Read Prickly Business Online

Authors: Piper Vaughn & Kenzie Cade

Prickly Business (25 page)

BOOK: Prickly Business
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The only smile he’d wanted to see before Avery walked into his life was the one he’d always been given before a nameless pair of lips stretched around his cock. It was a smirk Dylan knew well—the one that said, “I’m ready to tame this beast.” Not that any of them ever had.

But this thing with Avery was way out of his league. The more time he spent with Avery, the more he realized no two matings were the same. Dylan didn’t consider himself the consolatory sort, and Avery was definitely no damsel in distress, but the frustration and anger that bubbled up in Avery’s defense when they’d left the station had Dylan needing to fix it. Damned if he could explain it.

Which is how Dylan found himself at Tallgrass.

Situated discreetly in the Old Historic District, there was no glowing sign directing patrons to the club. Instead, a simple black placard showing the green outline of several stalks of grass was posted by the door.


It wasn’t a place Dylan had ever been. No surprise there. He hadn’t been to a number of clubs. Tallgrass was about to be added to a very short list of places he’d probably never go again.

“Come on.” Avery tugged Dylan from his examination of the redbrick building with arched windows, disguised as a turn of the century boutique. Reluctantly, he let himself be pulled through the door to follow in Avery’s wake. Not a bad view—the jeans Avery wore hugged his ass in all the right ways. Dylan fought back the urge to throw Avery over his shoulder and head back home when his own pants grew a little snug.

Tallgrass was smaller than Howl, more intimate, but no less crowded. Damn, why had Dylan thought bringing Avery to a club was a good idea? He hated crowds and he hated the club scene.

Inside, Avery didn’t cease with the pulling, and Dylan followed. A grin threatened to weaken his scowl. He couldn’t help it, despite his irritation at being pulled through a thickening crowd of partygoers. It was the first time that day Avery had let go of his tension since meeting with the detectives. He looked happier. Avery
happier—and still knowing that, feeling the echo of it confused Dylan.

For Avery. That’s why you’re here, asshole.

They weaved through the crowd near the bar that lined the left wall. It was darker than the other clubs, but in a warmer way. The exterior walls stood as raw brick, identical to the outside, with carvings of tall, wavy stalks of grass lit by green lamps running along the entire length of the club.

Stopping at the end of the bar, Avery tapped the smooth, muted cement top until one of the bartenders—a pretty brunette girl in a black tank—turned her glowing smile to him.

Dylan wanted to growl and bare his teeth. Instead, he released Avery’s hand to curl his arm around Avery and tug him closer. His back fit perfectly against Dylan’s chest, Avery’s head tucked under his chin. Avery just laughed.

The bartender—her nametag proclaimed her to be Olive—winked at Dylan, then said to Avery, “Hey there, pretty. It’s been a while.”

“It hasn’t been
long.” At Avery’s flirty tone, Dylan growled low in his ear. Avery simply ignored him and leaned forward enough to place his elbows on the bar and press his butt firmly into Dylan’s groin. Then in a mock whisper, he said, “I’ve been busy.”

Olive’s big silver eyes landed on Dylan with a knowing glint, and she smirked. “I see that,” she purred and licked her lips and leaned toward them, beaming up at Dylan. “What can I get you, handsome?”

Jesus Christ, did everyone in this place flirt?

“He’ll have whatever dark ale you have on tap,” Avery said, all signs of teasing gone from his tone. Dylan brushed a kiss at his temple when Avery leaned back into Dylan’s chest and laid a possessive hand over his.

The bartender quirked a brow. “Regular for you?”

Avery nodded stiffly. He was jealous. It didn’t escape Dylan’s attention, warmth blooming in his chest. It was… nice, knowing Avery wanted him just as much.

“You’re jealous,” he murmured into Avery’s hairline when Olive rushed off to fill their order.

“I am not,” Avery huffed. The petulant child act would have been perfect if he’d crossed his arms and pouted.

Dylan let out a chuckle. “You are.” He bent and nuzzled Avery’s ear, grinning when Avery inhaled in a sharp breath. “I like it,” Dylan rasped.

When he whimpered, it was all Dylan could do not to say
fuck it
and find the nearest bed, closet…. Hell, he’d settle for a fucking hallway right now.

Then Olive returned with their drinks and a wry smile. Avery led him to the back of the club… lounge… whatever. The dance floor was stuffy and packed with writhing, grinding bodies. It smelled of sweat and lust. Somehow it was still classier, more intimate than the desperation and pomp of Howl. And God, Dylan was loath to admit that.

With his pink-and-orange drink high in the air, Avery weaved Dylan through the tables around the outskirts of the large room. They landed at the first unoccupied one, and Dylan wanted to sit down, close his eyes, and try at block out the dancing masses and too-loud music. But he was here for Avery, so that idea was a no-go.

Avery threw back the colorful concoction then slammed his glass on the waist-high table. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Dylan tilted his glass to his lips and gulped half the beer before setting it down.

“C’mon.” His hand still tight around Dylan’s, Avery tugged him onto the dance floor.

As they joined the dancing crowd, Dylan didn’t miss the appreciative and longing looks cast his mate’s way. He couldn’t blame them. Avery was damned gorgeous.

As if Avery were Moses, the swaying bodies parted to let him pass. Dylan had no clue where they were going. Clearly, there was such a thing as the perfect spot on the dance floor and Avery knew exactly where to find it. Coming to a complete halt, Avery released his hand, turned around, and hooked his fingers in Dylan’s belt loops, stepping in close.

Dylan didn’t dance. For the most part, he couldn’t pick out one rhythm in the maelstrom of instruments and electronic buzz thrumming through the club. Avery didn’t have that problem. Rubbing and grinding against him, Avery worked his body like a sex god—boneless, graceful, and dirty. All Dylan could do was watch, swaying back and forth, letting Avery use him like a pole. If he had been hot when he walked into the room, it was nothing compared to the sweltering blaze caused by every inch of Avery brushing up against him.

Avery threw his head back, eyes closed. A look of pure rapture relaxed his face. The apples of his cheeks flushed pink. His lips, plump and red, parted, waiting as if to be filled. All of a sudden Dylan wanted to be the reason for that look. While they were naked. Preferably in bed. The bed was optional.

When Avery let go of Dylan and lifted his arms in the air, lost in the music, the barest strip of skin showed between his low slung jeans and the hem of his button-down. His scent—strong, musky, and thick—encompassed Dylan.

Sliding his hands down Avery’s sides, over his hips, and to his ass, Dylan jerked Avery against him and sucked in a harsh breath when his hardening cock met Avery’s firm body. They both groaned. Avery felt good against him—hard, pliant, and right. His eyes snapped open, meeting Dylan’s. Yearning filled his liquid gaze and Dylan was ready to drown in it. With a crooked grin, Avery looped his arms around Dylan’s shoulders, leaned forward, and ran his tongue from collarbone to jawline. Dylan had to hold back a shiver of his own.

Any thoughts of waiting or why they shouldn’t go there fled Dylan’s mind. He slid a hand up Avery’s spine, the other on his asscheek. Avery ground his bulge into Dylan’s hip at the same time that Dylan threaded his fingers through that thick dance-mussed hair. He tugged and tilted back Avery’s head, then attacked his mouth as though he were a lost man finding a desert oasis. Avery’s parted lips begged to be filled and Dylan did just that, imagining all the ways he could do so if they were alone.

The kiss was raw and sloppy—all tongues and teeth and need. It was a war of craving, of give and take. Dylan drank in every one of Avery’s whimpers and moans and longed to hear them outside of this setting, without the music and without…
, without all the goddamned people. Greedy hunger licked at him. Eagerness prickled at his skin.

Ripping his lips away, Dylan stared at Avery, their chests heaving as if they’d run a fucking marathon—pun intended. It’s exactly what Dylan planned for tonight. It was impossible not to see the fire simmering in Avery’s eyes. “We’re leaving,” Dylan growled. He didn’t wait for acknowledgement before he grabbed Avery’s hand and dragged him off the dance floor, through the club, and away from prying eyes.

What happened next was for Dylan’s eyes alone.



and a half miles from Tallgrass to Avery’s loft might as well have been fifty for how long the drive felt. Thankfully, Dylan had the Firebird tonight. He wasn’t entirely sure he could’ve kept his bike upright anyway, not with Avery pressed, hot and hard, against his back.

Walking into the building, riding the elevator, and stumbling through Avery’s door all passed in a blur. Having Avery pressed against the wall, his legs wrapped around Dylan’s hips, and the taste—
the taste of heat and sweat and longing on Avery’s skin—drove Dylan, intoxicated him. He wanted more…

Perfect friction nearly blinded him when he rocked his hips forward, their covered cocks grinding in time alongside each other. Avery stretched his neck, tipping his head to the side. Dylan gave a strangled groan. It was all he could do to leash the wolf pressing against his skin, demanding the claiming of his mate. Now.

Torture. It was delicious, beautiful, soul-wrenching torture, and Dylan knew the blame lay with him. But they hadn’t talked about it, hadn’t discussed anything. Fuck the reservations he’d been so certain about a few weeks ago. The fact was, Dylan wasn’t sure about anything at the moment—nothing but Avery. Right here. Right now.

He took Avery’s mouth in another kiss—a hungry torrent of tongue and teeth. With long limbs wrapped around him, Dylan felt like a man possessed, inside and out. Avery’s hands touched him everywhere. His hips rubbed up and down, pressure on the border of delicious and frustrating. Dylan owned every one of Avery’s moans, his pleas, his whimpers. Pushing Avery harder against the wall with his lower body, pinning him, he thrust hard, their pace heady and notching up the temperature of the loft.

But it wasn’t enough, and somewhere in the back of his mind a voice whispered it would never be enough until Avery was his. Dylan didn’t have time to examine the thrill of that thought. He was afraid to think about what it meant.

“Fuck,” he breathed, touching his forehead to Avery’s. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths while Avery continued to roll desperately against him.

With one final brush of lips over Avery’s skin, Dylan stepped back. The look of surprise on Avery’s face was priceless as his legs unfolded from around Dylan’s waist and his feet fell with hard
unbefitting Avery’s usual grace. Dylan would have laughed if he hadn’t been so damn turned-on.

Confusion set in, and Dylan couldn’t have that. He leaned in and licked his lobe. Avery shuddered.

“Bedroom,” Dylan rasped, his voice deep and gravelly. “Now.”

Avery—bless him—nodded but didn’t move.

Dylan chuckled and lifted away to look in his eyes. The love tap he landed on Avery’s ass was intended to get his attention. The rush of pink to his cheeks and flare of his nostrils said Dylan had hit his mark and then some.

His wolf rumbled. “On the bed, brat.”

Wide-eyed, Avery nodded, then wobbled around the corner and into the room.

Storming in, a rush of grunts and hot-and-fast fucking, was not what Dylan wanted to happen their first time. No doubt it was going to be over in a hurry the moment Avery touched him again.
He needed to get a grip. As it was, he was ready to strip and pound his mate into the mattress until neither of them could see straight.

Jesus. Just the thought had him walking a little unsteadily. The sight before him as he entered the bedroom had Dylan thinking his legs wouldn’t hold him up much longer. On the bed was his gloriously naked mate, poised on his hands and knees, ass in the air, hooded gaze watching Dylan over his bare shoulder. His cock hung hard and long between his legs and his hole made itself center of attention when Avery rocked his hips back, opening himself up farther.

Dylan’s growl was feral as he stalked to the bed, tossing off his clothes on his way. Crawling onto the bed, he covered Avery’s body with his own. He buried his face in Avery’s neck and breathed in. That first contact, skin on skin—it felt right, like a key turning in an ancient lock and opening his world to everything he never knew he was missing. Christ, he wasn’t even in Avery yet and he was waxing poetic.

“Need you,” Avery panted beneath him, shuddering as if he was barely containing himself.

And yeah, Dylan needed him too. He wrapped his hand around Avery’s hot length, dragging it up and down in a silky smooth glide and drawing a gurgled moan from Avery. When Avery pressed his ass back into him, he smiled and pushed forward, rocking his thick cock into Avery’s crease. Sparks of pleasure zinged from the tips of his toes to the top of his head, and he swore he saw stars.

“That what you want, babe?” he rumbled in Avery’s ear, and Avery nodded.


When Dylan moved away, Avery’s whimper sizzled in his belly. The want and need he felt radiating from his mate was near palpable, and Dylan loved it. But he didn’t plan on being gone long.

Rummaging in the nightstand—because where else would Avery keep his supplies?—he was rewarded with a half-empty bottle of lube. Dylan ignored the rubbers and the implication behind them. He wouldn’t think about Avery having sex with anyone else. Whereas shifters couldn’t contract or pass on any diseases, they still slept with humans, and wearing condoms was preferable to exposing unsuspecting humans to their world.

BOOK: Prickly Business
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