Publicly Exhibited [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Publicly Exhibited [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Willow kept one hand in Rhion’s inky black hair. With the other she rolled Cadfael’s balls. His cock hair was as black as the hair on his head, but where Rhion’s hair was as black as night, Cadfael’s shone blue-black under the light. Her own hair didn’t shine at all anymore. It was a limp midbrown, the fire and light of its natural red dyed out of it by Helena in the beauty parlor to make her and Hawthorne less noticeable, better able to blend in with the crowd.

But right now she was way beyond thinking. It took all her strength to remember to keep nibbling on Cadfael’s erection, to scrape her teeth across the head of his cock, and to press her tongue along the ridge where the shaft joined the head. Cadfael fed his cock right down her throat again. She did her very best to swallow him, then groaned as Rhion slammed his cock against her sweet spot and she shattered.

A second orgasm in such a short space of time had her body shaking like a tree in a storm, her mind graying out, and the last vestiges of her control gone. Rhion lifted her hips high and drove into her again. She felt a burst of heat deep in her cunt and knew he’d come. Cadfael withdrew his cock from her throat as his seed began to pour down her throat. She swallowed convulsively then swallowed again less harshly. Rhion rolled off her and cuddled her, then Cadfael was lifting her shoulders and giving her a glass of water to drink.

The three lay together and cuddled, then Cadfael once again lifted her up. “Time for a shower.”

She staggered after them in the bathroom then stopped still. “My stars! Who designed this room? A sheik with half a dozen wives? A porn star?”

“Almost. It was an advertisement for a bathroom company. They made this bathroom and I allowed them to film all their promotional videos in it. I reckon I got a pretty good deal.”

“I agree.” Willow stepped into the shower. There was plenty of room for all three of them and since the water poured from the two walls as well as the ceiling they didn’t even need to stand close to each other to wash. On the other side of the room was a hot tub that looked big enough for a basketball team to use, possibly even a football team. There were two sinks, two commodes, and a bidet. Well, she thought it was a bidet. She’d never actually seen one before.

The mirror over the sinks had little lights all around it so a woman could put on makeup without any part of her body being in shadow. Willow wasn’t sure that much light first thing in the morning would be a good thing though.

“I love these water jets. They’re amazing. I love having so many. I guess it uses a lot of water though. Is it very expensive to run?”

“The utilities for this apartment are billed to the mall itself so I don’t know. I suppose if there was a drought it mightn’t be a good idea to have a shower like this, but it’s very relaxing after a hard day at work.”

“It’s amazing. I love it.”

“Now we’re clean let’s go sit in the hot tub,” said Rhion.


“We still have plenty of time before midnight. The bubbling water in the hot tub will be very relaxing for you,” said Cadfael.

“But we’re naked.”


I’ve already had two orgasms tonight. Surely they don’t plan for me to have a third. Or do they?

Chapter Six


Rhion couldn’t get enough of Willow. His fingers itched to touch her. His palms ached to hold her. To cup those wonderful breasts again and tweak her nipples some more. Or to hold her pert little ass and massage the skin. His nose wanted to be buried in her sweet softness, so he could breathe in her wonderful womanly scent. And his dick ached to take her ass. Would she allow that? Could they fuck her together? Since she’d agreed to be here naked with them, did that mean she was ready to be theirs? Or was this a try-before-we-buy situation?

On top of that was the whole human-werewolf issue. Seeing a werewolf had been the cause of all the women’s pain and anguish. It had dragged them from their home, their friends, their family, their work. Their entire safe, cozy lives. He and Cadfael had to tell Willow and Hawthorne the truth soon, before they felt lied to, misled, and abused. But was this the right time? And should they explain to both women together? Perhaps if they told them together they’d be able to support each other better.

Rhion had turned the water on to fill the hot tub almost as soon as they’d entered the apartment, so the tub was more than half-full. At least the water level was above the outlets so he could turn the bubbles on, but he needed to leave the faucet open so the tub would continue to fill. He watched, hiding his smile, as Willow stared at the huge tub, walked around it, and then climbed the two steps up into it. Actually it was sunk well below the floor level, so the steps on the inside were much deeper than the ones on the outside. But she was very surefooted and well balanced. He couldn’t imagine her falling, although he’d have been happy to hold her hand if she hadn’t wanted to explore by herself.

She turned her body sideways to the edge of the tub, stepping down onto the seat, then onto the base. “Wow. It’s deep. I never imagined it’d be this deep.”

The water was above her waist, but fortunately the bubbles were frothing under her breasts, making them bounce and look very enticing, their pretty pinkness highlighted by the white froth from the water. She walked across to the far side of the hot tub, settling herself on the seat and leaning her head back so the bottom of her hair was floating around her face. Damn she looked lovely.

He sat where he could see her without turning his head at all, content to fill his eyes, mind, and heart with the image of her resting there, naked for his pleasure, but at peace with herself as well. The gods had brought this woman to them. She was a gift from the gods to him and Cadfael, and he longed to make her fully theirs.

He was surprised when she asked, “Tell me about how you met. How long have you been best friends? When did you decide to work together? And do you often share a woman?”

“So many deep questions,” said Cadfael.

Rhion left his Alpha to answer them. He’d join in later, once he saw what direction Cadfael planned to take. But he supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised. Willow was obviously an intelligent woman and she’d had plenty of time to think these past few days.

“I’m sorry if that sounded rude or intrusive. But you both know all about me,” said Willow softly.

“That’s true, and since we’ve already become close to each other, and hope to become even closer, it’s fair you should know more about us. As the person in charge of Hanson Mall and those who work here, there are some things I can’t talk about, you understand?” asked Cadfael.

“Commercial in-confidence matters. I do understand. But I was hoping you’d tell me about you two as people.”

“Where this mall now stands used to be a farm. We were both born to families who worked on the farm. It was a small, close-knit community, and a lot of the people who work here in the mall are descendents of the original farming group. When we were children, the owner of the farm talked to all the workers. A small farm couldn’t really complete against big conglomerates. Some farms have continued successfully by growing specialty products for niche markets. This group decided to build a mall. At that time there wasn’t another one anywhere nearby and they made sure to ask the owners of all the local stores to buy into the mall as well. It took quite a few years but the mall was built. Since then, it’s grown even farther with more parking provided, and the addition of the cinema, and other things,” said Cadfael.

“So you were children together on the farm?” Willow asked.

Rhion smiled. She was determined to learn about them and hadn’t been distracted or sidetracked by Cadfael’s polished speech.

“Not exactly children together. Cadfael’s almost five years older than me, so we were never in the same grade. But during summer we were sometimes part of a large group of children who played together. A farm was a good place for a small boy to be. There were trees to climb, stacked hay bales to play on, plenty of land to run around on and kick or throw a ball. Sometimes the adults would give us rides on the tractor or other machinery. Summers were a lot of fun for anyone too young to be expected to help do the work,” said Rhion.

They talked for a long time about vacations they’d enjoyed, and Rhion had already relaxed when Willow said, “Sometimes the simplest vacations are the best. That’s not to say that someday I wouldn’t like to travel, but more that I consider being with family and good friends the times I’m happiest.”

“Me, too.” Rhion slid across the hot tub until he was in front of her. He lifted her onto his lap, giving her time to push him away if this wasn’t what she wanted, but she settled across his legs happily and smoothed her palms over his chest, brushing his nipples into hard little nubs. Under the soft flesh of her thighs his cock sat up and took notice.

“So, Rhion, how often do you and Cadfael share a woman?” she asked softly, breathing the words into his ear as she played with his nipples.

“Dammit, woman, you’ve got a one-track mind.”

“As do you.” She slid a hand between their bodies and stroked his cock. Her touch electrified him and he was ready to come right then. But he forced himself to turn his head and look at Cadfael, letting the Alpha know he should answer the question.

“Very rarely. It takes a very special kind of woman to be able to fulfill two men,” said Cadfael.

Willow slid off his lap, leaving him achingly aroused, yet somehow lonely without her soft warmth in his arms. She turned to look directly at Cadfael. “What makes you think I can achieve this? Or am I just a stopgap until something better comes along?”

“No. I want you.” Fuck etiquette. Rhion had to answer her himself.

Cadfael stood up and Rhion knew this was going to be an important moment.

“There is a secret we need to tell you. To tell you and Hawthorne. But you need to understand it’s not just our secret. It affects the lives and jobs of many other people as well. I hadn’t planned to tell you yet, because of the extra pressure it puts on you, pressure you don’t need right now, but it’s become obvious that if I don’t speak, that, too, will drive a wedge between us.”

Willow moved to the back of the tub. She hunched down into the water until she was covered in bubbles right up to her neck. He thought she had wrapped her arms around her knees but wasn’t sure. Whatever she’d done, only her head was clearly visible. Her face was somber, her eyes a dark slate gray. But she nodded authoritatively. “Whatever you need to say, I can take it.”


* * * *


Willow had no idea what they were about to say. Her biggest fear was that they were working with Bailey Hamilton. But even if they were, they’d cared for her and protected her, and her sister, so she felt inclined to continue trusting them. Besides, what choice did she have? She was naked, in Cadfael’s apartment—in his hot tub!—right now. She and Hawthorne couldn’t keep running forever. Sooner or later they’d be caught. If her life was about to unravel now, well, so be it.

Cadfael climbed out of the hot tub and stood in the center of the bathroom, dripping water onto the tiled floor. “We both want you. You, Willow Cunliffe, no one else. Because we want you and trust you, we’re sharing this secret with you.”

Willow watched him, but she didn’t understand why he’d distanced himself from her and Rhion. Did he think she’d attack him when he spoke? She was grateful for the help he’d given her. She might be angry and hurt if he was about to turn her over to Bailey, but her fight was with Bailey, not with these two men.

Cadfael stood completely still and then he shimmered and—

“Holy shit!” She jumped to her feet, splashing water everywhere, staring at the place where he’d been. On the damp tiles was a big black dog shaking his fur dry. No, not a dog. He was a werewolf the same as Hawthorne had seen. Excerpt Hawthorne’s one had been brown not black.

Willow was entranced with the wolf. She stared at him, noting his big paws and strong legs. He looked muscular all over, rather like Cadfael in human form. His tail was long and straight, just as Hawthorne had described it. It definitely said “wolf” not “dog.” Willow sat on the side of the hot tub, still assessing the wolf. “Now I know why you believed Hawthorne. Do other people here know? Are you a wolf, too, Rhion?”

“Some people know, and yes I am.”


Rhion nodded.

“Show me.”

While Rhion climbed out of the hot tub and roughly toweled himself dry, Willow thought. Then everything clicked into place.

“The original farm community was of werewolves, wasn’t it? But when you built the mall you needed humans to help staff it as well. So some of the people here are wolves, but there are others who you need to hide your identity from.”

“You’re a mighty smart person, Willow. You’ve guessed correctly.” When he’d finished speaking Rhion dropped the towel onto the wet floor and transformed into a wolf. He was black like Cadfael, but just slightly shorter and his tail was thinner and shorter as well.

“You transformed when I asked about you sharing a woman. Is this your way of telling me shape-shifters have multiple partners? That you don’t form monogamous relationships?”

Cadfael shimmered and changed back into himself. Once in the tub, he lifted her off the edge and settled her on his lap, her face to his.

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