Read Prayer & Study Guide: The Power Of A Praying Parent Online
Authors: Stormie Omartian
4. God has given you authority over all the power of the enemy. Take that authority and write out a prayer breaking all the bondages over your family that you listed in questions 1, 2, and 3. (“In the name of Jesus, I break the spirit of divorce and alcoholism and I say that it has no part in my life or the life of my child…”)
5. Read Romans 8:15-17 and underline it in your Bible. Whose child are you? _________________. Where does your inheritance ultimately come from? ____________________. Where does your child’s inheritance ultimately come from? ___________________.
6. Write out Romans 8:15-17 as a proclamation to the enemy of your child’s soul, and inform him that your child’s inheritance comes from the Lord.
7. Read 1 John 1:9 and underline it in your Bible. How do we become cleansed of the effects of sin? ________________. Once we do that, what does God do? ________________. In light of that, how should you pray for your child?
8. Read Galatians 5:1 in your Bible and underline it. Write it as a prayer over yourself and your child.
9. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. Write out this scripture as a proclamation over your child, and then speak it out loud over your child. “
Name of child
is in Christ and he (she) is a new creation…”)
10. Pray out loud the prayer on pages 155–156 of T
. Include specifics about your child.
1. Read Proverbs 11:3 and underline it in your Bible. In light of this scripture, what would be a good character trait for your child to have in order to be able to resist any temptation that the enemy puts in his (her) path? _________________________. Write out a prayer for your child regarding that.
2. One of the best ways to shield your child from temptation is to pray that he (she) be built up in the truth of the Lord. Write out a prayer to that effect for your child.
3. Read 1 John 4:2-4 and underline it in your Bible. How do you know that a spirit is of God? _________________________. How do you know that a spirit is not of God? _________________________. The spirit in you is from _____________________. The spirit in the world is from _________________. Which spirit is greater? ______________________.
4. Do you believe you have authority over all the power of the enemy? (Luke 10:19) ___________. Do you, then, have power over the enemy of your child? __________. Do you believe you have the power to
break strongholds in your child’s life through prayer? ____________. Why or why not?
5. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13 and underline it in your Bible. Write it out as a prayer over your child. (“No temptation has overtaken
name of child
except such as is common to man…”)
6. Read Romans 8:13 and underline it in your Bible. Write this as a prayer over your child. (“Lord, I pray
name of child
will not live according to the flesh which brings death, but will…”)
7. Read Deuteronomy 30:19-20 and underline it in your Bible. In light of this scripture, how important is it that your child make the right choices? What can happen if he (she) doesn’t?
8. In Deuteronomy 30:20, what three things must your child do in order to have a long life? ___________________, ___________________, and ___________________. Write out a prayer asking God to help your child learn to do those things.
9. Write out a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to help your child make right choices, choices for life, every day.
10. Pray out loud the prayer on pages 160–161 in T
. Include specifics about your child’s ability to resist temptation of any kind.
1. Read 1 Peter 2:11 and underline it in your Bible. Are the consequences of sexual sin manifested only in the body? _____________. Where else in your child will there be damage from sexual sin? ______________. From your own experience or the experience of others you know, can you think of an example where wholeness of the soul was sacrificed because of giving place to the lust of the flesh? _______________________. Explain.
2. When we or our children have sexual sin in our lives, the fullness of ____________________, _____________________, ____________________, and ____________________________ is sacrificed. (See page 164 of T
3. Read Proverbs 28:26 and underline it in your Bible. In light of this scripture, how should we pray for our children?
4. Read James 1:12 and underline it in your Bible. Write this as a prayer over your child’s life. Remember that even if your child has already stumbled into sexual immorality, you can pray for him (her) to live in sexual purity from now on.
5. Are you convinced of the need for sexual purity in your life and the lives of your children? __________. Explain why or why not.
6. Write out a prayer for yourself that you will never succumb to a trap of the enemy and fall into sexual immorality, including your thought life. (If there is any sexual immorality you have committed, speak a confession of it to the Lord so that the enemy has no grounds to have a place in your life.)
7. Read James 1:14-15 and underline it in your Bible. According to this scripture, how could your child be tempted? _________________________. What can happen if he (she) is?
8. Read Galatians 5:16-21 and underline it in your Bible. How are we to walk? ___________________. How are we not to walk? _____________________. List the works of the flesh and pray that your child avoid each one. Even a small child can manifest a seed that could grow into any one of these if it is not stamped out in prayer.
9. Read Galatians 5:22-23 and underline it in your Bible. Write out a prayer asking God to help your child exhibit all of these fruits of the Spirit. Mention each one specifically.
10. Pray out loud the prayer on pages 165–166 in T
. Include specifics about your child.
1. Read Psalm 127:1 and underline it in your Bible. According to this scripture, why is it important that your child hear from God about who he (she) is to marry?
2. Read Malachi 2:13-16 and underline verse 16 in your Bible. Why were the people crying at the altar of the Lord? ___________________. Why did God no longer accept their offering? ___________________.
Why does He make a husband and wife to be one? ___________________. How does God feel about divorce and why?
3. Read Proverbs 12:26 and underline it in your Bible. In light of this scripture, how should you pray for your child’s relationships? Remember, marriages begin as simple relationships.
4. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14 and underline it in your Bible. What kind of mate do you need to pray for your child to marry? _________________________. Write out a prayer for your child to that effect.
5. Read 1 John 1:7 and underline it in your Bible. In order for your child to have the kind of close relationship needed to make a marriage work, what does he (she) need to have in common with his (her) mate? _________________. Write out a prayer to that effect.
6. Has there been divorce anywhere in your family? If so, write out a prayer asking God to break that spirit over your family. If no, ask God to keep it far from you.
7. The spirit of _________________ keeps a marriage together. A spirit of __________________ destroys a marriage. (See page 170 in T
.) Write out a prayer asking God to be in charge of your child’s marriage, and that there be no divorce in his (her) future.
8. Write out a prayer that your child not only find the perfect mate, but that he (she) will not enter into marriage with expectations so high that his (her) spouse can’t live up to them.
9. Read Colossians 1:9 and underline it in your Bible. Write out what Paul prayed here for the Colossians as a prayer over your child. Then pray for God to reveal His will to your child regarding his (her) future mate. (“I do not cease to pray for
name of child
and ask that he (she) may be filled with…”)
10. Pray out loud the prayer on pages 171–172 in T
. Include specifics about your child’s future or present mate.