Pulled Over

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Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #Erotic, #Small Town, #cop, #siren, #ticket, #sex acts, #license, #pulled over, #frisk, #expired tag

BOOK: Pulled Over
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Pulled Over

Serve and Submit Series

Book #1



Copyright © 2014 Tory Richards

All Rights Reserved.

Published by Tory Richards

Smashwords Edition



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Tory Richards:

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
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‘Author’s note: All characters depicted in
this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.’



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Cover Art by Tory Richards



Comments about Pulled Over

A decadently sexy afternoon delight that
will leave your hormones racing!
Jody F.

Really liked it and boy was it hot!
Kara G.

Chapter 1



Oh, crap!
Sunny glanced in her review
mirror to see a cop car pull up behind her old Chevy truck. Her
gaze darted back to the red light above her. It had to be the
longest light on Main Street, and she began to get nervous. She
chanced another glance in her mirror, thankful for the oversized
shades shielding her eyes. At least he wouldn’t notice she kept
looking at him.

Dudley only had three cops in their piss-ant,
small country town, and word was out that a new one had just been
hired. It had to be the cop behind her because she didn’t recognize
him as Joe, Stan or Mark, two of which she’d gone to high school
with. Joe, the oldest, had been a cop for as long as Sunny could

Was the damn light stuck? She began to feel
sweat gather between her breasts, and took a few deliberate breaths
to calm her racing heart. If he didn’t notice her expired tag it
would be a miracle, and Sunny suspected it was standard procedure
when a cop pulled up behind someone at a light that they
automatically checked the tag. Maybe the new guy would forget to

She glanced at the cop again. From what Sunny
could see, the man was big and hunky in a Tatum Channing way and
even had the same color hair and style. She wondered what color his
eyes were, behind the aviator style sunglasses he was wearing. His
square boned jaw looked hard, until his lips turned up in a slow
smile telling Sunny that he knew she was watching him. She quickly
looked down as if he could see her eyes.

The light finally changed and Sunny
accelerated. She didn’t dare glance behind her again, but she was
aware the cop was right on her ass. Had he noticed her tag? Lord,
she hoped not. She couldn’t afford a ticket. At least there wasn’t
another light to worry about, as she headed in the direction that
would take her out of town. She was careful to watch her speed,
praying when they came up to the small police station that he’d
pull into the designated parking spot. Only he didn’t.

Damn it! Why is he still behind me?
Sunny was forced to stop when she came up to a cross walk, and she
saw Mrs. Hammond step off the curb. Of all people! It had to be
sixty-six year old, three-hundred pound Margaret Hammond who moved
with all the speed of a snail. Sunny shut her eyes with
frustration, and began to count. She might as well just go up to
the cop behind her and tell him about the tag.

“Hello, dear!”

Sunny opened her eyes, and smiled. “Hi Mrs.
Hammond, I see you’re out getting your daily exercise. How are you

“Fine, dear, just fine.” She kept on
shuffling, barely picking up her feet.

As soon as Mrs. Hammond was clear of Sunny’s
truck, Sunny put her foot down on the gas, jerked forward, and came
to a halt.
Oh. My. God.
Can it get any worse? A glance in
her review mirror revealed the handsome cop behind her was
laughing. Sunny clenched her teeth and turned the key, swearing
beneath her breath at her traitor truck.

The engine roared to life but by now there
were two other people in the crosswalk and she could do nothing but
wait. She grabbed the material of her blouse and fluffed, feeling
some relief, wishing her air conditioner worked. It wasn’t as if
she couldn’t afford a new vehicle, but old blue had been handed
down from one sibling to another in her family, until it was
finally hers. It had sentimental value.

At last she was moving again. Main Street
ended, and Sunny was traveling the two-lane country road home. It
was quiet, and not as busy as it used to be before the new highway
went in a couple years ago. The countryside was dotted with old,
northern homes, and fenced in pastures. Most empty now, but when
she’d been growing up the fields had been filled with dairy cows,
and corn. The old ways had been replaced with progress, and most of
the country-folk worked in the surrounding towns.

Sunny had tried city-life but she’d hated it.
She was a country girl at heart, and she liked her small town where
everyone knew everyone. Glancing up, she was dismayed to find the
cop was still on her tail. Was it too much to hope that they just
happened to be going the same way? Surely he would have stopped her
by now if he’d noticed her tag.

As if sensing her worry, he turned on his
siren, and Sunny reluctantly pulled off the road onto the shoulder.
Since they’d reached the old abandoned Miller house she continued
down the dirt drive so that if anyone happened to pass by she
wouldn’t be seen. Small towns had people with big mouths, and she
didn’t want to become the topic of gossip until something new came

She drew to a halt, cut off the ignition, and

Chapter 2



The cop pulled his cruiser behind Sunny, and
surprised her by switching off the siren and the engine. She
watched him in her mirror, noticing that he was talking on his
radio. He was probably calling in her tag. She pressed her lips,
wishing she hadn’t let her tag expire, but it was too late to do
anything about it now. Movement drew her attention once more to her
review mirror. She watched as the door opened and he stepped

The man was hot! He was
easily six feet four of solid muscle poured into a navy blue police
uniform. The sight of all that defined muscle and the tightness of
the material over his zipper area drew a response from Sunny’s body
she wasn’t prepared for. He looked like he was strong enough to
take on an army or at the very least a girl with curves, which she
had plenty of. She caught her breath as he slowly walked up to her

Before he reached her door, she opened a
couple more buttons on her blouse and parted the material so he
would have a better view of her large breasts. She was proud of
their fullness, even if she was a little ashamed that she was using
them as a means to possibly talk him out of giving her a ticket.
Sunny imagined a cop as impressive as him had tits and ass thrown
in his face all the time.

She glanced in her side view mirror, and ran
her tongue over her full lips. Then she fluffed her long blonde
hair. By the time the cop reached her door her nipples were
tingling and as hard as pebbles, but it was worse than that. She
had to squeeze her thighs together to appease the mild buzzing in
her clit.

“Ma’am,” he said as he stopped by her opened
window. His voice was deep, and a little gravely, running over
Sunny like warm, thick honey.

“Hi, officer.” She glanced at his nametag.
“Officer Steele.” Sunny offered him a warm smile. “Was I doing
something wrong?”

He waited a few seconds. “Could you please
remove your sunglasses, ma’am.”

Her mouth dropped with surprise. “Why would I
want to do that? Are they against the law?”

“No, ma’am. But I’d like to see your eyes
when I’m talking to you.”

Sunny had to wonder what he would
do if she refused. “What if I said no, officer?” She knew she was
playing with fire. She couldn’t see his eyes either, but his mouth
was tight and his jaw was set. Her response obviously annoyed him.
Deciding she’d never get out of a ticket by aggravating him, she
gave in and removed her glasses slowly.

His slow grin might be sexy as hell, but only
pissed Sunny off because he was using his authority to control her.
Still, she kept her composure. She looked up at him and batted her
baby blues enticingly. “Better?” she asked coyly.

Officer Steele ignored her attempt at
flirtation. “Do you know why I pulled you over?” he asked in a no
nonsense tone.

“My expired tag?” Sunny chewed on her bottom
lip, wishing she could see where his eyes were focused. She took a
deep breath, knowing it would push her breasts up and out. She’d
bet a hundred dollars his gaze was glued to her cleavage.

“That and you have a taillight out.”

“What?” Sunny didn’t know about the
taillight. “Which one?”

“Passenger side,” he said, “Can I please see
your driver’s license?”

Sunny reached for her small purse on the seat
next to her. She dug around the contents, pulling out several
things that got in the way, until she finally located her license
in a side pocket. “I’ve changed a little since this was taken.”

Sunny had always been a curvaceous woman,
which her almost six-foot frame carried well, but the license she’d
handed the cop was about six years old. She’d had shorter, darker
hair back then.

Officer Steele remained quiet, turned and
walked back to his cruiser. Sunny released a heavy sigh, watching
his sexy gait take him back to his car. Her gaze lingered on his
Lord, he has a nice body!
She made the mistake of
envisioning what she’d like to do to him but it only made her
hotter. Before she knew it her hand was gliding down her body to
the spot between her legs. It hadn’t been that long since she’d had
sex, just that morning, but she was tingling and wanted a cock
inside her so badly that she was suddenly wondering how she could
get Officer Steele to comply.

Her purse was still on her lap. She spied a
small roll on perfume bottle and quickly applied some to her
cleavage, and her wrists. Something told her this cop went by the
book and she would have to apply herself a little harder to get
what she wanted. She made sure to fluff her blouse right before he
reached her window, knowing he’d get a whiff of her perfume.

“Here’s your license, ma’am.”

Sunny took it from him and then watched as he
reached for the pen and pad in his upper pocket. She swallowed
hard, realizing what he was about to do. Desperation forced her to
do something slutty. “God, it’s so darn hot today!” She pulled her
blouse away from her sticky skin. With his height advantage, she
knew he’d get a good view of two forty double D’s barely stuffed
into a lacy bra.

His mouth twitched, as if he was trying to
contain another grin. He flipped the pad opened, and clicked his
pen as he got ready to write.

“Officer!” Sunny said in a rushed tone to get
his attention. She knew once he started writing it would be all
over. “Please don’t give me a ticket.”

He hesitated. “And why not?” He cocked his
head to the side, and waited.

“Well, I, um,” Once again Sunny wished he’d
remove his glasses. “I promise to take care of the tag and light by
this weekend.”

He shook his head slowly. “Not good enough.”
He prepared to write a second time.

“Wait, I, surely there’s something I can do
in exchange for you, ah, just giving me a verbal warning this
time.” Sunny couldn’t see his eyes but he sure as hell could see
hers. To make sure there were no doubts to what she meant she
slowly ran her gaze down the front of him. She couldn’t believe she
was acting so brazenly.

“Are you bribing me, ma’am?” Officer Steele
removed his sunglasses, and fixed his stony black eyes on hers.

Sunny was mesmerized by the look on his
chiseled face. It was all hard, and there was a muscle twitching in
his jaw, yet there was something about him that said he wasn’t
immune to her charms either. She feigned innocence. “I would never
bribe an officer of the law.” Once more she let her gaze move down
his body, this time stopping on the front of his pants.

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