Prince of Fate (Lions of Pride Island Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Prince of Fate (Lions of Pride Island Book 2)
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She laughed. “I don’t need that. I just need you.” She grew more serious. “And if the nightmares come back, we’ll face them together.”

He leaned against her. “Thank heavens for that. Speaking of which, I guess I’ve beaten my fear, or grown or something, because when I saw your house burning, I didn’t hesitate to charge in for you.”

She reached up to stroke his face, which was wet and cold from rain. “You’re a good man.”

He covered her hand with his. “No, I’m just in love with you.”

She grinned. “I guess it’s a good thing I’m in love with you, too.”

His smile was radiant, almost enough to clear away all the clouds. The rain was starting to lessen, and he stood, lifting her into his arms.

“I can walk,” she said.

“But I can’t let you go,” he replied, walking down the road in the opposite direction from the cabin.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“I’m going to take you out to the clearing just west of here, where Axel’s sending a helicopter to get us. He’s also sending a clean-up crew to take care of Barker and his guys.”

“Is he dead?” she asked fearfully. Barker would have earned it, but she hated for anyone to have to kill.

Cain shook his head. “He’ll be down and out until he’s slapped in shifter jail, though. We’ll be sending him to the dragons.”

She looked at him with wide eyes. “Right. The dragons.”

He grinned at her. “And trust me. Death is better than being handed to the dragons.”

She nodded. “I guess so.”

“But as for where we’re going, I’m going to take you back to the palace. I’m going to lay you down on a bed there, and we’re going to rest and then wake up and eat a big breakfast, and then I’m going to mate you.”

She heard a helicopter landing in the distance and gasped as the wind whipped around them and the large black craft landed. As it did, the door opened and a tall, blond, sharp-looking man came storming out of it, far too fast for safety.

His foot caught on the step down, and he face-planted in the mud. She stifled a laugh as he quickly got to his feet and ran toward them.

When he reached them, she recognized Axel, Cain’s oldest brother and presumptive future king.

Axel leaned forward, his hands on his knees, his face and shoulders covered in mud. “Are. You. Okay?” he asked between breaths.

Cain nodded. “You? That was an amazing fail.”

Brenna was glad to hear Cain back to his teasing self. It meant things were going back to normal, at least for now.

Axel glared up at him. “Because you scared me to death. If something happened to you…”

“Aw, bro.” Cain put out an arm and gave Axel a one-handed hug while holding up Brenna, but Axel dodged away, straightening and wiping off mud.

“Your helicopter is there. You can use anything in the castle,” he said. “Any room you want. I’m going to check in on Bee, make sure she knows what’s going on and that she’s all right.”

“She’s with a friend,” Brenna said, giving him the address. It was the only thing that had kept her from completely freaking during the whole thing.

Axel nodded. Then he put a hand on her shoulder, ignoring Cain’s growl. “Good to have you as part of the family,” he said. “Glad you’re both all right.”

Then without another word, he stumbled off into the woods in the direction of the address Brenna had given them.

Brenna swore she could hear him grumbling as he went, kicking off mud and swearing.

“That’s some future king,” she said, stifling a giggle at his forlorn form.

“Hey,” Cain said. “I just saved you. I think you’re supposed to be thinking about me.”

She ran a ringer over his chest. “How could I not? Still, seeing a king fall on his face…”

“That was pretty good,” Cain said. “But you know what’s even better?”

“What?” she asked, looking up from his lap as he closed the door to the helicopter and it started to lift off.

“This,” he said, closing his lips over hers. Despite the coldness of his lips and the danger they’d faced that day, she had to agree.

Loving Cain was better than anything.


hen they got back
, Cain kept his promise, getting them dry and clean and rested and fed before bringing anything up about mating her.

But when he got into the big, soft bed in the guest room he’d picked for her, she found she didn’t want to wait until morning to be one with him.

Today had been terrifying, but seeing him come for her, seeing him fight through his demons, had been life affirming.

He was just turning off the light when she reached over for him, touching his back, moving down to grasp his butt suggestively.

He turned to her with a raised eyebrow. His hair was still damp from the shower, pulled back in a loose queue, some strands escaping. His jaw was taut as he looked her over.

“Brenna, you’ve had a tough day,” he said, hesitant.

“It’ll be tougher if you turn me down right now,” she said stubbornly.

He sighed. “I don’t want to take advantage.”

She reached down with both hands, grasping his firm butt. “I do.”

He laughed and flipped her onto her back. They were in a large room with a big window covered by luxurious drapes, up on the second floor. The curtains were closed, but she could still hear the rain outside.

“I love you,” he said. “Mate me.”

“Of course,” she answered.

He brushed at her hair gently. “Now?”

She nodded. It was semi-dark in the room, just a dim lamp on, but with the rain in the background, it felt kind of perfect.

He pulled off his shirt, and she tugged her robe off her shoulders. He grinned and observed her bra-less chest in her pajama shirt. She slowly removed her top, watching the heat intensify until his eyes looked like green emeralds.

She loved the way he looked at her body. She was only in a pair of blue panties, and he reached for them hungrily, but she pushed his hand away, reaching for his pajama pants. “This first.”

He pushed them off impatiently, leaving him only in his boxer briefs as he came over her.

His body felt amazing as it grazed hers lightly, his chest muscles touching her nipples, the barely-there connection setting her on fire. His hips settled against her, grinding, teasing. She felt his hard length, and her own body went wet in response.

She could smell their scents in the air, his crisp and masculine and spicy, hers floral and feminine. Together, it was just right.

She wrapped her arms around his strong back and held on as he continued to move against her.

His lips came down over her shoulder, biting gently in a small trail to her wrist, where he moved to kiss her fingertips one by one. Each patient caress made the heat build inside her. Made her wetter and readier for him.

By the time he’d done the other arm, she was aching, but he wasn’t done. He sat back and ran his hands over her breasts, tweaking the nipples until she squirmed, and then over her belly, brushing her belly button in a way that was ticklish and then arousing.

Then his hands trailed lower, so close to her center it was agonizing, and then over her thighs, where he squeezed.

She squirmed, looking up at his hard body, his tight muscles. “Take me, Cain. I’m ready.”

He put a hand down, rubbing smoothly over her center, his green eyes lighting as he felt the wetness there. He tore away her panties and felt her with a finger, teasing and testing.

She growled and arched against his hand, wanting more.

“Patience,” he said. “This is special. I don’t want to rush it.”

She extended her claws just slightly, the lioness in her desperate, and tore off his boxer briefs, making him gape at her in surprise. “I do want to rush it.”

He laughed and leaned forward, kissing the tip of her nose. She loved the play of his powerful muscles as he propped himself above her. “I love you.”

“I do, too, but get to it,” she ordered, biting her lip at the ache, the hunger inside her that threatened to overwhelm her. She reached up and clipped the band that held his hair, letting it fall over his shoulders. He just looked that much more masculine and royal when his hair was down.

His strong thighs were straddling her, but there was still hesitance in his face as he looked down. So she took a deep breath, pushed him off, and rolled on top of him.

He looked up with a grin as she sat herself over him.

“If you aren’t going to believe me when I say I want this right effing now, then I’m going to show you.”

His eyes glowed with love as his hands came up to support her, touching her waist, gripping her hips. “I just want what you want.”

She slid onto him, for the first time without protection, and began to move. The lioness in her was hungry for more, for everything, and with him inside her with nothing between them, she felt more alive than ever before.

Here with him, his powerful arms holding her, his huge dick inside her, was truly living.

He reached up to touch her breasts, her clit, as she moved against him. The powerful feelings inside her were almost too strong to take, too strong to let her stay upright. As the first orgasm hit her, she screamed his name and threw her head back, letting pleasure wash over her like the warmest rain.

Cain watched her heatedly. Then when she was gasping for breath, slumping slightly, he flipped her over so she was beneath him, spread her legs with his palms authoritatively, and thrust into her again.

She gasped with pleasure as the feeling only he could give spread through her. He was filling her with something so strong it could only be described as ecstasy, and she didn’t ever want him to stop.

“Cain,” she cooed, reaching up to put her hands on his shoulders, letting her nails dig in as he built to a delicious, reckless rhythm. “I want to be with you forever. Do this with you forever.”

“I know,” he said. “Me, too. Forever.”

She bit her lip as more pleasure overtook her, but he didn’t let go. He simply focused as he kept his powerful body poised against her and then started up again the second her orgasm finished. Then he built her to another one and another. When she was totally overwhelmed, she sank her nails into his shoulders.

She was getting exhausted, totally buzzing with pleasure, but there was still something she wanted. To see him go, to see those beautiful green eyes roll back in pleasure, to see them come together and finally feel what it was like to be mates.

She looked at him pleadingly, and he understood. He reached between them, tweaking her clit as they thrust together. She wrapped her legs around his waist and put her arms around him tight, holding his back.

He thrust harder, faster, and she felt like the whole world was spinning around them. Felt at the center of something important. Felt like he was all that mattered now.

Then he came, just as she did, jerking inside her, his huge body tensing as her body went around him, pleasure roaring through her. If her other orgasm was like rain, this was a waterfall, and she moaned his name again and again as they came together.

She could see their future, see everything working, and it felt so right she could burst. Meanwhile, he held her, murmuring words of love and devotion, promises of protection, as if he were so overwhelmed he didn’t know what else to do.

When they both came down, he held her, gasping.

“I… That was just…”

“Amazing,” he said, kissing her forehead, her cheek, her wrist, like he couldn’t get enough of her. He rolled onto his back and pulled her against him. “
are amazing.”

She snuggled into him, realizing it was all real. He was finally hers. She was finally his. No going back now.

And she didn’t have any reservations about that at all.

“Bee will be happy,” she said, rubbing a hand over his bare chest, which was damp from sweat.

He wrapped his arm around her tight. “Weird thing to say at a time like this, but yeah, I think so.”

“What is a not-weird thing to say at a time like this?” she asked, looking up at him.

“Don’t look at me,” he said. “I’d probably say something weirder. I still feel stupidly lucky that I got away with this.”

“Got away with what?”

“Winning over the best woman in the world. Getting a second chance with you and making it happen. Getting to wake up and see you next to me in the morning. I can’t think of anything better.”

She flashed him a soft smile. “I’m glad.”

They lay together for a moment, quiet.

“So no more race, right?” she asked softly. “I mean, I know you said so, but just making sure.”

He nodded. “The only race I’m interested in is the one for your heart. And I think I already won that.”

She laughed and snuggled in against him, a sense of wellbeing overtaking her. “You sure did.”


ain stood
with his arm around Brenna, surveying his handiwork with satisfaction.

“Think Ox would have approved?” he asked his wife.

Brenna nodded. “I think so. It definitely needed an update after all these years.”

In front of them was an upgraded treehouse, one with a roof and walls and two little windows and an open door. It was close to the house, where they’d be able to keep an eye on it.

Cain had insisted on rebuilding the home that had burned down, as close to the original as he could, though he’d insisted on a gas stove. As much as he liked chopping wood, with the visits he and Brenna made around the island, he didn’t have a lot of time for it.

And the time he did have, he wanted to spend with his mate.

He didn’t really miss racing at all. Sometimes he missed the wind on his face and the exhilaration of performing for a crowd, but none of that compared to looking over and seeing Brenna’s face whenever he wanted to.

He especially loved seeing her in the morning. It always started his day off right.

“I love it,” she said, squeezing him tight. “It’ll be perfect. For…you know.” Her hand absentmindedly rubbed over her stomach.

“I know,” he said. “I can’t believe it. It was so fast, too.”

“When do you want to tell people?” he asked.

“Well, Bee knows,” she said.

“Of course.” Bee had told Brenna that she’d been thinking for some time that she would move in with Theresa. They were both lonely and could look after each other, not to mention have a lot of fun. But Brenna only agreed as long as Bee would come over as often as possible.

Bee had said Ox would have been pleased to see Brenna and Cain in the same place where they had lived. Now Bee was just excited about the coming baby.

“It’s still really early,” Cain said, putting a hand on her stomach. “Maybe we wait to tell Axel until we are sure—”

“Sure about what?” Axel asked, coming up behind them.

Brenna jumped. “Don’t startle me like that!” she yelped.

Axel just raised an eyebrow. “I don’t like secrets.”

“Too bad,” Cain said. “Wait until you’re matched and you’ll have some secrets of your own.”

Axel just frowned at that and looked up at the treehouse. “That doesn’t look stable.”

Brenna laughed and Cain scowled at his brother. “It’s perfectly stable. Try it.”

Axel shook his head. “No way.”

Axel had come out to check on them a few days ago without much notice. He probably just wanted to make sure things were still going well with the new house. Cain got the feeling his brother was lonely back at the castle, though he’d never admit it. He was probably also edgy, knowing that at any moment, he could be taking a mate. And then he’d be king.

“When’s lunch?” Axel asked.

Brenna folded her arms. “Whenever you want to make it.”

“Touché,” Axel said, rolling up his sleeves. “I’ll be in the kitchen then.”

She cocked her head, ready to stop him, but Cain put out a hand. “He likes cooking. It’s fine. He has to stay busy or he worries about things.”

“Like what?” she asked.

“Just everything. He hasn’t been a kid since our dad died. Always worrying about something. I don’t blame him. I do sort of hope his mate loosens him up though. Helps him let go.”

She nodded as they both watched Axel’s large form disappear into the cottage.

“Do you think it’s stable?” she asked, motioning to the tree house.

“Time to find out,” Cain said, stepping up into the brush and making his way toward it. He put out a hand to keep her from following him. “No, not you. Too precious. Just in case.” He stepped into the house and sat down, peeking at her through the window. One side was completely open, in case someone needed a quick escape.

It felt sturdy, secure.

“You can come up here,” he said. He’d carefully measured the tensile strength of the wood before starting. Though the fort was small, he still wanted it to be a place he and Brenna could come. Luckily since it was up against a hill it felt nice and high while only being a couple feet off the ground. He reached out a hand and helped her up and into his lap.

She relaxed against him and they both enjoyed the shade, the sounds of birds around, and the clanging of pans coming from the nearby cottage where Axel was cooking.

“So you don’t want to tell him?” she asked.

“Not yet,” he said, stroking his hand over her gently. “For now, I just want it to be about us. Our secret.”

She nodded, putting a hand over his. “That’s fine with me.”

“We won’t be able to make many trips around the island when you’re pregnant,” he said.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because I’m an overprotective weirdo, that’s why,” he scoffed. “But don’t worry, we’ll make up for lost time.”

“Okay,” she said. She knew better than to argue with him about her safety. He was still working through what had happened to his dad, and he sometimes needed to take extra precautions just to feel sane again.

Precautions like making sure she wasn’t in a place where he couldn’t protect her.

But life was getting better, day by day, which was really saying something since it was great with Brenna to begin with. Better than he’d ever hoped.

“It’ll be calm around here,” she said. “Quiet. Peaceful. But will that be enough for you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, it’s just, do you miss your adventures?” she asked, looking worried. “I’ve really enjoyed the past few months together, just spending time together, but sometimes I worry you’re missing your other life and thinking it was a mistake to mate me.”

His stomach flip-flopped. How could his mate think that? How could he have
her think that? He kissed the top of her head. “Can’t you tell I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life?”

She nodded. “I’d like to think so, but it’s hard sometimes not to think about what you gave up. Fans, fame, danger.”

“All of it is nothing compared to you. That’s not what I wanted.
are what I wanted. And being able to have you is a dream come true, every day.”

“But what about your sense of adventure?” she asked.

He tilted her lips up to meet his. “Brenna, being with you is the greatest adventure of all. I don’t miss anything else for a second.”

She smiled against his lips at that and kissed him deeply.

* * *

you so much for reading Cain and Brenna’s story!
I had so much fun writing about this rock star and his mate. If you enjoyed them too, I hope you’ll leave a review to help other people enjoy the story as well!

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Much love,


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