Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City (98 page)

BOOK: Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City
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Maria Tischler, “Böhmische Judengemeinden 1340-1519,” in Ferdinand Seibt (ed.),
Die Juden in den böhmischen Ländern
(Munich, 1938), pp. 73-86.
Valentin Urfus,
Právo, úv
lichva v minulosti
(Bmo, 1975).
Laurentius (Vav
inec) of B
(Hussite Chronicle), in the original Latin, together with a Czech translation, in
Fontes rerum Bohemicarum
(Prague, 1898), vol. 5.
Praga Mystica?
Jan Bechy
Praga Mystica
, ed. by Amadeo Molnár (Prague, 1993),
Acta Reformationem Bohemican Illustrantia,
After the Polish Kings
the Hapsburgs Again
Viktor Bibl,
Maximilian II
der rätselhafte Kaiser
(Vienna, 1929).
Peter Brock,
The Political and Social Doctrines of the Unity of Czech Brethren in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries
(The Hague, 1957).
Ernest Denis,
Fin de l’indépendance bohème
(Paris, 1930), a famous study.
Kenneth Dillon,
King and Estates in the Bohemian Lands
(Brussels, 1976).
Winfried Eberhard,
Monarchie und Widerstand: Zur ständischen Oppositionsbildung im Herrschaftssystem Ferdinands I in Böhmen
(Munich, 1985), an important analysis.
Friedrich Edelmayer and Alfred Kotrba,
Kaiser Maximilian II: Kultur und Politik im 16. Jahrhundert
(Munich, 1972)
- Wiener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Neuzeit,
vol. 19, new researches byD J Jansen on Jacopo Strada, pp. 182-202.
Robert John Weston Evans,
The Making of the Habsburg Monarchy 1550-1700: An Interpretation
(Oxford, 1979), learned and balanced.
Anton Gindely,
Geschichte der böhmischen Brüder
(Prague, 1868), 2 vols.
Josef Janá
eské d
jiny doby p
lohorské: 1526-1547
(Prague, 1968), 2 vols., almost encyclopedic.
Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann,
Court, Cloister and City: The Art and Culture of Central Europe: 1450-1800
(Chicago, 1995), instructive and truly cosmopolitan.
Pavel Preiss,
Italští um
lci v Praze
(Prague, 1986), here especially ch. 1.
Rudolf Rf
Die böhmischen Brüder: Ihr Ursprung und ihre Geschichte
(Berlin, 1961), shortened version of Czech study (Prague, 1957).
Helmut Teufel, “Juden im Standestaat: 1526-1620,” in Ferdinand Seibt (ed.),
Die Juden in den böhmischen Ländern
(Munich, 1938), pp. 57-72.
Rudolf II
Bohdan Chudoba,
Spain and the Empire
(Chicago, 2nd ed. 1969).
Robert John Weston Evans,
Rudolf II and His World: A Study in Intellectual History
(CAcford, 2nd ed. 1982), essential and enormously learned.
Anton Gindely,
Rudolf II und seine Zeit
(Prague, 1862-65), 2 vols., by the tutor of crown prince Rudolf, the suicide of Mayerling.
Josef Janá
Pád Rudolfa II
(Prague, 1973).
Gertrude von Schwarzenfeld,
Rudolf II, der saturnische Kaiser
(Munich, 1961), a popular biography.
Karl Vocelka,
Rudolf II und seine Zeit
(Vienna and Cologne, 1985), instructive cultural history.
Franz Grillparzer,
Ein Bruderzwist in Habsburg. Ein Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen, in Sämtliche Werke,
2 (Munich, 1961), 345-448, an excellent edition with full commentary.
Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann,
The School of Prague: Painting at the Court of Rudoff II
(Chicago, 1988), inclusive and magisterial, with useful bibliography.
Eliška Fu
íková, “The Collections of Rudolf II at Prague: Cabinet of Curiosities or Scientific Museum?” in Oliver Impey and Arthur MacGregor (eds.),
The Origin of Museums
(Oxford, 1985), pp. 47-53
Jaromir Neumann,
Obrazárna pražského hradu
(Prague, 1964).
Prag um 1600: Kunst und Kultur am Hofe Rudolf II,
catalogue of exhibition presented by Kulturstiftung Ruhr (Villa Hügel), (Freren, 1988), with distinguished contributions by R. J. W. Evans, Erich Trunz, Zden
k Horský, Ivan Muchka, and others.

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