Prove Your Love to Me - Sexy Interracial BWWM Erotic Romance from Steam Books

BOOK: Prove Your Love to Me - Sexy Interracial BWWM Erotic Romance from Steam Books
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Table of Contents

Title Page
for "Prove Your Love to Me"

About Marcus Williams

Check out the BWWM: Black Women, White Men compilation!

BONUS - Preview of "Days of Southern Comfort"
by Crystal White


to ME


Marcus Williams






2013 Steam Books Erotica & Romance

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.





I couldn’t believe we’d both made it. Out of all the odds and over all the hurdles; finally me and Mark had reached our destination – Yale. 

It was an odd story and yet everyone we told thought it was kind of sweet, we had that whole ‘written in the stars’ vibe going for us. We were best friends and our parents both raised us as city kids. His parents were white, upper east side New Yorkers whereas my family was dark skinned folks from downtown. Yet, despite that, me and Mark ended up meeting through our families when they went to eat at the same restaurant: a treat to my family was a weekly event for his. Our dads got along at the bar as our mothers let loose at a karaoke place down the road. From that day on we visited each other’s apartments every week for years. 

We ended up in the same high school since Mark insisted on going to a public one so he could be with me and his parents were happy enough to let him. Everything was perfect until senior year came around: during those last three-hundred days my parents divorced, my mother left New York and took me with her, we travelled all the way to Boston, and I thought that was the end for me and Mark. 

I don’t know why, but neither one of us could ever really let go. We said we’d e-mail every day and we did, it wasn’t an empty promise. We said we’d webcam every day and we did. Our friendship never faded, in fact it took us being apart to realize how we really felt for each other. We both graduated the same day, we both found out we’d be going to Yale the same day, we both travelled to meet each other the same day, and we never let go since. 

That summer we moved into our dorms early, made some swapping arrangements so that we could be together despite the old-fashioned boy and girl separating policy. We thought that this was the beginning of a better life, no one to stand in our way and no distance to stop us. However things were never really that simple when it came to love. 

I remember the first time we unpacked our room, how exciting it all was and how much Mark loved the fact we were finally stable, together, like it was meant to be.

“This is it, three years of having you all to myself. Regretting it already?” He threw one of the pillows at me as he made our bed, his goofy-boy smile was one that never grew from the day I first met him when we were younger; it was still looking at me just as innocent as it was back then. 

“I can’t wait to start classes, I know that’s really nerdy or whatever but I honestly can’t. Psychology is going to be so much fun and Professor Maggie is like – world renown or something.” All those feelings of being an adult, of being independent, it all came crashing over me in one swift moment and made everything feel great. I was on top of the world, I felt like I’d finally got my happy ending even though it was just the beginning of my life. 

“I’m excited to get myself into my dad’s frat house, he’s on their wall of fame so it should be some sort of automated pass for me.” 

Fraternity house?  I had no idea he wanted to join one of those, I didn’t think he was the type of guy to align himself with those sorts of people. He’d never mentioned it before or that his father had come to Yale, too. 

I didn’t say anything at the time, I mean what could you possibly say? We’d only just got each other again and I didn’t want to lose him to nights of nonstop drinking and topless women parading themselves around him or whatever fratboys did. I guess it was jealously, I guess I wanted us to just fly through college together with no interruptions but I knew we needed to make our own lives, too. I decided to stay quiet for a while, to smile at the idea and support him as best as I could. 

I regretted it almost instantly. 

The first couple of weeks flew by and Mark grew more and more distant with each passing day, it was almost as if he didn’t want his new friends to meet me. I thought he just wanted to be ‘one-of-the-guys’ and keep his romantic life away from that, which would’ve been fine if he’d just

Whenever I brought up his frat brothers he just went all quiet and weird, said they were nice and that I’d meet them once he’d gotten to know them more. I didn’t get it, was it some sort of cult that he’d gotten dragged into? Was he cheating on me with one of the sorority girls that visited their house? I was sitting on the edge of my seat just waiting for him to move in with his new brothers and leave me all alone in the halls.

After a month or so I’d made some decent friends, not many but at least they were decent. One of them was a sorority girl named Anya and the other was a quiet, bookish girl named Chloe. I wanted to bring up these troubles with my new friends but I didn’t want word getting back to Mark that I didn’t trust him because that may be the excuse he uses to leave me. I thought we’d make it through anything after our long-lived romance but it looks like things were really turning for the worst. 

“Y’know, most couples think they’re meant for each other and then they go off to college and find better suited people, or just become massive sluts.” Anya was casually sprouting out her knowledge oblivious to the fact it was making me want to burst into tears. “That’s not even the worst part though, I mean, most guys just cheat and cheat and cheat and once you find out about it it’s all ‘oh I was so wasted you know I love you,’ it’s kind of sad when you think about it. All these good little boys from nice homes just come here and go wild.” 

I couldn’t bear the thought of Mark’s hands touching anyone else, not one other girl. I decided to open up to my jealousy and follow its path wherever it may take me, even if that place was right into the setting of Mark in bed with another woman. 

“I think Mark’s cheating on me.” 

Anya shut up right away whereas Chloe put down her book for the first time since we’d met. They both stared at each other, then over to me as Anya reached out her hand and comforted my own. 

“I was just rambling, pay no attention honestly. Why do you think that, though?” 

All my fears just came flowing out of me, one by one thoughts flew from my mouth and tears formed in my eyes, I was having a breakdown right in the middle of the library to two girls I hadn’t known that long. Is that what love is? To go crazy over something so meaningless? I couldn’t understand why I was acting like this, I never had before and I never wanted to again. 

“He’s just so secretive about things lately, ever since he joined that stupid frat house his dad went to -” 

Before I could finish my rant Anya cut me off. “Which house is it?” She looked serious, serious enough to make me a little frightened. 

“Omega something, I don’t know these Greek words they use.” 

Suddenly both Chloe and Anya looked at each other, Chloe put down her book and turned to face me; a look of disappointment and sadness crossing her face whereas Anya let go of my hand and sat back, almost as if the next thing to be said was so bad she couldn’t do it herself. I kept looking from one to the other waiting for someone to speak, my heart in my throat yet feeling like it’d sank down my body and into the core of the earth where fire engulfed it. 

“The Omega’s are a really traditional house. They don’t like anything new, I mean. Yale has really opened up now to all kinds of people but the ones who provide the money are still… traditional.” 

I couldn’t understand what Chloe was trying to tell me, how was I not traditional? 

“What do you mean?” 

She looked over to Anya who sat forward once more and grabbed my hand again, ready to tell me something I knew I wouldn’t want to hear. 

“They don’t like people who… aren’t white and rich.” 


“They’re a really racist bunch, not in public but within their own walls…” Chloe added to her statement. 

I couldn’t believe it, was Mark ashamed to be seen with me because of a bunch of racists he now considered friends? I couldn’t understand, I wouldn’t understand. All I could carry around with me all day after hearing it was a bundle of anger ready to burst, my body shaking with rage as I entered our room and waited for Mark to return – if he ever did. 

All this time I thought he was cheating on me, I thought he was falling out of love with me or getting into the party lifestyle and discarding me but it turns out his new ‘brothers’ are just a bunch of racists and he was going along with the white crew playing their little games. I bet they didn’t even know about me, I bet he was all locker room talk to them about the pretty white sorority girls and told them exactly what he’d want to do. How long before he ditched me completely? How long before he stopped pretending to not be with me and decide not to be for good? I couldn’t stop myself from feeling so heated, feeling so mad at him. 

As time moved on I realized he wasn’t coming home, back to his girlfriend in the room. The thought of him out there partying with a bunch of racists angered me so much; I stormed back out onto campus and followed the path all the way to their big, arrogant doors. Music and lights came flying at me as I opened up to the middle of a party. Blonde bunnies and beer kegs littered the floor and hovered over every guy. Mark wasn’t anywhere to be found, though. 

I took the spiral staircase to the second floor where the party raged on, pushing past everything white person that stood in my way, I’d never felt like this before; I’d never had a problem with my skin before. It wasn’t even a concern, It wasn’t anywhere in my mind. I just saw us as people, all of us as people that are equal and I thought Mark did, too. I could feel myself getting more and more worked up. Finally reaching the end of the hall I decided to take the risk of checking the rooms. 

I burst through the first door to see him. He was laying in bed with his eyes shut tight, a mountain of empty cans next to him and thankfully no one else to be seen. It looked like he’d drunk himself into a state of un-dead as he groaned when the lights went on. I didn’t care if this wasn’t the perfect time. This was the only time, I needed to know where I stood. 

“Nickie, what are you-” I wasn’t giving him a chance to finish, I couldn’t; I was relieved to find him alone but I was still so furious about everything.

“I know about this house, about why you didn’t want me to meet your friends.” Even though there must have been a few hundred people making noise - suddenly the room felt like you could hear a pin drop.

As he rubbed his eyes and came to, he shifted his body so that his feet touched the ground, dragging himself away from the comfort of the sheets. He stood in bare briefs in front of me with writing all over his body saying ‘pledge,’ it looked like he was officially one of them now. I didn’t get why he’d put himself in the same group of people that hated me for something as simple as my skin color, I couldn’t understand it and I wouldn’t understand it. 

“It’s not like that, you think I really care about what these guys think?”

“Well, what’s the reason then, Mark? Why have you been keeping me out of your life?” I could feel myself getting more and more worked up, I just wanted an answer, any answer. 

“I’ve been doing this to make my dad happy, I hate it here.”

I can’t say that was the response I was expecting.

“I hate all of this and that’s why I’ve kept you away from it. Now that I’m in I don’t really have to do much except show my face and use my family name at events. That’s all. I love you.” 

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