Prisoner (All of You Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Prisoner (All of You Book 1)
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Chapter Eight




“Vaden, wake up.  Jesus, was he that good?”  It’s Sammy, returning from rec time.  Damn, it’s almost dinner.  I slept through lunch, and my stomach growls to remind me.  I roll over, and groan loudly.  My head is killing me.  I feel like I drank all night.

“He was pretty fucking awesome,” I say, then regret it.  The voice in the other cell might hear.  I don’t know why I don’t want her to hear, but I know I don’t.

“When I spent the night with Lucius, we did it twice.  In one night.  Can you believe that?”  Sammy asks excitedly.

“Unbelievable,” I reply.  “Really, I can’t believe that.  Twice huh?”  I have to pee, and using the bathroom with Sammy in the room is still the worst part about being in jail.  And peeing while grimacing will make it that much worse.

I try really hard not to show any discomfort, but of course she notices, and comments loudly, “Hey, did he give you an STD?”

“God, I hope not,” I state, but I can’t know for sure.  Now that Sammy’s mentioned it, I can’t stop thinking about it.  And then there’s the fact that babies come from unprotected sex too, and I do not need one of those.  The last thing I want is a baby with the prisoner I had a one night stand with.

When the doors are opened up for dinner, I stop by the guard station.  Hughes is there.  Although I don’t like her, and I don’t like the position she put me in, she is familiar, and she knows what happened last night.  “Hughes, is there any way I can get a morning after pill, or something?”

“I’ll take you to the nurse after dinner, and we’ll see what we can do.”  Hughes doesn’t seem nearly as pissy as she usually does.  Is it because I didn’t freak out, like I’m sure Addison did?  Maybe it’s because I didn’t say anything to Doctor Dad.  I don’t know.  I head to dinner like everyone else, and then Hughes takes me to the door labeled Medical. 

A nurse inside doesn’t question me.  She has two paper cups in front of her, and a cup of water.  Hughes must have already warned her about what I needed.  One she hands to me, and says, “This is the Plan B pill.”  I look down into the cup, and for a second I think about not taking it.  Then I put it in my mouth, and swallow.  I take a drink of the water.  “This is a set of antibiotics.  I’ll give you another after dinner tomorrow.”  I don’t have to think about taking those.  I swallow them, then finish off the water.

“He was given protection,” the nurse states.  “Next time, tell him to use it.  I can’t give you another morning after pill next week.  Have you thought about the birth control pill?”

“We did it more than once.  And I’m allergic to the pill,” I say shyly.

Why am I suddenly shy about sex?  Actually, I don’t talk about it, I just do it.  I don’t even talk about it with my doctor.  I haven’t needed the pill.  I haven’t had a relationship with a man for two years, until I started sleeping with Barrett three months ago.  And when we have sex, he wears a condom.  God, has it only been three months that I’ve been fucking Barrett and I’m already bored?  And, I mean, after sex with Tony, going back to the boring affair with Barrett probably isn’t going to happen.  I’ll have to find a huge professional wrestler type with a big dick, who likes to fuck all night and give multiple orgasms.  I mean, shouldn’t be hard, right?

“He was given two condoms,” the nurse says.  “I think he was given two.”

“We did it more than twice,” I inform her, and I frown.  Why the fuck is she judging me?  She’s condoning rape, just like everyone else in this facility.  Then I close my eyes, and remember Sammy saying how excited she was to be chosen.  Is she the only one?  Maybe some of these girls want to be taken to the men’s prison to have sex.  God knows, I expect to go next Saturday.  Then I look up at her, and my eyes grow wide. 

What happens if he doesn’t ask for me again?

“I’ll make sure he has enough condoms next time.  I can get you a barrier method too.  If you’re interested.”  She’s so business-like.  But of course, this is her business, taking care of a jail full of female prisoners, and expecting that one of them, one night a week, will be having sex.  Does she not feel bad about it at all?

“If there’s a next time.  I mean, he might not even ask for me,” I say. 

That is comforting, although I’ve never used an IUD.  Maybe I’ll be okay for a month.  Or maybe it won’t work at all.  Maybe I’ll leave jail pregnant.  But no one knows I’m in jail but Jamie, Constance, and Doctor Dad, so Mom will just think I got a wild hair up my ass while spending the month in Cancun.  That would explain why the baby might come out brown.  Jesus I’m thinking too much about this.  She brings me a small plastic box, which I assume contains some sort of barrier method contraceptive.  I don’t open it, and I probably won’t open it. 

“Thanks,” I say, and take it quickly.  Then she hands me a pack of pads.  I know what this means.  I’ll probably bleed because of the morning after pill.

“Be safe next time.”  She says it as she points toward Hughes, who leads me to the common room.  The girls are watching some action movie.  I sit in one of the chairs toward the back of the room, and begin to worry.  The worry is making my head hurt, and it’s making me nauseous.  Less than an hour into the movie, I’m running toward the bathroom. 




I wake up and my dick is hard.  I’d basically forgotten that it was even there after a few years in prison.  I mean, sure I masturbated in the beginning of the sentence, but after a while it lost its appeal.  There were times that I could have gotten blow jobs from the other prisoners, but I’m not into guys, not even as a port in a storm. 

But Lani is just my type.  From her reddish brown hair, to her bright green eyes, she’s better than a perfect ten.  She’s at least a fifteen.  And her pussy is to die for, or in my case, to kill for.  I pull up the elastic waistband of my gray cotton pants, and glance down at my hard cock.

“So, I guess you liked her too, huh?”  Yea, I’m talking to my dick.  It’s not like I have anyone else to talk to.  At least it doesn’t answer back. 




Two days later, they take me to the medical room after lunch.  Doctor Dad is waiting for me.  Again, I gaze at him with fresh eyes, and wonder what I ever saw in him.  Yes, I’m still thinking about Tony’s dick.  Yes, I might be whipped.  Fucking sue me.

“How are you feeling today, Lani?” he asks as soon as he sees me. 

“I’m fine,” I reply with a shrug.  He stares at me closely again, really surveying my face with his ice blue eyes.  He doesn’t believe me.  “I’m fine, really.”  I had a headache and was nauseous all day yesterday, and stayed in bed most of the day.  The nurse told me that was to be expected after the pill she gave me, then handed me some over the counter pain reliever.  She wasn’t even nice about it.

“Have you been eating?” he asks me.  Yesterday I didn’t eat anything, but this morning I was starving.  I nod.  “Give me your finger.”  I extend my hand, and he pricks my finger quickly.  “It’s eighty.  It’s a little low, you don’t need insulin today.  He looks over at the black, nameless guard.  “Make sure she has extra bottled water, and some fresh fruit,” he orders.  She nods.  “Can I speak to my patient alone?”

“I can’t allow that,” she says.

“I’m fine, really, Doctor Foster.  Tell my dad I’m fine.  There’s nothing to worry about,” I assure him.  I don’t know what he sees in my eyes, maybe it’s the worry about being pregnant, or the fact that I still have no idea who killed Addy. 

“Okay, Lani.  I’ll check back in a few days,” he states, as he gathers his things.

Nameless escorts us out of the room, and points Doctor Dad toward the exit.  “Good job in there, Vaden.  I almost believed you.”

“I’m fine, really,” I say a bit too forcefully.  I take a breath, and tone it down.  “It was the effects of the pill, that’s all.  I’m fine now.” 

“Good.  Keep your attitude in check, and you might get your visit on Saturday after all.”  She takes me to the gym, and leaves me with the other prisoners and guards.  Great, now they’re going to make my visit to have sex a reward.  What if he doesn’t ask for me?  What if he wants a different girl like Lucius?  What if Tony doesn’t win, and they give me to someone I don’t want to have sex with? 

What if Tony doesn’t win?  What if he loses, and he dies?  I might watch Tony die in just a few days. 

It doesn’t matter if I don’t know the specific person who murdered my sister.  I know the motive.  I’ll have to go see my contact at the FBI.  My ex-boyfriend.  Nothing is going right with this fucking plan.  Why the hell did I think going to jail would be a good idea?

I climb on a treadmill, and begin running.  I don’t stop until it’s time for dinner.




I ask the guard for an hour outside, and he grants it.  It’s amazing the perks killing someone will get you.  I spend the hour jumping rope, doing jumping jacks, and pull ups.  Those are just a few of the things I can’t do in my cell.  Afterward, I ask for a shower, the first since I fucked Lani.  Honestly, after the first day I couldn’t smell her any longer.  I just imagined I could, and held on to the idea. 

I ask to go to the barber, and he cuts my hair to my shoulders, and cuts my beard but doesn’t trim it or shave it, so it’s still longer than I’d like it to be.  I wonder what Lani will think of me, when she sees “the real me” underneath the hair and the beard.  I wonder what she would think of me if she knew why I am in prison.  It hurts like fucking hell to continue to run all of these hypothetical situations through my head, but I continue to do it anyway. 

My cock isn’t sore anymore, I noticed as I showered.  Even that pisses me off.  But at least it’s hard in the morning.  I’m sure I’ll be able to satisfy her, if I see her again that is.  As he’s returning me to my cell, the guard says, “There’s a pro in the jail who gives an awesome blow job.  I’ve had her before, and I can guarantee that she’s the best you’ll ever have.  She swallows too.  Damn, I can still picture her on her knees.  Maybe I’ll give her to you after I’ve had her Saturday night, if you win.”

“I want the same girl,” I assure him.  I don’t use her name, because that might let them know I’ve grown attached.  Jesus, I have grown attached, in my head at least.

“Your loss.  I guess we’ll get your girl, if you live.”

“She’s not my girl.  She was just easy.  She didn’t fight.”  That is at least true. 

“Easy, huh?” the guard says with a grin.

“That’s not what I meant.  I just don’t want to have to fight for a fuck, you know?”  Damn, I should just shut up now.

“I don’t know.  Sometimes I like a little fight, you know?” He says it all with a casual shrug.  Finally we’re back at my cage.  Thankfully I don’t have to kill a guard today.  He’s already indicated that he might be raping the detainees at the jail, but God help him if he even hinted that he might touch Lani, I’d have to kill him.  I’d have to.

“I’ll have money on you,” he assures me.  And just before he locks me in, he says, “I’ll take you out again tomorrow.”

“It’s a date,” I reply with a grin.  God, I hate him, I just hope he doesn’t realize it.




I am so nervous when I see Doctor Dad that I don’t want to talk at all for fear of him knowing that something is wrong.  It’s Saturday, and Hughes has already informed me that Tony has asked for me again.  It’s what I want, yet I’m afraid for so many reasons.  I don’t want them to know I want to see him.  God, I’m thinking of the prison guards as
now, but I’m not paranoid if they really are after me.  Also, I don’t want to get pregnant, obviously. 

I give him my hand immediately. 

“Are you doing alright here, Lani?”  He asks as he pricks my finger.

“Umhmmm, just fine, Doctor Foster,” I say with a slight gasp as he takes my blood. 

“It’s seventy.  It’s too low, Lani.  Are you eating any fruits?”  He is acting very concerned now. He is acting, isn’t he?

“Yea, twice a day.  I have orange juice for breakfast, and half a banana at lunch.” 

“She needs a candy bar, or a soda, or she could go into a coma.”  Doctor Dad is very serious as he says it to Nameless.  She nods, and actually looks scared as she hurries out of the room.

“Is it time, Lani?”  He whispers it, as he takes my elbow, and sits me down on an exam table.  I don’t think the nurse hears him.

“No, Doctor Foster.  I feel fine, really.  You don’t need to worry,” I try to assure him, as the guard returns with a candy bar and a soda.  “You know I don’t drink soda,” I remind him as I take the candy from the guard.  It’s not my favorite, but it will do.  Anyway, he knows I’m not really diabetic.  Why is he doing all this? 

“I’m sure I’ll feel better after I have this chocolate,” I say, and take a bite.  I chew for a moment, then continue, “Maybe you should bring a peppermint patty in your bag every time you come from now on, just in case.”  I smile up at him.

He sighs loudly.  The guard shakes her head sternly.  They act like my teacher and my principal when I’d get into trouble at school.  I guess I’ll always be the incorrigible Lani Vaden.

“The color is returning to your cheeks.”  He continues to observe me, then pulls out a little light, and shines it in my eyes.  “If she gets ill, you can call me at any time.”  He takes a card out of his pocket, and hands it to the nurse.  “My answering service will contact me if it’s urgent.”

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