Punk Rox Warrior (18 page)

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Authors: Rachel Cron

BOOK: Punk Rox Warrior
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A smile tipped his lips as he leaned to her ear. “That’s a good

kitten. Come for Daddy. Soak that big cock.”

* * * *

The sound of his voice was all she needed to be thrown over the

edge into ecstasy. She wrapped her good arm around his neck and

held on for dear life as her soul exploded.

James buried his steel rod into her depths, pressing hard into her,

and filled her to overflowing with not only his cock but the seed that

spilled from it.

She couldn’t stop. The pleasure lapped over her in a never-ending

cycle. “James!” she cried. “Don’t move!” She clung to him in

desperation to catch her breath. Slowly, her tremors subsided and she

nuzzled his neck.

“I love you, Rainne,” he whispered.

Rainne turned her head to look into his eyes. “I’m so in love with

you.” And took his lips with her own.

* * * *

Punk Rox Warrior


“Can you help me with this please?” Rainne asked, her voice

laced with aggravation.

James pinned the stray hair into place for her and turned her in his

arms to face her. “Why are you so nervous?”

“I just can’t believe I’m about to go through with this.” She

breathed out exasperatedly. “How do I look?” She smoothed her hand

down the front of her black business suit and pulled at the sling that

cradled her arm.

James smiled. “You look like you’re about to tackle the corporate

world.” He gently kissed her forehead. “Mimi’s waiting in the living

room.” Taking her hand, he led her into the living room where the

team was suiting up to leave. “Don’t worry about a thing. Mimi has

all the legal paperwork.” He motioned towards the woman who held

up a stack of documents and smiled confidently. “The arrest warrants

have all been issued, and the press has been called. The sheriff is

meeting us there, and so are the lawyers.” He looked around to his

team. “Are we a go?”

A round of “yeahs” filled the room.

“Why are they strapping on firearms like they’re going to war?”

Rainne asked, her brow dipping in confusion. She didn’t like the

looks of this, and if gunfire were to break out, she wanted a

bulletproof vest, too.

James rubbed her back soothingly. “It’s just a precaution in case

someone gets stupid.”

* * * *

Pulling up to the offices of Stanton Industries was surreal. Rainne

got out of the car and followed Mimi up to a group of people dressed

in business suits. She let them speak amongst themselves as she

looked around her. About halfway down the block were James and

the security team talking to a group of deputies, and in the other

direction, news vans were parking and preparing to get the best shot


Rachel Cron

of the shit storm Rainne was about to unleash. She was trying

desperately to still the tremors trailing through her body. She felt sick to her stomach, and her mind was a total blank. Interrupting her self-doubt was Mimi’s determined voice.

“You ready, girly?”

Rainne swallowed audibly. “Yeah.”

“Now don’t be nervous. Everything has been taken care of,” she

informed her as she led her into the building. “Just let the sheriff go


As Rainne was led into the building, she racked her brain for

something to say to Carol and Phillip when they all came face to face.

Nothing came to mind. They swept through the lobby, and the

sheriff’s men fanned out, making sure no one alerted the CEOs

upstairs of their arrival. They spread out and entered all the elevators at once, carrying the whole swarm to the top floor.

Exiting the elevators, Rainne could see that the company’s

employees were confused, frightened even. Mimi motioned her to the

large double doors in the back of the space that was the conference

room. Pausing outside the door, Mimi turned to Rainne and spoke.

“Your parents would be so proud.” She gave her a gentle hug and

stepped back. “Open ’em up, boys.”

Two sheriff’s deputies stepped up and opened the doors for them.

The tremors instantly stopped, and the nausea quickly retreated. In her

heart and mind she knew exactly what she was going to say, and she

could feel a sense of peace wash over her. Rainne’s heart stopped for

the slightest second before she advanced to claim what was rightfully


Punk Rox Warrior


Chapter 17

Entering the boardroom, the sound of a pin dropping would have

been earsplitting. The meeting had abruptly halted with the opening of

the doors, and now Rainne’s group stood just inside the room as

fourteen pairs of curious eyes stared on in wonder.

Standing from her seat, at the head of the expansive mahogany

table, Carol’s eyebrows dipped in anger. “What’s this all about?”

Rainne stepped forward, only vaguely aware of Mimi and James

closely flanking her, and spoke in a pleasant but authoritative tone.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.” She shifted her gaze to

Phillip and Carol. “Phillip. Carol.” She sneered. “I have a court order

for Stanton Industries to cease all business.” She glared at Carol,

unable to fight the grin that came to her face. “Immediately.”

Carol and Phillip looked cocky as they walked toward her.

“You can’t just walk in here…” she said, her voice rising in anger.

Rainne cut her off, fighting to keep her tone cool and collected as

she spoke directly to her. “Oh, yes I can. I can, and I am. As of this

second, Stanton Industries is reverting back to its original objective.”

Stepping up to them, her gaze fixed on Carol’s. “The way my father

had always intended it to be.” She tilted her head to address the rest of the group. “The rest of you do have a choice in this matter,” she

proclaimed, motioning in Mimi’s direction. “Mimi Braun has your

severance packages, and you will be rewarded handsomely should

you choose to walk away.”

“You have no authority over this company or the business of this

board,” Phillip said almost joyously. He seemed to be enjoying all this

a little too much for Rainne’s taste. “Now, Rainne,” he crooned,


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stepping towards her with his eyes smoldering. “Be reasonable. You

can’t run a corporation, especially one this size.” He reached his hand

up as if to stroke her cheek and was abruptly halted by James’s .357

in his face.

“I believe I warned you about putting your hands on her,” James


“All this isn’t necessary,” he stammered as he nervously backed

away. “Once we’re married, all this will be ours. We can run it

together, baby. However you want.”

Rainne held Phillip’s gaze as she raised her hand and lowered

James’s firearm. “Oh, Phillip,” she sighed happily. “I told you before

that I wouldn’t marry you, besides,” She smiled at him sweetly. “I’m

already engaged.” She held her left hand up to flash them both the


The two of them paled instantly. Phillip recovered first. “Do you

really think I would let you marry someone else?” he hissed. “You

belong to me!” he snarled.

Carol interjected. “Phillip’s right. I would never allow it. You

cannot marry outside the agreement and shame your father’s good

name and reputation.”

Rainne lost the calm she so desperately was grasping. “Shame this

family?” she yelled. “The two of you have done that without any help

from me. I refuse to marry
your boyfriend
.” Her tone rose sharply on the last words.

Carol’s eyes widened in shock, her mouth agape, but no words

spilled out.

“And furthermore,” Rainne continued, her voice still angry, “why

you give a damn about this family is beyond me, considering the fact

that you’re not even my real mother.” She watched her expression

change from shock to alarm with smug satisfaction.

Stepping forward, Phillip smiled confidently. “None of this

answers the million-dollar question. Who is he?” He was using that

cool, sarcastic tone he had used to talk down to her so many times.

Punk Rox Warrior


She hated that tone and knew he was thinking about doing

something horrible to the man who dared steal his meal ticket. A

small smile graced her lips at the thought of him going toe to toe with

James. The expression “two hits” James hitting Phillip and Phillip

hitting the floor, took on a whole new meaning for her.

James moved, shielding Rainne with his large body, blocking

Phillip’s path to her. “It’s me,” he proclaimed.

His smile faded immediately, and he started to tremble. Phillip

lunged at James, fists out. He was screaming rage-filled


James ducked as his fist sailed by his head. His hand speared out

and grabbed Phillip’s wrist. Twisting him around, he pinned his arm

to his back and with a loud thud slammed his head into the table. A

large deputy stepped in and slapped a pair of handcuffs onto Phillip’s

wrist and announced. “Phillip McCray, you are under arrest for fraud,

larceny, and just plain being an asshole.”

He was jerked upright from the table, and Rainne hoped that the

red mark that marred his face would turn into a nasty bruise.

Phillip started screaming threats at her as the officer pushed him

past her. “I’ll be out in an hour! You’re mine! I’ll kill you! You

fucking cunt!” His rant trailed off into the distance as he was hauled

out the door.

Rainne turned her attention back to Carol.
One down, one to go,

she thought.

She stared back at Rainne with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry,

baby. I always thought of you as my own. I only wanted to do what I

thought was right for you.” Her hands were held out, palms forward,

as she looked around at the whole group frantically.

Rainne could tell she was clamoring for just the right words to

save her own ass. She wasn’t buying it for a second. She lost all

control and started yelling at her. “You have destroyed this company

and my father…”


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She was cut off as she started screaming back at her. “Your father

was an easily led automaton, a fool, useless!” she sneered.

Rainne quickly stamped down the urge to knock her to the floor

and kick her to death. She knew in her head that Carol’s opinions

didn’t matter. She was headed for jail, her worst nightmare. She

wouldn’t fall for her baiting tactics. As she turned to motion for the

sheriff to move in and arrest her, Carol spoke.

“That’s right! Get out!” she ordered. “You’re an empty-headed

little bitch,” she bit out. “Just like your mother was.”

Mimi locked eyes with Rainne as Mimi’s hand came to her

shoulder. “It’s okay, kiddo. Allow me,” she said in a pleasant voice.

Mimi then turned abruptly and punched Carol dead in the face, laying

her out on the floor. Stepping back and shaking the sting out of her

hand, she ordered, “Get this trash out of here.”

As the sheriff escorted Carol out of the boardroom, Rainne was

only barely aware of the idle threats she was screaming. “I want her

arrested for assault! You can’t do this to me! Get your hands off me!”

She struggled uselessly against the officer handcuffing her. “Do you

know who I am? I’ll have all of you fired!”

Rainne stood stock-still, frozen in astonishment. Blinking a few

times, she looked at Mimi. “I can’t believe you did that.”

“She’s had that coming for a long time.”

“Thank you, Mimi, for everything. I owe you so much I can’t

begin to pay you back for it all.”

“Well, you can start by getting me some ice,” she said with mock

anger. “Then you can get to work turning this company around.”

They both laughed in unison.

“Where do we start?” Rainne asked, more eager than ever before

to take the reins.

The next several days were the craziest of Rainne’s life. She

started by going to each department personally and explaining the

situation. She was amazed at how many people welcomed the change

Punk Rox Warrior


to the business and were excited about Rainne taking the helm. It gave

her a much-needed boost of confidence.

After everyone had been made aware of the new changes, Mimi

and the legal team set out to document all of the company’s fiscal

issues. Carol had been good at her job, and the business was

swimming in money. The shareholders weren’t too happy with the

changes made, but they were amply compensated, and a good

majority even stayed on as benefactors for the first of many charitable

projects Rainne had in mind.

Everything was going like clockwork. The legal system seemed

content with making an example of Phillip and Carol. She could live

with that. Mimi had helped her go through the personal finances,

separate them, and revert everything back to her. Now all that needed

to be done was sell off the real estate.

“Are you busy?” James poked his head into the office one


Rainne’s head snapped up. “I’m never too busy for you, baby.”

She smiled at him, feeling her face heat with the memories of last

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