ProvokeMe (11 page)

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Authors: Cari Quinn

BOOK: ProvokeMe
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For three years, he’d used all their differences as examples
of why she’d never fit in his world—or his bed.
Even so, his reasons for
wanting to maintain his distance weren’t sufficient to keep him away.
Now that
he’d had a taste, they felt more insubstantial than ever.

They were adults.
Consenting, unencumbered adults.
Their…liaison didn’t have to interfere with work at all.

Fuck and duck.
Easy enough.

Jaw clenched, he powered down his computer, already
rearranging tomorrow’s schedule.
He’d get everything done so he could be in
Virginia as planned.
If he needed to work all weekend, he would.
If he had to
tabulate those damn P&Ls on the plane, he’d do that too.
Whatever it took.

He smiled in spite of himself as he grabbed his jacket off
the back of the chair.
And if they ended up in jail…well, she’d said it best.

What was life without risk?

* * * * *

Kelly stared forlornly at Kink’s entrance, the drink she
held not doing anything to blunt the disappointment trickling through her.

“You look like a puppy waiting for its new owner,” Alana
said over the music, grabbing the cherry off the tiny sword in Kelly’s drink.
“Your new pal must’ve been great in the sack.”

Much to her surprise, Lan had yet to abandon her.
She also
had yet to stop looking at the door.
The two of them made quite a pair.

“There wasn’t a sack involved,” she said absently, sipping
her amazingly potent Midori Sour made by the ebullient Jack.
Tonight she’d
actually been smart enough to eat dinner before hitting the club.

“Ah ha!
So you did do someone.”

Kelly shrugged and braced an elbow behind her on the bar.
She’d worn her second-most provocative outfit, a turquoise tube dress that
stopped abruptly below her thighs.
The leers she’d received
since sitting down motivated her to keep her legs tightly closed.

If Spencer didn’t show, she was going home.
She’d yet to see
anyone else who rated so much as a second glance.
Even if she had, she wasn’t
interested in this lifestyle.
To her, sex was pretty much a sport for two.
Maybe watching could be hot sometimes but she wasn’t going to hang out forever
sipping loaded drinks and pining.

“What about you?” Kelly asked, glancing at her friend.
had gone for a plaid schoolgirl-type skirt and obscenely tight pink blouse,
unbuttoned just enough to reveal her ample cleavage.
“Where’s Ramon?”

When Alana waved off the question, Kelly rolled her eyes.
She didn’t get what Lan saw in him.
Package size only went so far.
She also
didn’t understand the secrecy.
Alana and Ramon had hooked up countless times.

Then she saw Spencer, gliding through the crowd like the
blond oh-my-God hot piece of ass he was, and she forgot all about her best
friend’s love life.

Lan kept talking but Kelly’s attention blinked out.
he’d dressed in dark slacks and a white shirt, top button undone.
Always only
one button.
More, she imagined, would violate the strict rules of Spencerdom.

Kelly wet her lips.
She hadn’t gotten to touch his bare skin
last night, not really, though she’d gotten an eyeful in the steam room.
pecs were firm and well-defined and the flat disks of his nipples were the
perfect size for her mouth.
She’d lick her way down the golden strip of hair
that skimmed his torso, a treasure map to her own personal pot of gold.

She sat up straighter and lifted her knee, just a little.
she could’ve been sure he would be able to see her offering, she would’ve taken
off her panties and spread her legs.
Wanting him made her shameless; dignity
had gone the way of the dinosaurs.

Tonight she would be the dirty girl she rarely let out of
her cage.

Spencer’s gaze roamed the crowd while Alana droned on and
Kelly waited for him to see her.
To her surprise and disgust, he gripped the
elbow of a slinky redhead draped over the end of the bar.
Of course.
heart stuttered as he leaned down to whisper in her ear before stepping back.
Apparently Nina didn’t want him to let go so soon.
She grabbed his cock,
stroking rapidly while Spencer looked suitably torn.


Kelly turned toward the scrawny guy on her left.
He’d made a
few jokes about her looking good enough to eat
Thus far she’d ignored
his remarks.
But he had an unoccupied mouth and now was an excellent time to
show her appreciation for that fact.

She leaned in and locked her lips on his without announcing
her intention.
To his credit, he didn’t seem surprised by her overture.
sorts of moves were probably de rigueur here.

She didn’t resist when he slipped his tongue between her
He reeked of beer.
The smell made her gag, but at least he didn’t
try to stab her with his thrusting tongue.

“I knew you wanted it, baby.” He broke the kiss to lick her
Normally that would’ve turned her on.
Not now.
“I bet you’re imagining my
tongue inside you, aren’t you?”

She tried not to shudder.
And not in a good way.
“No, not
until you said that.”

Wrenching her head away, she shifted her gaze to Spencer,
who was watching her with lust burning in his eyes.
Nina still rubbed his
groin—and he clearly wasn’t stopping her—but his expression made it evident who
he wanted.

Thank God.

“Earth to Kelly.” Alana smacked her knee.
“What the hell’s
gotten into you?” she whispered, jutting her chin at the guy who chose that
moment to begin massaging Kelly’s breasts.

Kelly moistened her lips, surprised to feel herself getting
When would she ever learn about taking her games too far?
She opened her
mouth to answer but her new buddy picked that moment to pinch her nipples
Her body shot into overdrive.

Speech went out the window as she focused on Spencer.
Electricity shot between them, connecting them even while other people touched
their bodies.

He wouldn’t hesitate to fuck her tonight.

The primal heat rising between them combined with her
building anticipation pulled a raw moan from her throat.
Somehow he seemed to
hear her.
His shoulders braced, his jaw tightened.
He started to step closer
but Nina wound her arms around his neck, grinding against him unabashedly.
wide hands came up to palm her ass cheeks and just the sight of those long,
thick fingers spreading made Kelly’s back arch, driving her breasts outward for
her new pal to caress.

“I’ve created a monster.” Shaking her head, Alana hopped off
her stool.
“See ya later, Kel.
Don’t have so much fun you forget the

Kelly frowned.
Oh yeah, condoms.
She’d only be making sure one guy used a condom, because she might let
some stranger paw her and toy with her tongue, but she sure as hell wouldn’t be
letting him into her body.

Even games had limits.

“You like giving BJs?” The guy who was decidedly not Spencer
mumbled in her ear.
“Because I could really use one right now.”

Her mind revolted at the idea but the devil on her shoulder
demanded to see how far Spencer would go.
Or better, how far he would let

A little warning bell went off in her head.
Being a tease
wasn’t cool.
If Spencer didn’t come over, could she go through with this?
all she knew, he’d be happy to watch her suck off another guy.
Look where they
were, for cripes’ sake.

“What’s your name?” she asked throatily, hoping she sounded
seductive rather than nervous.


She didn’t want to tell him.
Why giving him her name seemed
more personal than her mouth, she didn’t know.
“I like them just fine,” she
said instead, swallowing hard as he started undoing his belt.

Weren’t there areas here that were off-limits for sexual
The dance floor, she’d thought, but she’d seen some dubious things
there last night.
Then she noticed two chicks with their hands between each
other’s legs and decided anything went pretty much anywhere.

She watched Gary open his zipper.
This was really going to
Unless she got out of there in a hurry, she was about to give a blowjob
to a complete stranger in front of a room of more strangers, her boss and,
somewhere, her best friend.

Surreal didn’t begin to cover it.

Gary, to his credit, kissed her again before he directed her
hand to his cock.
She tried to relax, telling herself none of this meant
Other people enjoyed Kink and so could she.
For all she knew, Spencer
could be getting a BJ of his own.
Not that she dared look at him.
She was
afraid to see something that hurt as much as it aroused.

“C’mon, baby, suck me.

So much for dipping a toe into the pool of public screwing.
As her fingers brushed hot, smooth skin, she jerked back, but not in revulsion.
Someone had his hand in her hair and it sure wasn’t Gary.

She glanced back and Spencer jerked her in his hold, almost
daring her to try to get free.

She didn’t.
For once she was right where she wanted to be.

“Get lost.” The heat in her lover’s dark eyes as he stared
down Gary and his bewildered, partially drooping erection almost made her feel
sorry for him.
Her new, uh, friend had just been unfortunate enough to become
collateral damage in her and Spencer’s sexual tug-of-war.
“She’s with me,”
Spencer added, as if his death grip on her hair didn’t make that clear.

Kelly tried not to react outwardly.
Really, she did.
She dug
her nails into the side of her bare thigh to keep from grinning like a fool.
But that didn’t stop her from launching herself into his arms.

She’d never slept with someone she hadn’t kissed—her one-way
assault in his car so didn’t count—and it was high time she got a kiss from
Preferably half a dozen kisses.
He owed her that much.

He didn’t resist.
His lips parted easily and he tasted of
coffee rather than whiskey.
The kiss was rough and demanding and her clit
pounded with each thrust of his tongue.
She clutched his shoulder hard enough
to leave marks, afraid he’d dematerialize like a ghost of excellent sex past.

God, she couldn’t believe this was really happening.

When they came up for air, the room seemed a lot smokier and
Gary was gone.
The long, stiff cock prodding her belly definitely demanded all
of her attention anyway.

Her fingers brushed the crown of his erection through his
He was so damn hard.
Her gaze flicked up to his speculatively.
obviously really got off on this place but at least he hadn’t wanted to share
Her fingers moved faster and he inhaled raggedly, the sound alone causing
a fresh rush of juice between her legs.

“Still want to suck a cock?” His breath burned against her

She reached for her drink and took another sip, a long one.
She wanted his cock in her mouth.
Lord knows, that wasn’t the problem.
doing that, here, in front of all these people…

The idea didn’t repulse her.
Not exactly.
Then she pictured
being with some other guy—preferably one she found hot, unlike Gary—while
Spencer watched, as he’d watched Nina, and her nipples tingled.

Maybe her vanilla had room for some chocolate chips after all.

“C’mon.” He skimmed his fingers down the inside of her arm
and took her hand.
His warm palm cradled her much smaller hand completely.
“Let’s go.”

She set her half-empty drink on the bar and stumbled after
“Where are we going?”

He didn’t answer her and he also didn’t wait for her to
catch up as he maneuvered them through the throng of people clustered near the

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