Prying Eyes (3 page)

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Authors: Imari Jade

BOOK: Prying Eyes
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Michael lowered his swimming trunks and stepped out of them. His cock bobbed, hard and ready. He approached the table slowly, massaging his erection and watching his target…a wet and quivering hole. He moved between her legs, parted them just a little more and entered.

Amelia gasped and moved down closer to the end of the table until their bodies fully met. Her body opened to him and she began moving her hips, meeting him stroke for stroke.

“You’re so tight and wet,” Michael said to her as he passionately took her.

Amelia wrapped her legs more tightly around him and then sat up, pressing her breasts against his chest. “I need you deeper,” she said in a husky voice.

He was only too willing to oblige. Michael raised her hips, spread her wider and thrust his cock deeper.

Amelia’s nails clawed at his back. “Ooh,” she uttered as she came for a second time.

The sound was like music to his ears and proved to be too much as his own body responded with a powerful shake. He ejaculated, sending warm cum into her hot, wet crevice.

Amelia slumped against him, breathing hard. “You are so wonderful.” She buried her head into the crook of his neck and kissed it. “I can’t wait to get you into bed.”

* * * *

Michael’s legs and half of his body covered Amelia as she awoke the next morning. She smiled, remembering last night’s performance as they had finally moved in from the patio and resumed their lovemaking in his bedroom. She had lost count of the number of times he had made her come. He was a sweet, kind and generous lover, who had gone out of his way to see to her satisfaction.

The alarm beside the bed rang and Michael stirred, opening his baby blue eyes and smiling. “Morning, beautiful.” He reached over and turned off the alarm.

? He was just being generous. Amelia thought she probably looked a sight with bed hair and lips swollen from his kisses.

Michael snuggled up against her. “As wonderful as last night was, we have to get up.”

Amelia pouted playfully. “Ah, do we have to?” She reached over and squeezed one of his butt cheeks. Michael had a glorious butt, hard, muscular and devoid of hair. Like most models, he purposely removed the hair to be more appealing for the camera.

“Don’t tempt me, woman,” he teased. “I’d much rather stay in bed with you all day than pose under the hot sun and lights, but I have to show some responsibility.”

“Fie on responsibility.”

He rewarded her with a smile but still moved off of the bed.

Amelia glanced over at his nude body. His member was erect, which meant he appreciated her hungry stare.

“Later, my little wood nymph.” He winked at her. “Come and join me in the shower.”

Amelia tossed the cover aside and rose. “Ooh, I’m naked.”

Michael chuckled. “If I had my way I’d keep you like that all the time.” He held out his hand to her.

Amelia took a step and a little pain shot through her pelvic area. Her entire body was pleasantly sore and it hadn’t felt that way in a long time. They sauntered into the bathroom and both took care of their needs in turn. Then Michael walked over to her and squeezed a swollen nipple. “We have a lot in common,” he replied as he kissed her. “We both like to watch.”

Amelia blushed. “Secret is out.”

“It’s nothing to be ashamed about. I like watching others in the throes of passion.”

“Me too,” Amelia confessed as she watched him walk over to the shower and turn it on. But not just people having sex. She also liked to see nude bodies, preferably his. She bit her bottom lip.
He has such a great ass. Nice and tight
. “You don’t find it a bit odd?”

Michael took her hand and walked her over to the full-length mirror. “Look at you…full breasts, nice flat abs and a sexy, trimmed pussy. What’s not to admire? I find the human body interesting.” He stood behind her and hugged her. His cock had hardened again.

Amelia turned around to face him and rubbed up against him. “I find your body interesting, too.” She kissed his chest.

“Time to shower,” he said, pulling her under the spray. The warm water washed over them as Michael lifted her into his arms and buried himself inside her again.

* * * *

“Get some makeup on Amelia’s cheeks,” the cameraman told the makeup artist. “They’re flushed.”

Amelia blushed.
If they only knew why

The makeup artist arrived, powdered her cheeks and then left. They were doing a swimsuit shoot with the ocean as a backdrop. Michael hadn’t put in an appearance yet and she had been coupled with a model named Ben from another agency. Ben was about her height with thick, black hair and eyebrows. His body was tanned and muscular, which was always a plus, and he modelled a skin-tight pair of black trunks. Joining them was a young blonde female from his agency. Amelia remembered her from another shoot. Breasts like hers were pretty hard to forget. Amelia peered admiringly over at them.

“Okay, places everyone,” the photographer said.

Amelia faced forwards and the photographer snapped their photo.

“Great. Beautiful smile, Amelia.”

Amelia blushed, hoping he hadn’t noticed that she was smiling after ogling another woman’s cleavage.

The photographer arranged them again. This time, Ben’s focus was on her while she reclined in a lounger. Ben’s gaze landed on her legs and then moved up to her red bikini bottoms. The twinkle in his brown eyes made her feel hot, sweaty and naked. Apparently Ben could appreciate a nice body, too. She checked out his briefs. Yes, there was a definite rise.

“Okay, everyone look this way.”

Amelia winked at Ben and smiled for the photographer.

“Okay, people, take a break.” The photographer walked away, leaving Ben and Amelia alone.

“You have a great body,” Ben told her the moment the photographer was out of ear range.

“Thanks,” Amelia replied, feeling a tad uncomfortable.

“Are you dating anyone?”

“Not exclusively,” Amelia answered, trying to figure out where the conversation was leading.

“How would you like to join me and Janice tonight for a little fun?”

Amelia raised an eyebrow. “A little fun?”
Janice must be the blonde’s name

Ben nodded. “You know. A little girl-boy-girl action.”

Amelia blushed. “No, thanks. I’m not into sharing men.”

Ben looked her over again. “Pity. Janice has a fantastic tongue.”

Michael walked towards them, frowning.

“What’s wrong with him?” Ben asked.

Amelia shrugged her shoulders. She’d never seen him look that way at another man before. He appeared a bit jealous and a lot territorial, like a lion protecting a jungle of lionesses from another lion.

“Do the two of you have something going on?” Ben asked before Michael arrived.

Amelia shrugged her shoulders again and followed Michael’s eyes down until they landed on her boobs that were spilling out over the top of her bikini bra. Amelia gasped. No wonder Ben was all over her. She adjusted the top, getting a chuckle out of Ben.

“Aw, too bad,” he replied, straightening up and facing Michael. “Maybe you need to ask him if he’d like to join us, too. The more the merrier.” He walked away and found Janice.

“What was that all about?” Amelia asked when Michael arrived.

“Him,” Michael said, pointing at Ben.

“What about him?”

“He was positively devouring you with his eyes.”

Amelia cracked a smile. “You’re exaggerating.” She adjusted her top again. “It’s this top. It’s too small.”

Michael shook his head. “No, the boobs are too big for the bra. These wardrobe people are incorrigible.”

Janice walked by them.

Amelia eyed Michael curiously, wondering if seeing those breasts bounce had turned him on.

Michael winked at her as if reading her mind.

Amelia sat up and stepped down from the platform.

“Don’t make any plans for tonight,” he told her. “We’re going on an overnight excursion, so pack a few things.”

Amelia nodded, wondering what he had up his sleeve. She continued on to the trailer to change, looking back once and finding him watching her. Amelia smiled giddily. No doubt he was checking out her ass.

Chapter Four

“What’s this place?” Amelia asked as they drove up to the gates of some sort of resort.

“Someplace I think you might appreciate,” Michael told her as he gave the guard his identification card and signed the guest sheet.

The guard handed him back his card, smiled at him and then opened the gates for them to enter.

Amelia looked out of the side window. “It looks like another beach. Are we going swimming? I didn’t bring my suit.”

“Won’t need it here,” Michael told her as he continued to drive and then parked in a spot near a quaint little cottage.

Amelia gasped. “It’s a nude beach.”

Michael chuckled. “More like a nude resort and beach.”

“You mean I have to get undressed?”

“Not if you don’t want to, but you might be kind of frowned on for being a prude.” He opened the car door. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a minute.”

He stepped out of the car and went inside the office. He paid the kindly looking old man behind the desk and took the keys he handed to him.

“Have fun, sonny,” the old man said.

“I plan to,” Michael said, thanking the man. He left and walked out. He found the prim and proper Miss Wilson gawking at the sunbathers. He opened the car door and got in. “You’re going to love this place.” He started up the car and drove down the road, past a lot of cottages, before driving into a parking lot in front of one. Michael turned the car off, got out and opened the back door. He grabbed their overnight bags and walked around to assist Amelia out.

“What’s this place?”

“You’re being unnaturally curious,” he said, leading her to the front door. Michael used the key to open the door and walked in ahead of her, turning on the lights.

“Wow, this is awesome,” Amelia replied as she followed him in, closing the door.

“And all ours for the night.”

Amelia looked at him oddly at first and then blushed.

“Aw, don’t go all shy on me now, darling. I need you to be brave. I planned this wonderful and exciting evening for us.”

“And will we be nude while all this is happening?”

“Oh yeah,” Michael said, carrying the bags into the bedroom. Amelia followed him in. “And afterwards we’ll spend a couple of hours on this bed screwing like rabbits.”

Amelia loosened up. “Okay. I’m game if you are.” She kicked off her shoes and began getting out of her clothes.

Michael laughed. “I knew you were the right one.”

* * * *

So many bodies and so little time
, Amelia mused after dinner, having met so many nice people from all around the world who had no problem being nude or kissing or playing in the water in front of strangers. No one was actually having intercourse, but many were pretty damn close.

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