Price of Desire (30 page)

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Authors: Lavinia Kent

BOOK: Price of Desire
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She gaped in disbelief
She’d known he was angered by her refusal, but this was too much
This was too much.

She marched into the room and stared about in horror
Furniture lay this way and that, several books lay spines splayed and pages ripped, bedding
disregarded in various heaps
Wulf’s travel cases were knocked on their sides their contents spewing forth
It was unbelievable what a man in a temper could do.

It was even more unbelievable that nobody had heard a sound
She walked further into the mess, noting that for all the disorder and disarray
not a piece of glass was broken, not an item smashed
This was not the work of a man in a temper, but an ice-blooded, meticulous one
Nothing that would create a racket had been damaged.

Then she saw the portfolio
John’s maps
heavy heart she walked forward and paused on the far side of t
he bed
The leather folder lay
ripped open, its satin lining slashed and torn
The maps were crumpled and bent below
Several looked as if someone had peeled them into long strips
She bent and traced the remains of a winding river with one hand.

If she’d had any tears left from last night she’d have shed them now.

The bastard
She straightened and glared about the room
How could she have even considered changing her mind
He really was the cold-hearted beast he seemed
No doubt he’d seen her peaking around the corner and his attention to Anna was only an act to sway her.

He’d accused her of being after money and title
No doubt he spoke only what he knew
He was the penniless soldier, not
He was probably after her funds and properties
The reprobate
She’d tell him a thing or two, let him know that being a lady was not a curse, but that a lady could bloody well curse when her ire was raised
All the suppressed emotions of the last week coalesced in one hard fury.

She strode down the hall, turning her away from Lady Clarington who had some complaint about her sheets not having yet been changed.

“Tell your maid,” was her only answer as she went in pursuit of her prey.


Did he really have it in him to risk his pride a third time
To offer her all that she asked
Wulf sat in the library, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, and debated the question as he had all morning
Mitter had made good progress at putting things to order and Wulf could only be thankful
They could lea
ve in a few days, unless . . .

Maybe, he wouldn’t be leaving
He’d accepted in
the late hours of the night that Holly House was his
He’d accept it and whatever latent guilt accompanied it
Only he hadn’t
felt guilt, he’d felt relief
Now he just need a strategy, a plan to convince Rose that he could be what she wanted.

“You bloody bastard.”

He’d never heard such vehemence in her tone before
stormed into
the library, her eyes spitting with fury.

“How dare you treat my home this way
I’ve come to accept your contempt for me, but don’t you dare think I’ll let you take out your fury like this.”

Wulf just stared at her
He had no idea what she was talking about
His mouth must have gaped open as she stalked forward and stood before the table glaring down at him, her hands locked on her hips.

“Answer me
You talk about honor and then you destroy Burberry’s legacy.”

She dropped scraps of paper on the table before him, but he didn’t glance down
His mind was still spinning, trying to comprehend what she was screaming about
She’d always seemed so in control
, even when her tongue was whipping his back bloody
It was a revelation to see her like this
If only he knew what he’d done wrong.

“Cat got your tongue, you son of a kelpie
It wasn’t enough for
you to just take what you need
and leave
No, you had to create such destruction it will probably never be straight again
I don’t know what Lord William was thinking to send you, stepson or not
Or maybe he didn’t send you. I can’t believe he’d send a man with so little value for knowledge.

She jabbed her finger into the torn paper
“Did you just come to torment me?”

She paused to draw a deep breath, her rising chest straining against the fabric of her gown
God, she was glorious.

“What are you talking about?

He kept his voice flat, refusing to rise to her bait
“The library looks exactly the same as it did on my arrival if anything it is neater
From the moment I first arrived it looked like pigs had been rooting
Hardly the orderly room I know Burberry kept
Don’t blame me for your own failings.”

She leaned over the desk, meeting him eye to eye, her finger still pinned to the scraps.

“Don’t even think to speak to me that way
I am tired of taking the blame for your own imagination
I am not talking about the library.

She looked around, her eyes growing even harder
“You know damn well what you’ve done and I want an apology and then your bags packed
Lord William can send someone else to collect the books or so help me I’ll just pack the whole lot and send them
I’d rather give up every single one than see them destroyed with such careless disregard.”

That was it
She was acting crazed and he didn’t have to take such abuse
She’d caused him enough difficulties already
His temper would take no more
His fury rose to meet hers.
“Do you always blame others for your own mistakes
Is that how you justify yourself, your every betrayal?”

Her hands clenched at her sides
She bent forward until she stared at him eye to eye
He could see the moisture where her tongue had dampened her lower lip, smell the sweet scent of honey clinging to her skin.

do  not  need  to  justify   myself  to  you.

She spoke each word with utter precision

“You need to justify yourself to somebody, else why the pretense?”

She pulled back, her chest heaving with each breath, the fire in her eyes cutting through him
Without thought he caught her wrist hard, pulling her around the desk until she stood square before him.

He knew his grasp must pain her, but she gave no sign, just stood before him, gasping for breath, her gaze never leaving his
He could feel the flame, the sizzle.

For a moment they stood poised, two combatants lost in battle, then without a sound, without a clue as to who moved first they met, mouths open, lips pressing, battle raging.

It was a kiss to consume, to vanquish, to conquer
There was passion, but no trace of care or gentleness

Her hands moved over his chest, working at buttons
His own ran across the top of her bodice
, seeking, ravaging, worshiping
He could feel her fury with each breath she took, yet each quiver, each moan spoke of their endless need for each other
Her breasts were free then and he ripped his mouth from hers to settle it on different target
He pulled her nipple fiercely between his lips
His hunger for her was unrelenting

God, how had he survived a week without this
He’d never found anger an aphrodisiac, but with her everything led back to this elemental fire.

“Damn, you’ll never be an easy wife, but there are compensations.

He runched up her skirts, letting his fingers trail up here velvet thighs towards the final victory.

Why do you keep confusing this with marriage?

Rose gasped as she opened herself up to his prying fingers, wrenching his head back up to meet her biting kiss.

He froze as her words penetrated the frenzied fog of his brain
He let his hands drop
His lips quit moving beneath her on

I won’t do this again, risk this again
I am not some pet for you to play with when you feel the need
If you want me, you take all of me, not just the pieces you find amusing – or desirable.

He spit the last word
The anger that had been drowned in their kiss rising up renewed
, only to fade as he watched her shoulders sag
He pushed her from his and stood there, feeling each heaving breath as it filled his chest
By the time he’d counted twenty deep inhalations he was ready to meet her gaze

He did not know if was victory or defeat he faced as he pulled back to search her
What he saw stopped him cold
A moment before her eyes had held fury and the desire for mastery, now there was something else.


What had she done
She’d sworn she would not end up here again, but even in the height of her wrath she could not keep her hands from him
And he was right, she did keep taking, never returning the bits of soul she ripped from him.
And still her body ached with unfulfilled desire.

in her gut
She held still
Deep greens and grays swirled in his eyes and she didn’t know their meaning
His lips were swollen with her kisses
Scratches ran along one side of his neck where her nails had raked him in her hurry

Her chest ached with the effort of holding in the futile scream she longed to release
Why did he not run from her
Why was he everything she longed for and nothing she could have?

He raised one finger and traced her tender red lips
She pulled back, but let his fingers trace
There were no words for t
he feelings that swirled
within her
The anger was still there, but so was something else, something she could not name
She continued to look at him, her eyes filled with caution.

“I am sorry.

They spoke in

never thought he’d say those words
She never thought she’d say them.
She hesitated, nodded
It would do for now – her fury had left her worn.

He bent his head forward until they rested almost brow to brow
A great discovery lay just beyond her reach.

They breathed as one, each intake and exhale met by the other
No words remained
When the knocking on the door disturbed them it seemed as fate
They straightened their clothing mechanically, like some predestined automaton, each movement still and purposeful, but empty of all content.

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