Prince of Love (8 page)

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Authors: Donna Grant

BOOK: Prince of Love
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She took a deep breath and said a prayer of thanks as Sorin was helped onto a horse. Her father wanted answers he most likely wouldn’t like.

Especially the one where she explained that he would never see her again.




Chapter Seven



Sorin’s throat was dry from all the talking he’d done with Katrina’s father. He still wasn’t sure who was more surprised at Katrina’s announcement, him or her father.
She had chosen to return with him to Drahcir. It almost seemed like a dream he waited to wake from. Yet the pain from his wounds told him he was more than awake.

“How are you feeling?”

He inhaled her sweet fragrance. “Much better. How is your father?”

“He’s upset about never seeing me again, and he’s having a difficult time believing everything. I think seeing the Tnarg convinced him.”

Sorin laughed. “Aye, it does have that effect on people.” He looked deep into her blue eyes. “Are you sure, Katrina?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I want to be with you always, even if that means I have to leave everything I know behind.”

He pulled her against him to claim her lips in a kiss that promised passion beyond her wildest dreams as soon as night fell. Her hand reached between them and grasped his cock, wringing a moan from him. Not to be outdone, he cupped her breasts and tweaked her nipple. Desire flared, and the yearning to take her washed over him. He angled her toward a chair.

But the clearing of a throat broke them apart.

Her father walked slowly into the solar. His tall, lean frame made him a man to be wary of, a man you didn’t want as an enemy.

“There’s no way I’ll ever be able to see her again?” he asked.

Sorin hesitated. “I can speak to my father once we return. We doona tell anyone of our location for fear of it being discovered, but maybe something can be worked out.”

“I’ve always wanted grandchildren,” he murmured.

Sorin exchanged a look with Katrina. “I give you my word I’ll do everything I can to make sure you can see Katrina and our children, but I can no’ promise anything.”

“I understand.
And thank you,” he said, his faded blue eyes misting. “When will you leave?”

“As soon as possible.” He glanced at Katrina to see her looking down at her hands. “I doona know if the Tnarg will attack us again, and I need to return before time runs out.”

Her father nodded. “I can spare some men to travel with you for as long as you need them. They will offer protection.”

Sorin appreciated the offer, especially since they would need as much help as they could get. “Thank you, I would appreciate it.”

“Where will you marry?”

Sorin shrugged. All his ancestors had been married at the castle, but nothing said they couldn’t have two ceremonies. “My parents will want a ceremony at the castle, but we can have one before we leave.”

“Wonderful,” Katrina said with a relieved grin. She rose and hurried from the solar.

Her father eyed Sorin. “All I ask is that you make her happy.”

“I will,” Sorin vowed.


* * * *


Katrina stood at her window and looked out over the moon-drenched city. The Tnarg was still out there somewhere, though she didn’t fear it quite as much as she had the night before.

There was a small grunt behind her. She smiled and turned to face her husband. A soft sigh escaped her lips. Her husband. She would never get used to saying it. To have such desire for a man she barely knew was surprising but also wonderful. It was still difficult to believe, but she’d never been happier.

“Do your wounds still ache?” she asked as she moved to the bed where Sorin lay. Soft candlelight made his naked skin glow golden.

He nodded with a grimace. “Aye. The beast has sharp claws. I’ll be happy to never feel them again.”

“I agree. You told me earlier that you saw your eldest brother before you found me?”

“I did. I doona know how he was here, but he was. He’s still looking for his mate, and I pray he finds her.”

“And your other two brothers? Have they already returned?”

“I have to believe they have. I willna know until we’re back in Drahcir though.” He grinned. “I’m anxious to see my family. It’s been over a year since I stepped out of our gates.”

“That is a long time.” She moved to rub some healing cream on his wounds. “Did you really mean what you said to my father?”

He tilted her chin up until she looked at him. “About visiting? Aye, I meant every word. As I told him, I can no’ promise anything.”

Katrina smiled and leaned up to kiss him. His arms came around her and pulled her against his chest. He hissed in pain and she pulled back.

“We can’t. I’ll hurt you.”

A wicked gleam entered his dark eyes. “Oh, but we can, lass.”

“How?” she asked, excitement growing in her belly.

His hands yanked her chemise over her head and to the floor before he pulled her atop him, her legs straddling his hips. Katrina gasped at the feel of his cock against her sex. His hands rocked her hips forward, rubbing his rod against her pearl.

Katrina sighed with pleasure that began to heat her blood. When Sorin’s hand touched her sex and parted her women’s lips, she sucked in a shaky breath. His finger moved softly over her clitoris, stroking it, teasing the tiny bud until she felt herself grow damp.

She wanted him inside her, to feel his heat and his hardness, but he held her still. The pleasure was intense, blinding and felt oh, so glorious. She never wanted it to stop.

But she wanted more.

More of Sorin.

Her hips moved against his hand seeking fulfillment. She was close to peaking, so close to going over the edge and experiencing those wonderful emotions. But Sorin moved his hand and gripped her hips. Her gaze snapped to his to see one side of his mouth lifted in a grin and his beautiful brown gaze darkened with desire. Before she could ask him what he was about, he lifted her.

Katrina’s mouth opened on a gasp as he slowly lowered her atop his shaft. He filled her inch by delicious inch until he was fully sheathed.
For a moment she couldn’t move the pleasure was so beautiful. But she knew what awaited them both.

The need to rock her hips, to feel him within her, was too great to ignore. She pushed against his hands and sucked in a breath at the friction and the exquisite shot of desire that traveled through her.

She rotated her hips again and heard him groan as his fingers dug into her hips. Katrina couldn’t stop the grin that pulled at her lips. She felt powerful, knowing it was her movement that caused him to feel such pleasure.

After the beautiful experience he’d introduced her to the night before, she wanted to do this for him. To give him the same joy, the same pleasure he had given her. Her own desire spiked, and she moved her hips faster. She heard Sorin whisper her name as his hands moved to cup her breasts. His thumbs stroked her nipples, making them into hard little buds.

Katrina’s head dropped back. She moaned and her sex clenched around him. A low groan tore from his throat and he pinched her nipples. She gasped and moved her hips faster, needing more of him with each heartbeat. He seemed to sense her need and moved his hips in time with hers.

Her desire built rapidly. She could feel herself reaching the pinnacle, knew it was close. And then it hit. She screamed his name as she fell forward and braced her hands on his muscular chest. Her body spasmed around him, her breath locked in her throat. Sorin gripped her hips and thrust deep inside of her. He gave a shout and she felt him spill his seed.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she slowly opened her eyes to see Sorin watching her.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” he groaned.

She laughed and leaned over him for a kiss. “I’ll gladly die a little death every time we make love.”

His hands moved over her back, caressing her skin as only a lover could. “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

She laid her head on his chest, careful of his wounds, as he blew out the candle. They had a long journey ahead of them that began at dawn.


* * * *


Sorin checked the saddle on Katrina’s mare once more as she finished her goodbyes to her family. She blinked back tears all morning, but no one could blame her for shedding them now.

He took her hand as she walked to him. “I’m sorry you have to leave them.”

She shook her head and wiped away her tears. “All women must leave their families when they marry.”

Sorin said no more as he lifted her atop the horse. After a brief nod to her father, Sorin mounted and they were off. He wanted to run his horse all the way to the gates of Drahcir he was so excited about returning, but he somehow kept the horse at a walk.

The perfect plan would be to travel during the day in open spaces so the Tnarg couldn’t sneak up on them then bed down at an inn. But Sorin knew they wouldn’t get that lucky. Their journey would take them through deep forests and high into the mountains.

The Tnarg would most certainly attack. Just where, Sorin wished he knew.




Chapter Eight



Katrina was so tired of looking between her mare’s ears that she didn’t even feel the cold anymore. They had been traveling for nearly two weeks with no sign of the Tnarg.

Though Sorin wished they didn’t need her father’s men, he’d been glad to have them in the darkest hours of the night. Katrina herself had been protected. Had the Tnarg attacked, it would have had to go through six men and Sorin before it got to her.

Their horse’s hooves were muffled in the deep snow, and she tried not to feel frightened now that her father’s men had departed.

“I couldn’t chance them finding the way,” Sorin said for the second time.

“I understand,” she said though half of her really didn’t.

Sorin sighed. “I would’ve liked the protection for you.”

“Maybe the Tnarg has given up.”

A snort was her answer. “Doona ever think that, love. It willna give up until Keiran has returned with his mate. Until then, it’ll be after us.”

“Wonderful,” she murmured bleakly.
She blinked several times to rid her eyelashes of the new snow that had begun to fall. She couldn’t see two strides in front of her it was so thick.
“Are you sure we’re headed in the right direction?”

Sorin chuckled. “Aye. If we’re lucky, we’ll reach the gates of Drahcir by nightfall. I doona want to spend a night without the guards your father loaned us.”

“Nay, I’d rather not do that either.” A chill raced down her spine. She was bundled in a heavy fur-lined cloak her father had given to her just before she left, and matching thick gloves, but still she shivered.
Every breath she took burned her lungs, and all she wanted was the feel of a soft, warm bed.

And Sorin.

“What are you smiling at?” he asked.

“I’m thinking of once again having you in my bed. We haven’t had any privacy since we left Invergarry.”

Sorin laughed. “I told you I’ have given you pleasure any time you wanted it.”

“Aye, but not with the men there.” She shook her head. “They would have stared.”

He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Even a monk couldna look away from your face or hear your cries as you peak, my love.”

“You’re only saying that because you’re my husband.”

“Hmmmm,” he growled. “I love the sound of that, wife.”

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