Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) (49 page)

BOOK: Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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She opened the boxes, the blue first, and took out the intricate engraved platinum band with a rose-colored diamond that cost a fortune set in the middle, with smaller but equally brilliant diamonds on the sides. “It’s beautiful.”

“We wed so hastily I didn’t have time to purchase you a ring. There are diamonds for each of my hearts. The centered one represents the woman who is the focus of my world. This one to the left is for Zephyr.”

“This one to the right, is for?”

Noor smiled broadly. “That is for our daughter.”

Allura blinked. “You
intoxicated. We don’t have a daughter.”

He captured her chin and kissed her warmly. “The night is still young. Open the other present.”

Blushing terribly, she hurried, unwrapping the other gift. She pulled out the necklace and looked at the strand of perfectly matched pearls that shone with satin luster and enclosed by a diamond-encrusted clasp in gracious awe. “These are exquisite, Noor. Thank you. You needn’t buy me jewels, though.”

“I know. That’s the beauty of giving the items to you, unsolicited.”

“I only require your love,” she said quietly.

“You have that unconditionally.”

She looked up at him. The splendid ring paled in comparison to his stark beauty. “I’m almost afraid to ask…two diamonds of the ring represent our children. There must be at least thirty pearls,” she said uncertain.

“Sweetie, if you want thirty children, so be it. My desire is to give you whatever you desire.” He kissed her forehead and noticed Allura appeared shocked by his willing admission to have a slew of children, as if it were possible. “The pearls were just because, Allura—for our pleasure.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Actions speak louder than words.” He reached and slid his hands between the folds of the robe and pushed it aside until her breasts, pert and peaked, disclosed. Furthering his descent, his hands moved slowly down her belly to the sash around her waist. Swiftly, he untied the knot and moved it aside.

He felt her quiver of excitement when he captured her legs and gently pulled her toward him until her toes dangled above the floor. Spreading her thighs, he dipped low, and captured her clit and suckled it. Allura purred. Then moaned as he part the plump, dewy folds, and thrust inside her with his tongue. He licked, swirled his tongue over the nub, thirstily.

Her whimpers changed to pants as he gently pushed the pearls inside her pussy until only the clasp remained free. Flicking his tongue, roving over the ripe swell, he applied just enough pressure to make Allura wiggle uncontrollably. By slow degrees, he started withdrawing the pearls, only to push them back inside her, as his tongue moved low and delved inside her ass. Knowing what he knew, he dragged the smooth contoured balls past the walls of her vagina, and made Allura mad with desire. Her juices flowed like a river, dripping, and he feasted on the sweetness before putting his tongue back to action leaving no crevice untouched. He kept up a constant whipping motion interchanging between licking her pussy and ass.

Allura dug her fingers into his hair and tugged, trembling, silently pleading for him to end the torture he knew was making her fiery. She uttered a desperate plea. “Noor, please…now.” She practically screamed—then did in a throaty contralto when Noor pulled the strand out swiftly. The tug freed the pearls and pent-up orgasm that violently unleashed inside her.

Blowing harsh breaths, Allura panted, “God, have mercy.” She gasped, trying to gain her sanity as Noor hovered over her, grinning with smug maleness.

“Sweetie, it’s not god, but Noor,” he groaned, entering her in a potent thrust, filling and filling, setting a harmonious rhythm that rocked his hips in tempo with the sway of choppy ocean that lulled the yacht. Driven with mindless need, a rapacious hunger, he plunged to the hilt and captured Allura’s cry between his lips. He was aware of the savageness with which he fucked, as if heedless to anything but primal need, and became concerned he was overwrought and uncontrolled. He whispered his apologies against her lips. “Did I hurt you? Forgive me.”

In an arch, she hooked her thighs high on his back and forced his cock deeper. Silently, Allura answered his concern. She clung to him shamelessly, feeling an indescribable burst of pleasure as she felt him forge into her pulsating pussy. She matched the succinct pounding his large phallus afforded and begged for more.

Noor obliged willingly. He withdrew, much to Allura’s protest. “Just a pause…” He raised and positioned her legs on both shoulders. Braced on his hands, suspended and bending his knees, he rotated his penis and entered. Once enclosed in the heat, he pumped the engorged rigidity with considerable expertise to massage her clit directly. “There…and right there,” he murmured, then followed with a precise flex that sent his cock throbbing against her cunt. He fucked with leisurely patience, in and out, the pace defined to bring the utmost pleasure while it unequivocally tested his control.

“More. Faster. Harder.” She shut her eyes when he cupped her ass, jerked her forward, and drove the enormity of his cock home. The plunge was complete, crammed to excess. The sudden ravenous thrust elicited a singsong cry to erupt from her lips as another climax consumed her sense.

By the time she expired with another orgasm, perspiration beaded her body, and she gulped for air. Through heavy lidded eyes, she stared up at him. Her look was sedated, sultry, and smiling. “Thank you.”

“You can thank me when I’m done.”

Her eyes flashed in disbelief. “I haven’t the strength to move my pinkie.”

Noor gave her a cheeky grin. “Fortunately, it’s not your finger I’m interested in.” He had a thought. “You didn’t put the ring on.” He searched the covers and found it. Allura raised her hand when he balanced on his knees in front of her. He slipped the band on the appropriate finger, and then kissed her hand before laying it against his heart. She looked at him misty-eyed.

“Ah, baby, don’t cry.” He bent and captured her chin, so she could look into his eyes, soul. “I love you so much, you know that Allura, right? You and Zephyr are everything to me. I would never cheat on you with anyone knowing how much it would destroy you.”

“I saw you with her.” She tried to turn away, but he refused to let her.

“Look at me.” Noor waited until he had her undivided attention. “What you saw was me going through the act, but I swear I didn’t enter her. Sweetie, say you believe me? If you do…” he waited impatiently, and then sighed in relief when she nodded and hugged him affectionately.

Chapter Forty-nine

She reentered the room and went willingly into Noor’s arms when he beckoned for her.

“Your son has a healthy appetite.”

“It’s inherited.” When he encircled her waist and pulled her close, Allura looked at him, unbelievingly feeling his penis still rampant as if he hadn’t just ejaculated. “Surely, you jest?”

“I have no sense of humor when it comes to sex. I take fucking damned seriously.”

“Maybe that is why you do it so good.”

“Perhaps.” Noor rested his butt on his heels and maneuvered, having her straddle her legs around his waist. Moving her thighs close to his and knees balanced on the bed, he entered her without warning. “Do you mind?” The question seemed ludicrous with his cock fully buried in inside her.

Smiling and teasing, she said. “What if I were to say yes?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, validating she didn’t intend to deny him—as if she could.

“It would be my duty to change your mind. By doing things like this…” Holding her breasts upright, he tantalized the sensitive nipples with his tongue, circling, suckling, taking tiny bites that sent pings of desire to dance beneath her skin. He gently pressed her breasts together, and then sucked both nipples at the same time. Allura bit her lip to keep the scream lodged in her throat from escaping. She gasped, pushing words out. “I’m not quite convinced.” She teased.

“Hmm, perhaps I should try harder. It was remiss of me to forget what a hot-blooded, demanding hellcat I married. Help me out, darling, I want to continue and ravish your nipples and play with your cunt, too. Hold your breasts for me.”

It was all Allura could do not to climax at the perversely arousing suggestion. She touched herself tentatively. “Just hold…them?” she asked, uncertain.

“Unless you wish to pleasure yourself, do you?” She blushed. “I have never done that before.”

Noor’s expression was purely wolfish. “Would you like to?”

“Is it what you want?”

He moved faintly. “I’m where I want to be.” He took her hands and stroked them over her breasts, curled her palms around the full globes, and taught her to knead the dewy flesh to enhance her arousal. His hand fell away, and he kissed her hard, eagerly, and then slowly made love to her mouth. She whimpered, swaying her hips, and began to ride his rod. “Now here,” he whispered, trailing moist kisses over her throat and down to her breast. He took one hand and guided it between her thighs. She trembled when he showed her where to touch.


“I’m here. Feel how wet and aroused you are.” He taught her how to rub the swelled clit, to create lazy circles back and forth, exert the right amount of pressure, and set a dizzying tempo. “You are a very apt pupil.” He grinned and swiped his mouth over hers. He kissed her in pace with her finger working between her thighs, slow and easy. “Do your hands on your breasts and pussy feel good while I stroke inside you?”

A breathy yes fluttered in the air of excitement. She increased the tempo, slamming her hips back and forth, driving her drenched pussy to bounce on his stiffness. Loving the sensation of having him deep inside her, she noticed she flowered open and rained with his cock and her busy hands.

Noor rested on his outstretched arms, flattened his palms, and his hips lifted to offer her unhampered access. Allura’s hands stopped when his cock rode higher. “Uh-uh…keep pleasuring yourself. Remember, I like to watch. Suck a nipple and show me your pink cunt.” Her eyes widened. “For me—please,” he cooed.

This was pure madness. An unabashed desire, everything beyond her wildest imagination of what shared satisfaction could be. She succumbed to his demands. They were in accord with her own. Allura tossed shyness aside and drew her nipple into her mouth. She spread her legs, never breaking eye contact. She held his sensual gaze with her heated stare and extended her vagina to display her soaked, rosy sex. Noor grunted in satisfaction. She moaned, feeling his cock expand to unbelievable proportions. Sensations of being drilled—literally—made her flush with urgent desire. The undulation of her hips became erratic, and she rode with an untamed beat that forced her pussy down and his cock up to meet her rapturous desire. Wanting him deep, deep, and deeper still, her movements defined consuming. Then the dam of passion broke. Allura screamed with her climax that was so fierce her body became immobile. It was all she could do not to crumble uselessly, as Noor reached the same pinnacle of completion that left him shattered and inert as he erupted and filled her with a rush of hot cum.

Both collapsed on the bed in a heap of exhaustion. “Jesus—are you all right? The last time I fucked so hard I was a juvenile.”

Allura tried to speak, but her tone barely audible. She whispered, “Fine. Fine.”

Noor forced strength into his body and rolled to her side. He cupped her cheek and kissed her gently. “Are you sure? I don’t know what got into me. I pushed you too hard.”

She smiled. “I’m not complaining.”

“You are a greedy vixen. Come. Rest.” He secured her in his arms and covered them with the sheet.

A long time passed before Allura spoke. “What was that about?”

“Unbridled passion and an insane desire we have to fuck ourselves to death. I did warn you.”

Playfully, she shoved him. “I meant that feeling…your penis felt like ah, intense buzzing. That is the only way I can describe the sensation. And it got…huge.”


“Oh that?”

“You know how I keep trying to explain that Magnus men are different? I do that sometimes when I’m overly aroused. Scientifically, there is no explanation, it just happens like my ability to impregnate you or not—determine the sex of our children, if I want.”

Allura batted her eyes. “My. My. I knew you made me feel different. Lord, if I only knew.” She touched his face gingerly, looking pleased. “So, we’re going to have a girl? That was gracious of you. I’ve always wanted a girl.”

Noor looked sheepish in that boyishly charming way of his. “Actually, I will have to adjust the ring and add a stone.”


“It’s a very lengthy explanation.”

“Give me the short version.”

“Zephyr is going to have a sister and brother.”

“You gave me two babies?” she whispered. Tears filled her eyes.

Noor became alarmed. “Are you upset?”

“No, silly…overwhelmed with how much I love you and you love me. This is something fairytales are made of.”

Relieved, he snuggled her closer. With his habitual endearment, he kissed her forehead sweetly. “This is real love. Shhh, go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” He yawned. “Besides, though I’m loathe to admit it, you have rung me dry,” he drawled with a southern twang.

BOOK: Pure Desire [Pure 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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