PROLOGUE (21 page)

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"Are you threatening my kingdom?" asked Henry gently.” By no means," retorted Alia with a rare flick of anger.” Your people exiled mine ages ago as you know time, and now my people are returning. But the spell woven by your sorcerers will rebound against you threefold. What a cataclysm befell Earth in the long ago days is nothing to what will strike you five years hence, when what was thrown far returns to its starting point."

"Like the arrow Liath shot into the heavens," said Sanglant in a soft voice. He seemed to be speaking to himself, mulling over a memory no one else shared.” Shot into the sky, but it fell back to earth. Any fool would have known it would do that."

"What mean you by this tale?" demanded Henry.” What do you intend by standing before me now, Alia?"

Alia indicated her own face, its bronze complexion and alien lineaments.” Some among my people are still angry, because the memory of our exile lies heavily on us. After we have returned to Earth, they mean to fight humankind. But some among us seek peace. That is why I came." She stepped forward to rest a hand on Sanglant's elbow.” This child is my peace offering, Henri."

Henry laughed.” How can I believe these wild prophecies? Any madwoman can rave in like manner, speaking of the end times. If such a story were true, then why do none of my studious clerics know of it? Sister Rosvita?"

His outflung hand had the force of a spear, pinning her under his regard.” I do not know, Your Majesty," she said haltingly.” I have seen strange things and heard strange tales. I cannot be sure."

Theophanu spoke up at last.” Do you mean to say, Sister Rosvita, that you believe this wild story of cataclysms? That you think the legendary Aoi were sent into a sorcerous exile?"

"I recall paintings on the wall at St. Ekatarina's Convent. Do you not remember them, Your Highness?"

"I saw no wall paintings at St. Ekatarina's save for the one in the chapel where we worshiped," replied Theophanu with cool disdain.” It depicted the good saint herself, crowned in glory."

"I believe the story," said Sanglant, "and there are others who believe it as well. Biscop Tallia, the daughter of Emperor Taillefer, spent her life preparing for what she knew would come."

"She was censored by the church at the Council of Narvone,"

pointed out Theophanu.

"Don't be stubborn, Theo," retorted Sanglant.” When have I ever lied to you?" The barb caught her, but she recovered quickly, smoothing her face into a passionless mask as Sanglant went on.” Biscop Tallia instructed the woman who raised Taillefer's granddaughter and trained her as a mathematici. Taillefer's granddaughter gave birth to Liath. She already works to drive away the Lost Ones again, and to destroy them."

Henry spread his hands wide.” How can it be that Taillefer's granddaughter has not made herself known to the great princes of these realms? How can she live in such obscurity that we have never heard any least rumor of her existence?"

"She is a mathematici," Sanglant observed.” The church condemned such sorcery at the Council of Narvone. Why should she reveal herself if it would only bring her condemnation?" He nodded at Theophanu.

"Where is this woman now?" continued Henry relentlessly.” Where is your wife, Sanglant?"

"Ai, God!" swore Sanglant.” To tell the whole—!" "How can I believe such a story if I do not hear the whole?" asked Henry reasonably.” Wine!" He beckoned, and a steward brought twin chairs, one for Henry and one for Adelheid.” I will listen patiently for as long as it takes you to tell your tale, Son. That is all I can promise."

THERE was to be no more feasting that night, although servants brought delicacies from the kitchen and folk ate as Prince Sanglant told his story haltingly, backtracking at times to cover a point he had missed. He was more disturbed than angry, impatient in the way of a man who is accustomed to his commands being obeyed instantly. A wind had got into the chamber, eddying around the lamps so that they rocked. Shadows juddered on the walls and over the tapestries like boats bobbing on water.

The silence and the jittery shadows made Sanglant's tale spin away into fable. A woman calling herself Anne had approached Liath at Werlida, claiming to be her mother. He and Liath had left with Anne. They had traveled by diverse means and in the company of servants who had no physical substance, no earthly body, to a place called Verna, hidden away in the heart of the Alfar Mountains. There, Liath had studied the arts of the mathematici.

"Condemned sorcery," said Henry, his only comment so far.

"It is her birthright," retorted Sanglant.” You cannot imagine her power—" He broke off, seeing their faces. Too late, he remembered, but Henry had not forgotten. Henry still had not forgiven Liath for stealing his son.

"The Council at Autun, presided over by my sister Constance, excommunicated one Liathano, formerly an Eagle in my service, and outlawed her for the practice of sorcery," said Henry in his quietest and therefore most dangerous voice.” For all I know, she has bewitched you and sent you back to me with this tale of Taillefer's lost granddaughter to tempt me into giving her daughter a privilege and honor the child does not deserve." He did not look at the sleeping Blessing as he said this.

"What of me?" asked Alia, who had listened without apparent interest.” I am no ally of this Liathano, whom I do not meet or know. I am no ally of these womans who are sorcerers, who mean to do my people harm. That is why I come to you, Henri, to ally against them."

Henry drained his cup of wine and called for another. Beside him, Adelheid sat with the composure of stone. Only her hair moved, tickled by a breeze that wound among the lamps hung from the ceiling.” If I send an embassy to your people, then we can open negotiations."

Alia's jaw tightened as she regarded him with displeasure.” None among your kind can pass through the gateway that leads to our country."

"So you say. But you are here."

She opened her left hand, palm out, to display an old scar cut raggedly across the palm.” I am what you call in your words a sorcerer, Henri."

"Do we not already harbor mathematici among us? They might travel as you did. We are not powerless."

"Father!" protested Theophanu, although she glanced toward Adelheid, "you would not allow condemned magic to be worked for your advantage—?"

Henry lifted a hand to stop her. She broke off, looked at Rosvita, then folded her hands in her lap and regarded the opposite wall— and the tapestry depicting St. Thecla's draught of the holy cup of waters—with a fixed gaze.

"You do not understand the structure of the universe, Henri. I was bom in exile, and for that reason I can travel in the aether. I have walked the spheres. None among you would survive such a journey."

Sanglant's lips moved, saying a word, but he made no sound.

Henry shook his head.” How can I believe such a fantastic story? It might as well be a fable sung by a poet in the feast hall. I and my good Wendish army are marching south to Aosta to restore

Queen Adelheid to her throne. You may march with us, if you will. A place at my table is always reserved for you, Alia." He turned to regard Sanglant, who stood with hands fisted and expression pulled down with impatience. Hereby lay the danger in giving a man command for all his young life; soon he began to expect that no person would gainsay him, even his father.” You, Son, may march with my army as well, if you will only ask for my forgiveness for your disobedience. I will show every honor due to a grandchild of my lineage to your daughter, as she deserves. There is a place for you in my army. If you ask for it."

"You believe none of it," said Sanglant softly.

Henry sipped at his wine, then spun the empty cup in his fingers as he contemplated his son in the same manner he might a rebellious young lord.” How can I believe such an outrageous story? I am regnant. We had this discussion before. If you wish my forgiveness, you must ask for it. But you know what obligations your duty to me entails."

"Then I will look elsewhere for support."

The words struck the assembly like lightning.

Villam stepped forward.” Prince Sanglant, I beg of you, do not speak rash words—

"I do not speak rashly," said Sanglant harshly.” You have not seen what I have seen. You do not understand Anne's power nor her ruthlessness."

"What do you mean, brother?" asked Theophanu. She had distanced herself so completely from Rosvita after the escape from St. Ekatarina's that Rosvita could no longer even guess what might be going on in her mind.” If your words and the words of your mother are true, then it would appear to me that this woman, Anne, seeks to protect Earth from the Aoi. Why, then, would you act against her unless you have thrown in your lot with your mother's people? This might all be a diversion to aid them."

Blessing woke up crying. She struggled in Heribert's arms, but she wasn't reaching for her father. She was reaching for the middle of the room, tiny arms pumping and face screwed up with frustration.

"Ma! Ma!" she cried, wriggling and reaching so that Heribert could barely keep hold of her as she squirmed.

The air took on form.

Mist congealed at the center of the chamber, in the space ringed by the hanging lamps. Like a window being unshuttered, pale tendrils of mist acted as a frame. Rosvita staggered, made dizzy by this abrupt displacement of what she knew and understood while all around her the people in the room leaped backward or fled into the other chamber, sobbing in fright. Adelheid rose to her feet. Henry remained seated, but his hand tightened on one of the dragon heads carved into the armrests of his chair.

"Ma!" cried the baby.

There came a voice in answer, faint and so far off that it might have been a dream.

"Blessing!" Changing, made hoarser by pain or sorrow, that disembodied voice spoke again.” Sanglant!"

Sanglant leaped forward.” Liath!" he cried.

Alia grabbed him by the elbow and jerked him back, hard. Her strength was amazing: Sanglant, who stood a good head and a half taller than her, actually staggered backward.

Blessing twisted out of Heribert's arms. Henry cried out a warning as she fell, and Sanglant flung himself toward the baby, but he was too far away to catch her.

But some
was already under her.

Blessing sank into folds of air that took on a womanlike form, a female with a sensuous mouth, sharp cheekbones, a regal nose, a broad and intelligent forehead, and a thick fall of hair. She was not a human woman but a woman formed out of air, as fluid as water, made of no earthly substance. A veil of mist concealed her womanly parts, but she was otherwise unclothed, and she had the ample breasts of a nursing woman. In her arms, Blessing calmed immediately, and she turned her head to nurse at that unworldly breast.

Henry's face whitened in shock as he rose.” What obscenity is this? What manner of creature nurses the child?"

Sanglant stationed himself protectively in front of the creature.” Liath was too ill to nurse her after the birth. Blessing wouldn't even take goat's milk. She would have died if it had not been for Jerna."

"What is it?" murmured Theophanu. Her ladies, clustered behind her, looked frightened and disgusted, but Theophanu merely regarded the scene with narrowed eyes and a fierce frown.

Everyone backed away except Heribert. Adelheid's hands

twitched, and she leaned forward, quite in contrast to Theophanu's disapproving reserve, to stare at the nursing aetherical with lips parted. Hathui remained stoically behind Henry's chair.

"It is a daimone, I believe," said Rosvita. Fortunatus, at her back, whistled under his breath. He had not deserted her.” One of the elementals who exists in the aether, in the upper spheres." "Do such creatures have souls?" asked Adelheid.” The ancient writers believed they did not," murmured Rosvita reflexively. A collective gasp burst from the people pressed back against the far walls. No one spoke. The baby suckled noisily as everyone stared. Ai, Lady! What manner of nourishment did it imbibe from a soulless daimone?

"It is true, then." The mask of stone crashed down to conceal Henry's true feelings.” You have been bewitched, Sanglant, as Judith and her son said. You are not master of your own thoughts or actions. Lavastine was laid under a spell by Biscop Antonia. Now you are a pawn in the hands of the sorcerer who stole you from me. Where is Liathano? What does she want?"

"I pray you, Your Majesty," cried Rosvita, stepping forward. She knew where such accusations would lead.” Eet us make no judgment in haste! Let a council be convened, so that those best educated in these matters can consider the situation with cool heads and wise hearts."

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