Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series (22 page)

Read Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series Online

Authors: T.M. Nielsen

Tags: #chevalier, #encala, #equites, #heku, #heku series, #valle, #vampire, #vampire action, #vampire book, #vampire books, #vampire drama, #vampire legend, #vampire novel

BOOK: Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series
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Kyle’s eyes grew wide, “She’s telling him
about turning… and he thinks we’re already married.”

Good idea! See if you can
make him let me go,” Emily said, and gave the doctor Kyle’s cell
phone number. A few seconds later, Kyle’s phone rang.

This is Kyle,” he

Kyle, this is Dr. Hayden…
I’ve just had a disturbing phone call from Emily.”

Yeah, I heard. I’m outside
of her door,” Kyle told him.

I saw something strange on
her blood test, and I’d like to test it again,” Dr. Hayden
explained. “Can you get to her?”

No, actually, she’s
electrified the door.”

Wow, ok, let me think. Is
there anyone there she trusts enough to let them in?”

I doubt it, and she has
the kids in there with her,” Kyle told him.

Oh, that’s good! Your son,
Allen… she said he’s very bright, well above his age?” Dr. Hayden

Yes, he is.”

See if you can arrange
something with him.”

Will do, but what do we do
once we get in there?” Kyle asked.

Do you think you can get
her to the hospital? Maybe by ambulance?”

Kyle sighed. He knew that any attempt by the
heku to force her to do anything, would result in her turning them
all to ash, “I can try.”

Have the paramedics call
me at this number if you get her to an ambulance,” Dr. Hayden said.
“She has to come out eventually.”

Kyle nodded, “We’ll let you know.”

Chevalier and Quinn had heard the
conversation and turned to the door.

Emily?” Chevalier

Go away,” she said,

Dr. Hayden said there’s a
chemical imbalance that’s causing all of this. None of it is true.
You need to believe me.”

I can’t believe you! You
and that bloody room. You and your plans for me, there’s no trust
now,” Emily said scathingly.

How can she believe any of
that?” Quinn asked, frowning.

She doesn’t, not if she
were thinking straight,” Chevalier whispered.

Emily, is there anyone you
trust? We can call in Darren even, from Thukil,” Kyle

No! He would be using the
room too,” Emily told them.

There is no room!”
Chevalier growled. “That room does nothing. We aren’t trying to
turn you, none of this is real.”

Mom?” Allen asked, and
they heard Emily sit down on the bed.

It’s ok, just a headache,”
Emily told him.

Why don’t you sleep? I’ll
watch Alexis.”

Don’t touch the door. It’s
our only protection,” Emily said, and yawned.

The room grew quiet after she crawled into
bed and the heku all sat down in the chairs in the hallway. They
spent most of the night discussing how to get into the room. Their
conversation was interrupted early the next morning when Alexis
opened the door to the bedroom.

Chevalier blurred inside and stopped by the
bed. Allen had Emily’s gaze locked. She was unmoving and looking
into her son’s eyes.

Kyle, call an ambulance
and the doctor… Allen, keep her locked,” Chevalier said quickly,
while Quinn took Alexis out of the room.

Can’t… keep her…” Allen
whispered, strained.

Chevalier quickly pushed Allen aside, and
immediately locked her gaze. She barely had time to move before she
was relaxed and in his control.

Allen went to work immediately, and
disconnected all of the wires that were once electrifying the

Sleep,” Chevalier said
softly, and Emily’s eyes slowly closed. He picked her up and
blurred out to the farmhouse where Mark and Kyle were waiting. They
could hear the sirens approaching.

Dr. Hayden talked to the
paramedics. They are bringing restraints,” Kyle said, and opened
the curtain to look out.

Maybe you better go, Kyle,
just in case,” Mark suggested, and Kyle nodded and quickly

Get my car, I’ll go in the
ambulance,” Chevalier said, and headed out to meet the paramedics.
He laid Emily down on the gurney, and they quickly restrained her
hands and feet, and then one left to drive while the other put
oxygen on her and started the setup for an I.V.

Her blood pressure is
dangerously high,” the paramedic said to Chevalier.

Chevalier nodded, “I don’t doubt it. It’s
been a rough couple of days.”

Yeah, that’s what the
doctor said.”

Emily’s eyes flew open when she felt the
I.V., and she pulled against the restraints, “Let me go!”

Sorry, Emily, you need to
get to the hospital,” the paramedic said, taping down the

He’s a heku, he’s going to
turn me… you have to believe me,” Emily yelled, watching

The paramedic smiled, “I won’t let him,

Chevalier headed up to the front of the
Ambulance, hoping if she didn’t see him, she wouldn’t ash him.

Let me go before they turn
me. I don’t want to be a heku.”

I won’t let them, I
promise,” the paramedic said, and began to write in a

You can’t stop him. He’ll
just drain you, only I can stop them,” Emily told him.

He won’t drain me. I have
anti-draining gloves,” the paramedic said, amused. Chevalier winced
just before Emily started to scream.

What the hell… I’m not an
idiot! You have no idea what you’re dealing with. You have to
listen to me and let me go!”

Chevalier was relieved when they pulled into
the Emergency Room and he saw Dr. Hayden waiting for them.

Hello, Emily,” he said
when he opened the door.

Dr. Hayden, help me, they
are going to turn me,” Emily yelled.

I heard,” Dr. Hayden said,
and put an injection into her I.V.

Then let me go, before
they turn me.”

Good night, Dear,” the
doctor said, and smiled as Emily relaxed and fell asleep. “She’s
good, take her up to the fourth floor. They have a room

Chevalier came around the ambulance as they
wheeled Emily into the hospital, “Did you knock her out?”

Yes,” Dr. Hayden said.
“Her paranoia has gone beyond cute and into dangerous. This will be
easier until we get her regulated.”

You said you saw something
on her blood tests?”

Dr. Hayden nodded, “Yes, I want to run more
tests to make sure. Is her husband coming?”

He’ll be along in a bit,”
Chevalier said, and followed the doctor into the hospital and up to
the fourth floor where Emily was just being moved onto a bed. “Is
this the psychiatric ward?”

Yes,” Dr. Hayden replied,
and watched the nurses for a moment and then turned to Chevalier.
“Any depression apart from the hallucinations and

Chevalier frowned, “I hadn’t thought about
it, but yes, I think she has.”

Any chance she might try
killing herself?” Dr. Hayden asked, and began to fill out Emily’s

No,” Chevalier answered,

Kyle stepped into the room and moved to
stand by Chevalier.

Good, you made it. I’ve
started her on high dose vitamins and nutrients, so we can regulate
her. I don’t really understand how she got this stuff in her
system, but I want to double check first to see if the tests were
right,” Dr. Hayden said.

Kyle grinned slightly, “What exactly did you

I’ll let you know when I’m
sure,” Dr. Hayden said, and then left the room.

Chevalier went and sat by the bed, taking
one of her restrained hands in his and whispered, “I can’t believe
how long this has gone on… she’s had us chasing our tails for

Kyle nodded, “I know.”

Chevalier grinned slightly, “Do you think
we’ll ever find out what she thought that room was for?”

Kyle chuckled, “I certainly hope so.”

A few hours later, Dr. Hayden came back,
shaking his head, “I confirmed it. She’s on high levels of
melatonin and cowbane. The melatonin is easy to find, every
drugstore has it, but cowbane is poisonous and hard to come

Chevalier glanced at Kyle, then back to the
doctor, “Isn’t cowbane what monks use to lessen sexual

Dr. Hayden nodded, “Yes, it’s extremely
poisonous and causes an intensely painful death. It hasn’t been
readily available since the medieval times, though. Both, however,
cause hallucinations and large amounts of melatonin can cause

Kyle spoke when he saw Chevalier’s anger,
“So what do we do now?”

Get her off of it. There
shouldn’t be withdrawals, but until we run a psychiatric evaluation
to make sure she’s not suicidal, we’ll need to keep her here. Once
at home, she’ll need some bed rest and relaxation for a while. Her
body hasn’t fully recovered from the miscarriage, and I’m guessing
it’s because of stress.”




Chapter 8 - Paranoia


No, I’ll walk,” Emily said
when Chevalier tried to pick her up. She scooted out of the Humvee
and headed into the palace.

He started to argue, but followed her in,
deciding the full bed rest would start as soon as she got up to her
room. She walked past the stairs and headed toward the large

Em,” Chevalier sighed.
“The doctor… just… went over this.”

I want a glass of milk,”
Emily said, and turned to Chevalier when he grabbed her

Upstairs, we’ll get you a
glass of milk,” Chevalier told her, and went to pick her

Emily frowned and moved away from him,
“Fine, but I walk.”

You know what? Ash me,”
Chevalier said, and picked her up, then blurred into their

Don’t do that!” Emily
yelled, and hit him on the arm. “I don’t want carried

Chevalier held out the glass of milk while
she pulled off her shoes. Emily looked up and grabbed it from him,

Need anything else?”
Chevalier asked, sitting down in the chair.

Yes, I need you to stop
carrying me.”

Deal, if you stay in bed,
I’ll stop carrying you,” he said with a grin.

Emily drank her milk, glaring at him.

What was it?” Chevalier
asked, amused.

What was what?”

The room… what was

I’m not going to tell you…
ever,” Emily said, and put the empty glass down. She reached over
and grabbed the remote and started flipping through

Just give me a

Ok... but just one,” Emily
said, and looked over at him.

Fine, just one,” Chevalier
said, smiling.

It has something to do
with you being a pain in the ass,” Emily said, and went back to
searching the TV channels.

Oh, funny… come on. We’ve
been trying to find out for weeks.”


I’ll buy you a new


More horses.”


I’ll put in a



No… now stop

Chevalier leaned his head back, “Come on!
Just tell me.”

Orange juice… and I’ll
give you a hint.”

Why don’t I believe you?”
Chevalier asked, and got up to get her some orange juice. He
ordered some from the hallway.

Kyle walked up with the orange juice, “How’s
it going?”

She won’t tell me,”
Chevalier said, and took the drink. “She’s taunting me to entertain

Kyle chuckled, “Least she’s back to

Chevalier turned back to the room and found
the door locked, “Why does that not surprise me? I need to take up
stocks in door locks.”

Chevalier tapped the lock, and when it
snapped, he walked in, followed by Kyle.

Stop tormenting the Elder.
He takes it out on the rest of us,” Kyle said, and sat on the bed
beside Emily.

Emily took her drink from Chevalier, “It’s
keeping me busy. This room is soooo boring. Besides, I got a pool
out of the deal.”

No you didn’t. I said I
would trade a pool for information.” Chevalier chuckled and sat on
the other side of the bed.

I don’t think so… you said
‘I’ll put in a pool’ and I said ‘Really?’ and you said

You know very well what I
meant,” Chevalier said, shaking his head.

Yes I do, you meant you’re
going to put in a pool,” Emily said. “Ford!”

The Border collie came running into the room
from Allen’s room, and crawled up on the bed. Emily started petting
his tummy.

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