Provoked (15 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Provoked
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“You do.” Hilde smiled, pride in her eyes. “You’re like a beacon, Amber. I have no doubt your power is exceptional, much more so than mine or your mother’s. But I’d always hoped you wouldn’t have to use the gift.”
“I promised,” Amber whispered. “I gave my word if they saved you, I’d help them.” Even if she hadn’t promised Kane, she’d want to help get his brother back safely. And now, after knowing how much the demons had taken from her, she wanted to be able to defend anybody she loved.
Hilde nodded. “I understand. But keep in mind, I don’t really know how to use the gift. My mother worked with my sister only, and I went on my own way. In fact, at that time, I never thought I’d pass on the gift, to be honest. My sister didn’t pass it on, either.”
“So I may be the only one left besides you.” The world suddenly became much heavier.
“Who knows?” Hilde shrugged. “But you have to understand, the demons are born to mess with minds, and learn to do so from birth. You aren’t trained, and even with your power, you’re in over your head.” She pursed her lips. “The whole mating a vampire and giving him your gifts is actually starting to make sense. I can’t lose you, pumpkin.”
“You won’t, I promise.”
Hilde’s gaze narrowed. “Which Kayrs did you sleep with? The king?”
Amber’s head jerked back. “Of course not. He has a mate.”
“Oh?” Hilde pursed her lips. “I’ve been out of the loop for a long time and hadn’t heard. So which brother?”
“The smart one.”
Hilde frowned. “Well, he’s a handsome vampire, but never forget, even if he is the smart one, he’s every bit the soldier as the rest of them. The Kayrs brothers were taught to fight first and rule second—as well as to sacrifice everything for the Realm. They will and they have.”
The words sent chills down Amber’s back. Kane did seem focused and absolutely determined. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good.” Hilde sat back down on the bed. “So, er, about your night together. Vampires are amazing in bed, now, aren’t they?”
way from the Kurjan encampment, Kalin stood in the rain, feet braced, water splashing his pale skin. The cloud-cover in Utah offered him a very rare moment of standing outside during the day, and enjoyment relaxed his muscles. As the leader of the Kurjan military, he never smiled in front of his troops unless the moment involved death. For now, at an odd moment, he stood alone and smiled into the storm.
He had complete faith that his researchers would create a cure for daylight. One day, he’d chase bikini-clad women by the ocean under the full rays of the sun. But for now, his people were cursed with parchment-white skin, blood-red hair, and purple eyes. They lived for the night. Well, most of his people. He had black hair tipped with red and odd green eyes like a human. Once in a while he wore makeup and actually walked among his prey.
And prey they were.
A signal beeped on his watch. So much for peace. He jerked around and stalked back to the rough cabin he’d taken as a temporary headquarters.
His smile disappeared.
Shoving open the door and clomping inside, he stood before a small computer. “Where is he?”
“Coming up,” said a computer tech who probably had a name.
Kalin forced down a growl and enjoyed as the man cringed away. The guy was what? Only six and a half feet tall? Very short for a Kurjan. “I told you not to bother me until the call went through.”
The screen wavered and a strong face filled the screen. “What the hell do you want, Kurjan?”
Kalin stepped forward, gaze on the man he hadn’t seen in years. “It’s good to see you, too, Suri.”
The demon leader stood straighter. “I asked you a question.”
What an asshole. The demon ruler had shockingly white hair, fathomless black eyes, and the mangled vocal cords of a purebred. Dressed in all black, a silver insignia above his left breast designated him as the leader.
Odd, but Kalin had never thought about the similarities in their soldier uniforms. Sure, the demons used silver for metals, and the Kurjans used red, but still, black uniforms were black uniforms.
Vampires didn’t have uniforms. Arrogant bastards didn’t think they needed them, probably.
Kalin forced a bored look on his face. “I have an offer. A demon destroyer for the youngest Kayrs brother.” The offer was too good for the demons to refuse.
Suri raised both white eyebrows. “You have the destroyer?”
“I will in about an hour.” Sure, he was going after the older one, but a demon destroyer she was. “You interested or not?”
“I am.” Suri nodded to someone off camera. “Call me back when you have her.” The screen fizzled to black.
“What a prick.” Kalin headed for the stairs. “Keep monitoring the situation, and we’ll head out when darkness falls.” Without waiting for acknowledgment of his orders, he jogged down the stairs to what had been a fruit cellar. Shoving open the door, he headed for the one cot in the small room. Lying on his back, he counted the divots in the ceiling. For the first time in a long time, he allowed himself to drop into sleep without shielding his mind.
The dream came easily, and he found himself walking in the sun, fighting true joy at the warmth. He wandered along a rough path by a raging river. Finally, he allowed a smile to cross his face.
“You look nicer when you smile.”
The feminine voice came from his left, and he turned to see a young woman sitting on a large rock. He paused. “Janie Kayrs. You’re even prettier than you were two years ago.”
She arched a delicate eyebrow. “I’ve been having some fairly strong visions concerning you, Kalin.”
He clasped his hands behind his back, settling his stance. She truly was beautiful. Long hair the color of burnished teak, deep blue eyes, and very delicate bone structure. “Have you, now? I’m assuming this is why you’ve met me in yet another dream world?”
“Yes.” She took him in, no expression on her flawless face.
“Does your father know we’re meeting?” No way in hell did either Talen or Dage know the Kayrs princess was meeting the Kurjan butcher in a dream world nobody controlled.
“Don’t be silly.” She swung a foot back and forth.
For some reason, the small tennis shoe she wore reminded him of their childhood meetings . . . when they were both young and innocent. He’d left innocent behind years ago. “Nobody has ever called me silly.”
Her eyes darkened. “Now that’s just sad.”
He frowned. “Why are you asleep in the middle of the day?”
“I’m getting a cold and needed rest. Plus, I’ve been trying to reach you for weeks.”
That thought should not send warmth through his chest. He didn’t care if she wanted to see him or not. Janie Kayrs was an end to a means, and someday he’d use everything she was to get what he wanted. But today he could allow himself some curiosity. “What do you want?”
She took a deep breath that emphasized pert breasts under a white T-shirt. For the first time since meeting her, he realized she was an adult. He flashed his fangs. “What are you now—about twenty?” More than old enough to take.
“Yes—I’m all grown up, Kalin.” Her small chin lowered. “And I have a grown-up offer to make you.”
Now this was getting interesting. “Is that a fact?” His gaze raked her from head to toe, lingering at the good parts. It was truly a nice surprise that there were so many good parts. “What kind of an offer?”
She waited until his gaze returned to her eyes, pure boredom on her face. “I know you’re in league with the demons, if not yet, then you will be.”
He kept his expression neutral. The oracles had been correct in that her psychic powers were impressive, far more impressive than anyone realized. To be able to take that gift and use it as the Kurjan leader would be worth all the time he’d waited to make his move. “And?”
“You get Jase home, and I’ll trade myself for him.”
Kalin’s upper lip twitched with the need to smile. He’d already set that plan in motion. Odd that they were on the same wavelength. “What makes you think I want you?”
She rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”
The tiny, defenseless human actually rolled her eyes at him. An unwilling laugh barked from his chest. “I’d kill anybody else who dared to make such a face at me.”
She leaned forward, her eyes intense, her voice soft. Her feminine gaze raked him from head to toe, pausing at the medals adorning his chest before heading up toward his eyes. “You don’t scare me—you never have.”
Odd, but that gave him feelings of both gratitude and irritation. “Then you’re not as smart as everyone predicted you’d be.”
“Maybe I’m just more powerful than any of you predicted.”
Perhaps so. A new burning filtered through his body. Oh, he wanted the little human, without question.
“So, my offer?” she asked.
Kalin sighed. “You’d willingly walk into the den of the enemy for Jase Kayrs, now, would you?” After all the years of them meeting, the little human still didn’t understand him. Not at all.
“What about Zane?” There was no question the fate of the world would come down to Kalin, Janie, and Zane, a partial-vampire who’d also visited the dream world several times, first as a child and more recently as an adult soldier.
Janie blinked twice. “What about him?”
Oh, the girl still had a crush, did she? “I’m fairly certain I need to cut off his head in order for destiny to be fulfilled.”
Horror filled her eyes that she quickly banked. But not fast enough. She shrugged. “Zane can take care of himself just fine.”
“Deserted you, did he?”
She jumped from the rock and landed a foot away. Tilting her head back, she met Kalin’s gaze. “The offer will expire. Think about it.” With a sweep of her hand, the world disappeared.
Kalin sat up on the cot. Impressive little human. Yet what she didn’t understand was that the last thing he wanted was her cooperation. When he took her, and he would, the little female had better fight. Otherwise, what the hell was the point?
ealm headquarters was beginning to smother him. Maybe it was time to go hunt a werewolf or two. Kane stifled a sigh as he slid open his door and stalked into his underground quarters.
Her smell hit him immediately. Wild heather, just blooming.
The tinkling sound of a waterfall echoed from his wall fountain, and the lights had been turned down low. He focused on the woman sitting so quietly on his wide sofa. “What are you doing here?”
Amber shrugged, her gaze going to the two moonlight scenes decorating his walls. “This place is all zen—much different from what I would’ve expected.”
The dark furniture and thick rug blended with the rock surrounding them and gave him a sense of peace when he needed space to breathe. “I work in labs surrounded by chrome, steel, and glass. Sometimes I want something soothing for a little while.” He dropped to the couch next to her. “Do you like my place?”
“Very much,” she said softly.
He rested his head back and shut his aching eyes. “Why are you here, Amber?”
“I want to train some more.”
Just like that, his entire body tensed. “Why?”
She exhaled loudly. “The demons know about me, and they know about my grandmother. She’s not strong enough to stop them, and I need to be. So it’s time to train again.”
His head hurt and the damn marking on his palm had started to pound the second he realized its existence. Of course, the brand had appeared because he was logically thinking of mating someone and for no other reason. Fate didn’t exist. He was in control of his body and the marking. “Let’s take the night off.”
“I can find somebody else to train me.”
The pounding in his hand rippled up his arm and down his spine with claws of irritation. “No, you can’t. I’m the only genius empath in town, sweetheart. Deal with it.” None of his other people could possibly mimic the effects of a demon attack. Thank God.
“I bet the king can attack brains.” Her voice rose in challenge.
Kane’s eyes flashed open. The idea of Dage invading Amber’s mind pierced heat through him until he growled low. “Dage is psychic and can read minds, but he can’t attack them. Period.”
“Then get to work.” She shifted on the couch, sending her scent to tempt him. Female. His.
Forcing all emotion into the universe, he sighed. “No. We’ll start again tomorrow.”
The slow glide of heat through his head calmed him instantly. The warmth pulsed, destroying his headache before sliding through the tense muscles in his neck and shoulders. His body relaxed into the couch. The warmth continued, through muscles and tissue, warming him from within.
Arousal followed the heat.
His eyes opened slowly to focus on Amber, who faced him, her eyes opened wide.
Nothing in the world could’ve stopped him from reaching for her. Grabbing her arms, he settled her on his lap, straddling him.
Her mouth opened in a silent
. “I felt your brain—the headache—the tenseness leave you.” Wonder lifted her lips.
“Yes.” His mind, warm and strong, completely blanked as his gaze dropped to her mouth.
She shifted her weight on him, rubbing against his cock. He became instantly and inexplicably hard as a rock.
Her throat cleared. “Ah, I didn’t, I mean, well . . .”
Tangling a hand in her silky hair, he tugged her head to the side. All focus, all concentration, centered on that pretty pink mouth. She opened it to say something, and he stopped her with a strong grip on her jaw. The sharp intake of her breath only spurred him on.
Slowly, wanting her to know he was fully in control, he tugged her mouth to his. A small sigh escaped her when they touched. She softened, her body leaning toward his, accepting him.
He nibbled at her lips, tasting and coaxing. Her hands slid to his shoulders, the fingers flexing.
His hold tightened on her jaw, and she obeyed the silent demand by opening her mouth. With a low growl, he went deeper, taking and claiming. His eyes shut, and the world narrowed to the woman he’d so effectively trapped. She couldn’t move an inch without him releasing his hold. Yet, as her mouth opened wider, as she matched his kiss, he wondered who’d been caught.
As her tongue touched his, the thought disappeared. The woman held passion tight, and he wanted to be the one to let it loose. To unleash the fire inside a gifted female. To bare her and claim every single inch . . . so she’d have no question who she belonged to. The marking on his palm pulsed hard in agreement.
She moaned into his mouth, her nails biting his shoulders. So soft, so willing, so damn hot.
His mind spun. His slacks became beyond confining. Tugging her closer, he fought a groan as her hard nipples scraped against his chest. She pressed against him like a hungry kitten, struggling to get closer. The heat from her core cascaded right through his pants and warmed his groin.
Jesus. She’d kill him.
He wanted to lay her out and feast for days. Take her slow . . . take her fast . . . just take her.
Keep her.
Drawing back, he looked his fill. Her eyes had darkened so the pupils melded with the irises—no distinction. Sexual need flared hot and bright in those dangerous orbs. Her mouth was swollen, looking properly kissed, and a high flush decorated her fine cheekbones. But there was vulnerability along with need on her face.
The combination of the two made the night inevitable. “You’re beautiful.”
She started, blinking several times.
No . . . no regaining reality. He kissed her hard, pressing deep until she was moaning and kissing him back. Keeping her mouth busy, he cupped her ass and stood. Satisfaction surged through him when she wrapped her legs around his waist in acceptance. Several strides had them around the couch and in his bedroom, where he laid her down. She scooted up on the bed, her gaze on him.
He was so damn tired of planning, so tired of thinking. For just a moment, he wanted to steal some peace. To get out of his head.
The world focused to one small, sexy, dangerous woman.
The hunger in her eyes sparked a primal possessiveness deep within him. “Take off your shirt.” Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, and he fought a groan. “Now.”
Her hands shook when she reached for the hem of her T-shirt and slowly, so damn slowly, tugged the cotton over her head. The saucy smile she gave as the shirt landed on the floor guaranteed she’d teased him on purpose.
He had no doubt his answering smile was predatory. “Be careful who you tease, darlin’.”
She reached up to cup her breasts through a flimsy bra. “Why is that?”
A whisper of sound and he was on her, both hands encircling her wrists. The swift intake of her breath had his dick surging for relief. “Let me show you.” Quick as that, his fangs dropped into her neck.
She cried out, arching against him, an orgasm sweeping through her body.
The taste of wild heather and honey exploded in his mouth. His cock howled in protest. Two swipes of his tongue closed the wound, and he lifted to smile at her bemused face. He nipped her lip and that feminine mouth opened in surprise. Wandering his mouth along the soft skin under her jaw, an overwhelming need to protect almost banished the desire to possess.
He licked the soft spot behind her ear, enjoying her sigh of need. Her hands tugged for release, and he tightened his hold. The pulse in her neck increased its pounding in response. He kissed the life-giving vein in approval.
His fangs dropped again, and he cut her bra in two.
“Hey,” she protested, “that’s my only bra here.”
He lifted his head and slashed through the straps. “If you were mine, I’d never allow you to wear a bra.”
She frowned. “Allow—” Then she made a strangled whimper as he flicked one nipple with his tongue. She sucked in a breath to try again, and he flicked the other nipple. She went silent.
Man, she had gorgeous breasts. Full and tipped with strawberry-colored nipples, she tasted like summer and smelled like forever. He swirled his tongue around a nipple, his mind spinning when she arched against him. They had too many clothes on.
Releasing her hands, he removed her jeans and panties in two seconds.
Her nimble fingers went to the buttons on his silk shirt, making quick work of them. He shrugged off the shirt.
“Your pants,” she murmured, dark gaze watching her palms sliding along his chest. A pleased smile lifted her swollen lips.
“What the lady wants . . .” He unbuckled his belt and removed his pants, kicking them with his socks across the room. He traced a hand from her knee to her inner thigh. Toned muscle trembled under his touch. Ignoring her sound of need, he played with her skin, marveling at the softness. When she arched her mound toward him, he bit back a smile and ran his fingers along the other thigh.
Would she taste as good as she had in the cabin? Had his imagination taken control?
She shifted on the bed. “Kane, I . . .”
“What, sweetheart?” He lifted up just enough for his breath to brush her clit. Her very bare clit. He did appreciate a woman who waxed.
Her gasp of breath filled the silent room. “You’re killing me.”
“Not my intention.” He licked smooth skin, and she almost came off the bed. “Now tell me what you want.”
She stilled. “Um, well, what do you want?”
His woman was shy in bed. Interesting . . . and not what he’d accept. “I want you to tell me what you want.” Oh, she was wet and primed. He knew exactly what she wanted—but she’d have to ask. Nicely.
“You’re kind of an asshole in bed,” she moaned.
A sharp slap to her clit had her crying out. Need and intrigue filled the high sound. She liked this. He rose to pin her with a look. “Is that what you wanted?”
“No,” she panted out.
“Then you’d better ask nicely.” Her thighs had dampened even more after the quick slap. Interesting.
“Please put your mouth on me.”
He smiled. “Gladly.” Thank God she’d asked. He couldn’t have held back much longer. He ran his tongue through her slit, nearly humming in appreciation. She tasted even better than he’d remembered. Sweet and slightly salty . . . and all his.
Her breath came out in pants, and her body gyrated on the bed.
“I love your responses,” he murmured against her skin, smiling as her thighs began to tremble harder.
He pressed a finger into her and easily brushed the bundle of nerves that had her whimpering. The sexy sound came from deep in her throat. Gently, way too gently, he pressed a kiss on her mound.
She pushed up against him, and his free hand flattened on her abdomen to keep her in place.
A frustrated hiss came from the woman.
Lowering his head again, he scraped his fangs along her thigh with just enough pressure to still her movements. Then he returned to licking her . . . never in the same place twice.
Her body drew tight in need. “Kane, please . . .”
“Please, what?” He sunk his teeth into her thigh with enough force to leave a small mark.
“I, ah . . .” She sounded almost mindless with want.
Exactly how he wanted her. Needed her. “You want something, sweetheart?”
She stiffened, no doubt biting back a sharp retort. Smart girl. “You know I do.”
“Ask for it.”
She huffed in obvious exasperation.
Kane gently drew her engorged clit in his mouth. Then he released her.
Her whimper almost made him give in. But instead, he nipped her thigh again. “Ask me, darlin’.”
“Damn it. I’d like to come.” Her voice came out fast and hoarse.
He figured she’d sworn more in the short time she’d known him than ever before. Poor thing. He lifted up, resting his chest on her thigh. “I’d like to end the war and make it mandatory for all people to take driving tests every year.”
Her eyes narrowed. If the woman had a gun, he had no doubt she’d shoot him. So he wiggled the finger inside her, brushing against her G-spot.
Her eyelids fluttered shut.
Stubborn little thing. He added another finger, working the spot until a light sheen of moisture covered her forehead, and a fine blush covered her beautiful breasts. “Ask me nicely, and you get what you want.” His cock was ready to explode. “Keep being stubborn, and you won’t like the result.” He slid his fingers through her folds, barely brushing her clit before plunging back inside her.
“Please let me come,” she whispered, her entire body trembling.
“With pleasure.” Rising up, he sucked her clit into his mouth, flicking the little nub with his tongue while also working both fingers inside her.
She arched off the bed, crying out as the orgasm whipped through her. He helped her ride out the waves, prolonging the sensation as long as he could. Finally, she collapsed against the bedspread, her eyes opening on his.

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