Private Party (4 page)

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Authors: Graeme Aitken

BOOK: Private Party
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I went to bed feeling pleased that I’d made some progress. However, the next day when I took a second look at what I’d written, I began to feel less certain. Stating that I didn’t like size queens did rather advertise the fact that I was a bit lacking in that department. I deleted that information, but still I felt dissatisfied. Then I realised: everything I’d written was negative. I had stated what I didn’t want, rather than what I was seeking, which was entirely the wrong approach. With some reluctance, I deleted everything I’d written. But I went through the
Sexual Activities
section quite carefully, hoping that my indications there would weed out the undesirable or eternally hopeful. It then took me all morning to compose a new
What I’m Looking For

I had another go at describing myself, but gave up after quarter of an hour and turned to the problem of my user name. I still felt very attached to Golden Boy, my affectionate nickname. It fitted, I liked it, but now it would always have the faint scent of urine about it. I needed something new that was catchy, apt and connotation-free. I went through all sorts of possibilities that played on being blond, being cute, being hot in bed, living in Surry Hills, but nothing seemed terribly original or appropriate. Then I remembered my mother’s theatrical user name. It was a clever fit and got me thinking that perhaps a TV allusion would be appropriate for me. I consulted a ‘TV Week’ magazine and played around with various possibilities, until finally, I nailed it.
, the initials standing for cute, sexy, intriguing.

I was so pleased with my new name that I felt inspired to tackle writing about myself. The real conundrum was whether to state that I was recently out of a relationship. There was subtext. It implied that I’d been dumped (and possibly for good reason), had ‘issues’, and was potentially feeling rejected and needy. However, it also provided some balance to the fact that I was ‘looking for fun’. I wasn’t a slut, I was just newly single and out to enjoy my new freedom. Finally, I decided to admit to it but to laugh it off. Then to my surprise, I found that having established that tone, writing the rest of the paragraph became a lot easier.

Once I’d finished, I went to view my profile. I felt rather pleased with it and with myself, until I noticed a glaring error. I had entered my birthday in the required field and thought nothing of it. Little did I realise that the website did the calculations and had posted my age very prominently on my profile. Thirty! I was not thirty—I had lost that birthday somewhere over the Pacific Ocean, a manoeuvre which had required careful planning and considerable expense. I went straight back into maintenance and made the necessary adjustment.

That done, CSI-Sydney was ready to launch himself online. The only thing that was missing was some enthusiasm. I simply wasn’t feeling cute, sexy and intriguing; rather I felt crushed, sad, and insecure. I certainly didn’t feel horny or flirtatious or even that interested in the sexual proclivities of guys I might know on there. I decided that it would be better to wait until I was in the mood. I went and took an afternoon nap.

Chapter Three


E-mail address:
[email protected]

First name:

I am/we are:
Single gay man




Interested in meeting:
Single man

1-on-1 sex / group sex

My birthday:
17 June 1975

Between ages:
18 to 38

TV industry

6 ft (183 cm)

Body type:

Ethnic origins:



General attire:


Dick size:
Rather not say

Cut/ uncut:
Rather not say

Body hair:
None / little



Safer sex:





Profile Title:
Cute! Sexy! Intriguing!

Describe yourself:

I am new to Gaydar, unlike my ex-boyfriend! So yes, that also means that I’m recently single. I’m not wanting to jump back into a relationship, though am not closed off to the possibility if I feel a real connection with someone. But I’m more in the mood for fun, flirtation, dating and sex. I have the quintessential Aussie look: blond, blue-eyed, muscular and smooth-bodied. But I am also smart, cultured, talented, and lively company. I’m very good looking and not usually shy, but I haven’t posted my face pic on here. If you ask and I like you, I will send it to you.

Describe what you are looking for in others:

I’m seeking someone that I find sexy, attractive, interesting and good company, someone who I want to spend time with. I don’t have a particular type as such but I do have a weakness for Latin guys. I’m also fond of muscles and a hairy chest.


Italian, Thai

‘All About Eve’, the collected works of Kristen Bjorn

Stephen Spear

TV Show:
‘Sex and the City’, ‘Oz’, ‘Melrose Place’





Body hair, muscle

Types I like:
Builders, Farmers, Firemen, Footballers, Labourers, Military (Uniforms), Muscle Men, Rugby Players, Truck Drivers

Sexual activities:
Anal, Kissing, Oral, Sauna/Bath Houses, Threesomes, Vanilla


Sports and Fitness:
Aerobics, Cycling, Gym, Hiking, Jogging, Pilates, Skiing, Swimming, Tennis, Yoga

Leisure activities:
Dining Out, DIY/Home Improvements, Dramatics, Shopping, Strategy Games, Travelling, Videos/DVDs

The following morning, I awoke with a hard on. Usually, I would just jerk off, and in the process often find myself thinking of fucking Blake to make myself come. I reached for the lube, when suddenly I realised how unhealthy such behaviour was. I shouldn’t be thinking of Blake; I should be fantasising about some hot new guy and moving on. I dragged myself out of bed, went to the computer and logged into Gaydar.

I selected the option ‘hook-up now’ and began to scroll through the online profiles for Sydney. One of the first profiles on the page was a guy who was an absolute knock-out. Obviously plenty of others thought so too as he had over 100 000 hits. HotBloke10 was happy to flaunt himself: he showed his face (handsome masculine features and a big sexy grin), fantastic body (tall, tanned, muscular), and dick (thick and ‘made for fucking’). He had a boyfriend, MobyDick9, and offered a link to check him out. After viewing Moby, I could see why HotBloke wanted something else on the side. Yes, Moby was well-hung but I suspected he was pushing fifty (although he claimed to be forty-two), with a face that was overly tanned and lined. His bedroom décor was also vile and would have proved a serious distraction to having sex.

I sent HotBloke a message—
HotBloke, I would love to have a hot poke with you
—bookmarked him as the first of my favourites and moved on down the list. It didn’t take me long to strike someone I knew and I eagerly opened his profile. Philippe aka Paddington-Bear was a hideous French queen, who Ant had fucked once in a weak moment and that Strauss, perversely, had wanted to. Philippe had always been a bit chubby, but he’d clearly decided to embrace his size and tout himself as a bear. Everything was on display—his grizzled chest, his big bloated belly, his ‘hairy treasure trail’, and a dick which was reputed to be large but was somewhat dwarfed by the immense pubic bush from out of which it poked. It amused me that Philippe listed one of his favourite sexual activities as shaving—he certainly looked in desperate need of someone to take a razor to him. Possibly that was the point of displaying photographs in which his body hair threatened to overwhelm him.

I didn’t know Philippe well. I’d only ever met him the once and taken an instant dislike to him. Nevertheless, it was immensely titillating to read highly personal information about him, details which I was sure Strauss would be utterly agog to learn. His fetishes included body hair, facial hair, fur, and socks, while he listed his favourite actress as Sally Field. I could imagine that Strauss might have done whatever was required of him with the socks, however, Sally I knew he could not abide. There was no way in the world he would sit through her oeuvre. I began to appreciate just how handy Gaydar could be. The things you could find out!

After encountering Philippe, I decided it was much more fun to scroll through Gaydar looking for people I knew, rather than for guys to have sex with. I came across numerous guys from the gym and was fascinated to read what they said about themselves. It was quite astonishing to learn who liked to be on top, on the bottom, or on the receiving end of someone’s fist. Then I came across Alejandro’s profile. Not only was he online but he had a status of hook-up now. I added him to my favourites so that I’d be able to find his profile again, then looked through his photographs with equal measures of lust and regret. It just seemed so senseless that he’d ended our sessions now that I was actually available. Clearly his latest resolve to be faithful to his boyfriend had been short-lived. Monogamy was another of those confusing English words that Alejandro had not mastered the meaning or practice of, and, I was quite sure, was never likely to.

It had only been a few weeks since he’d rejected me. If he was horny, why hadn’t he hit me up? My fingers strayed onto the keyboard. I had a very strong impulse to say hi and see whether he’d had second thoughts. It was very easy to dismiss someone by text but I doubted Alejandro would be so resolute when confronted by the sexy photographs on my profile. There was a connection between the two of us that a mere glance could inflame, so the sight of my naked arse, well, it was a foregone conclusion. I began to type a message when suddenly the computer beeped at me angrily. My fingers sprang away from the keyboard as if they had been slapped. For a moment, I thought my computer had magically acquired more sense and dignity than I possessed, and was warning me not to commit such a desperate act. But then I realised: I had a Gaydar message.

Amazingly, it was from HotBloke, asking to see my face pic. I e-mailed him my two headshots and within a couple of minutes, he had replied, complimenting me and asking if he should come over. I was amazed. Was it really as easy as this? I replied sure and gave him the address.

Altair right? I’m in Potts Point so shouldn’t be too long. See you in 15.

I immediately began to have second thoughts. What if he looked nothing like his photographs in real life? That was what people always complained about on the internet. I went back to his profile and studied his photographs more closely. There was no date anywhere to indicate how old they were. Then I thought to read his profile properly. He’d looked so hot in his photos I’d only glanced at what he’d written. Thankfully, there was nothing off-putting listed and several things cited that fuelled my excitement. Apparently, he was Extra Large.

Then I started to worry about security. Was it safe to let a complete stranger into the apartment? Should I go downstairs and talk to him on the street, make sure that I felt comfortable with him, before asking him upstairs? Then I remembered that the building had video camera security. I would be able to assess his looks before I let him in.

Suddenly, it struck me that he said he’d be over in fifteen minutes and I’d just wasted five of those minutes when I should have been investing them in my appearance. I hadn’t even taken a shower. I dashed into the bathroom, then realised that I’d better sit on the toilet; after all I had invited the guy over to fuck me. That took another five minutes. I had a very quick shower, gargled and sprayed on some cologne. There was no time to shave. I hurried into the bedroom and surveyed the contents of my wardrobe. Even if it wasn’t going to stay on for very long, I still wanted to create a stylish impression. Thankfully my favourite underwear—red Aussie Bum—was fresh from the wash. As I slipped into those, the doorbell rang. I couldn’t believe it. Queens were always fashionably late; except if there was cock involved, then they were scrupulously punctual.

I dashed across to answer it and there he was on the video intercom, looking just like the photos on his profile. He winked. ‘So, am I allowed in?’ he asked with a sexy grin.

He was giving me a hard-on. ‘Sure, come on up,’ I said, buzzing him in.

I hurried back to the bedroom and put on a pair of army shorts and a singlet. I scrutinised myself in the mirror and fussed with my hair. I wasn’t particularly satisfied, but then my doorbell rang, so it had to do. I took a quick glance at him through the spy hole, once again felt reassured by his appearance, and opened the door. ‘Hey,’ he said gruffly.

He didn’t have a girlie voice. He wasn’t really short or badly dressed. All of the things that might have been wrong with him in the flesh weren’t. He was as sexy in real-life as he’d appeared in his photos. I just stood staring at him, completely forgetting about standing aside and ushering him in. HotBloke grinned. ‘So, am I okay? Do I pass?’

I felt myself blush. ‘Sorry, yes, come in. It’s just I haven’t done this before … met someone off the computer …’

‘So you’re like a virgin at this and you want me to be gentle?’ he laughed.

I blushed again. I suppose it had sounded like a line. ‘Can I get you a drink or something?’ I asked.

‘I’ll take the “or something”,’ he said, running a hand over my butt. ‘Nice.’

He pulled me to him and began to kiss me deeply. I peeled off his tee shirt and ran an admiring hand over his muscular chest. ‘Let’s go to the bedroom,’ he suggested and he surprised me by leading me there.

It seemed he already knew the lay-out of these apartments. Perhaps he had a friend in the building, or more likely, had hooked up with someone in the building. I was getting the sense that he’d done this many times before, which was making me feel a little uncertain. ‘Um, on your profile, you mentioned something about bondage and before we get started, I should warn you that …’

‘Bondage? Really? I filled in that thing so long ago, I honestly couldn’t tell you what boxes I ticked. I don’t like questionnaires much … but I do like arse,’ he said, squeezing his hand down the back of my shorts and beneath my underwear.

He reinforced his words by rubbing his finger around my hole, then pulling me to him roughly and kissing me. I undid the button on my shorts and they fell around my ankles. HotBloke gave a growl of delight and began to kiss me again, while his finger became even more searching. Meanwhile, I was doing some investigating of my own and confirming that his cock was indeed extra large as claimed. I dropped to my knees in front of him and unbuttoned his jeans. He wasn’t wearing underwear and his cock sprang out at me like a jack-in-the-box. My mouth was around it in a flash. ‘Oh fuck yeah,’ HotBloke growled.

It had been weeks since I’d had sex but what a way to return to it! As I went down on that big dick, I felt certain it must equal, and maybe even exceed, all the laudatory statistics that had been bandied around about Rick’s famous tool. But I wasn’t just sucking HotBloke’s cock; I was salving away all the pain, rejection and misery I’d suffered at the hands of Rick, Blake and Alejandro.

After a while HotBloke pulled me to my feet so he could kiss me again. Then, he tossed me onto the bed. I sprawled there, startled but also impressed and deeply turned on by his strength and power. He walked around the side of the bed so that he stood over me, his erection jutting out, just a few centimetres from my face. I craned towards it, but he swayed back slightly, away from me. I tried again, with a more determined lunge and my lips brushed the head of it, before he edged it away again. Suddenly, he reached out, snatched a handful of my hair and held my head stock-still. In his other hand he brandished his cock, showing it to me, raising his eyebrows, grinning sardonically, before slapping me across my right cheek with the length of it.

I saw stars!

Truly, that thing was a lethal weapon. It could probably knock someone out cold if there had been a bit more force behind it. However, as I was intent on sucking, then riding it, I was not going to be deterred by a possible mild concussion. I gazed up at him, slightly dazed but also deeply impressed, and he slapped me across my other cheek. It checked me for a moment, but then I sprang forward hungrier than ever for his cock. He tightened his grip on my hair and held me fast. ‘Beg for it,’ he growled.

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