Proven Guilty Boys in Blue 05 -

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Proven Guilty
ISBN # 978-1-78184-261-4
©Copyright Mia Watts 2013
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright March 2013
Edited by Eleanor Boyall
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2013 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.
This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
and a


This story contains 72 pages, additionally there is also a
free excerpt
at the end of the book containing 5 pages.
Boys in Blue
Mia Watts
Book five in the Boys in Blue series
James is positive he’s not gay—almost, but when his new room-mate and District Attorney liaison calls his bluff, another boy in blue might just be proven guilty.


Detective James Runyon is rough around the edges with a reputation for causing trouble. So when a fellow officer accuses him of being gay, he knows the guy is full of shit.

But his new room-mate, Shawn Janis, is slim, sexy, gorgeous and setting off way too many alarms for his comfort. And trying not to look at him has James in a tailspin of avoidance…until Shawn calls his bluff with an office kiss.


To the fans who insisted that the Boys in Blue go a few more rounds, and for Phuong Phan, who helped me with the title.
This is for you. Thank you.

Chapter One
Eleven months ago

James Runyon stopped cold in his tracks. His gaze caught and held. Though he couldn’t quite make out what he saw, it hitched his breath all the same. The movements were primal, and his body understood completely. It brought him to full, aching arousal.

James hated that he couldn’t tear his eyes away. A fellow officer at the interdepartmental camp he’d been forced to attend was on his knees before the gingered FBI agent. From James’ view point, Knight—God,
was blowing

The tree Agent Powell leaned on blocked James’ direct line of sight. He took several sidesteps to get a better vantage. What he saw riveted his attention.
Liam Knight, all-around guy’s guy, pumped his dark head up and down Agent Powell’s pale cock. His nose alternately buried itself into ginger curls at the base. His lips stretched around the width and popped over the dusky rose-coloured rim of Powell’s cut cockhead.
Powell was all but completely naked. His shoulders pressed the tree, but his back bowed forward, naked, pale, a smattering of freckles across his shoulders and arms. The way his chest heaved through every breath, the open-mouthed panting as Powell stared down at Knight’s handiwork, affected James most.
He watched as Powell’s hands stroked over his own chest then down to take hold of Knight’s head. His hip flexors undulated. His ass, bare to the woods, tightened in time to each pull of his cock.
Powell’s lean body was surprisingly muscled. Not heavily, but lean like a runner’s body. The smaller man’s moves set off a riot of things inside James that he didn’t want to address. He hated prissy men. Yet here was one of the most effeminate men he’d ever seen in law enforcement, and James would’ve given his left nut to be the one making Powell moan.
James’ balls tingled sharply. His cock jerked and his ass cheeks tightened in sympathy as Powell began to thrust. Powell fucked Knight’s mouth. Knight took it. He
it. How could he take it? Knight was as straight a guy as James had ever known and Powell a flaming flamer, flamier than his flaming red hair,
And why the fuck did
want to do it too? His mouth had watered for it. He couldn’t look, yet he couldn’t look away, while his mind had raced with questions.
Powell rocked hard against Knight’s mouth.
James’ breath grew shallow and equally desperate. It was every taboo he’d ever forbidden himself from imagining. He stood entranced, engorged. His cock aching for the release Powell would get. And for a split second, he told himself, he wanted to suck Powell’s cock like that.
Powell cried out, his dick buried out of sight in Knight’s mouth. James nearly let out his own cry with equal frustration that
hadn’t come.
Knight licked Powell off and stood up, smiling. “Your O face is amazing. It’s like you’re surprised to be coming, but you’re gonna fucking ride that wave. It’s damn hot.”
been amazing. He kind of hoped that Powell would suck Knight next. Or, God help him, bend over and let Knight take his ass. James wanted to see more, to drink it in.
No, he didn’t, he argued with himself.
I’m not a fag. Only fags watch other fags have sex.
It was the nastiest term he could find to discourage himself from thinking along those lines. If he knew one thing,
wasn’t a fag. Getting sucked off was hot because he knew what that felt like. He’d only been turned on because it had been a while. Because he’d been at the camp for a week and was ready to get home and bury his cock into something warm and wet.
Yeah, that’s it. That’s what it’s about.
James shut down the internal voice nagging that he’d wanted to suck cock.
He saw Powell blush like a girl. Powell hugged Knight to his naked body. “I don’t know how I got lucky enough to get your attention, but I’m sure as hell not letting you go.”
Liam petted his hair, kissed his temple. He murmured something to his lover that James couldn’t hear.
“What. The. Fuck!” James said, unable to hold in his confusion any longer. He hadn’t meant to yell. He’d mostly been talking to himself, trying to get his own chaotic thoughts in order, but the shout had been uttered and now they’d know they’d been seen.
Liam’s head jerked around. He kept Andy Powell’s face out of sight. It was pointless. James knew exactly who he’d just been chowing down on.
He braced himself, trying to cover his inner turmoil with a sneer. It seemed to be the only expression he was capable of, since he had no intention of examining why watching the two men had made him horny. “Did the little pervert force you? The gay is contagious. I fucking knew it!”
It would explain why James had been turned on. Proximity, availability and a redhaired dude with a welcome sign on his dick. Maybe sleeping so close to Powell had worn Knight down.
Liam faced him, keeping Powell behind him while the redhead hurried to pull up his pants. James tried to watch unsuccessfully, hoping at any second he’d feel the same disgust he’d portrayed in his words.
“My boyfriend here thinks you’re homophobic,” Liam commented, folding his arms across his chest.
“Your boyfriend? You can’t be gay, man, you’re one of the toughest dudes here. He’s just fucked up your mind. They got treatments to fix you,” James said.
“I think you’re in denial,” Liam answered flatly.
No, he wasn’t in denial. Liam was. He had to be. Because if a guy like Liam was gay, it opened up way too many uncertainties. Liam represented every guy James had ever served with. He represented
. James had grown more or less comfortable with the fact that he might notice a guy from time to time, before he got a grip, because James was a rough, tough sonofabitch. Like Liam.
A sense of panic touched James. “Dude. You aren’t gay. He just brainwashed you. We’ll get help. Just step away from the gay.”
“Fuck you, James. I’m gay. I’ve always been gay. And here’s a newsflash, so are you.”
“No fucking way! You’re messed up.” James held up his hands as though Liam had pointed a 9mm at him. He backed up several steps.
“James.” Liam softened his tone. “I should know what denial in a macho guy like you looks like. There’s nothing wrong with you. You aren’t broken.”
“Fuck that!” James took off, unable to listen another moment.
James knew who he was. He’d lived thirty-one years on this planet, which meant he knew himself better than anyone else could. Liam didn’t know what he was talking about. James

Chapter Two


James pushed a pin into the flyer on the break room corkboard.

“Room-mate needed. Master suite with in-unit washer and dryer. Huh. That’s a good price. Apartment?” a man asked behind him.
James turned to see the person who’d come up behind him while he’d been posting. He eyed the man carefully. He knew the officer and had only heard good things about him. “Town house. The rate includes association fees. Officer Janis, right?” James asked.
The man nodded. “Why are you giving up the master?”
“It has two master suites. My room-mate got married, and he’s moving the last of his stuff out this weekend. You looking for a place?” James pressed.
He relaxed as they continued to talk. Liam’s accusation had been almost the first thought in his mind every time he met another man. And every time James wasn’t attracted to one, he felt another victory. Janis was a perfect example, so James smiled easily.
“Not for me. My kid brother is looking for a place. He’s moving here to fill a posting at the District Attorney’s office as a liaison with our local departments. He’s solid,” Officer Janis told him.
“How much of a kid is he? He’s not gonna want to throw parties or some shit, is he?”
“I just told you he’s been hired by the D.A. Do you really think she’d hire a partier?” Officer Janis laughed. “He’s responsible, smart, not really a kid. Almost thirty, actually, but he’s younger than me, and I won’t let him forget it.”
His smile was warm and friendly and had James nodding before he spoke. He ripped off one of the tabs with his phone number on it. “Tell him to give me a call. I’ll make sure he gets a chance to see the place before I take an offer.”
“Thanks, man.” Janis clapped him on the shoulder. “See you out there.”
“See ya,” James replied.
He watched the other man walk away. He had a confident gait, and though he was stocky and short, he didn’t look like the kind of man you messed with if you knew what was good for you. More than that, he had a reputation for fairness and good humour. Any parent who’d raised one son like that had probably not done so on a fluke.
And James felt absolutely zero attraction for the man. He whistled back to his desk.
“You sound happy,” his partner, Greg Sety, commented.
“I barely posted the listing and had a possible taker.”
“Probably a rookie,” Greg said, trying to rile him with potential for one of many things that could go wrong.
“Nope. He’s Janis’ brother who works for the D.A.”
“The D.A.? Seriously? You think that’s a good idea?” Greg returned.
“Why not?”
“Think about it. You’re on a case for some prick we finally catch up to, it gets turned over to the D.A. and all charges are dropped.” Greg shook his head slowly, brows raised as he picked up the next file. “I don’t know, bud. Sounds like grounds for some serious domestic disturbance, if you ask me.”
“You could move in, but you can’t bring the wife,” James teased.
“Wow, that was classy.”
“What can I say? I’m a classy guy,” James said, grinning.
“No you aren’t. You’re a rough hardass who needs culture. Settle down, find a woman who will have you, and let her teach you a few social niceties. You could use some polish.”
“What is it about women wanting to change the guy they’re with? If they didn’t like him to begin with, why’d they bother hooking up with him?” James pounded his password into the database to gain access. He might have used a little too much force.
“For you? Chicks seem to dig the uncouth, hairy ape-men who promise to be rough in bed. It gives them a challenge. If they can dominate and prettify you, they can conquer the
,” Greg said, punctuating with a fist in the air.
“Oh,” James said with an understanding air. He looked earnestly back at his partner. “Is that what happened? She castrated you?”
“Fuck you,” Greg laughed. He whipped a pen at James’ chest.
“It would explain
much.” James laughed too, settling in for work.

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