Read Power of the Fae Online

Authors: Ariel Marie

Power of the Fae (20 page)

BOOK: Power of the Fae
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“Your body belongs to me!” He growls as he runs his canines along my neck, his hands grabbing my ass and pulling me against him. I can feel his erection pressing into my stomach. A moan slips out as he nips my neck with his teeth. My body totally agrees with him, my nipples are hard as rocks poking through my shirt. My sex is wet and slick, clenching in anticipation. I grab him by his hair, kissing him as he kisses me.

“You’re mine!” I growl right back, using his favorite phrase towards him, nipping at his lips. He gives me a lopsided grin, squeezing my ass.

“Tonight, you’re spending the night with me! You’ve been away from me too long.” His voice is deep and filled with need. I nod my head quickly licking my lips, his eyes following my tongue.

“I need to help them finish setting up the equipment.” He reluctantly lets my ass go but grabs my hand in his.

He leans in kissing me slowly and thoroughly before leading me back into the other room where the guys are. My face warms, as I’m sure they all know what was going on in the kitchen. With the wolves’ sensitive hearing I’m sure they heard everything.

Christian’s jaw tightens as he takes a look at Colin and me, then he walks out the house. Colin’s face is so smug he should have just banged on his chest like a caveman! Within minutes the rest of the equipment is in the house and there is no trace of anyone being in the front yard of this house. The other truck and wolf are nowhere to be seen.

“Do you guys need any help?” I ask walking around watching the guys working around the living room. The room is starting to look like a mini command center. I’m blown away by all the technology that Nick was able to send over so quickly. Tables, chairs, computer monitors and wires are running all over the room.

“Not really, Princess! We got this covered!” Alec says with a grin peaking from under one of the tables handing a wire to Dante who connects it to a monitor.

“Ok, well then, I need to change my clothes.” I go to find Christian, but Colin grabs me.

“I don’t want you alone with him.” He speaks softly in my ear, out of earshot of Christian. I understand wanting the world to know I’m his, but this bossy side of his is not going to work.

“It’s not about what you want. My father wants him as my bodyguard and he has sworn to my father that he will protect me.”

“Tell the Prince you don’t need a bodyguard that you have me and my pack to protect you.”

“I can’t do that, Colin. We’ll just have to deal with this for a little while. We still need to have that talk. I promise, later, we’ll talk.” My eyes plead for understanding with this. He releases me and sighs, running his hands through his midnight hair.

“I won’t be long.” I kiss him on the cheek and go find Christian. He is in the back yard of Seth’s house. He must have gotten the garage open, parked the wolves’ truck in it and is now closing the garage door.

“I need to go to my grandmother’s house,” I say as I walk up to him. He doesn’t say anything, nods his head, grabs on to me and we flash out.

Chapter Thirty-One

! Shit! Shit!
I can’t believe that they have
me from the main house! He had the nerve to have his Beta talk to me. He couldn’t tell me his fucking self! All over the little half-breed! He didn’t even drink the water with the potion in it! I can’t believe he freaked out the way he did when I walked in the shower. I just knew it was going to be like it always was, but boy was I wrong.

I strip my clothes off in his room, then walk in the bathroom. It is foggy in the bathroom from the steamy hot water. I stand and watch for a second as he is rinsing out his hair with his head tilted back under the water and his eyes closed. His body is perfection as the water runs down it; his erection long and hard. I lick my lips as I slide into the shower getting on my knees, eye level to his magnificent erection. I run my hands down his stomach and grab his hard erection and lick the tip. He jumps cursing when he sees it is me on the shower floor, sucking on his cock. He grabs me by my arms and pushes me out the shower, yelling, grabbing a towel to cover himself up then grabs one and throws it at me.

“What the fuck, Malia?” he yells.

“What is your problem?” I yell back, wrapping the towel around myself.

“Have you lost your fucking mind? What do I have to say to get it through your thick fucking skull, leave me the fuck alone!” He pushes me out the bathroom and into his room.

“Get your shit and get the fuck out!” He growls around his canines, his eyes glowering. I’ve never seen him this angry before, his Alpha vibes hitting me hard. I quickly grab my clothes, not looking in his eyes, showing submission. He grabs me by the back of my neck and tosses me out of his suite out into the hallway.

He tossed me out like I was garbage! He wouldn’t be acting like that if that half-breed bitch were out of the way. I walk out the back door of the house I live in with my parents, stripping off my clothes and shifting as I run down the back stairs. My wolf takes off running into the woods that are adjacent to our yard. I’ll just have to find a way to get that half-breed out of the picture. I’m supposed to be the Alpha’s mate and no one will stand in my way.

~ Colin~

didn’t want
to let Lina go back with that Guardian. He needs to let her go. She belongs to me. I agreed to not beat his ass again, but if he touches her again, all bets are off. That fucker packs a mean punch. Thankfully, I heal rapidly or my ribs would still be cracked from the jab he threw. I wanted to bash his face in until he was unrecognizable when we fought earlier. His face was smug announcing to the world that he had had what is mine. Anger fills my chest, thinking of that Guardian kissing and touching Lina.

“You’re going to crush that mouse.” Devyn moves the mouse out of my hand. He turns back to the monitor he is watching. The screen is divided into four; it has different views of the portal house.

“So what’s up with you and Lina?” He asks typing away on the computer.

“She knew about the situation from the other night.” I rub my eyes, starting to feel the burn of staring at monitors for too long. I don’t mind talking about this in front of Alec. Alec won’t judge me at all and getting an extra opinion would help right now, since a relationship is new grounds for me.

“How the hell did she know about that? You tell her?” Devyn asks, surprised.

“Hell no!” I explain to him how Lina was able to see what was going on.

“Of course, he didn’t show her what happened in the bathroom or you throwing her out!”

“Right, so she assumed the worst.”

“So what else did the evil Underworld lord show her?” Alec asks.

“I’m not sure. She said that we would have to talk about the rest later.”

“You know you’ve changed,” Devyn states. I look at him and Alec who is nodding his head in agreement.

“How do you mean?”

“One, you smile more. You usually don’t smile as much. I know you got a lot on your plate and are stressed, but you are showing your pearly whites more!” Alec jokes.

“Two, who would have thought, the great Colin MacKenzie would consider a relationship? Or even consider taking a mate?” Devyn chimes in.

“The change is good, man! Really good. I’m glad you’re happy.” Alec salutes.

“Anything yet?” Dante asks, walking into the living room from the kitchen. Dante had left a little while ago to patrol the area so that we can have all areas covered.

“Naw, nothing yet,” Devyn says stretching in his chair.

There is a noise on the back porch. We all pause in our chairs, listening for the noise. Dante is the closest to the kitchen. He slowly disappears in the kitchen. The three of us pause, not saying anything and barely breathing trying to hear what is going on in the back. A minute later we hear soft voices coming from the kitchen. The smell of apricots slowly makes its way into the living room. I smile, getting up from the table I am sitting at knowing that Lina has returned. My smile vanishes quickly as Christian walks through first, followed by Keegan and Lina with Dante pulling up the rear.

My eyes zero in on Lina. She’s in her traditional Guardian uniform of dark shirt, cargo pants and boots with all of her weapons on. Her hair still remains in the high bun on her head. Keegan and Christian are dressed in similar outfits and they too have their weapons.

“Has Lina updated you on the latest from Melomouzor?” Keegan asks getting straight to the point.

“Him walking into her dream the other night?” I ask. He nods his head.

“I didn’t get to tell them everything. We had a few distractions,” Lina said.

“Well, we can’t afford anymore distractions!” Keegan snaps. Someone must have told him about what happened earlier. His face is hard as stone.

Lina quickly tells everyone about her dream. She purposely leaves out the part of Malia in my bedroom. Listening to the way that Melomouzor threatened her and her family has me seeing red. My wolf is howling to get out. No one is going to take her away, not even the Demon King.

“How many days do we have left?” I growl out around my canines that have descended, flexing my hands. My hands are balled so tight that my nails are digging into my palms and drawing blood. Lina stands by me rubbing my arms knowing that my wolf is wanting out.

“That was three nights ago,” she says softly as curses fill the room.

“We got movement coming down the street.” Alec zooms in on his monitor that shows the view of the street.

It is now dark outside, and the car coming down the street has their lights on, making it hard to see the make of it. Alec has mounted a camera on one of the poles at the end of the street to pick up any movement. All the cameras that we mounted are motion censored so that they will pick up any and all motion in the area.

“Hey, I got a visual of the license plate! I’m going to send a picture of it to Nick,” Alec says.

Everyone tries to surround him so that we all can see who gets out the car on the monitor. Two women step from the vehicle. One of them looks older but the darkness is shrouding them, making it harder to see. The one that got out of the passenger side has a long cloak on with the hood drawn up. They look around as if feeling they are being watched, and then they disappear into the house. Alec’s fingers are flying across the keyboard taking screen shots of them and sending them off to Nick.

“We did put a camera in that one room right?” I ask. I have a funny feeling that something is about to go down. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing at attention.

“Yeah, we did,” Dante’ says.

“Look over there!” Lina points out on one of the other monitors, a male slinking in the backyard of one of the other homes on the street. Then another male appears.

“Demons,” Keegan says in a low voice. His voice is like the calm before the storm. He’s dangerous when his voice is this calm. His rage is burning right beneath the surface.

We all watch as the demons head towards the house.

“It’s now or never,” I say looking around the room. “Alec, I want you here manning the monitors.”

“No problem. Want me to call in the others?”

“Yes, I’d rather have them here, and not need them, than to need them and they’re not here.”

“Got it!” He picks up his cell phone making the first call.

Keegan is on his cell giving coordinates to this house. He must have called in the other Guardians who are here with them. There’s no telling what’s about to go down. The hairs on the back of my neck have not gone down. I pull Lina to the side.

“You stay close to us. I don’t want any chance of anything going wrong.”

“I can take care of myself,” she whispers fiercely with her bright green eyes.

“I didn’t say you couldn’t take care of yourself. I just have a bad feeling about this. Be careful!” She nods her head turning back to her brother who is speaking with Christian. I don’t like that she’s in the middle of this. I want to take her home and lock her away in my bedroom.

“Dante and Devyn, I want you forming a perimeter around the house. Make sure no one gets passed you and gets to the house. Alec, when Reed and Gunnar get here, I want you to bring them up to date then send them to Devyn.”

Dante, Devyn and I go into the other room opening duffle bags that Nick had sent over. Opening the bags we grab out our Kevlar vests. It’s not that often that we as werewolves, need to use guns but we do have to protect ourselves from being shot, and we’ve found that Kevlar vests stop silver bullets, just like they do regular bullets.

Nick also sent over enough guns, ammo and knives to take down a small army. We each grab what we need and head back into the living room. The Guardians Vander and Tarron have shown up. They are speaking to Keegan and Lina.

“We’re going in the house,” Keegan says as we walk back into the room.

“I’m with you and Lina,” I say. Keegan nods his head. I thought that he would argue with me. Good, at least that’s one less person I need to fight with.

“What’s your plan? My wolves will surround the house and try to keep anyone else from coming.” He nods.

“I don’t want to kick the door in, guns blazing, but we will sneak in the house and take them by surprise. Lina and I will go in, Christian, Vander and Tarron will surround the house closely. Keep your wolves in the area. That will give us two layers of defense.”

“Um, guys, something is going on in that room!” Lina and Keegan get to Alec first, looking over his shoulder. The witches are in the abandoned bedroom that Lina had designated as the portal. The one witch drew a large circle on the wall while the other one drew something on the floor and poured a powdery-looking substance on the floor. The demons walk in the room and stand off on the side. One demon is speaking and walking around while the witches are working. The demon stops and looks up directly into the camera and smiles.

“Shit! We’ve been made!” Alec curses.

“They’re about to open the portal!” Lina yells as she turns to run out of the house. Keegan and I are right behind her.

My wolves know not to follow but to stay close, set up the perimeter and wait for my signal. A loud shrieking wail comes from the house so loud the ground starts to shake. The other Guardians are right behind us. An inhumane scream comes from the house. Son of a bitch! The portal is open!


It’s only a matter of time before I’ll be crossing over into the human realm. My new demons are marvelous. Dr. Hamilton took me on a tour of the lab. I’m extremely pleased by everything that I saw.

“Take me to my demons,” I demand.

“Yes, my lord. Please follow me. They are kept out in the barracks out back.” Dr. Hamilton motions for me to follow him. We walk out of the laboratory and outside. The barracks are located behind the lab. There are a few buildings located behind the main lab building that are similar to a large human military base. A smile forms on my face. My
will be the best. No human or supernatural will be able to stop my new demons.

“How many are ready for the first run?” I ask stepping into the first barrack. It is a large open room that houses many beds lined up in rows.

“We have sixty who are ready for dispatch, sir. Two hundred more should be ready in three days’ time. By the end of the month, we can have about a thousand demons ready, my lord.” Dr. Hamilton gulps as he speaks.

“I want fifteen hundred ready at the end of the month, Dr. Hamilton!” My time to re-enter the human realm is close. I allow my glamour to flash away showing my true self before returning to my human façade. Dr. Hamilton cowers away like the coward that he is. Humans can be so weak!

“Yes, your grace. We will speed up transfusions.”

Looking around the barrack at all the demons, I’m pleased. They are all lined up at the foot of their beds, for inspection. Such obedience and respect from my new demons. My new line of demons are tall, all over seven feet. They are extremely muscular, some with black leathery wings. There are different shades of demons, some brown skinned, some black skinned and even some light grey looking. They all have the flat noses with red slanted eyes and no ears. Fangs can be seen when they open their mouths. Their fingers are talon-like with long sharp claws. There will be no need for glamour with these demons. I want the world to know the demons are taking over. The world shall fear them. The world can try to run and hide, but running will do nothing but incite the huntsman in the demon to hunt the humans down to kill or enslave them.

“Demons! I am your King. You answer to me.” My voice is strong and demonic as my inner demon comes to the surface. My power seeps out, hitting the demons in the room letting them know that I am the most powerful demon, never to be fucked with.

Demons are almost like wolves, they follow the strongest leader. No other demon can match my strength or power. I wouldn’t be King if I weren’t the most powerful demon. The time to assert myself is now. If one should challenge me, then I will kill it to show I am the strongest demon. I wouldn’t want to waste a demon, but I would if I had too.

BOOK: Power of the Fae
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