Prima Donna

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Authors: Keisha Ervin

Tags: #Fiction, #Urban

BOOK: Prima Donna
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Prima Donna

By Keisha Ervin


P.O. Box 2535


Florissant, Mo 63033


Copyright 2011 by Keisha Ervin & Cat Eyez


All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the consent of the Publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law.




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Edited by: Lynel Washington and Kendra Koger


Cover Designed by: Sheldon Mitchell of Majaluk


Library of Congress Control Number: 2011941135


ISBN: 9780983486046




First Prioritybooks Printing: September 2011




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Printed in the United States of America


Table of contents

Table of contents


Part One


Part Two


Part Three




The Way It Is


Prima Donna

By Keisha Ervin



To My Dear Beautiful Son,




I have a confession to make. I wasn’t sure about you at first. To me you were just this extraordinarily handsome baby that smelled nice, most of the time. When you were first born I never realized how much being a parent changes you. I don’t remember the exact moment things changed; I just know that it did. One minute I was just drifting along through life, believing I was invincible. The next, my heart was beating outside of my chest, exposed to the elements of the world. Loving you has been the most profound, extreme, heart-wrenching and fulfilling experience of my life. As your mother I made a silent vow to protect you from the world. And in many ways I have failed, but I promise from this day forward that I will do better. It’s me and you, Buddy, ’til the end and if don’t nobody else love, you know Mommy’s gonna love you ’til the end of time.




Father God, thank You for bringing me through once again. Your love and mercy are my covering and I thank You. I pray that I continue to live my life according to Your Word and not my own. Help me not to respond, but to react. Order my steps, God, and bless me to come through this trying time in my life victorious.


To my G4L girls: Locia, Tu-Shonda, Monique and Sharissa, thank you ladies for being such great friends. You all are more like sisters to me. I have really seen over the last month how much you all really and truly care for me. I couldn’t have asked God to bless me with a better crew. Love you, dolls!


Mama, Daddy, Keon and the rest of the Poe and Ervin families, I love you.


Brenda Hampton, you are the best agent a girl could ask for. Over the years you have not only become my partner in crime, but a mentor and friend. You are a great remodel and I can’t wait for your memoir to drop so the world can see just how blessed you are. I love you!


Mrs. Rose Jackson-Beavers, thank you once again for the opportunity to write a story for you. Working with you is always a pleasure. I wish you and your family nothing but success.


And to my loyal fans, thank you all for riding with me once again. I promise if it wasn’t for y’all and me needing a paycheck I wouldn’t be doing this. Your kind words of encouragement keep me going. I love each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.


Keisha Ervin Contact Info:


[email protected]






Part One

I know you’re mad at me, but baby, I’m so sorry.”


Teedra Moses

No More Tears”




A slight smile graced the corners of McKinley’s lips as she rode down
Washington Avenue. She couldn’t have asked for a better night. The sun was setting perfectly over the horizon. Hues of orange and pink were in the sky. For a Miami spring night the temperature outside was a perfect 78 degrees. Normally, it was scorching outside, but thankfully she was able to rock the Herve Ledger iron-dust color, strapless, form-fitting bandage dress and Ruthie Davis double-platform shoetie with spikes and Swarovski crystals
she’d bought especially for that night.




It was a special evening, so she had to look her best. It was April 5, her fiancé Jamil’s thirty-first birthday. McKinley had an entire evening of surprises in store for him. They would attend a Heats game, but before that they’d have dinner and drinks at the ultra-exclusive restaurant B.E.D.


B.E.D, which stood for beverage, entertainment and dining was a Miami staple and located in the middle of South Beach nightlife district. Famous as a fine dining epicenter, B.E.D boasted large mattresses and mountains of pillows with the luxury of seclusion at the pull of a drape—a perfect setting for a decadent French-style cuisine with a Brazilian influence. 


McKinley sat in the backseat of the Lincoln town car that Eduardo, her chauffeur for the night, drove her around in. As she checked her face, the reflection staring back at her from her Chanel compact confirmed what she’d expected. She was an absolute vision of perfection. Realizing they were getting close to the restaurant, McKinley placed her compact back inside her Judith Leiber birdcage minaudiere.


Seconds later, they pulled up to the restaurant’s doors. Eduardo parked the car and hopped out to open McKinley’s door. With the door opened, Eduardo leaned forward and extended his right hand.


Thank you.” McKinley placed her hand in his and stepped out.


As always, wherever she went, McKinley caused traffic to stop. All eyes were on her. Pedestrians on the street just had to catch a glimpse of the golden goddess. McKinley’s distinct facial features were captivating. Everything about her was mesmerizing. She possessed brown doe-shaped eyes, deep dimples and pink pouty lips that complimented her honey-colored skin and ravenous long black hair.


She was a five-foot-four, curvy size ten. Sometimes the perception of what people thought she should be, because of her looks, was mind-boggling. McKinley constantly felt the need to stay on her “A” game. There was no way she could be caught dead in an outfit from last season or without her hair and nails done or a face beat to perfection. In Miami, looks were everything and beautiful women like McKinley came a dime a dozen.


One false move and her social status could go from the A-list to the D-list in a matter of seconds. Most importantly, chicks were dying to take her place. They craved the lifestyle Jamil showered her with and would do anything to get him in the sack. That’s why that evening was so important. McKinley was determined to show him just how much she loved and appreciated him. After giving her reservation info to the maître D, McKinley was escorted to her bed, which was in the center of the room.


Ugh,” she said nervously. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” McKinley held onto the hem of her dress and climbed onto the bed.


Her dress was so constricting that as she scooted she lost her balance and fell forward onto her face.


Ooh.” She pushed herself back up.


Are you all right, ma’am?” the maître D asked, stifling a laugh.


Yeah.” McKinley blew her hair out of her face, praying her makeup wasn’t smeared.


Your server will be with you shortly.”


Okay.” McKinley sat on her butt and crossed her legs.


A young Puerto Rican man with curly black hair introduced himself. “Hello. My name is Juan. I will be your server for tonight. Would you like to start off with something to drink?”


I’ll just have water for right now. I’m waiting on my boyfriend to arrive. It’s his birthday.” McKinley smiled.


How wonderful.” The server smiled back. “I’ll be right back with your drink.”


Okay,” McKinley said, glancing around the restaurant.


The atmosphere at B.E.D was dope. Pink and blue lights were dimmed low to give the space a sultry Moroccan appeal. The music was pumping and drinks were being served by the dozens. Nothing but the hottest and wealthiest people surrounded her. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and having a grand time.


McKinley couldn’t wait for Jamil to arrive. Twenty minutes later McKinley sat on her bed alone, checking her watch, wondering where Jamil was. She’d reminded him just an hour before that they were to meet at seven on the dot. Frustrated, McKinley pulled out her cell phone and called him. He answered on the third ring.


What up?” he said with a laugh.


Where are you?” McKinley said low into the phone as she heard voices and music in the background.


Hi, to you, too,” Jamil shot back sarcastically.


Where are you?” McKinley said impatiently.




Ummmmm ’cause I’m sittin’ at the restaurant, waiting on you. What you mean why?” McKinley shot back with an attitude.


I’ll be there in a minute.”


What’s a minute, Jamil?” McKinley rolled her eyes as Jamil laughed.


Hello?” she snapped, knowing damn well he wasn’t laughing at her.


Ay yo!” Jamil shouted to someone.


Jamil!” McKinley raised her voice, causing people around her to stare.


Yeah,” he answered.


Are you seriously ignoring me, and who are you talkin’ to?” McKinley fumed.


Chill out. I said I would be there in a minute,” he replied sternly.


Well, please hurry up.”


Okay, I’m leaving now.”


I’m for real, Jamil. Come on.”


I said a’ight,” he huffed.


Bye,” McKinley said, ending the call.


Thirty minutes later she sat staring absently out into the crowd.
This nigga ain’t coming,
she thought. Jamil had played her once again. She’d called him at least five times, but he didn’t even bother to pick up. She wished she could say this scenario was all new to her, but it wasn’t. Jamil’s personality reminded of her Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One minute he was this sweet, attentive man and then in the blink of an eye he’d turn into an absolute monster. With him she never knew what she was gonna get.

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