Powerful Magic (47 page)

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Authors: Karen Whiddon

BOOK: Powerful Magic
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This he deemed imperative.
God's blood, Megan could tempt a saint if she set her mind to it.
He didn't want her turning those feminine wiles on him.
What he had to do would be difficult enough without her tempting him further.

Arwydd inclined his head.
"Until the morning then."

Kenric bowed stiffly.
Until the morning."
Then he spun on his heel and went in search of the woman that drove him to distraction.

He found her in the gardens, seated on a white marble bench that gave off the glow of freshly created magic.
One shining tear rolled down her cheek, making his heart stutter in his chest.

“What is wrong?” he asked, dropping to his knees and gathering her to him.
“Sweet Megan, are you hurt?”

"Kenric," she murmured in a broken whisper, burying her head against his chest, "I never want to leave you."

He took a deep breath.
He knew she wasn't talking about their brief separation while he trained.
She fretted about being forced to return to her own time.

"Leave me?"
The thought seemed untenable.
I will not allow it."

Even before he finished speaking, she shook her head, sending her raven hair flying about her face.
Her entire body trembled, making him curse under his breath.
“You will not be able to stop it.
Even Rhiannon is powerless against such magic.
I am so afraid that I will close my eyes and wake up in the future.”

“This cannot happen,” he vowed.
He breathed in the floral scent of her, closing his eyes against the forbidden desire that rose in him like some untamed beast.
He would leash it; he had no choice.
Grimly, he wondered at what cost.


Her broken voice made him pull back, searching her face.

"I don't want to go back to my own time."
Lifting her chin, she made her announcement firmly, the hint of defiance making him wonder if she truly believed that he would ever let her go.


Regal as any queen, she held up one hand, "I want to stay here with you, forever.
We must find a way to ensure that this is so."

Relief and pride warring within him, Kenric hugged her close.
Was it this that had made her cry?
The mistaken belief that he would send her packing into the future as soon as the outcome of the battle was assured?

"Of course, my dear."
Tenderly, he kissed the top of her head.
"All we must do is tell Rhiannon, and she will find a way to make certain that you stay."

"That’s not enough."
She pulled away from him, leaving him staring at her back.
"I’ve already spoken to Rhiannon.
She doesn’t know how to send me back or how to make sure I stay."

Kenric shook his head.
As long as he lived, would he ever understand the female mind?
"She is a Fae Queen and has much magical knowledge available to her.
Already she has people scouring the hall of records, searching for the proper spell.
Once it it found, there will be no problem."

She spun on her heel, shocking him with the terror bright in her amber eyes.
"But what if she doesn't find it soon enough?
I have this feeling, this terrible sense that once it's over, once we have accomplished what I was sent her to do with you, I will have to leave.
And no one, not even Rhiannon, will be able to stop it from happening."

Narrowing his eyes, he set his chin. "I will not allow it. Do not worry so.
Now come with me."
Capturing her small hand, he held it firmly within his.
"Let me show you Rune."

Reluctantly she nodded.
“What of your training?”

“I have finished for today.
On the morrow, I must return.
Therefore, let us enjoy this rare time off and spend it together.
I would that you were happy.”

Wiping her eyes, she sniffled.
“Then I’ll put this worry to the back of my mind.
I’m always happy to be with you.”

He spent that day showing her a Rune he himself barely remembered.
Odd how much of it came back to him; the lush tropical foliage, the fresh scent of rain that seemed always to hover on the air, the wild beasts that knew no fear and so wandered close, lowering their heads willingly to be caressed.

Her eyes grew wider with each new and hauntingly lovely place they visited.
"How could you - how could anyone - bear to leave this place?"

“I had another I loved more.”

“In the human world?”

He swallowed.
“Despite the bleakness of its name, Blackstone Keep lay in the midst of fertile fields of rolling green.
There, a sparkling stream rushes over rocks as black and as shiny as some undiscovered gem.
The air contains more of a bite than this, to be true, and the days were more often misty than bright, but to me the place was every bit as beautiful - and more of a home - than this one.”

She smiled up at him.
“I see.”

But it was his home no longer, thanks to the evil invaders who had destroyed everything he held dear.
He would have to make a new home, some place else.
With Megan.
The thought brought him such happiness that he impulsively kissed her neck.

Exploring Rune together, the day passed quickly.
Before he knew it, night had fallen and it was time to return to the palace.

The evening meal was eaten in a small room off the dining hall, with only Rhiannon and her grim-faced council of three.
Despite having Megan at his side, Kenric earlier lightheartedness had passed.
He felt edgy, on guard.
Worry gnawed at his mind.
This battle troubled him because it was not a normal battle.

Of his skill as a swordsmen, he had no doubt.
So far he had yet to meet the man who could best him.
But of late, each time he fought with the sword, he had found himself battling his magic.
Always, it had threatened to overwhelm him, to turn him into the kind of mindless killing machine some called a
Such a thing would be his worst nightmare.

Thus he had known he would lay down his sword and take up a plow.
He would be done with killing and magic both.
He wanted to become a simple farmer, raising crops and children.

In the blink of an eye, all that had changed.

Now this final task had presented itself, this task that had made him learn to use the one thing he feared above all others.

Ethereal as the wind.
He could not fight that which he could not see or sense.
Yet he must.
According to his sister and her solemn council, the fate of the entire world hung in the balance.

He did not want this.
All he wanted was to be left alone with Megan.

His stomach clenched.
He wanted Megan by his side for the rest of their lives.
Yet, by her own admission, and that of his half-sister, she did not belong here.
Not in this place nor this time.
What if her fear was true, if after the battle had been won she would be returned to her own place and time?
He didn’t know how he would survive.
And, without the knowledge of how to stop it from happening, he would be helpless to fight against it.

God's teeth, if it happened while he was fully occupied by the great battle, he most likely would not even realize it until it was too late.
Until she was gone.


He shook his head.
He could not imagine such a thing.
Without Megan at his side, life would feel like a giant whirlwind had sucked all the color from the world, leaving it in muted shades of gray.

Glancing at the petite woman seated at his side,
he reached out and took her hand.

"I will let nothing take you from me."
Kenric swore, hoping he would be able to keep this vow.

"How can you stop it?"
Fear flashed into her velvety eyes.

"If somehow you are sent back to the time and place from which you came, I will find a way to follow you."
He looked deep within her eyes, to make certain she understood the seriousness of his vow.
"I swear this on my honor."

With a slight smile, she relaxed and squeezed his arm.
"Love is a powerful magic."
She reminded him, her voice steady, her beautiful golden eyes serene.
"Surely, we won’t be parted."

He kissed her then, unable to help it.
"God's teeth, how I need you."

She leaned into his side, moving suggestively.
Her voice was a throaty whisper.
"You can show me tonight."

Instantly, his blood ran hot, like flames raced through his veins.
Ah, in the midst of all this, he had somehow forgotten that he could not let himself make love to her.
He could not slake this fierce desire.
He could hold her, pleasure her with his mouth and his hands, but must forsake his own pleasure.

He sighed, closing his eyes and battling his

Aye, it might be torture, but it was necessary.

When the shadows grew long and Megan smiled sweetly up at him, hinting that they should go to her room and retire, he reached for more wine instead.

"That is your fifth glass."
She protested, her lovely eyebrows arched.
"You will be asleep before we even have time to--"

Gulping the wine in one swallow, Kenric forced a smile.
If only she knew.
Though he attempted to dull his senses with the potent alcohol, still the need burned strong in him.
He only had to look at her to want her.
Touching her would be impossible.

Again he reached for more wine.

Her frown deepened.

He sighed, not wishing to explain with all the others watching.
Arwydd in particular wore his inside knowledge with a smug sort of despondency.

Leaning close to Megan, he whispered, "I will explain in the privacy of our room."

She gave a jerky nod, reaching for the wine carafe herself.
While she sipped hers, he drank two more glasses in rapid succession, the hurt on her heart-shaped face beginning to finally blur.

It struck him that she thought he didn't want her.

only she knew.
He wanted her too much.
It would be the greatest test of his willpower that he had ever faced, holding her but not loving her with his body.

Again he reached for the wine.
This time, Rhiannon's hand forestalled him.
Both of you."

The room went silent.
The entire council watched.

Arwydd cleared his throat.
"He will go with her to their sleeping chambers.
I have agreed to allow this."

The council erupted, all talking at once.

Kenric waited, finally standing and pounding his fist on the table.
he roared.

Rhiannon smiled her approval.
And Megan - he dared not look at her just yet.
How he wished he could have told her in private, before this, when he must announce his self-imposed celibacy.
And all for the very thing he'd once sworn he'd have no part of, the very thing that might save them now.

When he had their full attention, Kenric cleared his throat.
To his shock, Megan slid her small hand underneath his, giving him her quiet support.
He felt pleasure at her touch, pleasure and a warmth that had once seemed unfamiliar, but he now recognized as the depth of his feelings for her.
In addition to being his lover, she was a true friend, perhaps the truest he'd ever known.

Keeping his face expressionless, he looked around the table at each one in turn.
"I am aware of the limitations of my power."

"It is forbidden."
Drystan intoned mournfully.

"I wish to remain with my soul mate."
Now he let his gaze touch on Megan, tightening his hand on hers as he saw the love and support in her amber eyes.
"Yet because of the battle to come, I will remain celibate."

He felt rather than saw Megan stiffen beside him.

"How is this possible?"
Vychan the unbeliever, crossed his arms and glared at them.

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