Authors: Allison Hobbs
Dear Reader:
Allison Hobbs is on fire, on a roll, on top of her game, and everything else in between. I envision Allison writing more than fifty novels before long because she is that talented. Every book is a page turner; a masterpiece; a journey into the erotic and vivid imagination of one of the most prolific writers to ever grace readers with her words. In
Pure Paradise
, she continues on her quest to fan the flames of the freakiness that exists in all people; even if they are not prepared to embrace it.
Milan Walden, a young African-American woman, is the owner of Pure Paradise, a cutting-edge day salon. Pure Paradise presents an array of salon services to its affluent clientele. Additionally, the salon offers a salacious menu that consists of an assemblage of naughty notions, designed to whet and satisfy the sexual appetites of the most discriminating palates.
While Pure Paradise is raking in the dough, Milan indulges her own kinky desires by building a personal stable of pleasure providers—a chattel of willing men and women who crave to indulge Milan’s voracious and varied carnal desires.
Enough said. I have no intention of giving the details of the book away. You have to savor that delight yourself within the following pages. If you have not read Allison’s other books, you have missed out on a lot. Fans of my work will surely appreciate Allison Hobbs. I often state that she is the only woman on the planet freakier than me, and it’s the truth.
Her titles include
Pandora’s Box, Insatiable, The Climax, Big Juicy Lips, The Enchantress, One Taste, Disciplined, A Bona Fide Gold Digger, Double Dippin’
Dangerously in Love.
Thank you for supporting Ms. Hobbs’ efforts and thank you for supporting one of the dozens of authors published under my imprint, Strebor Books. I try my best to bring you cutting-edge works of literature that will keep your attention and make you think long after you turn the last page.
Now sit back in your favorite chair or, better yet, chill in the bed, and be prepared to be tantalized by yet another great read.
Peace and Many Blessings,Zane
Strebor Books International
Pandora’s Box
Dangerously In Love
Double Dippin’
The Enchantress
A Bona Fide Gold Digger
The Climax
Big Juicy Lips
One Taste
Strebor Books
P.O. Box 6505
Largo, MD 20792
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
© 2009 by Allison Hobbs
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever. For information address Strebor Books, P.O. Box 6505, Largo, MD 20792.
ISBN-10: 1-4165-9672-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-9672-1
LCCN 2009924326
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Not just a handsome face,
but one of the nicest people in the world.
Thank you for all you’ve done on my behalf.
hat do you think? Do I look like a dominatrix?” Sumi asked Milan. Wearing thigh-high latex boots, a short black rubber dress with a zip-up front, and matching arm-length gloves, she held a black whip and struck a threatening pose. Sumi was an exceptional beauty, an exotic mix of Korean and Italian heritage. Her large doe-shaped eyes sparkled with sensuality. She twisted her pretty face into an exaggerated angry mask and cracked the whip.
Looking dangerously sexy, she wielded the whip like she was eager to thrash the crap out of a man and have him cowering and begging for mercy. Unwilling to admit that Sumi had captured the authentic look of a dominatrix, Milan gave her only a cursory glance. “You look cute,” Milan said with amusement in her tone.
“Cute?” Sumi questioned.
“It’s not Halloween, so what’s the deal? Did you get an invitation to a masquerade ball?” The thickly layered sarcasm was intended to let Sumi know that Milan refused to take her seriously.
Sumi’s red-painted lips turned down in disappointment. “Are you for real?” She glanced in the mirror and struck a pose. “I
look hot.” Her words did not ring with conviction. “Don’t you think I look hot?”
Milan sneered. “I doubt that anyone would take you seriously enough to pay for your services. You look gorgeous. That dress is really sexy, but you’re not a convincing dominatrix.”
Sumi placed both hands on her hips, indignant.
“You are not a qualified dominatrix.” Milan went on, “so stop trying to add that to your job description. You’re my personal assistant and I want you to find a qualified person to do the job.”
“But you promised
the job—”
“That was pillow talk. I’m not responsible for the things I say when we’re in bed. Now, bring your sexy self over here and let me unzip that hooker dress.”
Sumi arched a brow. “Oh, now you’re calling me a ho?” There was more than a hint of defiance in her tone.
“If the shoe fits.” Ready to break the tension, Milan flung her a teasing smile. “Aw, don’t worry, Sumi. You’re not any ol’ ho—you’re my personal ho. Is that better?” Milan winked at her tauntingly.
Possessing a severe temper, Sumi stomped over to the bed where Milan lounged naked atop the satin sheets, waiting for her girl toy to join her. “I’m not your ho! I’m your lover. We’re in a relationship!”
Milan wanted to burst out laughing but Sumi was reaching her boiling point. And she was proficient in martial arts, so Milan switched to a placating tone. “Don’t I pay you a hefty salary?” she reminded her assistant. Sumi had not been a very good secretary—her typing skills were awful. Back when Milan merely managed Pure Paradise, Sumi was hired mainly as eye candy, a good advertisement. She was the look of perfection,
sitting at her desk in an open area where potential clients could see her. Her exceptional beauty promised similar results to those willing to pay Pure Paradise’s steep prices.
When Milan became the owner, she’d elevated Sumi to the position of her personal assistant and Sumi had blossomed. She performed her numerous duties without complaint and with unfailing devotion. Now, she wanted to do more and Milan didn’t like it.
“Sure, you pay me a good salary, but I work very hard, so don’t insinuate that you’re giving me a handout.” Sumi was hurt, and her voice took on a higher pitch. “Every week I put in sixty hours or more and I never request overtime.”
Milan sucked her teeth. Screw Sumi and her freakin’ martial arts. She was taking her tirade much too far. “If you dared to ask for overtime, I’d fire you on the spot. I elevated you from a lowly secretary to your current prestigious position. You’re earning four times the amount you made before I took over Pure Paradise.”
Sumi shot a glance at the whip she still held, which made Milan feel a bit uneasy. “You practically run Pure Paradise! I allow you to strut around barking orders at the staff as if you were the actual owner of my establishment. What else could you possibly hope for?” She’d intended for her words to make Sumi melt but now Sumi was huffing and puffing, angrier than ever.
“I want respect. I’m doing the job of three people and I do it for you. I do it because I love you, Milan.”
What’s love got to do with it
! Milan felt like belting out that old Tina Turner song but she couldn’t sing and Sumi didn’t have a sense of humor. It was sad but true; Sumi was confusing good sex with love. Though the moment was awkward, Milan
wanted some of Sumi’s fabulous sex right now, so she forced her mouth to curl into what she thought would imitate a loving smile. “Unzip that dress, sexy, and bring your cute ass over here.”
Disappointment dimmed the playful sparkle that had shone in Sumi’s eyes when she first demonstrated her ability to crack a whip. “I’m not unzipping shit,” Sumi said with saucy impudence. “Why do you get such malicious pleasure from treating me like a plaything? I’m not your toy.”
Yes, you are! You’re my prized sex toy, my precious Sumi-toy!
Milan was tempted to say, but she didn’t dare utter her inner thoughts while Sumi had hold of that damned whip.
Using amazing cunt tricks, Sumi had catered to Milan’s freakish desires, and had become a human replacement for Milan’s entire collection of battery-operated pleasure providers. She didn’t need them anymore. Sumi could get Milan off faster and with stronger eruptions than even her expensive, gold-plated fuck-buddy. And Sumi didn’t have to rely on a synthetic strap-on phallus to make Milan cum. She could do things with her cute little cunt that drove Milan to the brink of madness.
But the pretty little thing was so sensitive, Milan knew better than to piss her off by telling her to her face that she was nothing more than a sex toy. Sumi’s temper, along with her Asian pride, made her unpredictable. She was apt to fly off the handle and karate chop all Milan’s exquisite bedroom furniture. Knowing Sumi the way she did, it wouldn’t surprise her if the girl quit on the spot if Milan insulted her by calling her a “Sumi-toy.” Milan frowned as she was struck by the realization that it would be very difficult to replace her sexy Sumi.
With a placating smile, she gently grasped Sumi’s wrist and
pulled her closer to the bed. “I’m sorry.” Milan tugged her wrist until Sumi dropped the whip and started unzipping, displaying pert breasts and a curvy petite body.
Sumi’s mons pubis, covered by a layer of jet black silky hair, was an alluring sight, causing Milan to unconsciously lick her lips.
Sumi bent and peeled down the top of her right boot. “Keep them on,” Milan insisted. She didn’t feel like waiting for her assistant to struggle out of the skin-tight boots. Besides, Sumi looked hot with the boots on.
Propping herself up on an elbow, Milan tugged Sumi forward until Sumi’s crotch was flush with her face. Playfully, Milan blew out a stream of cooling breath, blowing Sumi’s silken pubic hairs, making them flutter and lift until they parted and an olive-colored nub poked through.
. Milan’s mouth and her pussy started watering at the same time.
Flicking her tongue against Sumi’s little clit, she slowly broke her assistant’s resolve. She sucked softly, relishing the taste and texture as much as Sumi enjoyed getting her clit sucked. Milan sank her tongue into Sumi’s pot of tangy spice, which had a zesty bite that left a pleasant ginger-honey aftertaste. She ate Sumi’s pussy until Sumi was sufficiently stimulated.
It was her turn now. Milan lay flat on her back. Sumi climbed on top of her, fitting her petite body against Milan’s and running her hands along Milan’s lean mocha-colored limbs.
Milan grasped the sides of Sumi’s face and pulled her mouth to hers. Sumi closed her eyes blissfully as Milan slid her tongue between her lips, sharing the ginger-honey flavor.
Moaning, Sumi responded to Milan’s pussy-flavored kiss with slow gyrations and soft pelvic thrusts. With each thrust, Milan’s
legs spread a little wider, giving Sumi more access to her opened treasure chest.
“Fuck me,” Milan murmured.
Lifting up, Sumi gazed at her lovingly as she stroked the bushy hair that covered Milan’s mons. She parted Milan’s pussy lips and toggled her clit until it moistened, became engorged, and darkened to a deeper hue. Sumi was gearing up for the good part.
Milan inhaled deeply as she readied herself. Sumi’s pussy tricks gave a stiff dick some hellified competition.
She straddled Milan, her silky snatch brushing against Milan’s bushy forest. Sumi aligned her parted pussy with Milan’s sensitive clit, and then sank down, clamping her tight pussy muscles around Milan’s swelling pleasure bud.
Each pussy bite from Sumi was thrillingly electrical. Sumi would soon take her over the edge. Milan had had her share of sexual experiences with other women, but the pussy she’d been acquainted with couldn’t compare to Sumi’s. Milan had no idea how Sumi had trained her pussy to snap the way it did. Maybe it was all that exercising and martial arts training that made Sumi’s cunt so unusually agile, like a pair of lips, only tighter and with more grip.
With blissful expectation, Milan took in a deep breath. Using rapid vaginal clenching, Sumi’s strong cunt muscles seized Milan’s taut clit, tightening and then releasing, taking a series of nibbling pussy bites that stimulated Milan’s hot spot better than a mechanical device.
Milan shuddered and bit down on her bottom lip, bracing herself for the inevitable torrent of hot sexual release.
“Wait! Please, Sumi! Don’t make me cum yet!” Temporarily
out of her mind with sexual tension, Milan was not too proud to beg.
Once the pleading began, the tables turned in Sumi’s favor. On top, her expression confident, Sumi lowered her head. “Kiss me, bitch.”
Helplessly, Milan sought Sumi’s lips; all the while frantically twisting her hips, silently pleading for more tantalizing pussy bites.
“You need my cunt, don’t you, bitch?” Sumi demanded angrily, nostrils flaring.
“Yes!” Milan gave a cry of agonized joy. Her hand touched the small of Sumi’s back, pressing her small breasts against her own. Their peaked nipples rubbed together, creating more excitement and friction. Sumi fastened her walls even tighter around Milan’s protrusive sex organ, making it throb, making Milan gasp with pleasure.
“Slow down, I don’t want to cum. Not yet,” Milan said, her voice hoarse with passion. But her body movements spoke otherwise. Undulating, she lifted up and then ground her distended female organ even deeper into Sumi’s extraordinary pussy.
Dispensing vicious cunt snaps, Sumi pulled and twisted Milan’s pearl of passion, giving her pleasure so unbearable, Milan had to bite down on her bottom lip to keep from screaming.
Sumi palmed Milan’s taut buttocks, pulling her closer, intensifying the pussy friction as she fucked Milan senseless. “I don’t like sharing you and I shouldn’t have to. Nobody can fuck you like I do. That pussy is mine. All mine!”
Having Milan at a sexual disadvantage, Sumi put her in an awkward position. “You know how much I love you, Milan. Why can’t you love me back?” Her expression was a blend of
lust, love, and sorrow. Lust, the dominant emotion, was spectacularly expressed as she clenched and grinded against Milan’s feminine region. With her swiftly rotating hips, her snapping pussy pulling on Milan’s engorged clit, Sumi demanded, “Do you love me?”
Milan was out of her mind with passion and willing to say anything to keep Sumi giving up the cunt. “Yes, I love you. You know I do,” she whispered. Milan felt confused by her own words, unable to distinguish fact from fiction. She actually felt something close to love as an orgasm pulsed through her. But survival had also kicked in. If she didn’t return Sumi’s declaration of love, the little hothead was apt to hop off her pussy, throw on her clothes, and storm out into the night, leaving Milan hanging in an awful state of sexual duress.
Holding Sumi and pressing her down, assisting her in using her hot-red snapper to get a tighter grip on her own peaked flesh, Milan could feel a fiery sensation, simmering at first, and then burning wildly through her lower region. She squeezed Sumi’s delicate shoulders, quivering and moaning as she convulsed and then exploded.
Keeping up her rhythm, Sumi kept winding her awesome little body until she joined Milan in soul-shuddering ecstasy.
Finally catching her breath, Milan smiled sardonically and stroked Sumi’s silky hair. “You’re getting out of hand, Sumi,” Milan whispered, her voice raspy with residual lust. She pulled Sumi’s silky hair hard enough to inflict pain and to remind her who had the real control in their relationship.
“Ow! Stop, I hate that rough stuff.” Sumi rolled her eyes and then began to sulk, begrudgingly relinquishing the power to Milan.
Back in full control of her sanity, Milan gave Sumi’s hair another yank.
“Ow!” Sumi screamed and moved away from Milan’s reach. “I’m going home,” she spat.
“Go! I got what I wanted,” Milan fired back.
“You’re such a bitch. I hate you.” She leapt from the bed and grabbed the dominatrix dress. “I thought you loved me.”
Milan laughed tauntingly while Sumi angrily pulled on the dress and yanked the zipper up. With her head tilted in thought, Milan watched Sumi. She seriously had to figure out a way to get more control of her hot-tempered assistant. Clearly, the surly little sexpot needed a few lessons in obedience training. Milan had tried and tried to break Sumi’s will, but she had only a loose grasp on the spitfire. Thank goodness she usually had sense enough to placate the pussy-snapping hussy until she gave Milan the blood-rushing climaxes she craved.
Sumi stormed out of Milan’s bedroom and stomped down the long corridor. Milan jumped out of bed and ran behind Sumi. “Sumi,” she yelled. Sumi turned around, her expression hopeful.
“You forgot something!” Milan tossed the black whip at her and slammed her bedroom door.