Powerplay (2 page)

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Authors: Cher Carson

BOOK: Powerplay
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Nick groaned when she dropped his hand and followed Mark. “Come on, man. I saw her first.”

Jen laughed and slid into the booth, settling her purse in beside her. “He’s even cuter in person than he is on TV.” 

Mark tried to ignore the innocent comment, but it grated on his nerves. “If you’d rather have a drink with him, be my guest.”

She frowned. “I was just making a comment. What the hell’s with you?”

He slid into the booth across from her, trying to rein in his temper. “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to see you here tonight. It just caught me off guard, I guess.”

She nodded, smiling. “So, you’re having a great season, huh? I heard you just signed a huge contract to stay on for another five years?”

He raised his hand to the waiter. “Yeah, I’m thinking it’s finally time to settle down, put down some roots.” He tried to read her expression, but the news seemed to have little effect on her.     

“That’s nice.” She smiled up at their waiter. “I’ll have another white wine, thanks.”

Mark watched the waiter’s eyes rest on her luscious cleavage. He cleared his throat. “Gimme another beer.”

The waiter finally tore his eyes away from Jen, looking guilty. “Uh… sure, the usual?”

“Yeah.” He waited until the waiter left the table before shaking his head in disgust.

Jen laughed. “What’s wrong now?”

“That guy was checking out your tits right in front of me. What if I was your boyfriend?”

Her smile slipped. “But you’re not my boyfriend. You never were. Never wanted to be, remember?"

He reached across the table to grab her hand. “Jen, listen, I know I was an asshole when we were dating. I’m sorry, okay?”

She shrugged. “It’s forgiven and forgotten, Mark.”

Had she really been able to forget him, because he sure as hell hadn’t forgotten about her. “So, tell me what you’ve been up to.”

She looked uncomfortable, shifting in her seat as she released his hand. “Uh, busy with work, like I said. I’ve been travelling a bit, trying to find some balance. You know how it is.”

“Are you seeing anyone?” If she was, he really didn’t want to know. He wanted her to be available, free to pursue a relationship with him. 

The waiter returned, setting their order down on the table.

She raised her glass. “Here’s to old friends.”

He tipped his bottle to her glass, his eyes travelling south. “What would you say if I told you I wasn’t thinking about being your friend?” He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “I’m thinking about how much I enjoyed being your lover.”

She laughed and shook her head. “I’d say you haven’t changed a bit.”

He winked, grateful she hadn’t shot him down. “Is that a good thing?”

She licked her lips provocatively. “I seem to recall it was a very good thing.”

He groaned, shifting in his seat. “Baby, you’re killin’ me here.”

She leaned forward, resting her breasts on the wooden table. “Maybe we should get out of here?”

He slid out of the booth in record time. He threw a few bills on the table and extended his hand to her. “I’d say I’m the luckiest guy in the world to be getting a second chance with you.” He wound his arm around her waist, pulling her against his chest. “I won’t screw it up this time, Jen.”





Just sharing the same confined space with Mark after so long set Jenna on edge. Something about this man made her heart race while her skin tingled with awareness. Anticipation. She knew no other man could satisfy her the way he could.

He reached across the console of his luxury SUV and grabbed her hand, smiling. “You okay, baby? You’ve been kinda quiet since we left the bar.”

She took a deep breath to settle her nerves. She knew she should set the record straight, tell him about Kevin and her engagement, but she didn’t want anything to ruin this moment. She knew it was selfish, unfair, but she wanted to steal just one more night with him before she promised to forsake all other men for a lifetime.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I guess it’s just been a long week.” A long, stressful week of arguing with her cheating fiancé and trying to come to terms with his betrayal. 

He turned her hand over and flicked his tongue over the pulse point at the inside of her wrist before kissing it. “Let me see if I can help you to relax.”

She rolled her head to the side, facing him. “I’ve missed you,” she said quietly, surprised by her own admission. She and Mark had never had that kind of relationship. They didn’t talk about the future or their feelings. They just enjoyed each other’s company, devoured each other’s bodies, and enjoyed every second of it.

“I’ve missed you too, sweetheart.” He pulled up to a traffic light and stopped. “Why’d you stop returning my calls?”

She sighed, thinking back to that time. She had been so torn. She loved spending time with Mark, but she was tired of knowing that she was one of many women who shared his bed. “The truth is I met somebody else.”

He grimaced and gripped the steering wheel. “I wish I hadn’t asked.”

She smiled, squeezing his hand. “Come on, we were never exclusive.”

“I know, but…” His cell phone rang, halting his words. He glanced at the navigation screen on the console. Nick Morris. “Damn, I guess I was in such a hurry to get you out of there I forgot to tell the guys I was leaving.”

She laughed, flattered that he was as anxious to be alone with her as she was to be with him.

“You’d better answer it.”

He pushed the button on his phone and said, “Hey, Morris, sorry I bailed on you guys.”

“What the hell? Where’d you go?” he asked, the noise in the background filtering through the phone line.

“Jen and I wanted a little privacy so we could talk.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s all you had in mind, Atwell. Damn, you get all the hot chicks.”

Mark shifted in his seat, looking uncomfortable.

Jen laughed. “I’ll take that as a compliment, Nick.”

“Hey, gorgeous. When you’re finished ‘talking’ to Atwell, why don’t you come on back here so we can get to know each better?”

She rolled her eyes at Mark. “Uh, I don’t think so.”

“Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

“Wanna bet?” Mark said, disconnecting the call. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem. I have a feeling he’s like that with all of your girlfriends.”

“Yeah, but it never bothered me before. With you, it does.”

She tried to ignore the little chill that skimmed over her skin at his words. Mark was a player. She couldn’t take anything he said tonight seriously.  “So, your parents must’ve been happy that you signed on for another five years.”

She’d met his family once, when he’d invited her to his father’s sixty-fifth birthday party. They had been pleasantly surprised when Mark arrived with a date. Apparently, he usually preferred to attend family events alone. That was only a few weeks before she met Kevin, so she never had the opportunity to ask Mark why he’d chosen to invite her to the party.

“Yeah, I guess they’re happy to have me around.”

As a professional hockey player, it was rare to be able to play in your hometown, but Mark was blessed to have been chosen as a second round draft pick. He played for a team on the west coast for the first five years of his career before asking to be traded to his hometown team five years ago. The five-year contract he just signed would bring him close to the end of his professional career.

“Do you ever think about what you’re going to do when you retire?”

He reached over and slid his hand up her thigh. “Of course, I think about it all the time. I’m not getting any younger.”

He was only thirty-two. Too young to be thinking about getting old, but she knew as a professional hockey player, age was always a factor. “What do you think you’ll do?”

He turned his signal on before turning into the parking lot of a luxury high-rise building, overlooking the water.

Though she’d never sold one, Jenna knew the larger suites in this sought after building sold for millions. Of course, if the rumours surrounding his new contract were true, he could well afford it.

“I don’t know; hockey’s in my blood, so I’d like to stay involved in some way. I think I’d like to coach kids.” He laughed at her shocked expression. “I don’t know. We’ll see.”

He pressed the garage door opener on his sun visor and pulled into the underground parking garage.

“I didn’t even know you liked kids.”

He looked affronted. “What’re you talking about? I love kids. My nieces and nephews tell me I’m the coolest uncle ever.”

She laughed. “I’m sure you are. Think you’ll ever have kids of your own someday?” Strange, they’d dated for ten months, but the subject of kids never came up. Maybe she was afraid of scaring him off back then. Now that she knew they only had one night together, she had nothing to fear.

“I’d love to.” When he pulled the vehicle into the designated spot and cut the engine, he shifted in his seat to face her. “How about you? Do you wanna have kids?”

“Sure, someday. I’d like to travel, see a bit more of the world first.”

He chuckled. “The two aren’t mutually exclusive. You can still travel with kids, you know.” 

“I know, but from what my friends and co-workers have told me, it’s more about family destinations until they’re a little older and ready for some real adventure.”

He laughed. “You always were the adventurous one, weren’t you? Rock climbing, bungee jumping…”

If she was so adventurous, why had she settled for a safe bet when choosing a life partner? “I don’t know about that. Sure, I’m always up for a challenge, but that doesn’t mean that I’m willing to take risks in all areas of my life.”

A current of awareness passed between them. “You mean you weren’t willing to take a risk on me?”

She reached for the door handle. “Mark, I really don’t want to get into anything too heavy tonight. Would it be okay if we just enjoyed each other’s company and saved the heavy conversation for another day?” A day she knew would never come.

“Whatever you want,” he said, opening his door. He came around the front of the truck and met her at the door. He looked down at her, his hand braced on the door. “I’m gonna let you set the pace, sweetheart. I don’t want to rush you into anything you’re not ready for.”

Was he talking about sex? He must be; Mark didn’t invite discussions about relationships or the future, at least not the Mark she used to know.

It was killing Mark not to tell her how he felt about her, but he was afraid of moving too fast and scaring her off. He wanted her to know what he’d been prepared to tell her two years ago, that he was in love with her and he wanted to be with her, only her.

But he couldn’t say that, not now. It had only been a few hours since they’d reconnected and he didn’t know how she felt about him anymore. It was obvious the sexual attraction was still there, but he had no idea where she stood on the subject of relationships, if she’d still be willing to take a chance on him, on them.

They walked to the door, hand in hand. He shook his head when she reached for the door handle before he did. He loved that she was strong and independent. The fact that she didn’t need him only made him want her more.

“I’ve heard this is a beautiful building,” she said, stepping into the rear hallway that led to the elevator. “Not that I can see much of it from here.”

“I’ll give you the grand tour sometime.” He reached around her to press the button for the elevator, and her sexy scent drew him in. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her tight against his chest. “God, you feel good.”

She giggled, wriggling her ass against his hard cock. “I could say the same about you.”

They stepped onto the elevator and he backed her into a corner before pushing the button for the top floor.

All the humor left her eyes as she stared at him intensely, licking her lips. “You are too handsome for your own good, Atwell.”

He chuckled. “As long as you think so, I don’t care what anyone else thinks.” It was true; when he looked at her, he couldn’t imagine ever wanting another woman.

She slipped her hands inside his blazer. “You’ve still got game. I’ll give you that.”

He reached up to stroke her smooth face with his calloused palm. “This isn’t a game, baby. Not to me.”

Her eyes shifted to his lips. “You’ve changed,” she whispered. “I didn’t expect that.”

He shrugged. “Had to grow up sometime, right?” In fact, he’d grown up when he realized his immature behavior had cost him the best thing that ever happened to him.

“I guess so. I’m not sure what to make of this new Mark Atwell.”

He traced the pad of his thumb over her full lower lip, watching her eyes drift closed. He pressed his hardness into her stomach, whispering in her ear, “I think you’ll learn to like me, if you give me a chance.”

She smiled, her eyes still closed. “I already like you.”

He didn’t want her to like him. He wanted her to love him, but that would come in time. He hoped.

The elevator rang, indicating they’d arrived at his floor. Taking her hand, he led her off the elevator to the door at the end of hall. He slid the key in the lock and turned the knob, holding his breath. He just bought the place eighteen months ago, a few months after they’d stopped dating. He had never brought another woman here in that time.

Any dates he’d had were casual, not women he was willing to invite into his inner sanctuary. But he wanted Jenna
to share his life. He could imagine her living here with him, waking up in his big four-poster bed together every morning, cooking dinner, watching TV. His gut clenched at the scene of domesticity he envisioned. He wanted that with her.

She stepped into the corridor as he hit the light switch to activate all of the lights in the main living areas. The four thousand square-foot space was state-of-the-art, but he didn’t go for the modern décor many residents seemed to favor. He wanted traditional, comfortable, and liveable.

He’d hired Chase’s wife, Taylor, to help him realize his vision for the space. He only hoped Jen shared the same vision.

“Oh wow, Mark, this place is amazing.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you like it.” He wanted to ask her if she could imagine living here, sharing his home, but he knew he was rushing it, so he held his tongue. “Can I get you a glass of wine?”

She smiled. “I’d like that, thanks.”

He wandered into the kitchen and she followed him.

She admired the dark wood, sub-zero appliances, running her hand over the smooth granite countertops. She chuckled self-consciously. “Sorry, I was just imagining the kind of meals I could cook in this kitchen.”

He cursed himself for all the simple things they didn’t do together while they were dating, like enjoying a home-cooked meal together once in a while. It was all about partying, being seen, having fun. Sex, sex, and more sex. He wouldn’t make that mistake with her again. As much as he wanted her right now, he wanted to take it slow, start to build a foundation. Make her fall in love with him. His hand shook as he gripped the corkscrew. What if she wanted the kind of relationship they used to have, casual, no commitments? That would kill him.

She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. “Hey, I didn’t mean to imply that I wanted to start using your kitchen or anything, so relax.”

He set the corkscrew aside and turned into her arms, framing her face with his hands. “Baby, I want…”

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