PowerShift: Skid Row Kings Series, #2 (13 page)

BOOK: PowerShift: Skid Row Kings Series, #2
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How long would we last before he would get sick of always having to rescue me? For one split second, I thought that things could work between Mitch and me, but I was wrong.

I wasn’t made for happily ever after. At least not with Mitch.




Chapter 18




“Mitch, psst, Mitch.” I cracked open one eye and was face to face with Levi. “I wanna make mama breakfast before she wakes up, but I can’t reach the toaster, and I don’t know how to turn on the stove.”

Both of my eyes popped open, and I was wide awake. “Stove?”

“Yeah, mama loves French toast.”

“Um, OK if I help you?” Levi, a stove and French toast did not sound like a good combination.

“Yeah, that’s why I came in here. Hurry up before mama wakes up.” Levi ran out the door, turned right around and ran back over to the bed. “We need to be quiet,” he whispered pressing his finger to his lips.

I reached up, ruffling his hair and then he dashed out of the room again. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants out of the drawer and headed into the kitchen. I glanced at the clock on the stove and realized Scarlett was right. Levi did wake up at the butt-crack of dawn. It was only six forty-five.

“Do you know how to make French toast?” Levi asked. I reached into the lower cabinet and pulled out a huge griddle. I figured Luke and Violet weren’t here, but I knew if Kurt and Frankie were going to eat, I needed to cook a ton of French toast.

“I sure do, bud. Out of Luke, Myself, and Kurt, I am definitely the better cook.”

“Awesome. Mama likes fruit on her French toast, and I like tons of syrup.” I had no doubt that Levi liked syrup. What kid didn’t?

I plugged in the griddle, turned it to medium high heat and put my hands on my hips. “Alright. I think now we must assemble our French toast. Grab the bread out of the pantry,” I told Levi, and then I turned to the fridge to grab eggs, milk, and butter. I held the fridge open with my foot and managed to juggle the strawberries into my arms.

After I cracked the eggs and poured a healthy splash of milk into the eggs, I handed Levi the whisk and let him go to town. After splashing in some vanilla and some cinnamon, we were ready to get cooking.

“You think mama will let me spend the night again tonight?”

I dunked the first couple slices of bread into the egg mixture and placed them on the griddle where they immediately started sizzling. “Probably not tonight, bud. How about next Friday? Maybe you and Frankie could have a sleepover here while I take your mama to the movies.”

“I wanna go to the movies!” Levi shouted.

I glanced in the living room making sure Scarlett was still sleeping. “Well, I thought it would be just your mama and me. Like a date.”

“But we went on a date last night, and I got to come with you.”

“I know, but I thought maybe I could just go with your mama this time and then Saturday we could all go to the zoo.”

“The zoo!” Levi shouted again. The way this was going, Scarlett was going to be awake before the French toast would be made.

“Shh, keep it down, bud.”

“You really mean we’ll go to the zoo?” Levi pulled a stool over by the griddle and climbed up.

“Yup, I promise. You let me take your mama out Friday and then we’ll spend all day Saturday at the zoo.”

“Deal.” Levi held his hand out to shake.

“Do I wanna know why you two are shaking hands over a griddle full of French toast at seven o’clock in the morning?” Scarlett asked as she stood behind the couch rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

“We’re plotting, mama, and you’re supposed to be sleeping.” Levi crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his bottom lip out.

“And what exactly are you plotting?” She asked as she walked over and wrapped Levi up in a hug.

“Mitch wants to date you and then take me to the zoo.”

“Oh, does he now?” Scarlett laughed.

“Yup. I’m staying the night with Frankie, and you are going to see a movie with Mitch. You think Frankie will let me have ice cream and stay up late?”

“We’ll have to see,” Scarlett said. “Why don’t you use the bathroom and wash your hands for breakfast, big guy.” Levi hopped down from the stool and ran down the hallway.

“Levi said-”

“Why the hell would you do that?”

Scarlett looked pissed off, and I had no idea how to tread. “Last night I said I would get Frankie to watch Levi Friday.”

“I never agreed to that,” she hissed.

“Well, you didn’t say no.”

She grabbed the spatula out of my hand and started flipping the French toast. “I also didn’t say yes. We can’t do this, Mitch.”

“I think it’s too late for that, Sparky. We’re already doing it.” I could tell she was still stuck on whatever upset her last night. After she had run out of my room with the pillows, I brought out the blankets to her, and she barely looked at me. After trying to talk to her for the third time, I decided I just needed to leave her alone for a bit. Obviously, I should have waited longer.

“No, we’re not.” She looked over her shoulder down the hallway. “This,” she said turning back around and motioned between us with the spatula, “can’t work.”

“I think it’s working just fine.” I slid my arms around her waist and pulled her to me.

“No, Mitch,” she insisted, as she pulled out of my arms. “We can’t work.”

“Scarlett, you really need to knock this shit off and stop thinking.”

“I’m thinking just fine, Mitch. Our relationship is entirely one-sided. All I need is help, and all you do is give.” She slid a piece of French toast off the griddle and looked around. “I need a plate or something.” I reached up in the cabinet and handed her a plate. “See, I needed something again, and you gave it to me.”

“Scar, it’s a plate.”

“No, Mitch, it’s way more than a plate, and you damn well know it. I don’t want to play the damsel in distress that you always need to come and rescue.” She flipped all of the French toast onto the plate and started dipping more bread into the egg mixture. “I will not be some charity case you think you need to save.” She slapped the bread into the egg, splashing it all over the counter.

I grabbed the bowl and bread away from her and turned her around. I pressed her against the counter and caged her in with her arms. “You act like I’ve been saving you all your life. I’ve only known you a month, and yeah, in that time I’ve been helping you, but I think it’s about damn time someone did help you.”

“I don’t want help,” she bit off.

“It’s not about what you want, it’s about what you need.”

“And what I need is a knight in shining armor?”

“No,” I snarled. “What you need is someone who fucking cares about you. Lord knows from the bruises all over your body you haven’t had that in years.” She reared back at my words, and I knew something had finally penetrated that stubborn shell she was wearing. “And before you tell me you don’t have anything to give me, you give me a whole hell of a lot more than I’ve ever gotten from a woman.” I grabbed the spatula out of her hand and tossed it on the counter. All I wanted to do was kiss that shocked look off of her face. “You know what you can give me right now?”

“No,” she said, shaking her head.

“This,” I growled. I delved my fingers into Scarlett’s hair, grasping her head and her mouth opened on a gasp right before my lips touched hers, making everything in my world right. Just a touch from this woman made me feel like everything I had been looking for was now laid out at my feet, and all I had to do was take it.

She gripped my arms, digging her fingernails into my skin as I leaned into her, arching her back and pressing her warm, lush body into me. I felt her resistance fade, and I knew I finally had her.

It was about damn time.






Sweet mother of Jesus, Mitch could kiss. All the reasons why Mitch and I didn’t work flew out the window and all I could think about was how to get him to kiss me more. His hand grasped my head, arching my neck backward and his lips trailed down my neck, leaving a heavenly trail of sweet kisses.

“Mama! Mama!” And just like that, I was sucked back into reality.

“Um, I better go see what he wants,” I mumbled breathlessly as Mitch lifted his head. His eyes were clouded with desire, and I wished I had just five more minutes of his lips on me.

“We’ll pick this up on Friday,” he said, but I took it as a promise or possibly more like a threat. Although I had to admit, if it was a threat, I hope he followed through on it.



Chapter 19




“That’ll be five seventy-six.” It was Friday afternoon, and it felt like the day was never going to end. I had dropped Levi off at the shop with Mitch this morning, leaving hot and bothered like the past four days and now I was once again counting down the hours until I would see Mitch again. Every morning he would tell Levi he was going to walk me to my car, and then he would proceed to pin me against the door of my car and give me just enough to leave me begging for more.

“You got any plans tonight?”

I glanced up from the cash register drawer and looked at the man who was standing in front of me. He had been in every day this week, never saying a word to me, but I had noticed him. It wasn’t the good kind of noticing either. It was the kind where I noticed him because he scared me. “Um, yes.”

“I think you should cancel them.” His words were menacing and not a suggestion, they were an order.

“I don’t thi-”

“Mama!” Levi yelled, bursting through the front door. He ran around the counter and threw himself at my legs.

“Levi, I told you to wait for me.”

I spun around and saw Mitch sauntering through the door. He pushed his sunglasses on top of his head, and he had a lazy smile on his lips. “You’re early.” I sounded surprised, but I was relieved.

“Levi was chomping at the bit to get his bag and head back to the shop.” Mitch’s gaze traveled over me, and I felt my cheeks heat under his inspection.

“Mitch Jensen.” My eyes snapped to the man who was still standing at the counter, and I could feel the tension in the air at his words. “What are you doing on my side of the tracks?”

“Pretty sure this was my side of the tracks before you even knew this place existed.”

“Yeah, but now you’re one of the Kings of Skid Row because you made it out.” The man turned around, facing Mitch, and leaned against the counter.

“You got everything you need, AZ?” Mitch asked.

“I was just about to get your girl’s phone number.” I gasped at his words. What a dick.

“I believe that’s one number you’ll never get,” Mitch growled as his fists flexed at his sides.

“Yeah, I guess I have more of an effect on your aunt.” AZ smacked the gum in his mouth and slid his sunglasses down his face. “Maybe I’ll swing by and see her.”

“I doubt you’ll be able to find her.”

“Hmm. I think you’d be surprised about the things I know.” AZ pushed off the counter and walked to the door. He slid past Mitch, bumping into his shoulder and walked out the door.

“Mama?” Levi called.

I looked down, his arms still wrapped around my legs and his head was tipped back, looking up at me with big eyes. “Yeah, bud?” I had no idea what just happened, but Levi and I could both tell it wasn’t good.

“Who was that man?”

“He’s nobody, Levi. He used to be a friend.” Mitch turned to look out the door, and AZ raced past the door, his tires squealing.

“Mama! Mitch said we could go get my bag.” Levi tugged on my shirt and jumped up and down. Apparently, Mitch’s words pacified him enough to where he didn’t care about AZ. I wished the same could be said about me.

“I don’t get off work for another hour, big man.”

“I can take him to get his bag, head back to Frankie, drop him off and then I can meet you at your apartment.”

“Are you sure? He can wait. You've had him all day, all week really.” I was still getting used to Mitch helping so much, and it took everything I had not to tell him no all the time.

“I'm sure. I'll meet you back at your place in an hour.”

I nodded my head, trying my best not to argue. Mitch was just trying to help I told myself. “I can meet you at the shop.”

“Nope, I'm coming to your place.” Mitch’s gaze traveled over my body again, and I knew the real reason he wanted to meet me at my place.

“OK, but then I won't see Levi the rest of the night.”

“It's OK, Mama. I really wanna spend the night with Frankie. She said she was going to get all of the Transformer movies, and we could watch them all night. And, we get ice cream!” He shouted.

I was glad Levi was so excited to spend time with Frankie, but it also made me a little sad that he was good with not seeing me for so long.

“Maybe we can stop by the shop on the way to the movie after the race.”

I looked up at Mitch, and my heart skipped when he winked at me. I knew how badly Mitch wanted to be alone with me, but he also knew that I was going to miss Levi. I had barely gotten used to not seeing him for a couple of hours, and now I was going to have to go all night without seeing him. “Um, if you’re sure we’ll have time.”

“There’s always time.” He winked at me again, and I was a goner. “Say bye to your mom while I make a quick phone call.” Mitch walked out the door as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and disappeared around the corner.

Levi rambled on about everything Mitch and him had done today, but I couldn’t get my mind off AZ. Mitch had tried to blow him off except I had lots of questions. I just hoped I’d be able to ask them tonight before Mitch and I picked up where we left off last week.






I put the phone to my ear and leaned against the truck. The last thing I expected to see when I walked into the gas station was AZ talking to Scarlett. Levi had been bugging me all day to go grab his bag, and I had finally given in. Thankfully we had shown up at the right time.

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