Pride to Pack (The Mount Roxby Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Pride to Pack (The Mount Roxby Series)
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“The friend that told you how to break the tie wouldn’t happen to be Theo, would it?”

“It was your intention for him to find out. That’s the main reason you did it.” The taste of a werewolf may be enticing for him, but he wanted to get at Theo and biting a werewolf because of a loophole was always going to rub the alpha the wrong way. Dominick seems to get off on it. Even I can see that and I haven’t been in town long.

“Of course it was. Has he worked that out already? He’s smarter than I gave him credit for.” He leans forward, inhaling my scent. “You’ve mated.”

I nod as I lean away. “He chose me in front of his pack.”

“And you chose him in return, I can smell the scent. But you’re worried about it, why.” It was a statement not a question, “You haven’t sealed it yet. That is why it’s not so dominant, and I can’t let you seal it.” He’s worried. He might be able to use my empathy against me, but I could still use it against him too.
Why would he be worried about us sealing our mating?

I glance over to see Misty and Benji huddled together in deep conversation at the bar. “You can’t stop us, Dominick.” When I don’t hear a reply, I turn back to find that Dominick’s nowhere in sight.

When I get back to the bar, Misty pushes a glass of what looks and smells like my usual towards me. “Ya look like ya need it. What did he want?”

“Just to rub it in about the tie. I hate him,” I mutter before taking a nice large mouthful of my drink.

Misty gasps and drops the glass she’d been drying. It smashes at our feet. “Don’t say things like that, it will get you killed.”

We both bend down and I start picking the big bits of glass up. “If that’s the case, my name will already be on the execution list. I told him I’d kill him if that’s the only way to break the tie. He knows I meant it too. He could feel it through my empathy. And thanks to the tie, he can now use against me.”

Misty grabs the dustpan and brush, sweeping up the smaller shards as she speaks. “You have to tell Theo. He is the only person that could protect you against Dominick.”

Our three customers leave during our clean up so Misty decides that since we’ve only had the three customers all night, we may as well close up early.


I wake up Monday morning grateful for our early close the night before. It meant I could actually wake up on the first alarm at eleven o’clock, instead of hitting snooze three times.

I quickly get ready as my nerves start to kick in. I’m excited to be going for a run with Theo but I’m nervous of how he will be with me. I don’t really know where we stand with the whole mating thing.
Was it just an act or was it real?

When the clock reads three o’clock, I accept that I’ve been stood up.

Relief washes over me when the phone rings half an hour later.

I can hear Benji answer it in the lounge room. “Hello.” I’m not close enough to hear the person on the other end. If I was in the same room as him I would hear them no problem, but I’d been sulking in my room.

I dash through the apartment.

“Yes, you’ve got the right number. I’ll just get her for you.” He holds the phone out towards me, mouthing the name. ‘Emmanuel.’ I can’t help feeling disappointed.

I take the phone and try not to sound as disappointed as I feel. “Hi Emmanuel, how are you?”

“Good thanks, Rosabel. I just wondered if you wanted to go out again. Misty told me it’s your night off.”

Another date? Part of me doesn’t want to. I can’t stop thinking about Theo. I should accept that Theo doesn’t want me and see where things go with Emmanuel? “Yeah, that sounds good, do you mind if we just go to Misty’s though? It wasn’t busy last night and I feel like I had a night off. I’d like to be there to help if things get busy.”

“That’s fine. I was going to suggest Misty’s anyway. Seven thirty sound ok

“Perfect, I’ll see you later.”

“Bye,” he says before disconnecting the call.

I place the phone back in its cradle on the sideboard.

“Ooh, a second date,” Benji teases taking a seat on the sofa.

Misty walks in from the kitchen, practically jumping up and down. Obviously she’s been earwigging on the phone call. “I’ll entertain Benji at the bar. I might even let him help me out behind it.”

“Sorry, Benji, but Misty you might not want to do that. Benji has two left hands. They just don’t seem to coordinate,” I warn deadly serious.




I have to carry Benji into the bar again. I think we might have to figure out how to get him in without the wards affecting him at all.

I offered to work until seven o’clock. That gives me half an hour to get some
Dutch courage.

Seven o’clock comes around fast.

Benji takes my place behind the bar as I take a seat on his vacated stool. He experiments on me with his first drink. It tastes just right. It’s a shame he smashed three glasses in the process. I get the feeling that poor Misty won’t have any left by the end of the night.

Emmanuel walks in the door at half past seven on the dot, catching me off guard with a kiss on my cheek. He orders a drink from Benji, who manages to make it without breaking a single glass.

We sit at one of the smaller circular tables to chat for a while. I start to think it could be great if something comes out of this between us. He’s sweet and attractive but then I remember he isn’t what I want.

Emmanuel jumps. “How did you do that?”

“Do what?” My questioning frown disappears the second I hear the unwanted voice behind me.

“He’s talking to me, my delicious, Rosabel. Not you.”

I turn to face Dominick, trying out my intimidating expression again. “Unless you have come to remove the tie, you might as well just disappear again.”

“Rosabel, you know Mr Drake?” Emmanuel asks.

“She knows me intimately.”

I feel rage coming of Emmanuel in waves and wonder why he’s so mad. This is only our second date and we haven’t even come close to discussing exclusivity.

“Tell him the truth, Dominick,” I order. “Tell him that on our last date, you trapped me in that alley behind the cinema and drank from me without my consent.”

“Oh, you do spoil my fun,” he whines. “Do you really want me to leave you with this Witch? He’s not worthy of you. You deserve so much better. I thought you’re mated with Theo anyway? If you’re not, you might like to try dating me.”

I feel resentment coming from Emmanuel, which quickly changes to happiness.
Odd. Out of Dominick’s last sentence, what would make him happy?

“My private affairs are none of your concern, Dominick.” I grab my drink and take a sip as I try to calm my wolf down. She wants nothing more than to take control of my body and rip Dominick to shreds.

“Well, I came here to do you a favour but if you don’t want me to give you the warning, I’ll just let you find out by yourself.” He turns, making a show of leaving.

I stand and grab his arm forcing him to look me in the eye.

“Are you threatening me?” Funny how Dominick asked me the same question only yesterday and yet they sound so different. He’d been amused. I am far from it.

“No. I would never threaten you. I had a werelion come to me requesting a living order today. He was asking for your address.”

“Jared,” I sigh, slumping out of my threatening position.

“Yes, I believe that was his name. Should I have withheld your address?” He actually sounded concerned.

“If you hadn’t, it would have only been a matter of time before he followed my scent. Thank you for the warning. I appreciate it.” I sit back in my seat and down what's left of my drink.

Dominick grins. “See, I’m not as bad as you think.”

I beg to differ.

Dominick leans in and presses his lips against my neck, forcing me to lean away until the table presses into my ribs.

My heart starts to race, knowing that his fangs will sink into the skin any second now. I feel the short sharp scratch as they break the skin. I'm surprised when they don’t sink deeper and he just dematerialises into thin air. I touch my neck and see the blood on my fingers before turning back to Emmanuel.

“You’re bleeding, did he —?”

I cut him off. “No, he was just showing me he can feed off me if he wants to. Can we just forget about it?” I am really getting sick of Dominick and his controlling ways.

Emmanuel grants my wish, changing the subject as he reaches for his own drink on the table. “So, Jared has found you.”

“How do you know? Misty. Is there anything she doesn’t tell you?” I joke, playing with my empty glass.

“Don’t blame her. I was digging for information.”

“I’m not going to have to worry about you stalking me as well, am I? Dominick and Jared are too many stalkers as it is. I don’t need another one.” Even though I say it with a laugh, I’m serious.

We both laugh and enjoy some more easy conversation over a couple more drinks.

As the last bell rings he offers to walk me home. It’s a nice fifteen minute walk. Misty and I usually use the car due to the fact that it’s the safe option. Two women walking the streets at two or three in the morning is a little dangerous. Walking with Emmanuel, I am pretty sure nobody will bother us.

Our conversation still flows well on the way home.

Emmanuel pulls me to a stop outside the apartment building, “I had a really good night.”

“Me too,” I reply honestly.

He quickly takes my mouth with his.

I won’t deny him
anymore. I like him this might actually lead to something if I can stop my wolf thinking about Theo. I fist my hands in the front of his shirt as I deepen the kiss.

He lets out a moan and pulls away.

Wow, what a kiss.

“I was thinking the same thing,” he says with a laugh.

Oh good god, did I say that out loud? What is it with men and me making a fool out of myself in front of them?

He brushes his thumb over my lips. “I better leave before I kiss you again,”

We say our goodbyes and he leaves without any more kisses.

I enter the apartment in a happy daze, still thinking about that kiss.

My happy mood disappears when I step out of the lift, thanks to the sight of Jared sitting on the floor against our apartment door. He looks like he’s been there a while. God only knows how he got past the security guards.
Am I ever going to catch a break?

Looking dishevelled, he jumps up as soon as he sees me. His usually well styled blonde hair is a mess, no doubt from running his hand through it every two seconds, exactly like he is doing as he looks at me.

“Bel,” he sighs, leaping toward me, trying to take me in his arms.

I manage to push him off before he gets a hold. “Jared, don’t. I’ve had a week full of annoying, pushy men and I’m not in the mood to deal with another. I shifted on the full moon but I haven’t run since arriving in Mount Roxby. I don’t want to have a forced shift.”

“I just want to talk, baby. I've missed you so much.”

I let him have his moment. I really don’t have the energy to argue about it. I open my mouth to reply, and close it again, having no idea what to say.

The lift pings and Misty and Benji step out from it.
Saved by the bell. Thank you, angels.

“Look, Jared, it’s late. If you really want to talk, meet me at work tomorrow. My shift starts at five o’clock. It’s a bar called Misty’s down Main Street. Have you seen it?” A big public place is the best place to meet him. Misty’s is perfect.

“Yes, I saw it earlier. I’ll be there. Thank you.”

I step around him to unlock the door and gesture for Misty and Benji to enter before me. I daren’t look back at Jared. I might just break my resolve and fall into his arms. I have missed him. I love him. Of course I have missed
him; I just know we shouldn’t be together. We’re not right for each other.

I need a pack, and he needs his pride.

“He’s a bit intimidating - alpha level intimidating,” Misty mutters as we make our way through to the kitchen. She opens a cupboard and takes out three glasses.

I run the cold tap and fill the glasses one by one, we all like to take a glass to bed with us. “Yeah, he’ll be taking over as Pride Leader when his father steps down. I hope you don’t mind me telling him to meet me at work, I just figured it would be better meeting him in a public place.”

“Not at all. It’s safer that way. You’ll be able stick to your guns about not being together easier in public.”




Waking up the next day my wolf is practically crawling out of my skin. I really wish Theo had turned up to show me where to run. I am desperate for a good run, but because I don’t know anywhere safe to go, the gym will have to suffice.

The gym looks busier than the last time, I head straight through to the lockers and dump my stuff, taking a towel and bottle of water with me and placing the locker key around my neck.

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