PrimalHunger (6 page)

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Authors: Dawn Montgomery

BOOK: PrimalHunger
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Her hands palmed his cock. It was like raw pleasure. She was
going to kill him.

Kendra’s body ached for him. He tasted so good.
So hot.

She craved his touch. The teasing scrapes of his nails
against her skin kept her body in a constant sensual haze. His skilled lips
drove her insane with sensation. What the hell was he doing to her?

The hard length of his cock flexed under her palms. His
fingers tugged at her nipples, and his hot mouth followed. She cried out,
arching against him. Her fingers slid under the waistband of his pants, tugging
gently. She stroked her fingers over the velvet length of his cock. Her thumb
brushed over the head, spreading the slick essence of pre-cum around the tip.
The groan torn from his throat was muffled against her breast.

Her pussy slickened. She rubbed her thighs together to ease
the rising ache of lust. “Azros. I need.”

With little effort, he lifted her up and took them the rest
of the way to the bed. Kendra’s heart did a little flip. A woman could get used
to being hauled around. He set her on the edge and spread her bare thighs
apart. The scent of her lust mixed with the spicy essence of his. She dragged
her fingers through his silky hair.

“Open for me, sweet.” His lips burned a path down her

“Oh fate.” The curse left her lips and his teeth scraped
against her stomach.

Deft fingers dipped between the lips of her moist flesh and
stroked the tiny nub of her clit. Sparks of light exploded behind her closed
lids. She cried out and arched against his fingers.

His teeth nipped at the curve of her breast, tugging gently
before soothing with that amazing tongue. A part of her tried to hang on to
reason, but it was a losing battle. His tongue swirled around her nipple before
he took it into his mouth. She cried out, weakness flooding her body. He
suckled hungrily, tugging at the tender flesh. Pulses of pleasure arced down
her spine. Her pussy clenched around his fingers, and his resulting purr
against her breast sent spikes of ecstasy down to her core.

“What are you doing to me?” She pressed fevered kisses
against his forehead and temple, tugging at the soft curls of his hair.

His tongue rasped against her nipple. “Wicked temptations
and complete abandon. Remember?”

Her mind blanked. How the hell was she supposed to think
when he was destroying her? The words were familiar, and his voice was raw,
carnal need. Alive and full of intensity, making her hotter than she thought

“I have to taste you.” His hot mouth burned a trail down her
sensitive stomach to the vee of her thighs. “So beautiful.” His breath teased
across her moist flesh. He pulled his fingers gently from her body and gazed at
her with eyes glittering in lust.

When his tongue lapped at the tips of his fingers, hunger
clenched her pussy. She ached for his touch. Azros could easily become an

“You taste like fire and sweet cream.” His lips pressed
reverent kisses against her sensitive folds, and Kendra’s hips arched

His hands spread her thighs and his talented tongue lapped
leisurely at her clit. Sparks of need had her pussy aching to be filled. Azros’
rich scent surrounded her, burning her from the inside while his tongue sent
already hot flesh to the heights of pleasure. It had to be that damn hormone.
She craved it, knew its taste. Fate, would she crave it for the rest of her
life? She clenched the sheets in tight fists, desperate to ease the flames he stoked.

Primal cries tore from her throat. His tongue and mouth ate
her with single-minded focus. Clever fingers explored and teased, driving her
higher with every stroke.

His arms hooked around her thighs and pulled her pussy
closer, as if she were a banquet for him to feast on. He purred against her
clit and all thoughts shattered. The vibration of his mouth against her had her
crying out in desperation. All that remained was the aching lust knotting and
coiling in her core. Pleasure spikes had her gripping his hair and tugging. He
growled against her and purred again. Her hips rose to meet him, giving small,
desperate counterstrokes to his talented tongue.

His mouth ground against her clit and his tongue flicked.
Orgasm crashed over her, tightening her channel in rhythmic pulses. He didn’t
give her time to gather her thoughts before his body covered hers. His cock
rubbed against her slick entrance, nudging the folds open.

“Yes.” She arched against him and he held her still. Feral
temper struck. She snarled at him.

“Tell me.” He trapped her wrists above her head. The heat of
his body scorched along her nerve endings. Already she could feel her body
rising again. She tried to tug free of his hold, but he held her easily. “Tell
me, Kendra.”

He wanted her to
? “Tell you what?”

“Tell me you want this.” From his gaze burned lust and
something darker, something feral. She realized at that moment just how alien,
how untamed he was.

She couldn’t think. Her body moved against him, needing.
“Don’t make me beg. I can’t.”

His teeth nipped at her bottom lip, tugging gently. “Tell

A knot born of tension weighed heavy in her chest. Something
was changing inside. Her body burned with lust for this man. It was too
intense. “Take me, damn you. Fuck me.”

He stroked shallow and teasingly. Her pussy clenched and
tingled, desperate to be filled. His breath brushed against the curve of her
ear. “You can do better than that.”

She clenched her jaw and groaned at a deeper thrust. The
groan turned to a cry of frustration when he continued with shallow, teasing
strokes. “Fate! Please.”

He nipped at her ear and then soothed with his tongue. “Tell
me.” He held her wrists with one hand and softly scraped his nails down her
side to the sensitive dip above her hipbone. She jerked in response.

“Please fuck me, Azros. I need…” The words ended in a half
sob and he thrust deep, gently whispering words to her in another language.

He rolled them to a new position, one that let his cock
surge deeper. Her head fell back against the mattress at the exquisite
pleasure. Her hands were free to touch, and she did. His body was incredible.
Orgasm loomed like an oncoming storm, wild and untamable. The pleasure stroking
her nerve endings bordered on pain. Intense. Desperate. She cried and begged.
He was killing her with passion.

He whispered against her lips, supping and licking. “Let go.
Let it take you.”

Her nails dug into his shoulders and she fought the tide
rising against her. It was too much! Her fingers dug into the silky strands of
his hair and she put all the desperation and fear tearing her apart into a
soul-shattering kiss. His growl against her lips had an edge of danger that
spiked her lust higher. Small tremors flexed the walls of her channel.

His thrusts became erratic, harder, and impossibly intense.
She pulled from his lips and cried out. He scraped his teeth against her
shoulder. Danger set the hairs of her neck on end. He could rip her throat out
with those fangs. Her heart rate spiked and his thumb pressed between their
bodies, rubbing her clit. The sensation was too much and orgasm crashed over
her, sweeping away her sanity in mind-blowing pleasure.

He followed close behind, thrusting deep.

Her pussy continued to caress him with micro aftershocks. It
took a long time for her mind to clear. He had buried his face against her
neck, and she was pleased to note that they were both gasping for breath. She
ran shaky hands through his sweat-soaked hair, and pressed a kiss against his

She sighed. Things just got damn complicated.

Azros swiped his tongue lightly against the pulse point
leaping erratically on her throat. The beast reveled in her submission,
temporary though it may be. Azros held the sensuous creature tight against his
body. He wasn’t foolish enough to think she would be easy to convince. One time
with this woman had his beast so close to the surface he made feral noises. He
smiled. Not that she was complaining. She seemed to especially like his purr.
How could he have found such a wild lover? Fate’s hand was heavy in this.

A frown tugged at his lips. Her body had taken the hormone.
Already he could taste the changes in her scent. It was normal for a female to
respond to his
. For it to change her own scent was unusual. He
doubted she knew what it would mean. Hell, even he didn’t know what it meant.
He’d told her it was temporary, but was that the truth?

It wasn’t the Valorian way to question the mating rites of
their people, but Azros couldn’t stop suspicion from clenching in his chest.
The only compatible race in seven sectors was the Sheon. What if she was the
enemy? His dark thoughts threatened to poison the beginning tendrils of their
mating. It wasn’t enough to be physically compatible. They would have to be
soul linked, kindred spirits for the final acceptance. There were few
mates among his people.

She shivered against his body, trembling in the aftermath of
their wild sex. He could taste her confusion, her doubts in the air. The beast
was calm, patient, content. It had already made its choice. This hunt was over.
For now. It knew she would continue fighting against it. For the beast of
Azros, there would be no other.

But what did it mean?

He drew the sheet up over their bodies, tugging her against
his chest. Her breath fanned across his chest and he ran his hands down her
incredibly soft hair.

“What happened to your team?”

Kendra brushed her cheek against his skin in a light caress.
Every touch on his stripes hitched his breath. He wasn’t used to being touched,
and was starting to wonder why. Her caresses were incredible. “There are some
caves on the north face of the plateau. Clean water, shade from the burning
sun, and naturally cool depths will keep them safe.”

“Are there any more of those slime things?” He shuddered.

“They can’t survive on the rock. Bob will patch in any radio
signals we receive.” She turned her head so that her chin rested lightly on his
chest. “Your concern for my team is touching, but this isn’t the first time
we’ve been in a tight spot.”

He caught the challenge in her gaze, and wondered at it. He
pulled her up for a gentle kiss. Her lips were stiff. He coaxed them to soften
with gentle brushes of his lips. Finally, she kissed him back, albeit
reservedly. He would take this small victory.

“How did you end up here?”

The smile died on her lips, and her expression hardened to
an emotionless mask.

“My parents were killed during what was supposed to be a
routine supply drop.” Her voice held a husky edge. She turned away and once
more brushed her cheek against his chest.

He froze, before continuing the soft caress of her hair. His
lips brushed against her forehead.

“I was seven.”

Azros winced. “So young.” His arms tightened around her.

“The terraform project was seen as a threat to some sects of
the Sheon royal family. Enough to wipe it from existence.”

It didn’t surprise him. His people had already fallen prey
to the brutality of the Sheon regime. His soul ached at her pain. “What

“My mother and father were killed, along with all the
scientists at the station. We had no real weapons. Nothing that could stand
against a full assault.” Her fist tightened against his chest. He could hear
the raw agony in her voice and understood. Anger pulsed within. Fury that
anyone would dare harm this woman.

“How did you escape?” He caressed down her arm, carefully
projecting calm, hiding the building anger against the Sheon.

Her laugh was bitter. “I was left here. Alone.” Her
fingertip traced the edge of a stripe. Her tender touch was distracting. “It’s
considered a blood curse to murder a child…” Her voice trailed off before she
cleared her throat.

“So they left you to die instead?” He couldn’t control the
fury that tightened his voice. “How is that any different?”

She shrugged. “It’s the Sheon way. Survival of the fittest.
One of the Sheon daughters came over and spat in my face. She used it as a
cover to discreetly drop a blade. That single moment saved my life.”

The Sheon daughters were children of royal blood.
Ambassadors. He’d met one during his captivity, one who was nothing like her
vicious mother. “I have a daughter to thank for my escape as well.” He gave a
soft prayer to the gods for that small bit of assistance, hoping that the
daughter remained safe. For the moment he found a kindred spirit in Kendra.
From their race across the slime-infested nightmare to the acceptance by his
beast, this woman was exceptional.

“You’ve learned a lot about survival since then.” Pride and
tenderness for this woman tugged at his heart. Azros tried to shake it off. He
had to rescue his people and warn his home world. Six months was a long time
with no contact. Why fate had chosen now to send him into a mating, he’d never
fathom. She was a distraction he didn’t need.

“Yeah, a thing or two.” She settled against his chest. He
sensed her hesitation. “What happens now?”

He gently grabbed her wrist and pressed lingering kisses
against her skin. “Now, we rest. Allow our bodies time to recover, for a while,
anyway.” He could already taste the heat of her lust simmering. They wouldn’t
have much time before he had to take her again.

“So once isn’t enough?”

He rubbed his lips against her skin, letting it soothe him.
Once, he worried, would never be enough. “Over a week, remember? You get to
have a little more fun, yet.”

She gave a breathless chuckle. “More? I think you wore me
out.” She cracked a yawn and tucked close. He breathed slow and steady, easing
her to a deep sleep. The crackling sexual tension between them eventually
eased, and Azros gently disentangled himself from her far-too-comforting

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