Possessed - Part One (5 page)

Read Possessed - Part One Online

Authors: Coco Cadence

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Possessed - Part One
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Chapter 7



His kiss is sensual, and so very … seducing. His lips are warm and tantalizing, heating my body like fireworks are exploding inside me. I let him explore my mouth with his, gently pecking while nipping at my lips as well. It’s so good, oh my god, I can’t even begin to describe it. His kisses are sex on a stick.

He pushes me further up against the door, even though I thought I couldn’t go any further. I was wrong. His hands find their way to my face, cupping me with gentle care as he swipes his tongue over the seam of my mouth, coaxing me to open. He kisses me softly, licking the tip of my tongue but never driving further inside. It’s like he’s holding back, but at the same time, showing me what he can do. Expertly moving his tongue, he drives me insane. It’s like he’s a master at this.

Oh god, I think I just died and went to heaven.

I’m supposed to hate him. Remember, remember, Samantha! He’s a douchebag who wouldn’t even look at you before, and now he has his tongue marking you as his. Somehow, I can’t resist, can’t push away the temptation to keep kissing him back, despite the voice in my head calling me a stupid girl. I shouldn’t be kissing him, and yet I am.

And then he stops.

Just like that.

Secretly, I wish for him to continue.

My lips are parted and swollen, buzzing with sensation as he withdraws. A giant lopsided grin forms on his face as he looks me in the eye.

“We should practice that some more,” he murmurs, gently caressing my cheek. “We’re not convincing enough, yet.”

“What?” I mutter, feeling like the ground underneath my feet is quaking.

“If we wanna convince my family that we’re a couple, a married couple even, we’d have to do this more often.”

“Right …” I whimper from his hot breath blowing against my sensitive lips.

I’m not even registering what he’s saying, still locked in that fantasy where Leo King just kissed me because he wanted to. Because at that moment he couldn’t do anything else than kiss me.

Except, I’m lying to myself, and I know I am.

Wish I could live in that lie for one more second, but he has to slap me out of it like it amuses him.

His hand leaves my face. “Our act needs to be polished.”


“The walk and talk, you know, how we behave toward each other. It has to be genuine.”

“Except it isn’t.”

“Right.” He winks. “Which is exactly why we should practice more.”

I sigh, slamming my lips together. “I get it. You just kissed me because you want to see how I do it. Because you think I won’t be able to do it when we’re around your family.”

“Oh, no, I have no doubt you can do it. I just wanted to see if it could really work.”

“And? Can it?” I fold my arms, frowning. “Was our fake kiss to your satisfaction?”

“Very much.” He smiles broadly, annoying the hell out of me.

I knew I shouldn’t have expected anything else from him.

“Is that all for today?” I say, grinding my teeth.

“For now, but I’m sure I’ll need you again later.” As he turns around, he glances over his shoulder and I catch him licking his lips. “Be sure to drop by often, so we can fake make-out.”

I barely manage to stop myself from growling as I turn back around and open the door.

“Oh, and Miss Webber …”

I’m about to scream ‘what?!’ across the room, but I bite my tongue.

“Go home early. I want you to pack your bags.”

“Why?” I ask, gazing at him over my shoulder.

“We’re leaving today.”


Chapter 8



Later that day…



He forgot to mention the fact that he had to book an early flight because his mother accidentally gave him the wrong day for the family gathering, which is apparently tomorrow during lunchtime. So, I had to grab my stuff as quickly as I could, which of course turned out to be a disaster. Half of my clothes are missing, and I didn’t have any time to eat. Luckily, I managed to grab a quick bite in a fast food stance at the airport. While I was stuffing my mouth, I almost choked when I noticed we were entering a private jet.

And now I’m sitting here in my chair, still amazed at the fact that Leo King has his own private airplane. I shouldn’t be surprised, and yet I am. I’ve never been in one of these, but damn, it’s nice for a change.

I’m sitting in a seat close to Leo so I can still hear his requests if he has any, but far away enough not to be annoyed by him. We’re both fiddling with our tablets, ignoring the other completely. He’s been quiet ever since our kiss. Of course, I can’t stop thinking about it, which in turn makes me think he thinks about it, too. But that’s ludicrous because Leo fucking King has better things to think about. I should totally
be thinking about how good it felt to have his lips on mine. Totally. Jesus. It was good.

Shaking my head, I focus my attention on the email that just landed in my inbox.



FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Please accept my apology for my behavior the other day. It was not appropriate and there is no excuse. I do not wish for our mutually beneficial relationship to end in murky waters, so I’ll make it clear now that I do want us to continue what we have going here. But only if we keep all private information to ourselves. That includes our faces.

Let me know how you feel. I have a special surprise for you if you agree to keep playing with me.





FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


I accept your apology and thank you, I appreciate it. I thought you were having a bad day, so it’s fine … as long as you keep talking to me and sending me delicious commands, I’m all yours.

I promise I won’t ask for anything else again.






FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Open Attachment: Your_mouth.avi


Good. I’ve included something for your eyes only. Watch it. Then go to the nearest bathroom with your vibrator and watch it again. And again. And again … You get the picture.


Oh, and one more thing: No coming.








Biting my lip, I open the file on my tablet. I could use a little distraction, especially after that hot kiss from Leo, so I’m all for a little play right now. However, Mr. Awesome doesn’t know I’m on a plane so this could get a little tricky. There’s only one toilet, and it’s a small cubicle with barely enough space to move your ass around, let alone my big ass.

Gazing up from my tablet, I check to make sure that Leo hasn’t seen me get all excited because I obviously don’t want him to know what I’m about to do. He briefly gazes up at me for a second, raising his eyebrow in that daring way he usually does. God, the amount of panties he could twist just by giving that look.

Too bad my panties are already in a twist because of the assignment Mr. Awesome just gave me. I see it as a way to relieve myself of all the stress I keep inside, not to mention the arousal. That kiss keeps swirling in my head, and I want to rid myself of its memory. It was too hot to be fake. I gotta cool down.

With my purse in my hand, I get up and place the tablet on my seat.

“Where are you going?” Leo asks. “We still have some things to discuss.”

“We can discuss it in a minute. I’m going to the ladies’ room.”

“No such thing.”

I chortle. “What in the world makes you think you can stop me? Your discussion can wait.”

“Oh, I don’t mean it like that. I just meant that there’s no such thing as a ‘ladies’ room’ on a plane. A toilet, sure. But it’s nothing more than that.”

I roll my eyes. “Well … thank you for that very useful information, Mr. King. I’ll be sure to remember that.” I clutch my purse in front of me.

“Hmm … I do hope so. It’s right over there.” He points to the back with an amused look on his face. “Gotta pee that badly?”


“It looks like you’re clenching your legs.”

I lift an eyebrow. “I’m not clenching anything.”

He grins. “Keep telling yourself that.”

“If I was, I wouldn’t tell you, no matter if I have to pee or not. I’m going to the bathroom now,” I say, as I walk through the aisle.

“You wouldn’t even tell me if you didn’t have to pee?”

“I don’t think I should answer that question,” I say.

“Aw, why not?” he teases.

“Because it isn’t very professional.”

“I agree,” he muses. “But that’s what makes it so fun!”

“I’ll see you in a minute, Leo. Or not.”

“It’s Mr. King for you. Leo King …”

The last thing I hear as I enter the cubicle is his laughter. He sure does seem to enjoy torturing me today. I should think of something to torture him with instead, but I can’t think of anything because I’m not as much of a sadistic evil motherfucker as he is.

Or maybe I just don’t want to waste any time on him when I have Mr. Awesome’s video to watch. I’m curious about what he sent me.

I take my phone out of my purse, open the email, and download the video. When I open it, my jaw drops. It’s a video of him stroking his cock. There’s no sound, but by god, just looking at him jerking off on camera is getting me all heated up. I hold my breath as he goes faster and faster, minutes flying by. I can’t take my eyes off him. All I can think of is wanting to be there with him, seeing him do it in person, and then taking over. Instead, I watch him bring himself to the brink. All I see is his hand rapidly stroking his length, his veins throbbing, and delicious drops of pre-cum dripping down. His cock bobs up and down in his hand, and I can feel my pussy throb as his grip tightens and his speed increases even more. He brings his hand to the base, holding his breath. Then jets of his seed spurt out onto black sheets. It keeps coming and coming, and my lips instinctively part as I watch him shoot it all. I’m wet by the time the video comes to an end.

Jesus Christ, that was beyond hot. That was on fire.

Oh god, I wish he had put an audio under this. I could beg to hear him moan. I wonder what my name would sound like in his voice.

I grip my shirt, trying to catch my breath, which is apparently quite shallow. I feel like I just watched someone in private, even though he sent me this on purpose. It’s so freaking naughty … I love it!

The title is also very appropriate: Your_mouth.avi. I guess he figured I was the kind of girl to sit below him and lick it all up as he comes. God, he knows me so well, even when he knows me so very little. It’s funny.

I take the vibrator from my bag, and I start up the app on my phone.


S: Jesus that was hot.

Mr. Awesome: I hope you enjoyed that little show. I would give you more but …

S: But what? Please, tell me.

Mr. Awesome: Oh, you know how much I like you begging.

S: What can I do to see more?

Mr. Awesome: I think you have to earn it first.

S: Damn.

Mr. Awesome: For starters, what should you call me again?

S: I’m sorry, Sir. Your video just gave me hot flashes, I completely forgot.

Mr. Awesome: As long as you remember who’s in charge. Want to earn more cock? You can start by getting yourself off on that vibrator, but I want you to watch that video while you do it.

S: Yes, Sir. I will thoroughly enjoy myself.

Mr. Awesome: And two more things: a) you’re not allowed to come, and b) keep your mouth open while you pleasure yourself.

S: Yes, Sir.

Mr. Awesome: Ten minutes at the very least. I want you soaking and wild, without a chance to relieve yourself. Feel your own desperation. Be nice and wet until I contact you later tonight.

S: Okay, Sir. Thank you, Sir.


I close the app and open the video again, pushing up my dress. I slide the vibrator inside my panties, open my mouth as he instructed, and turn it on. I’m already wet, so it slips and slides easily. I hope the sound isn’t too loud, but at this moment, I don’t think I care if anyone hears because I’m so turned on. The vibrating brings me to the brink easily, but I know I must continue for at least another seven minutes. It’s torture, pure torture I tell you, but it’s worth it. Watching him stroke his cock is making me delirious with need, and how he comes over and over again has my mouth wide open, ready to receive. God, I wish it were real. For a second, I almost forget I was supposed to stop myself from coming, but I regain control quickly. When the time to please myself comes to an end, I’m left with a swollen clit, soaked panties, and a mouth so hungry for cock and cum I could grab Leo and suck him instead.

Oh, god, what am I thinking?

Swallowing away my lust, I take the vibrator out and wash it in the tiny sink.

A sudden knock on the door has me jolting up and down.

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