Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2)
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“I know what I want,” she said instead. “I want you to come back to me.” She looked down at the key in her hand. “Whose key did I take?”

“A trap,” Gavin replied, as he prowled through the room like a suspicious cat. “For your protector, when he comes looking for you.”

Sydney’s insides turned to ice. “I told you I came alone. You saw me. You were in the truck,” she protested.

“I know you came alone. I’ve been watching you. But your protector is not a stupid shifter. When he realizes his Chala is gone, he’ll come looking for you. And while I am killing you in Room 318, he’ll be getting his in Room 214.”

Sydney sucked in a breath and Gavin chuckled. “You didn’t really think I wouldn’t take precautions, did you?”

She hadn’t thought it through so well, apparently. Covert operations were clearly not her strong suit.

“So, let’s see it,” Gavin said abruptly. He threw himself into a chair near the door, crossed one ankle over the other knee, and rested his chin in his hand, as if he expected to watch a show of some sort. “Let’s see what’s under the coat. You’re awfully tarted up. I hope I’m not disappointed.”

“Have I ever disappointed you?” Sydney asked irritably.

Gavin paused, as if he were considering the question. “There’s always a first time,” he finally said. “Which will, of course, be the last time, as well.”

“You told me once I could never disappoint you,” Sydney shot back.

“Is the little Chala growing brave? Take it off. Now,” he commanded. The tone of his voice indicated he was through with the verbal byplay.

Sydney took a deep breath and brought up an image of Prim. The Fate was so effortless in everything she did, and emanated sex just by walking across the room. Sydney knew she was best described as “fresh faced” and “all-American” and “perky and cute,” but never “sex and candy,” like Brandon described Prim.

Her movements were stilted, but she managed to untie the sash of the rain slicker and push it off her shoulders without, she determined, looking like too much of a dork. Gavin’s eyes started to glow faintly, so she must be doing something right. She shifted from foot to foot nervously, waiting for more instruction.

“New outfit, Chala?” His gravelly voice sounded slightly strained. His hungry gaze never left her body. She fancied he was trying to devour her with his eyes. Then she squelched that thought. Too close to a very real possibility. Except it would be with claws and teeth instead of eyes.

She cleared her throat and did a slow turn. “You like?”

“Has anyone else seen you in this outfit?” He growled deep in his throat, sounding possessive. Good. Possession was good, right? Shifters didn’t kill what they believed they possessed, right?

“Just you,” she assured him. “This is the first time I’ve worn it.”

Gavin’s eyes glowed a little bit brighter. “Take it off.”

“Uh . . .”

“Take it off or die.”

Sydney wondered how in the world she could be attracted to someone so dangerous. And yet, she was so turned on at the moment, it was as if
were stripping for
. Which gave her an idea. When this was all over . . .

In the meantime, she stripped. It felt awkward at first, as she fumbled with the ribbons on the back of the corset, swaying her hips at the same time. But when the front of the garment spread and her breasts spilled out, she heard Gavin’s sharp intake of breath and it gave her encouragement that whatever she was doing, she was doing it right.

She pushed the corset down just enough that the top created a sort of shelf for her breasts. She was still amazed at how the garment could make her look as if she had an abundance of boobs, when in reality, she was simply . . . average.

But Gavin didn’t think so, she reminded herself. He liked her breasts. He told her so regularly. She cupped one with each hand and watched him as her thumbs grazed the nipples. They tightened and peaked, and she and Gavin simultaneously sucked in a sharp breath.

She found she was enjoying herself, which was crazy, given the circumstances. Yet the strip tease was a turn on for her, as well as for Gavin. It made her feel sexy, and she liked the way his gaze tracked her every move, while his body remained as still as stone, as if he were afraid to move, as if he didn’t want to miss a single second of the act.

She should be frightened out of her mind, but in reality, she wanted nothing more than for Gavin to close the gap between them and make love to her as they’d never done before. Wetness pooled between her thighs. She clenched her inner muscles and felt lust spiral through her body. All he would have to do is touch her, and she was sure she would come undone, almost instantly.

Getting into the spirit, Sydney rocked her hips and twirled on the stiletto heels, turning her back to Gavin, so he could watch while she reached around and worked at the zipper on the tiny leather skirt, far tighter and far shorter than anything she’d ever worn before. It made her feel sexy. Sliding the zipper down and exposing the top of her pink lacy panties practically gave her an orgasm. She pushed the skirt down to pool on the floor at her ankles and between the space of one heartbeat and another, she found herself lying face down on the brown floral print comforter on the bed.

A heavy, heated weight covered her body, and for an agonizing moment, she was certain Gavin would kill her. The thought made her cry out in distress.

“You were right, Chala,” the gravelly voice whispered into her ear. “I do want you. And I’m going to have you. I want you to come before I kill you. Think you can do that for me?”

His rough, calloused hand scraped over her breast, roughly manhandling it for a moment, before sliding down to her abdomen, and then lower still, where he cupped her through her wet panties.

Her cry of distress turned into a low moan of pleasure.

Gavin buried his face in her hair and breathed deeply. “The mingled scent of fear and sex,” he rasped, “is truly the greatest aphrodisiac. I’m going to fuck you, Chala. And you’re going to enjoy it.”

“Yes.” She moaned as she lifted her hips in invitation. “Please.”

He bit her shoulder as his finger slid along the outside of her panties. She wiggled and gasped, her body begging for release. She was only dimly aware of the pain in her shoulder, but the feel of his tongue scraping along her skin as he licked at the small wound he’d just inflicted caused her entire body to shudder with pleasure.

“The Chala likes it rough,” Gavin murmured as he trailed tiny nibbles over her shoulder, under her hair and up her neck.

“I like it with you,” she corrected breathlessly.

He pressed his erection more insistently against her backside. “This is going to be my greatest kill ever.” He grabbed the crotch of her panties and pulled. The flimsy material gave way easily, and he tossed the scrap of lace and satin over his shoulder before returning his hand to her hip.

He forced her knees apart with his legs, and then she felt the loss of his heat as he sat back on his haunches and unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. A moment later, he was back, and she could feel his erection, insistently pressing against her opening. She impulsively lifted her hips and his hand cupped her thigh.

“Gavin, please.” She wasn’t begging him not to kill her, she realized. She wanted to feel him. She wanted him inside her. She needed him. She couldn’t think beyond the imminent orgasm looming just over the horizon.

“O-oh,” he cooed. “Beg me, Chala. Beg me. Beg—” He lost control of himself, grabbed her hips and pistoned into her. She was so hot and wet, there was no resistance as he slid inside as if on a sea of melted butter.

Sydney gasped at the intrusion. Her hands curled into the comforter and she bit her lower lip to keep from crying out. Her orgasm welled almost immediately.

“Are you that turned on?” he asked as he ruthlessly pumped into her. “Do you want it that badly, that you’re willing to lay with a Rakshasa? What kind of Chala are you?” He taunted her as he thrust, over and over.

“Gavin!” she finally cried out, unable to keep it in. “Oh, Gavin!”

“Yeah, Chala,” he said the words between thrusts. “You like it, don’t you? I can tell. You like it. The little Chala likes to take it from her Rakshasa.”

“Yes,” she cried out. “Yes. Oh God, don’t stop!”

Suddenly, Gavin began pumping with renewed vigor. “Damn it,” he swore, his voice low as a growl, as he grasped her hips and clung to her, thrusting uncontrollably. He momentarily lost all control as his own orgasm overcame him in an unexpected rush. His body stiffened, and he shouted out his own release, surprising her by calling out her name. Hope momentarily filled her, until Gavin collapsed on top of her, not even bothering to try to keep from crushing her with his weight.

Reality hit her like a splash of cold water. Fabulous sex or not, she knew damn well the uncursed version of Gavin would kill her, now that he’d gotten his rocks off and could think clearly again.

Where the hell were Brandon and Prim?

Chapter 14

“We need to talk,” Brandon demanded as he burst into the bedroom where Prim had been hiding out for most of the day. She’d organized the closet. She’d made the bed. She’d dusted and arranged the various beauty products situated on the small vanity in the bedroom. And now she was currently unpacking and re-packing the contents of her luggage.

All to avoid thinking about what had transpired this morning.

You pushed him away
, she reminded herself yet again.
You’re the one who decided he was so damn perfect he’d make a great mate for Lily

She hadn’t expected him to go so willingly and so quickly, though. But he had. He’d hovered protectively over her and Sydney all damn day, flirting and teasing and clearly warming to his future mate.

Prim hated it. She hated it, hated it, hated it.

But you wanted it
, a voice whispered in her head,
Yes, but

“About what?” Prim said coolly, as she resumed sorting through the contents of the suitcase lying open on the bed.


“Brandon, I told you this morning—”

“I know what you said this morning. You told me to stop sleeping with you. I think I know why you said that, too.” He advanced into the room, slowly.

“Of course you do. It’s because—”

“It’s because you don’t trust yourself to stay away from me, so you expect me to be the one to walk away.”

Prim’s breath hitched. Damn it, he was right.

“But here’s what I don’t get,” he said, almost thoughtfully, as he stepped up next to the bed and idly eyed the clothing and accessories perfectly situated inside the suitcase. “What are you going to do when I show up on your doorstep in eight months?”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because my mate will be fat with child, and probably won’t be in the mood to let me bang her anymore. Plus, I’m not even sure I’ll be attracted to her, since she’s all pert and cute right now and I’m not even attracted to her. Not sure how I’m going to manage to get it up when her stomach’s so big it gets in the way.”

“Brandon, you aren’t that heartless, and you know—”

He talked right over her, saying, “So I’m going to want a little strange. Well, not really strange. I’m going to want what I’m really attracted to. I’m going to want you.”

Prim shook her head. “That’s ridiculous. She’ll be—”

“So if I show up on your doorstep and tell you that I need a little release, and you don’t have the willpower to say no, where is that going to leave us, Prim? What happens then? How will you feel afterward, knowing you just helped your Chala’s mate cheat on her?”

“Brandon, stop it,” she admonished. “You and I both know you won’t do that.”

Brandon shrugged. “Okay, then let’s look at another scenario: how the hell are we supposed to produce more Chala and more Light Ones, when I won’t even be able to get it up enough to put my seed into her in the first place?”

Prim rolled her eyes. “You never have issues with that.” It seemed to her he had an almost perpetual hard on.

“I never have issues getting it up for

“Lily is a lovely girl,” Prim insisted. “And she resembles me, somewhat. If you are attracted to me, I see no reason why you wouldn’t be attracted to her. Not to mention the connection between Chala and Light Ones. You can’t tell me you didn’t sense it, after Gavin cut her.”

“Actually, I sensed it the first time I spoke to her, on the phone. I sensed a sort of . . . familiarity, I suppose. There was nothing sexual about it. And she isn’t you, Prim. Not by a long shot. In fact, she’s more like Sydney than you, and Sydney’s like a sister to me. So if we connect the dots . . .”

“Why are you being so difficult?” Prim asked. She threw her hands in the air and paced to the window and back. “This is the way it has to be, Brandon. Why can’t you see that? You and I should never have slept together in the first place. Fates and shifters aren’t meant to be together.”

“Who are Fates meant to be with then?”

Prim’s mouth formed into a thin line and she wrapped her arms around her waist. “I don’t know,” she finally admitted. “No one, I suppose.”

“That’s just stupid,” he said flatly. “Everyone deserves to be with someone. Even Fates.”

“Then I guess we should be with each other,” she snapped. “I suppose I could finally give in to Killian’s advances.”

Brandon stalked around the bed, a murderous look on his face. “If you even so much as
about sleeping with that asshole, I’ll kill him.”

“He’s a Fate. He’ll just regenerate.”

“I will stalk him. And every time he comes back, I’ll kill him again.”

“Oh for the love of the Fates, Brandon. Now you’re just being ridiculous.”

“No,” he said. “You are.” He jabbed his finger at her chest. “You know we belong together, Prim. Why are you trying to deny it?”

“Because it isn’t true,” she protested. “We aren’t even the same species!”

“How come I can sense your feelings?”

Prim waved her hand helplessly. “It’s because of Lily,” she sputtered. “You should be with her. It’s only natural you would feel a connection to her Fate.”

“How come
can sense

She dismissed that out of hand. “Same reason.”

“How come you healed me so effectively?”

Prim hesitated, just a fraction. “All Fates have the ability to heal.”

“To varying degrees. But that isn’t your strong suit, is it? Sydney and Lily were still hurting today, while I feel like a million bucks. And I remember passing out from the pain last night, Prim. It was bad.”

“I–I—” She struggled with a response. “Your injuries were significantly worse than theirs,” she finally sputtered, and then her eyes widened, as she realized her mistake.

“Yes,” he agreed. “They were.”

Prim shook her head, denying it. “You don’t know what you’re saying, Brandon.”

“Yes, I do. When a Light One finds his mate, she has the ability to heal him. And vice versa. I wonder if it goes both ways in our case?”

“It doesn’t,” she insisted. “I’m a Fate. We do not mate with shifters. I don’t know why I healed you so effectively last night.”

“Or why we fit so well together?”

“What? In bed? You’ve never fit with any of your other bed partners before?”

“Not like I fit with you. Fates, Prim. I can’t seem to last more than five minutes when we’re together, and I can assure you I’ve never been a minute man before, at least not since my twentieth birthday.”

“I’m not sure that’s a particularly redeeming quality,” Prim said tartly.

“It wouldn’t be, if you didn’t have the exact same problem. But every time I start to worry that I’m going to get there first, you come apart in my arms. Every time, Prim. That’s because we’re meant to be together. I don’t care what species we are,” he insisted.

“I can’t do this, Brandon.” She abruptly turned and strode toward the door. He beat her there, pressing his palm flat on the smooth wood. He stood behind her, so close she could feel the heat radiating off his warmer-than-average body. Her body instantly began to hum.

“Resist me, Prim,” he murmured, close to her ear. “Walk away. If you can, I’ll let you. I’ll mate with your Chala, like you want me to.” He stepped closer and his erection brushed against her quivering ass. She winced. Her breathing became erratic as her heart rate stepped up to a gallop.

Brandon took his palm away from the door, but he did not step away from her. He simply stood there, waiting.

When she stayed where she was for too long, she began to feel the doubt creeping into his mind. He was worried. He was really worried she
walk away from him.

Which was utterly and completely ridiculous.

With a small sob, she turned around and launched herself at him. He staggered, clearly not expecting quite that enthusiastic of a reaction. She hooked one leg around the back of his knees and pushed, and they fell to the floor together.

“Fu— Ah, damn— Ah, Fates, that hurt!” he protested.

“Don’t worry,” Prim assured him as she straddled his hips and grabbed his shirt and tugged it over his head. “I’ll heal you. Just lay there and let it happen.”

“Uh . . . okay.”

Prim gave him a catlike smile, and then she bent over and kissed him. He didn’t just lay there and let it happen. He participated. Enthusiastically.

Lily was not at all pleased with her current position. Somehow, she’d ended up trapped in what she assumed was a library, alone with Killian, the sleazy Fate. She’d only been curious and wanted to read about the history of shifters. She was one, after all, but she knew precious little about her own species, or that other type, the Rakshasa. And now that she was forced to mingle with an entire pack of Light Ones, she wanted to know as much as she could about them. She’d always craved knowledge, and had always turned to books for her answers. Probably a result of being raised on a desert island where there was no Internet or television.

Unfortunately, the library turned out to be Killian’s bedroom, and Killian was under the very mistaken impression that if she was in his bedroom, it meant she must want more from him than to borrow a book or two.

“I was looking for a book,” she insisted, yet again. She glanced out the window to judge the time, a trick Prim had taught her: use the position of the sun or moon to determine the time of day or night.

Twenty minutes to go
. Twenty minutes before she told Brandon that Sydney had gone to meet Gavin, and Brandon and Prim would race to her rescue, so Prim could curse Gavin and everybody could live happily ever after.

“In my bedroom?” Killian inquired with fake politeness. His beady eyes watched her with the same hungry look all those stupid shifters gave her. She’d had very little experience with the opposite sex, but she’d already determined she was not in the least attracted to overzealous men. It was as if they had no sense of self-respect. How could she possibly commit to spending the rest of eternity with someone with no self-respect?

Not that Killian wanted the rest of eternity. No, he just wanted one night. Or, most likely, a couple hours. Or maybe only a few minutes? She was woefully inexperienced with the ways of men and their desires and urges. Prim had taught her more than she ever cared to know about beauty rituals, but she’d completely avoided giving Lily any knowledge whatsoever about the opposite sex.

“What you don’t know, you won’t crave,” Prim had told her once, when she caught Lily filching one of her romance novels.

Lily supposed there was something to that bit of advice. She certainly didn’t crave Killian. Not in the least.

“I didn’t realize the library was in your bedroom,” she said.

“Yes, well, it is.” Killian snapped his fingers and the lights dimmed perceptibly.

Fates save us from, well . . . Fates
, Lily thought with an internal sigh.

“It’s awfully hard to read in the dark,” she pointed out diplomatically.

“You and I both know you have no intention of reading in here.” He walked toward her, slowly, unbuttoning his shirt as he did so.

“I don’t?”

“Of course not,” Killian assured her. “Although why you chose to wait until we arrived here to give in to your desires, I have no idea. I would have much rather stayed on your island.”

Give in to my desires? Which desires are those?

She stood up from the desk chair where she’d been sitting, inspecting the titles of Killian’s books.
Ten minutes to go
. She should probably begin to search Brandon out. She hadn’t seen him in a while. He could be anywhere.

“Where are you going?” Killian asked, stepping into her path, effectively blocking her exit.

“I need to speak to Brandon.”

It was clearly the wrong thing to say. Killian’s face contorted in anger. “First Prim, now you? What the hell is it about that shifter?”

“I’m not—”

“What? Sleeping with him? I should hope not. It isn’t right that he should be doing both the Chala and her Fate. Although frankly, it’s an abomination he’s sleeping with Prim at all. She’s a Fate, for the love of it all. Fates shouldn’t sleep with shifters.”

Lily gave him an incredulous look. “Wait. Isn’t that what you’re trying to do with me?”

“Yes, but it’s different.”

“How so?”

“You’re a Chala.”

“Isn’t a Chala a shifter?”

“Well, technically yes, but—”

“But nothing, you hypocrite! What will it take to get through to you? Prim is in love with Brandon, and I’m–I’m–well, I’m not sure what I’m doing, precisely. But it certainly isn’t sleeping with you. Now if you’ll excuse me.” She held her head high and strode purposefully toward the door. He grabbed her arm as she tried to sweep by.

“Chala, listen to me. That shifter is all wrong for her. It’s as bad as that Rakshasa, sleeping with the other Chala. This pack is just wrong. I can’t help but think we should wipe you all out and start over.”

Lily wrenched her arm away from him. “If you wipe all of us out, there is no starting over,” she said coldly. Even she knew that. She and Sydney were the last Chala left. If one of them didn’t procreate, well, Killian just might get his wish–if his wish was to annihilate the Light One population. And if that happened, eventually, the human population would be wiped out, as the Rakshasa freely used them as entrées. And then all there would be left were Fates. Which, she supposed, might finally make Killian happy. Maybe then Prim would give him the time of day.

“No she wouldn’t,” Lily said, finishing her thought out loud. “I suspect that if Prim had to choose between you and William, she would choose William. At least he knows what the word ‘no’ means.” She gave him a small shove and Killian stumbled a few feet, his mouth working soundlessly.

BOOK: Prim and Proper Fate (Twisted Fate Series Book 2)
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