Protecting the Enemy (11 page)

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Authors: Christy Newton

BOOK: Protecting the Enemy
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“Thanks, Jewels.” He put his shirt back on. “Well, that just leaves Boss.”

She frowned. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.”

“He has no one to hide behind now. We’re close.”

She couldn’t wait to face the man behind the mask. “Go ahead and rest. I’m not tired.”

He nodded. “Wake me up in four hours, so you can get some sleep too.”

“Okay.” Life on the run sucked. Sleep only came when she was too exhausted to fight it. And sometimes she had nightmares about the men she’d killed. Something she hadn’t done in a long time. What she wouldn’t give to be back home and crawl into her own cozy bed, with her smooth, luxurious sheets. She missed painting her nails and wearing lipstick. She even missed the boredom she had often experienced waiting for her next assignment. A nice quiet game of Jenga sounded good right about now.


Julianna stood watch while Reid took a shower. She paced the room overcome with desire thinking about him naked and wet. When the faucet shut off, she walked into the bathroom where Reid was drying his face. He’d shaved. How she wanted to reach out and touch his face to see if it felt as smooth as it looked. Instead, she shoved her hands into her pockets. “We need to spy on Senator Grant.”

“I know Grant’s our only connection left to Boss, but we have to be careful.” He raked his fingers through his dark, wet hair. Since they’d depleted their bank accounts, they’d splurged on things like razors, body wash, shaving cream and makeup for Julianna. Even backpacks to carry everything when it was time to move again. Reid dabbed on his signature sandalwood cologne. The scent made desire pool between her thighs. She couldn’t take it any longer. Need took over as she removed her hands from their pockets and boldly stripped out of her clothes in front of him.

He swallowed as his eyes traveled up and down her body. “What are you doing?”

“What do you think?” She stepped up to him pressing her exposed breasts against his shirt. He grew hard in an instant, telling her she would get what she’d wanted. Her teeth grazed his ear and she whispered, “I need you. Now.”

His mouth found hers. His kisses were ruthless like he could swallow her whole. She unzipped his jeans with her heart threatening to beat out of her chest. His pants dropped and he propelled into her wet desire, his strength pushing her against the bathroom wall. She screamed out in pure pleasure. Fast and intense, they moved together creating so much heat they both worked up a sweat.

When he released his grip on her, they both slid down to the floor.

Reid spoke first. “I feel like a jerk for taking you that way.”

Still lightheaded, she looked up at him. “Why? I wanted you to.”

“That was great sex, but you deserve more, Jewels. You deserve to be made love to.”

She tilted her chin upward. “Then make love to me.”

He leaned his head back on the wall and looked up to the ceiling. “Not until this is over. We have to stay focused.”

“Right, so no sweet sex until we kill Boss and definitely no falling in love,” she teased trying to lighten the mood.

“I never stopped loving you, Jewels.”

An ache burned deep inside her chest. She wanted to remember. Not just slivers of her past, but every happy moment she’d with Reid. It was so unfair. She liked him a lot. Maybe even loved him, but she wasn’t sure if it was because of him or the fact that he was all she had now.

“Hey, I know that look. It’s okay if you don’t remember everything.” His fingers lifted her chin. “When this is over, we can make new memories.”


Chapter 10



eid and Julianna sat parked in the current borrowed car, down the street from the Grant residence. They had to leave the windows cracked despite the cool temperature— the former owner must have smoked like a chimney. Julianna watched and waited while sipping the last of her gas station coffee. If only they could just ask the man about Boss. “You know, I was thinking… what if Boss had done something for the senator only once, then he never spoke to him again?”

Reid kept his eyes fixed forward. “You don’t keep hidden phone numbers of people you’re never going to call again.”

She tapped her foot. “It feels like we’ve been sitting here all day.”

Reid laughed. “It’s been an hour. You’re not good at surveillance are you?”

She frowned and peered out the window. “I don’t like to sit in parked cars. I feel trapped.”

“You want to feel trapped? Spend a few months in a jail cell. That’s trapped.”

“It could have something to do with the fact that I was thrown into a trunk… wait, you’ve been in jail?”

“Yeah, when I was sixteen. That car I stole… I got caught. And you escaped from that trunk easily.”

“Is that the only time you’ve been behind bars?”

“Yep and I’ll never go back.” He’d rather die than not be free.

A town car pulled out of the senator’s driveway. Reid started the car. “He’s on the move. Let’s hope it’s to lead us to the real enemy.”

Grant pulled into the parking lot of a government office building.

Julianna sighed. “I highly doubt he would meet Boss here.”

“Me either. But we don’t know for sure what Boss’ face looks like.”

“I do. If he’s Brandon Voss.”

Too bad the senator didn’t know that Boss was killing people. If he thought Grant could stop Boss, he’d have talked to him by now. No, Boss was someone that they’d have to deal with on their own. If they could just find the man of the shadows.


“Don’t be disappointed. We knew it was a long shot.” Reid massaged Julianna’s shoulders as they sat on the bed inside the hotel room.

Her life was full of disappointments. Being a Jane Doe, being let down by a man she trusted, losing great memories of Reid. “I know, but we wasted an entire day. Senator Grant seems legit to me.”

“Let’s eat dinner and we’ll drive back over tonight. Maybe we can spy on him better if we can get a good look through his windows.”

Julianna laughed. “Sounds like a great way to spend the evening.”

He gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Come on, let’s go eat some spaghetti. You still like spaghetti don’t you?”

“Yes.” She frowned. “Too bad we can’t just stay in and order room service.” Eating dinner in bed sounded wonderful.

“It’s still too risky. Boss did teach you how to poison people. If he found us, it wouldn’t take much for him to slip something into our food.”

She sighed and stood up. “True. Better safe than dead.”


Reid stayed a safe distance behind Senator Grant as he weaved in and out of traffic. He pulled his town car down an alley. Very interesting. Reid parked the car a block away from where Grant pulled into. They exited the vehicle and went in the same direction Grant had driven. The area didn’t look like the kind of place a senator would conduct business at and it was the bad side of town, too. Until now, nothing had looked out of the ordinary with the senator.

“Do you think he could be meeting with Boss?” Julianna asked.

“I don’t know, but we’re about to find out.”

She kept Reid’s fast pace toward the entrance. “What other business would a respectable congressman have in this area after
9 p.m.? I doubt he is involved with shadier people than Boss.”

“You’d be surprised at what politicians are involved in.” Reid opened the metal door to reveal a dimly lit club with the pungent stench of cigars and sweat. Not a huge crowd yet, but from the looks of the pole positioned on the small stage, this was a gentlemen’s club.

A few waitresses walked around half naked, carrying mixed drinks to tables. There wasn’t any sign of the senator. They took a seat in the corner. Julianna held her nose while Reid scanned the place. A man disappeared into the back with one of the waitresses. The good senator had to be in back.

Reid stood up. “Stay here. Watch my back.”

Julianna continued to hold her nose. “Hurry. This place smells nastier than the car.”

Reid walked over to the bleached blonde carrying an empty tray toward the bar. “How do I get into the back?”

She set the round tray down and looped her arm with his. “With me, sugar.” The bimbo looked to be in her forties, but she was probably much younger. She had the face of someone with a rough life and the body of someone with too many implants. “I’m Sashia at your service.”

He wouldn’t touch her for anything. When they got to the rear of the building, a half dozen rooms were on either side of the hall. She opened the door to the second room.

He removed her arm and pulled out his wallet. “How much?”

She eyed him from head to toe. “Three hundred.”

Reid handed her three hundred and fifty. “I just need some information.”

She eyes widened. “You a cop? ‘Cause I was just going to dance for you. Perfectly legal.”

He grinned as charmingly as he could. “No. I’m not a cop.”

She chewed on her lower lip and glanced around. “What kind of information?”

“A well dressed man in a trench coat, about six-foot came back here a few minutes ago. Where is he?”

She crossed her arms. “I don’t recall.”

Reid pulled out another fifty. “Do you recall now?”

She took the money and pointed to the room two doors down. “He’s in with Trixie. Should be finished in a few minutes. He’s a fast one, that one.”

Information he didn’t need. “Thanks. I’ll wait here.”

“Suit yourself. Don’t mention my name.” She took off, back out to the club area.

Reid stood behind the door and waited. So, Senator Grant liked prostitutes did he? That data could prove to be useful.

As Sashia promised, the door opened just a couple minutes later. The man didn’t even notice Reid hidden in the shadows. The SOB had a satisfied smirk on his face. Not for long. Reid let the senator pass him, but he followed close behind. He motioned for Julianna as soon as they entered the main area. She stood up and walked over to them.

“Senator Grant?” She placed a hand on his arm.

He jerked his arm away. “No, you have me mistaken with someone else.”

Reid stepped in front of them. “I don’t think so. Why don’t we go sit down and have a chat.”

The man’s face went pale. “What do you want?”

“Brandon Voss.”

The senator’s mouth fell open. His eyes went to Julianna for a second before darting back to Reid. “I don’t know him.”

“How was Trixie tonight?” Reid asked.

He swallowed and glanced toward the exit. “I don’t know where he is.”

Reid reached over and straightened Senator Grant’s tie. “Does your wife know about your little excursions here?”

His hands turned into fists. “You have no idea who you are dealing with.”

“Yes, I think I do. I want Brandon Voss’ location or I’ll leak my new found information to the press.”

“I don’t have his location.” He removed a checkbook from his jacket pocket. “How much do you want?”

“Put your money away. The only way you can pay us to keep quiet is to provide us with Mr. Voss.”

“Then I think we are done here. I can’t give you something I don’t have. Believe me, I want him more than you do.”

Reid stepped aside. Senator Grant walked past him and out of the noisy club. The senator was really pissing him off. He counted to ten to regain his calm then headed to the door. Before Reid pulled the door open for Julianna, the sound of an explosion drowned out the crowd and caused the building to rattle.

They ran outside. What was left of Grant’s town car was in flames and blackened parts were scattered around the alley. The whole side of the brick building that the car had been parked next to was blown to bits. Trash littered the entire street.

“Oh no!” Julianna stared at the debris.

People started rushing out of the club to gawk at the disaster. If Senator Grant were inside his car, he was dead and Reid had a pretty strong feeling that Boss had been behind it. Sirens screamed through the chilly night air as Reid and Julianna made their way away from the crime scene on foot. Reid stopped at a pay phone and called 911 about a possible bomb inside the sedan they’d borrowed. Just in case Boss had done the same to their car, he didn’t want some unexpecting car thief to get blown up.


Julianna sat on the edge of the bed next to Reid in their newest hotel room. While the hotels weren’t dumps they were far from the luxury she was accustomed to. And even though she’d been eating lots of fast food and junk, her waistline was shrinking from staying on the move and staying in a constant state of worry. The newscaster on T.V. confirmed Senator Grant was killed in the car explosion outside of the gentleman’s club. The police suspected no foul play. The town car had unknowingly been parked next to a storage building with a gas leak. There was much speculation as to why he was in the alley behind the club. His wife made a statement to the press that he was most likely trying to clean up the city. Yeah, right. How many people would buy her load of bull?

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