Princesses (65 page)

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Authors: Flora Fraser

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With widowhood and with the passing of years, Elizabeth made friends with the Cumberlands – her brother Ernest and his wife Frederica – who now lived in a house newly christened Royal Lodge across the way from Cambridge Cottage on Kew Green, but who still made visits to the Continent. Even so, she kept her distance, and when the Cumberlands paid her a visit in Homburg in the autumn of 1833, she hung back. ‘I wish to be friendly and kind, but not to push, so I don't worry them of a morning which is better for all
No such injunction governed meetings with her nephew Prince George of Cumberland, who had been born nearly blind in one eye, and had recently lost all the sight of his good eye in a most unfortunate accident. Playing with a curtain cord at a window at Royal Lodge, he had swung it and the brass weight hit him square in the eye. The thirteen-year-old was at first thought able to see ‘much as
as Prince George's preceptor Dr Jelf told Dr Thomas Hughes, once tutor to the boy's father. But this proved to be far from the case. ‘To see that lovely creature led about is not to be told – his good humour, his sweet way of expressing
…' grieved Elizabeth. And she feared that the operation planned to restore his sight would not answer. ‘The only thing is to make him forget himself,' she declared, and consoled herself with the apparent pleasure the blind young Prince took in talking and laughing with her.

Shortly after her brother George IV's death Sophia's eyes too had begun to cause her trouble. She had worn spectacles for years – and had long lost the self-consciousness that years before had made her hesitate to wear them to the theatre. But now no spectacles seemed to help, and her sisters Mary and Augusta grew concerned. Nevertheless, despite her anxiety, Sophia maintained her cheerful letters to her niece. ‘Today all looks very la la,' she
wrote to Victoria early in the New Year of 1832. ‘Damp and dull, and
not tempt me much to go out, but I shall try, for if once in this season one is shut up, there is no end to it.' She was glad Victoria was coming home to Kensington. ‘All is gay when the house is full, and I hear the sound of
When the Kents were in town, she still went, according to her niece's diary, almost every
to their apartments, and sometimes played the piano with the Duchess.

And then the blow fell. Resigned as Sophy was to an existence impaired by nerves and spasms, and lately by deafness, the misfortune that befell her now required reserves of iron. ‘The affliction with which the Almighty has thought fit to try me with … is the total loss of my right eye,' she informed her brother Adolphus in January 1832. She woke up blind in that eye on a Monday morning, and sent for Mr Alexander, the eye surgeon, after she had continued some time in the same way. ‘Pray treat me like a rational being,' she said firmly when he arrived, ‘and tell me the real truth, for I assure you I am prepared for the
Alexander duly informed her that it was a decided cataract come in abruptly, but he did not advise the operation of couching, or removing it, while her left eye still functioned,

Sophia was remarkably spirited in the face of this setback, and continued to ride and to play music as though nothing had happened. She even decided to learn German, recalling, for her niece Victoria's benefit, that the measles had stopped her education in that language years before. She was playing the piano a great deal, and trying some new waltzes and quadrilles – but she had to admit that what she called her ‘poor blind eyes' were a ‘sad

Dolls, dogs, Mr Fozard's riding school – where Princess Sophia, the Duchess of Kent, Victoria and her governess, Baroness Lehzen, were all keen pupils – and summer holidays continued the subjects of the easy correspondence with Victoria which Sophia kept up, as the Duchess of Kent led her daughter off to ever fresh resorts and watering places. From the Isle of Wight Victoria wrote in September 1833 of her dog: ‘Dash has distinguished himself several times by
And she was pleased to hear her aunt had ridden some other horses at Mr Fozard's. Avril was ‘a nice quiet creature', she agreed. ‘Still, you must have been very tired of riding her always.' And a further letter contained the information: ‘I don't think you will know Dash when you see him, his ears are grown so long and

Princess Elizabeth in Homburg was sad not to know her niece Victoria better, or to see more of Gustav and Louise's children, but she sought out
A young niece of Miss Swinburne, Elizabeth's Wiesbaden friend, was
invited to visit her aunt when she was staying with the Dowager Landgravine. ‘Someone knocked at the door,' she recalled later, ‘which, being opened, the Landgravine, a very fat old lady dressed in black, appeared with her apron full of toys and presents for us.' Later in the day the party drove ‘all through the grounds, crossing a good many little streams with rustic bridges'. They all met at a summerhouse on an island where the Princess gave them tea. ‘She poured her own tea into the saucer to drink it, and, as we children laughed at this, she laughed too and said she was like an old English

Elizabeth had been all this time hatching a charitable scheme, to benefit the poor of Hanover, where she now spent her winters. A young lady of the town, Miss Minna Witte, had written some German sonnets to accompany Elizabeth's 1806 series of prints,
The Power and Progress of Genius.
These plates had now been ‘improved' by the Hanoverian artist Ramberg, and Princess Elizabeth herself had supplied prefatory remarks in English to each of them.

In June 1833 Elizabeth wrote in great anxiety about this production to Edward Harding, once her mother's librarian at Frogmore, who was to produce the book. There was so much to do, and she asked him to settle with Ackermann the printseller in London how many he would take. Elizabeth had an immense list of people she must send copies to, diminishing the profits – ‘out of my two hundred I give fifty to the young woman who made the poetry … she [Minna Witte] has behaved with such modesty, that I cannot say too much of her.'

‘It has turned out very
the Landgravine was able to tell Miss Swinburne
at last
in the spring of 1834. And her dedication to Adolphus in the finished book read, ‘It will give me the greatest pleasure if this work should turn out
of use
to a town I so much love, and where you and all have shown me such proofs of kindness, and, without compliment, your own
of acting has served me as an example to throw in my widow's mite into the general Poor Box.' The publication was a success, and the school or crèche that Elizabeth envisaged was soon founded from the proceeds. Within months there were sixteen, then thirty-two pupils. It would not be renowned for its ‘learning', she admitted, but would be ‘of much use, for the infant children of poor women who go out to work all day; it prevents their being
She referred to incidents of these unsupervised children playing in the streets and being run down by passing carriage-horses.

Mary became, quite unexpectedly, a widow in the winter of 1834. Her husband the Duke of Gloucester had been as usual keen for the shooting season to begin, and had set off the month before to meet ‘a large shooting
party at Sir George Stanley's in
Augusta told Ernest, while the Duchess tended her autumn garden. But he was taken ill with a fever, returned home, and – fifteen days later – died on 30 November at the age of fifty-eight. The ‘family complaint' was, as usual, blamed for this latest royal death, the politician John Wilson Croker claiming that ‘the immediate cause of death was the internal bursting of a scrofulous swelling in the head'. At the end, the Duke had been quiet and grave. On the morning he died, being told that Princess Victoria and her mother had asked after him, he said, as the Princess wrote in her diary on 2 December, ‘Tell them that I say, God bless them, and that I love them.' According to her sister Elizabeth, the Duchess wrote that ‘So fine a death was rarely witnessed … she should feel the better for it as long as she lived.'

But it had been all so sudden, a strange end to a curious life and a difficult marriage. The Duchess of Gloucester's maid Mrs Gold said much later, ‘Their marriage had not been a happy one, and she was not attached to the Duke, but she had been a most humble and obedient wife, though he plagued her much and could not bear her being of higher rank
than him.'
Indeed, reported her sister Elizabeth, Mary spoke of her feelings being fully alive to ‘his [the Duke's] poor broken hearted sister who, she is aware, has lost her all
in him.'
The implication was that, while Princess Sophia Matilda of Gloucester was a broken reed, she herself was not.

Mary had her own ideas from the beginning about how to live as a widow – in London, and without the stricken Princess Sophia Matilda's companionship. Shortly after the Duke's body had been placed, where his father and mother already lay, in St George's Chapel at Windsor, she moved into his late apartments on the ground floor of Gloucester House. This was, Aunt Sophia told Princess Victoria on Christmas Day 1834, ‘a good plan for herself and her friends as the high staircase is so steep [to her former top-storey apartments], but I sometimes think she may regret the gaiety of the scene from the windows
The Duchess showed no signs of regretting the view she had been obliged to enjoy after her husband had banished her to the top of the house – on the ground that she kept the downstairs drawing room untidy. Now, within a month of his death, she took over his quarters.

Princess Victoria paid an afternoon visit to her aunt Mary a few weeks later, on 1 February 1835, and wrote in her journal, ‘She looks uncommonly well. She is in the deepest mourning and shows no hair at all from under her widow's cap.' And Sophia wrote to Victoria that summer from Bagshot, ‘She does everything like her neighbours, and except keeping to her earlier dinner hour, I see no difference in health… and
Anxiety about her recovery from the Duke's death was no longer necessary, Sophia
wrote drily. Comptroller Currey – newly Sir Edmund – and his wife Louise were besides on hand to comfort her.

But Elizabeth, who came to England again to cheer her widowed sister in January 1835, was gloomy. ‘We are like a pack of cards,' she wrote, ‘and run so near together that we all are sensible we are going
down hill.'
Princess Augusta had always enjoyed taking exercise, boasting once ten years before that she was ‘in fine walking
and managed three miles every day for a fortnight at Bushey – except on two days, when it rained hard. But then she was laid up for months with a stiff knee. Although she wrote to her brother Ernest robustly when she was some way to recovery, ‘I have walked several times about my two rooms with my crutch and the assistance of [her dresser] Wright's
from now on Augusta's exercise was limited to airings in a carriage, and, if she wanted to promenade about the Frogmore estate, she had to resort to a garden chair. The Duke of Sussex was now blind too – at least, until he got his cataracts couched, and he would not undergo the operation until after the annual meeting of the Royal Society, of which he was president. Ernest had had a throat operation in Hanover. And Sophia's health did not bear thinking about; as she approached sixty, her eyesight was now failing at great speed, although she continued, undeterred, her correspondence with her niece Victoria.

Princess Victoria's responses to Sophia from Ramsgate in the autumn of 1835 gave no hint of Sir John Conroy's attempts there, while she was ill with a fever, to make her promise that he should be her private secretary when she ascended the throne. But the incident turned Victoria, now aged sixteen, not only against Conroy but against her mother and against her aunt Sophia, his supporters.

Some years later, Victoria spoke of her aunt Sophia being ‘quite in the power and à la merci of Sir J.C. Sir John Conroy's power over Sophia probably stemmed from his ability to turn away the bullying demands of Tommy Garth, as we have seen. But Sophia also found in Sir John a confidant of the kind she had always favoured, like Miss Garth and Sir Henry Halford, with whom she could weave conspiratorial melodrama without resolution. Victoria later recalled that ‘Princess Sophia used to court him [Sir John] more than
The affairs of the different households at Kensington Palace and of royalty elsewhere were grist to Sophia's mill, and Conroy was an appreciative correspondent. ‘Tell her how well she writes and always to write with the blackest stuff,' he instructed his son Edward. Sophia, appreciative in her turn, paid a large part of the purchase price of a Welsh estate for Sir John, and bought for him besides a family house in Vicarage Gate, off Church Lane in Kensington.

Sophia might court Sir John with the purchase of residences, but she was getting old and accident-prone, now that she saw with only one eye. Victoria wrote solemnly in her diary on 26 February 1836, ‘Poor Aunt Sophia could not come to dinner as she met with a sad accident in the morning; she set her cap, handkerchief and dress on fire and came to her servants all in a blaze; most fortunately they instantly put it out and she is not much burnt; only a little on her neck and behind her ear.' But the Princess recovered and that summer, ever intellectually curious, took up Italian lessons and read
Le Favole
with a Signor Guazzi. Later she acquired a new dog, and wrote to Victoria for Dash's diet. It was very simple, her niece replied: ‘A compound of potatoes broken up and with gravy mixed up, a very few little slices of meat being put at the top
of all.'

Elizabeth had cheered up over the course of her long stay in England, especially when her brother-in-law, Landgrave Louis, joined her towards its end in June 1836 and was warmly welcomed by William and Adelaide. He was the King and Queen's companion in their coach, driving through ‘the beautiful park of Windsor' and ‘to Busche [Bushey], a country estate of the King, where he lived before, when he was Duke of Clarence', as the Landgrave's chamberlain Christian Jacobi informed his wife in Homburg. Elizabeth meanwhile had been staying with Augusta during a series of unseasonable ‘cold and rainy' days, ‘covered with mist and
She admired her sister Augusta's management of Frogmore, where she herself had played such a part before her marriage. ‘All the plants which I saw planted, and planted so many with my own hands, we are now walking under their shade,' she had written the previous summer. ‘I must say that Augusta keeps it in admirable order, she has taken the farm into her own hands and it is quite lovely, and the drive round her fields is very pretty and interesting to me. She is the best of mistresses, and is adored by all around her, and with reason, for being so benevolent, so kind, so good as she is I cannot tell you – she ought to have a mine. That she certainly wants, for she impoverishes herself from all going on in good

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