Read Pure Lust Vol. 1 Online

Authors: M. S. Parker,Cassie Wild

Tags: #romance

Pure Lust Vol. 1 (11 page)

BOOK: Pure Lust Vol. 1
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Together, they made me so nervous I tried to pitch them some script material and chattered away about the foibles of subway-riders non-stop.

Needless to say, halfway through that, Edward told me he had to get back to work, which meant I had to pretend that I needed to go too. He kissed me awkwardly in front of Kendra and told me the next few days were full of meetings. I told him I had a sit-down with a producer interested in a pilot script and then had to make up a television show on the spot. I titled it
Slice of Life
and was pretty sure he realized I’d lied.

When he walked out the door, I was certain I’d never see him again, and the thought hurt me more than I’d thought possible.


“He still hasn’t called?” Kendra asked me three days later.

“Shh, I have two more pages to finish for a deadline.”

“Gabs, I can see that you’re writing a complaint about cereal.” She pulled my laptop away from me. “I didn’t mean to kill your whole relationship, I just wanted to make sure he was being honest with you.”

I wanted to snap at her that it was all her fault for making me doubt him, but had to bite my tongue because I knew she’d just been looking out for me. I knew there was something he wasn’t telling me about his family and, while I was hoping it was just that he seriously disliked them, his omissions were a little bothersome.

Sighing, I looked up at her. “He wasn’t being honest with me. But…” I shrugged. “We haven’t been dating long enough for me to know his address much less his life story.”

Although I did
with him…
his home. I slept with the guy. But I didn’t know his last name

It was enough to leave me with a funny feeling in my gut and I knew Kendra hadn’t been entirely off-base. I had to set aside my frustration with her. I knew that.

I gave her a wan smile.

“Maybe it’s for the best, it was moving way too fast.” If I said it enough, I’d believe it, right? Besides, she was my friend and friendship came first.

“No, you were right,” she said, her face bleak. “It wasn’t moving too fast, it was moving exactly how you wanted it to. And I screwed it up.”

“I think all three of us did.” I went back to staring at my laptop. “If he’d just told me who he is…if I hadn’t stressed so much…”

hadn’t stressed
so much,” Kendra added sourly.

I grinned at her. “Yeah, that. If he’s just going to let it go because he can’t understand why I wanted to know more about him...” I shrugged. “What can I do?”

“Still.” She bent down behind me and hugged me. “I’m sorry, Gabs.”

I was hoping her apology would turn into another invite out for free drinks and catered snacks since I could really use some alcohol, but my phone rang.

My heart flipped when I saw the name on the caller ID.

I sucked in a breath and showed it to Kendra.

Her eyes widened and a big smile lit up her face.

I took one more breath as it rang again and then, calmly, I answered. “Well, if it’s not the elusive Mr. E. Hello.”

“Hello, gorgeous.”

Edward’s voice sent a shiver down my spine. Damn. I had it bad.

“I know this is last minute, but do you have plans this weekend? I got a lot done at work the past few days in the hopes I could take you out of the city.”

I locked myself in the bathroom so I could have some privacy and used the time to pretend to check the calendar on my phone. Not that I needed to check it—what would I put on it? Work? Period due? Work?

I quickly calculated all of the assignments my boss had given me before I answered, “I have a couple of deadlines to finish before Friday, but I think I can work it out. What did you have in mind?”

“I know a quaint little lodge in the Catskills. How do you feel about hiking?”

“Sore,” I said. “My legs already feel sore. I’m more a city sidewalks girl and I don’t remember the last time I climbed a hill.”

He laughed. “Well, luckily our room has a hot tub on the deck.”

I didn’t even hesitate. “Count me in.”

We hung up shortly after that and I sighed, clutching the phone to my chest and not even bothering to pretend I wasn’t relieved.


Late Friday afternoon, Edward picked me up in a silver BMW and I tried not to let my jaw drop. I don’t know why it surprised me. It would’ve been crazy to make Paul drive all that way, drop us off and drive back to the city.

And having him there would be awkward
, I thought, still eying his gorgeous car.

“You’re driving? What will Paul say? Is he heartbroken?” I teased.

Edward winked at me. “I wanted you all to myself this weekend. Paul will get over it.”

He stowed my bag and we climbed in, the nerves already chattering inside me. We had a long drive and my head was already churning. I had the worst habit of blurting things out at the worst possible time. Things like…
so, why won’t you tell me who you are?
I wasn’t sure I could avoid it for the hours we’d be trapped in the car.

It came as a relief when he broached the subject first.

“I want to apologize for my reluctance to talk about my family.” He glanced at me. “And for not giving you my last name. My family name is, ah, recognizable and I just want to know that you’re with me, not my name.”

Relief washed over me. That made sense. He was rich, which would already make him wary of the reasons why someone would want to be with him.

A well-known family name had to make it worse.

“Bad experiences?” I asked, hearing something in his voice.

He hesitated and then nodded. “One or two. I’m…” He blew out a slow, careful breath. “I try not to let it color my life, but I told myself I was going to make sure somebody cared about me the next time. I hope you understand.”

My heart ached and I found myself smiling. “I do. And thank you.”

“Why are you thanking me?”

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Because you trusted me enough to tell me. I love that you felt comfortable enough to tell me that.”

He caught my hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it. When he pressed it to his thigh before putting his hand back on the wheel, I let myself breathe out a sigh of satisfaction.

“I do understand,” I said again. “But, just so you know…” When he flicked a look at me, I winked. “I want you to know that I’m with you, not your name, no matter what it is.” I squeezed his thigh and felt his muscles tighten. “And now we can relax.”

“No,” he said, pulling the car into a wooded turn out. “Not yet.”

The car was still shuddering from the speed with which he’d thrown it into park when he pulled me over the center console and sideways onto his lap. I bumped my head against his window, but didn’t care as he caught me in a searing kiss. His lips were hard and insistent against mine. Almost immediately, I was glad I’d dismissed Kendra’s advice and worn a dress because Edward’s hand quickly found the hem and slid underneath.

His mouth ate at mine, his tongue thrusting deep into my mouth as his palm slid up my thigh, pushing my skirt up. He cupped my hip and I felt the heat of his arousal burning against my skin. My own desire started to rise inside me and I whimpered hungrily, catching his tongue and sucking on it.

He shuddered and shifted me until I was straddling him, his fingers tracing me through my panties. “You’re already wet for me. Did you miss me?”

“Yes.” My eyelids fluttered as he rubbed slow teasing circles around my clitoris, working with the material to create a delicious friction that had me moaning and writhing against his hand. He chuckled as he moved his hand up to my stomach and then slipped it down into my panties. Two fingers spread my folds apart as his middle finger slid inside.

“Fuck,” I whimpered. Wanting more, I put my knee up on the console, trying to open myself more completely.

A second finger thrust deep and I cried out. His mouth sucked on the place where my shoulder and neck met, teeth scraping over the soft skin as he worked his fingers in and out with a relentless rhythm, not stopping until I shuddered and came against his hand.

I was still trembling when he turned me so that I was leaning forward over the steering wheel, one leg on either side of his lap. I lifted up on shaky
as he reached beneath me and unzipped his pants. I was glad we’d covered the condom thing before because there was no pause as he grasped my hips and pulled me down onto him.

He swore as he filled me, his arms wrapping around my waist to hold me in place.

“So tight,” he said, his voice muffled as he pressed his face against my back. “I’ve been wanting you so badly. I don’t know how long I can last.”

“Don’t then,” I said. My body was still tingling from my orgasm and the feel of him throbbing inside me was enough to start the pressure building again. I moved one hand under my dress. It wasn’t going to take much to get me off again.

“Are you sure?”

I nodded.

He gripped my hips and lifted me enough so he could move. My head brushed the ceiling and I leaned forward more as my fingers made their way to the place where our bodies joined.

There was so little room to move. He didn’t
within me
—it was more like a hard, deep grinding that had me shuddering, shaking deep inside, pleasure jolting through me hard and fast as I manipulated my clit.

His cock pulsed and throbbed and I heard him mutter my name. I stroked myself harder, faster. His cock jerked and I arched, my climax slamming into me just as he started to come.

I slumped forward, my body quaking with its release.

His arms tightened around my waist as he pulled me back against him. I rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying the feel of him holding me, of our bodies still intimately joined.

He kissed my cheek. “Now we can relax.”



My breath was taken away as soon as I opened my eyes the next morning. We’d arrived rumpled sometime after sunset and I’d been so tired, I’d collapsed not long after a light dinner.

Now, with Edward kneeling next to the bed with a mimosa and a devilish smile, it was hard to take everything in.
Through the
window behind him
, I could see
the river valley and tumbling green hills
stretched out endlessly
. The view alone w
as staggering, but I was here with him.

I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect

“Good morning, gorgeous,” he said. “Sorry if I woke you.
Are you hungry?”

Hmmm.” I looked back out the window and then at him. “A
re we really hiking?” I’d do it for him, but I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it.

“Well.” He gave me a sly smile that said he already knew what my answer would be. “There’s also a couples spa package, if you would prefer.”


After breakfast in bed, we surrendered our day to the capable hands of the spa staff. Or, at least, I did.
Edward had no interest in
pedicures by the pool, so he swam laps while I enjoyed
one, and
a massage. I wanted to close my eyes at the heavenly pressure of the foot rub, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him.

Even wet, there were streaks of gold coming out in his light brown hair.
His hands and neck were slightly darker due to his days out on the polo fields, but he looked golden.

I watched him, strong and lithe in the pool, not only because he was gorgeous, but because it was easier than taking in our surroundings. I’d never been in a hotel so luxurious and I
out of place. I was sure the woman scrubbing at my neglected feet was shaking her head at the thought of another rich man
dragging some
pretty girl up from the gutter.

Could we ever really fit?

He was from a family with pedigree, a public image, and a clearly healthy empire. I was a country girl
trying to make
it in the big city
, just barely scraping by day to day.

hat exactly did he see in me?

When the spa attendant finished packing us into our mud baths and left us alone in the steamy Turkish tiled room
had to blink back tears. Even here, the luxury followed us, reminding me
of who he was versus who I was.

“Is yours too hot? Want me to ring for the attendant?” His voice was
soft, tender with

I shook my head. “No, no, that’s not it.
” My throat tightened up. “
I just don’t think I can handle all of this.”

“The pampering?” he asked, clearly confused.

“No,” I said. I couldn’t keep it inside anymore. “
Edward, I’m out of place here. If it wasn’t for you, I’d never be able to afford so much as a glass of mineral water for the bar here.
Doesn’t it bother you

BOOK: Pure Lust Vol. 1
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