Prime Reaper (2 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Boyett-Compo

BOOK: Prime Reaper
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When both legs were bare to him, Arawn scooted farther down on the bed taking her left foot into his hands and began massaging it firmly, his thumbs pressing little circles into her instep.

Closing her eyes to such a glorious feeling, Danielle felt like the most desirable woman in the world. She gloried in her husband’s touch, and as he flexed each of her toes and ankles, she sighed with utter contentment. So relaxed was she that when she felt Arawn’s warm, moist mouth closing over her big toe, she nearly melted into the mattress. Keeping her eyes closed—though she ached to see the look on his face as he suckled her toe—she grabbed handfuls of the bedspread to pull it toward her. Never before had Arawn ever dreamed of doing what he was at that moment. Not once when he was entirely human had he entertained the notion of nibbling on a woman’s toes, but nibble he did and with the greatest of pleasure. He ran his tongue between her toes, licked at the top of her foot, took a light nip on the side of her instep and when she jumped as though prodded with an electric current, he grinned like a schoolboy.

“Bad Reaper,” Danielle said, opening her eyes to give him a heated look that made his cock leap. “Bad, bad Reaper!” She tried to pull her foot out of his grip but he wouldn’t allow it.

“Big, bad Reaper,” he growled, and tickled the bottom of her foot. 7

Charlotte Boyett-Compo

“Arawn!” she yelped, and managed to get free of him. She scooted up on the bed, her feet planted firmly on the mattress, her back to the headboard. She watched him warily as he bent over to pull off his boots.

“It’s good to know you’re ticklish,” he said, arching a dark brow at her.

“You keep your tickling to yourself, mister,” she warned, and felt a trill of suspense writhe through her when he snorted at that order.

He stood up and his fingers went to the black leather tie at his neck. Slowly, sensually, he loosened the knot and then pulled it apart, sliding the tie from his neck to let it drop to the floor. Next he tugged his black silk shirt from the black leather uniform pants and began working the buttons open with one hand.

Danielle could feel her heartbeat accelerating as she watched her husband undo the cuffs of his shirt then shrug out of the garment, letting it fall to the floor to reveal his brawny chest. Her attention dipped for a moment to the crisp, curly hairs between his manly paps, down over the tiger line that disappeared beneath the waistband of his pants then moved back up to his eyes. When his hands went to his belt buckle, she flicked out her tongue to lick her upper lip.

Arawn stilled—stone-hard as a statue—as he saw that sweet, pink muscle moistening his lady’s full mouth. He could feel the blood pounding in his temples. With a hot look that could have peeled paint from a wooden post, he flicked open his belt buckle and pulled the belt through the loops slowly, his gaze locked with Danielle’s. Trembling slightly as her husband unbuttoned his fly then pulled the zipper down, she reached above and behind her to grab hold of the scrolled spindles on the brass headboard, tightening her hands around them when Arawn pushed his pants down his long, muscled legs and his manhood sprang into view—jutting out like an iron filing toward a magnet.

“Oh my,” she breathed, unable to look away from that powerful tool. “Will all that fit inside me?”

Arawn stepped out of his pants and kicked them away. “Oh it will fit, wench. I guarantee it.”

As naked as the day he was born, he leaned over her and captured the peak of one breast between his lips. His wife purred like a kitten, her hands smoothing his dark hair as he moved from one taut bud to the other, licking his way across, laving the puckered flesh, suckling her.

“I never imagined…” she said dreamily.

Her Reaper released the swollen peak upon which he was feasting and looked up at her. “You have yet to experience the unimaginable, wench,” he told her, and he rose up to his full height, shoulders squared. His cock stirred, dragging her immediate attention down to its glistening head.

Once more Danielle licked her lips, this time more from anticipation than nervousness.


Prime Reaper

“Wench?” he questioned softly.

She managed to tear her avid stare from his cock to look up at him. What she saw set her juices to flowing.

He was a fine specimen of a man, an exceedingly handsome man with broad shoulders, chiseled pecs, abdominal muscles upon which she could do her wash and bulging biceps that flexed as he stood there with his legs apart, arms loosely at his side. His dark brown hair and amber eyes gleamed with health, his tanned flesh sleek and smooth though there was a puckered scar just above and to the left of his belly button.

“An innie,” she whispered approvingly.

Arawn frowned. “What?”

“Your belly button,” she said, staring at that little indention. “It’s an innie.” She smiled. “That’s the best kind.”

The Reaper laughed. “If you say so.”

“It is,” she stated. “It—” She stopped for he had put his left knee on the side of the bed and she knew he was about to join her in his glorious nakedness. She stopped him by putting her fingertips to a wicked, puckered scar that stretched across mid abdomen from hipbone to hip, instinctively knowing whatever had caused the disfigurement must have caused him great pain. “What did this,
mo shearc

Arawn shook his head. “Nothing I ever wish to talk about, wench,” he said, his voice brooking no argument.

The bed dipped beneath his weight as he knelt in front of her, his hands on the tops of her feet, caressing her for a moment before his fingers encircled her ankles. Danielle saw pure mischievousness sparked in his golden eyes just a second before he pulled her legs apart and jerked her toward him.

“Oohhh!” Danielle gasped as she slid toward him.

“Gotcha,” he growled when she was lying with her legs to either side of his lean hips. He ran his hands up her legs until he was kneading her luscious thighs. She tried to close her legs by bringing her knees together but he wouldn’t allow it. Before she could stop him, he had slid his hands under her rump and was lifting her hips upward. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

“What a man does to his lady,” he replied. “Trust me.”

“You just…” she started to say, but he had lowered his head and his lips were pressed lightly to the expanse of flesh just above the pale triangle at the junction of her thighs. Her lips parted in a shocked and she couldn’t have protested had her life depended upon it for his mouth drove southward until her nether lips felt the soft warmth of his breath blowing across them.

He looked up at her through his long, dark lashes then flicked out his tongue to lap at the entrance to her sheath.

Danielle nearly jumped out of her skin. Her hands went to his dark head, her fingers threading through the thick tresses.


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

“What’s wrong?” he cooed, dragging another slow lick across her sensitive flesh.

“You’re not b-bad,” she said breathlessly. “You’re evil.”

“Baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” he said in a deep voice. Absolute bliss shimmered over her entire body as her husband used his tongue to elicit sensations she never knew existed. Shock waves of feelings she couldn’t begin to identify coursed through her until she was unabashedly writhing beneath Arawn’s mouth. Her hands were buried in his hair and she was arching herself up to him with abandon. When she came, she screamed, the sound cut off when her Reaper slid up her quickly and covered her mouth with his.

The thrust of his tongue into her mouth, the vibrations fading away between her legs, her blood pulsing in her veins like molten lava, all Danielle could do was lie there and tremble beneath the climax that had shaken her world. Arawn tempered his kiss until it was a soft, gentle nibbling, a sweet lick of his tongue across her swollen lips. He could hear her heart thundering in her chest and the smell of her was in his nostrils, the scent now clinging to her mouth. Emboldened by the intense pleasure she’d just experienced, Danielle let go of her husband’s hair and pushed one hand between their bodies, reaching for the hardness that was stabbing against the side of her thigh.

“You,” she said in a throaty moan. “I want you. I want to know…”

Having given his lady the delight that was her due, Arawn was more than ready for his own relief. He cautioned himself to go slowly, easily with Danielle. The last thing he wanted to do was spoil this first Joining for her. With infinite care, he moved so his cock was positioned at the opening of her moist heat.

“Relax,” he whispered, reaching down to take her wrist and bringing it up to place it beside her head. He took her other wrist and did the same. “Relax, wench.”

It was the hardest thing Danielle had ever done but she took a deep breath and tried to do as he bid. The weight of him lying upon her had to be the most powerful awareness she had ever known. His chest was slightly damp with perspiration and the wiry little hairs tickled her flesh. Along the insides of her thighs she could feel the hard, manly strength of his limbs and she shivered with delight. Arawn nudged his shaft to her opening, felt her tense and shushed her with a soft exhalation of breath. As soon as she let her body uncoil with its tenseness, he pressed a bit farther inside her, allowing her to grow increasingly more at ease with his size and invasion.

Danielle could feel herself stretching around his rigid length. His flesh was velvety smooth, moist and filling her with such pleasure she felt tears gathering in her eyes. She wanted the whole of him inside her and arched up to meet his next light push. The Reaper went perfectly still as he felt her hips lift from the bed. He was primed to thrust into her, aching to do so, his cock as hard and burning as he had ever known it to be. He itched to possess his woman. He
to do so. 10

Prime Reaper

“Arawn?” he heard her beg as her fingers flexed beneath his hold. Taking a deep breath, he pushed all the way inside her, feeling the give of the membrane that whispered to him he was her first.

Danielle tensed for just a moment then reacted with a brazenness that stunned her. She lifted her legs, locked them around her husband’s lean hips and clung to him like a second skin as he began to move inside her, bringing back the building need she had experienced earlier.

“Aye, Arawn!” she encouraged him. “Aye!”

Nothing save a nuclear explosion in his ear could have prevented the Prime Reaper from claiming his woman. His thrusts increased in speed and depth until he felt as though he were grazing her very womb. She was latched on to him with a strength at which he marveled and was meeting him thrust for thrust, her luscious little bottom writhing beneath him.

When he came, he squeezed his eyes shut and saw bright bursts of light behind his closed eyelids. The pleasure was so intense, so raw and so virile he threw back his head and howled with the release, burying his face against her sweet bosom to muffle his cry. Danielle held him to her, feeling his hot breath fanning across her chest. His breathing was ragged, his heart pounding against hers. She smoothed the hair back from his forehead and lifted her head to plant a sweet kiss on his brow.

“Milady, you have drained me,” he whispered.

Arawn Gehdrin rolled over with Danielle cradled against him and stared at the ceiling of their bedroom. He tightened his grip on her, one strong hand buried in her lush blonde waves. Their bodies were slick with sweat, their blood pumping wildly, hearts thundering. Her breath washed rapidly across his chest to stir the hair growing thickly there. She was trembling from the force of the climax that had rocked them both and he could smell her virginal blood oozing down his thigh.

“Did I hurt you, wench?” he asked softly, dreading her answer.

“No more than I expected,” she stated, spreading her fingers over his chest. “I barely felt the breach.”

He breathed a sigh of heartfelt relief. With no experience of untried female flesh before his Transition from human to Reaper, he had been nervous about taking his lady’s maidenhead. At the very moment he had pierced that delicate membrane, he had felt a searing pain lance through his body. He knew the hellion within him was protesting his taking of a mate and was punishing him. Fleetingly he wondered if his fellow Reapers Cynyr Cree and Bevyn Coure had felt the same agony when they had mated and made a mental note to ask.

“Have you rested long enough?” Danielle asked.

Arawn blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

She lifted her head from his shoulder and gazed up at him. “Are you rested so we can do it again?”


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

The Prime Reaper—a man rigorously feared by his targets and deeply respected by the men with whom he worked—could only stare at his wife of less than two hours. The guilelessness in her beautiful blue eyes entranced him and the sweet little tongue she swept over her full lips ignited a fire in his loins that rocked him to his foundation.

“Wench,” he said, finding it hard to speak, “you need to give me a few more minutes to…to…” He sought the correct word, his face heating with the effort.

“To reload?” she asked innocently.

Arawn groaned. “Wench, don’t say such things!”

Danielle slid her hand down his chest to his waist. “Moira said it takes a man a while to get primed to do it again.” Her hand moved lower. “She said—”

He shot his hand down to grab hers, keeping her from touching the part of him that was already lifting its head in speculation. “I need to have a long talk with that nosy old biddy,” he said from between clenched teeth.

His wife sighed. “Cake, Arawn,” she said.


“Cake,” she stated. “You said you wanted cake.”

The Reaper’s brow furrowed. “I don’t know—”

“You came to our house and demanded I give you cake,” she reminded him. “Well, you got the cake and now I want the cream to go with it.”

He could feel his cheeks turning red at her unseemly words. “Danielle Brewster Gehdrin, you’ve got a mouth on you and—”

She slithered down in the bed. “Aye, that I do. Let’s see what I can do with it.”

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