, 134, 280, 283, 300–301, 303, 309

In the Cage,

Italian Hours,
137, 225

   “Italy Revisited,” 123, 138

The Ivory Tower,

   “The Jolly Corner,” 82, 87, 186

   journalism of, 96, 100, 104, 198, 318

   kisses in, 327, 333

   “The Last of the Valerii,” 160

   “Lesson of the Master,” 82, 285

   “London Town” planned by, 99

   “Madame de Mauves,” 37, 160

   “Madonna of the Future,” 127

   major phase of, 157, 302–3

   march of action in, 294

   “The Middle Years,” xiv, 285, 288, 293

   New York Edition of, xiii–xiv, xvi, xix, xxii–xxiii, 8, 100, 111, 211, 241, 266, 307–8, 309–19, 322;
see also
Portrait of a Lady, The,
revisions of

   “The Next Time,” 285

Notes of a Son and Brother,

   as not for everyone, 241

   “Pandora,” 42

   “A Passionate Pilgrim,” 37

   “The Pension Beaurepas,” 42

   pirating of, 42

   plot in, 25, 40, 66, 244, 245

   point of view in, 318

   “Poor Richard,” 24

The Portrait of a Lady,
Portrait of a Lady, The

   prefaces to, 312, 317–18, 332

The Princess Casamassima,
98, 100, 176, 282–83, 287, 318

   “The Private Life,” 87

   queer readings of, 187

   “The Real Right Thing,” 266

   “The Real Thing,” 30, 286

   renunciations and solitude of, 87

   reviews by, 28, 40–41, 58, 62–67, 201–3, 265–67

Roderick Hudson,
25, 34, 44, 78, 88, 123, 128, 148–49, 152, 213, 298, 332

   “The Romance of Certain Old Clothes,” 26, 185

   “A Roman Holiday,” 152–53

   “Roman Rides,” 37, 153–54, 159, 270

   sales of, xii, xix, xxii, 43, 44, 112, 181, 212, 214, 219–20, 239–40, 284, 286, 287, 318–19, 322

   scenic method in, 293–94

   secular world of, 108–9, 317

The Sense of the Past,

   sexuality in,

A Small Boy and Others,
264, 321

The Spoils of Poynton,

   stories about artists by, 285

   for theater, 170, 181, 286–92, 293, 294

   time in, 321

The Tragic Muse,
64, 180, 211, 275, 282–84, 287

Transatlantic Sketches,

   “Travelling Companions,” 37

   travel writing, 78, 123–24, 126, 137, 152, 167, 243, 280

The Turn of the Screw,
xix, 86, 186, 315, 326

   use of Italian settings in, 138–39

   “Venice,” 167, 171–72, 243

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