Promises to Keep (3 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: Promises to Keep
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She nodded. “I’ve tried selling it but had no
takers. I might have to advertise for a partner.”

“Well, that sounds like a good idea.”

“And if that doesn’t work out then
back to Spokane I go with my tail tucked between my
Sort of told my boss to shove his job when I left.”

Sadie laughed and put her hand on top of Hayley’s.

“Just hang in there. Now I have to hurry, because
something tells me an important client is already waiting for me. However, tonight
we’re going to sit down and brainstorm about ways to drum up some business. If
you want to stay here and run this inn then I don’t see any reason why you

Sadie stood and grabbed her bag. She’d have to
intervene quicker than she’d expected. This new client was going to be another
stubborn one. A bit like Luc, and a lot like Jake who’d also been widowed.
She’d forced Cole to drive near her new Casper office, and now if she didn’t
use a little magic she wouldn’t get there in time.

Looking to her left and right, making sure that
Hayley wasn’t around or watching, she clicked her fingers and vanished from the


Cole headed
up the stairs and walked to an office where the words Perfect Pairing were
written in gold lettering just like on the gift certificate.
He knocked on the door but then decided to
just walk in. There in front of him was a middle aged, red haired lady
shuffling some files. He’d seen her somewhere before, but he just couldn’t
place where it was exactly.

“Good morning. Can I help you?” she asked.

“I have this gift certificate.”

“Of course, yes, you must be Cole True. Come in and
take a seat. Sorry for the mess, but I just got here and haven’t had a chance
to sort through my files. My name’s Sadie and
president of the company.”

They shook hands and Cole sat. She pulled up a chair
and reached for a clipboard on which she attached a sheet of paper.

“Your sisters did tell me a lot about you.”

His sisters.
a minute. What was he doing here? He’d told them he wasn’t interested. He
couldn’t even remember driving here.

“Look Sadie, I’ll be honest. I don’t want to be

“I love honesty because it helps me find you a
better match.”

“No one can replace my wife.”

“Cole, lots of people believe they’ll never find
another love, but the universe often thinks differently.”

She rested her hand on top of his. Not a death like
grip like any of his sisters. Her gentle touch made him feel suddenly at ease.
She looked into his eyes. “I once had a client, Jake, who lost his wife to
cancer. He never thought he’d love again, but then he found Gen.
are now married and expecting a baby next year.”

“I can’t ever love someone again.”

She waved her finger at him. “You can, and you

He watched her finger move back and forth. Was she
hypnotizing him?
Because his eyelids felt heavy.

“Tell me about your wife,” she said.

He smiled, suddenly feeling happiness in his heart.
He hadn’t experienced this sort of bliss since that morning when he’d kissed
her goodbye not knowing he’d never see her again.

“She was beautiful.
Peaches and
cream skin.
Made me laugh.
at my silly jokes.
Made me feel like I was the most
important man in the world.
Made me think I could do anything, and do it

Sadie made notes on the clipboard. He didn’t know if
she wanted him to continue or not, but he was going to. Amanda had so many
wonderful attributes he could go on forever.

He relaxed back on the chair, feeling it mold into
his spine.

“Amanda was easy going, never shouted when I rolled
in from the ranch and put muddy footprints all over her recently mopped floor.”
He smiled, recalling how she did shake her index finger at him a few times. “She
was happy to stay at home, listening to music or watching a good movie and
eating popcorn. She accepted that we didn’t have a ton of money, but that was
okay with her.”

Sadie reached across and put both her hands on top
of his.

He looked into her eyes. He’d never seen pupils
quite that large ever before but he wasn’t intimidated. “I’m going to find you
a woman who will love you like your wife did and who you’ll love in return.”

He blinked his eyes a few times, feeling like he’d
come out of a long and peaceful sleep where he’d dreamed non-stop about Amanda.

“If you could just sign here I’ll get your
information into the system.”

He leaned across and put his name on the dotted

“Wonderful and I’ll be in touch when I have a
suitable match, which I’m guessing won’t be long.”

Cole stood and headed out of the door, down the
stairs, and got into his truck.

What had happened back there? The woman was sneakier
than his three sisters. Or maybe, just maybe the four of them were in co-hoots.

He’d given her the okay to find him a new partner.
How the hell had that happened? He’d signed on the dotted line.

Well, Sadie could at least try, but she better be
aware that he wasn’t going down without a fight.





Sadie realized she was running late for the second
time today.
Poor Cole.
No wonder he’d been so adamant
about not finding another a love. His heart was literally in tatters. She’d
seen it when she’d held his hand.
The poor man.
she’d go out of her way to match him with the ideal woman. She hadn’t failed

She glanced at her watch. Why she’d rented a car
here in Wyoming, she wasn’t quite sure, because her own mode of transportation
was coming in handy. Plus, she didn’t have to drive in the snow. She snapped
her fingers.

Sadie kept her fingers crossed that no one had seen
her appear out of nowhere and even if they had, hopefully they’d just think
they’d had too much to drink. She headed into the hotel’s reception, knowing
she was fifteen minutes late and probably keeping them waiting. As she turned
the corner, there they were; the most beautiful family in the whole place.
Brad, Lucy, and Presley who had grown by bounds since the last time Sadie had
last seen her.

Presley was the first one to spot Sadie. She pointed
and gave a giggle of delight.

And she was walking now, quite confidently in fact,
as she made her way toward Sadie.

her up in her
arms and planted a big kiss on her cheek. She walked to greet Brad and Lucy.

“I can’t believe how fast babies grow,” said Sadie.

“I know, it’s almost sad,” said Lucy, brushing some
hair out of Presley’s eyes.

Sadie kissed Lucy, and then gave Brad a peck on the

“Good to see you again, Sadie, and sorry I have to
say hello and goodbye. I’m running late for one of my law enforcement seminars,
but you girls have fun and I’ll catch up with you later.”

He kissed Lucy, tweaked Presley’s nose, and headed
down a corridor to the left. Sadie was sure he’d grown even more handsome since
the first time she’d seen him in the convenience store in Montana.

“So what’s new with you?” asked Lucy. Presley got
hold of her hand and pulled it.

“Toys, toys.”

“Presley, hang on, I’m just talking to Aunt Sadie,”
said Lucy. “I promised her we’d buy a toy in town,” she whispered to Sadie.

“Then let’s walk to the car and talk at the same
time. I just opened an office here in Casper, and have my first client.”

for you. I’m happy
to hear business is doing so well.”

They stopped while Lucy zipped up Presley’s coat,
and then slipped on her Hello Kitty mittens.

“So you’re not staying at the hotel?” asked Lucy.

“No, I found a quaint inn, but it looks like the
owner’s having trouble keeping it afloat.”

“It’s a tough business, especially these days. Did I
tell you I’m working as a call in nurse?

“No you didn’t.”

“I’ve been doing it for a month. It’s great because
I earn some money and get to stay home with Presley.”

Lucy unlocked the SUV and Sadie lifted Presley into
the car seat and fastened it.

“I thought we’d do some shopping and then have a
long leisurely lunch,’ said Sadie.

“That sounds like my sort of day,’ said Lucy.


Hayley checked the online sites for jobs in Spokane.
Today she’d given herself a goal. If business hadn’t picked up by Valentine’s
Day, she’d have to take a loss on the inn and head home. She’d tested the
waters with her parents, seeing if her old room was still available. Sounded
like it was, but she didn’t want to burden them with any of her problems. Plus,
the thought of her being close to twenty-seven and moving back home immediately
depressed her.

Maybe Sadie would think of something. Pulling out
the business card she’d given Hayley, she noted the raised gold lettering
spelling out the words Perfect Pairing. Maybe she should sign up, and ask Sadie
to find her a rich Wyoming oil man. Now that would be the answer to all her

Hayley sat back on her office chair and paged
through the Casper newspaper to see what was happening in town. Only three
weeks left until Christmas. Where had the year gone?

She saw a short piece about the fire department
selling Christmas trees to raise money for the local food shelf. She looked out
into the reception area. That would be a great spot for a tree. She’d decorate
it with Wyoming themed ornaments and hang twinkling lights on it. If she did
get more guests to come through the door it would be something to greet them
and make them feel at home during the holiday season.

Hayley put a circle around the days and times the lot
was open. Now all she needed was someone with a truck to pick it up and bring
it to the inn.


Sadie was glad to be off her feet and more than
ready for some lunch with Lucy and Presley. She hadn’t realized how energetic a
toddler could be, and poor Lucy must be in need of a rest too. Making sure no
one was looking; Sadie slipped off her shoes under the table and flexed her
toes. She’d eat her lunch bare footed.

“Can I get you ladies something to drink while you
look over the menu?” asked the waitress.

“I’d love a tea,” said Sadie.

“Me too, and do you think I could get some milk for
this sippy cup?” asked Lucy.

“Absolutely, and I’ll be right back with the

Presley fingered the crayons the hostess had given
her when they’d been seated.

“Oh before I forget I might as well give you your
Christmas card,” said Lucy, pulling out an envelope from her purse. “And we
were wondering if you’d like to spend Christmas with us…I mean if you don’t
have something planned with your family.” She handed the card to Sadie.

Sadie had never spent the holidays with mortals
before, but she loved the whole idea of wrapping gifts and making cookies. “I
would love to spend some time with you over the holidays. I could even go
skiing with my friend who lives in the area.”

“Then that’s settled.”

The waitress brought their teas and Lucy put the
milk into the sippy cup for Presley who was now busy scribbling on the placemat.
Sadie opened the card and saw that it was a family portrait of Brad, Lucy and
Presley, and also a cat.

“You have a pet now?” asked Sadie.

“We didn’t plan on it. In fact, Brad was thinking
about a dog and then one day this cat showed up at the door and it wouldn’t
leave. It would look in the window at Presley and softie that I am, I started
feeding it. Presley seemed to love it so much that Brad took it to the vet to
make sure it had a clean bill of health and I guess we’re its new family. The
time it spends with Presley is unbelievable, they’re like siblings.”

“So Presley, what’s the kitty’s name?” asked Sadie
showing her the photo.

Presley pointed to it.

Lucy nodded. “Yep, that’s the name she gave it.”

Sadie slipped the photo into her purse as the
waitress came back to take their order.

“I’ll have the roast beef sandwich,” said Sadie.

“I’ll have the chef salad, and I know Presley will
want mac and cheese, she’s really into that right now.”

“Cheeess,” said Presley.

“I’ll get these orders in for you.”

“While we’re waiting, I’m going to head to the ladies
room,” said Lucy.

“And Presley and I will entertain ourselves,” said

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