Princess Ces'alena (61 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

BOOK: Princess Ces'alena
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Coming from the back room where she had laid her sleeping daughter, she walked towards him removing her scarf and wrap.
“Would you like something to drink to warm you? Tea… coffee?” She asked quietly. He nodded, his mood pensive.
“Which?” She asked.

“Tea…can’t stand the taste of coffee.” He returned. Lena’s eyes narrowed at his tone and mood. She went about filling the kettle from the small cistern of water she kept in her cabin. After placing it on the small stove, she squatted lighting it - shifting the few twigs and logs.

“Do you agree with Long Bow? Do you think they should be fighting with the militia?” Lena asked to break the silence as she worked at lighting the stove.

“I don’t know. It’s hard to say how I feel. They are a nation desperate to hold their lands, and willing to do all so that it can be done. I hate what is happening to them! I hate the way white men think! That all can be bought! Those not of their kind that don’t bring a particular service to them, can simply be disposed of!”

Lena was still kneeling, and looked back at him over her shoulder.

“Careful…you’re starting to sound as if you hate all white people.” Lena cautioned him gently. The flame took and began cracking - she left the door open until the air fed the fire making it hot. She stood and went to her small cupboard and took out cups and saucers.

“Just the ones, who coldly take, destroy and use other’s without conscience.”

She placed the cups and saucers on the table and took a seat opposite to him, “I’m so worried about Red Dawn…she was so upset when we-…”

“I don’t want to discuss them right now.” He cut her off to announce.
Lena’s brows rose in a questioning look, surprised. “I want to talk about us, Hope - you and I.”
Lena closed her eyes and sighed. “Thomas, please…don’t-…”
“Don’t!?! How long is this going to take you?”
“Not tonight-…”

“Marry me Ceś alena! Become my wife. I can take good care of you and Hope. I can make you happy. She’s gotten used to me, and is young enough that she will see me as her father-…”

“Oh Thomas.”

She stood from the table and walked to the window where they sat, on the other side of the table from him. Her arms wrapped around herself as she looked out at the cool night.

He came up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulder. “Don’t you think I can make you happy Ceś alena? Won’t you even give me a chance to? What must I do to-…”

“Marriage is permanent Thomas. It is not something you try out. It is not a garb that one dons to test the fit, then discards upon finding it lacking.”

“I love you.” He declared.
“Do not say that…” She corrected him, distressed.
“It’s the truth…I do.”
“It — wouldn’t — work.” She muttered softly.
“Why wouldn’t it work?”
“Because - because – you know why. I don’t…love you - Thomas. Not the way of a wife.”
“I can make you love me, Ceś alena, if you would just give me a chance.”

He turned her to face him, looking down into her eyes. Lena stared up at him…trying to fix her mind around the idea. He was such a handsome man in every way. He was kind, intelligent, ambitious, charming and Hope liked him. He was everything a woman could ask for in a man…but he wasn’t…

“Let me – try – please?”

He broke into her thoughts softly, his forefinger lifting her chin, as he lowered himself closer. “Please…let me…just - a chance…that is all…that I ask …” Softly at first his lips touched hers, Lena flinched nervously, pulling her mouth back…but then, offered it slowly again. He placed soft careful kisses to her lips, her upper lip, then the lower, at the corners of her mouth.

Afraid that he would scare her away, he took his time. With slow movements he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her bit by bit against him to close her in his embrace. He caressed her cheeks with his lips, her temple, the lids of her eyes, and the bridge of her nose, working his way back to her mouth. He wanted to spin a web about her. To place her under his spell, so she could know that he would love her as no man ever could. He softly let his tongue glide between her lips, and ran it over the smooth surface of her teeth, nudging them apart to gain entry. His hands were stroking her back, up and down then up again to her head, where he removed the pins from her up swept hair, working the two large braids loose as he ran his fingers through it. Gently he combed down the heavy waves and pulled her tighter against him, deepening the kiss.

He trembled from the wondrous sensation of having her finally in his arms, tasting that which he’d spent many nights dreaming of, and desiring to do. He wanted her; wanted her as he had no other. Lena closed her eyes accepting his advancements. His embrace, his masterful kisses…and the feel of his hand rubbing her back and through her hair. She could also feel the change coming over him, the rise and fall of his chest as his breathing increased. His passion was building, and with that…her heart began to pound…because within her, nothing – stirred – nothing built within. She tried to give it time to happen, but all she felt was a need to push him away, and that need was growing increasingly strong.

- wasn’t there! That feeling that stirred from deep within; she now knew it would be impossible. If she didn’t stop him now, it would go too far. Her heart was beating rapidly, and her breathing was quickening. Thomas could feel it, and mistook it for passion, not fear…he let out a moan. Lena moved her head slightly at first to break the kiss, it was becoming offensive, intrusive. His hand moved from her head to brace her back as he leaned over her, bringing his other hand up front to capture her breast, where he cupped it and squeezed softly with his palm pressing in caressing circles.

“No!” She cried out suddenly as alarm shot through her, their breathing was labored and she could feel him swollen and aroused against her, pressing through her dress. Already he was lost within her, his desire overruling his actions as he pressed her back against the wall.

He was becoming aggressive in his hunger for her. He was in love with her, and all he wanted to do…was to make her see, and feel pleasure at his hands. But the opposite was happening.

Lena’s eyes were wide open as her head moved side to side to avoid his seeking mouth. “Noooo…Thomas…” but his mouth was on hers again, holding her to him, he shook from the power of his need. Lena was forcing her hands between them and started pushing at his shoulders as she struggled to break free of him. He was so caught up in the sweet torment, the scent of her, the softness of her breast in his hand, that he misinterpreted her whimpers. His throb was harsh and demanding, he needed to bury himself deep within her.

Lena began shoving hard against him…
“Th — Thomas…pleeease-…”
“I know…I want…you too Ceś-…”
“No! Thomas…stop it!!”
“Let me…love you…let me make…make love to you Ceś-…"

“Nooo now … stop … stop it Thomas!!” She pushed harder, feeling his hands at her bodice trying to unbutton it, then wrenched herself to the side, and felt the button give. “Thomas?? What are you doing!! Let - go!!” She had to roughly push his head, a shove like slap to bring him to his senses. Realizing what was happening, his hands flew away from her and he stepped back. They were both breathing hard as she struggled with her clothes.

“I want you to leave — now!”
“I’m sorry…I thought-…”
“Please - will you just go?!”
“Why Ceś alena?! Why won’t you give me a chance?” He pleaded to understand.

“Because - I - don’t - love - you!” She said holding her arms across her front, her hair in wild disarray falling past her shoulders in huge waves. Thomas felt his insides tighten in pain. She was breathtaking - even in anger, she was all the more desirable.

“And him? Is it he who still holds your heart and refuses to release it?” He begged to know.

“I don’t have to answer that, and I won’t!” She argued. He shook his head. “How can you be in love - with a man who owns you?! Like some common livestock!”

“I won’t discuss that with you. I asked you to leave!” She stated firmly, he ignored her. “He has a - wife! Her name is Katherine Webster! She is his - wife! Something, you –
– never be! How can you settle — for this?! Is it these things? I can get these things for you! Tell me what you want…and I will give it.”

Lena stood trembling, his words cutting her to the quick.

“He is gone Ceś alena. He is gone. And
he returns, she - his wife, will be here waiting for him. Are you so foolish…do you care so little for yourself, that you will stand by and wait…for his scraps?!”

“Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about!” She defended, feeling a rush of tears. “He loves me! I – hurt - him! He left me because of what
did! Because of what
said! He has never given me scraps!! It is she whom received the scraps!” Lena threw her head back in proud assertion.

Thomas stood trying to get through to her…but felt at a loss. “If you refuse – Ceś alena, to let go…then why did you hurt him? Why the lies?”

“You know why! I had to protect my daughter!” She cried.

“Oh my darling’. I love you so…what is it going to take? I’m here — and your daughter is safe with me! He is gone…but even now, she is not safe here. Any moment she could be discovered…and then what? What are you going to do? What are you waiting around here for? Marry me - leave this place with me.” Lena’s hand went to her mouth - she felt a sob about to escape.

“You will never find your happiness with him. Your love for him is in vain. You will never be his wife. And you will never be happy here. I can give you what he cannot, and then…what he has.” He turned gesturing towards her cabin and all that was within it. “You want all this? Come with me, I will marry you. I will be your husband, and love you as you’ve never known. No one would ever have a jealous need to take revenge against you, and take your child away.” He promised softly. “You want your son back? God is my witness, I’ll hire someone to find your son. There are bounty hunters who will comb this land and leave no stone unturned until he is found.”

Still she stood without a word, a shaking within was taking hold.

“Think about this Ceś alena, you would be free. Your children - free! I will take you where we could live happy, and in peace. Once you are away from here, then - you would come to love me. Think about it. Just… please, think about it. Goodnight Ceś alena.” He turned and left.


* * *


Chief Menomonee, Chief Long Bow, and their following warriors left the next morning heading for Tennessee to receive arms supplied by the militia; they would be trained and instructed on their strategy. March 27, 1813, the Georgia and Tennessee militia, along with joined forces of the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee and a small remnant of Creek who sided with the militia, fought against the Red Sticks with aid from General Andrew Jackson and his complete American-Indian forces.

The terrible battle at Horseshoe Bend on the Tallapoosa River came at the cost of over six hundred Red Stick warriors who lost their lives. The Georgia and Tennessee militia suffered a great body count as well.

April that same year, Chief Menomonee rode back into his Chickasaw village. When he left, it was in the company of three hundred forty warriors. Upon his return, one hundred sixty-eight followed him back alive - eighty-two were brought back for burial rights, among them…the body of Chief Long Bow. As the survivors entered the village, screams resounded throughout reaching to the very heavens.

Mothers, daughters and wives mourned, weeping and wailing their grief. That night, the entire village was aglow with funeral pyres. Sending their dead off to the land of peace, where no one fought for land.

Red Dawn, Dark Shadow, Lena, Thomas, Hope and Red Crow stood watching as the remains of Chief Long Bow went up in smoke. Red Dawn’s tears silently flowed from red swollen eyes.

Thomas held her tightly beside him, as Lena stood on the other side of her. Her bitter weeping had taken its toll of her like a madness when she had to view a body, that was once beautiful, virile, warm, laughing and loving.

To now see it, dead-cold, stiff, mutilated… swollen and decomposing.

The horror of it had sent her running through the village screaming as if it was something she could escape if she just ran far and fast enough. Dark Shadow had been able to catch her finally, as she fought the ugliness surrounding her. Her mind fought to recapture him as she remembered him, but ever intrusive was the gruesome corpse that returned. Never again would she feel the touch of his hands upon her. The warmth of his loving kisses. Never again, would she hear the rich deep chuckle of his contagious laughter - that rang strong and joyful in her ears. Never, would he learn of the child she carried within her womb. Their son, and the child within, was now her only reasons for needing to go on living.

Red Crow, son of Chief Long Bow, stood unmoving with dry eyes. A winding tight bitterness turned over in him, and seemed to grow to fill his young body. When his father left for war, he had been completely convinced…that he would return. His father, in his eyes, had been mighty of all men. No one could defeat him! Nothing could or would dare take his father.

He suddenly felt as if he was outside of his body. Already he’d taken the form of a crow…free to fly above, looking down through the darkness of night, where the village glowed from many fires. Through his sharp eyes, he saw his mother barely standing. Landing on a branch, high above it all, he watched while she crumpled to the ground as those gathered around her to lift her up.

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