Read Pure Passion Online

Authors: M. T. Stone,Megan Hershenson

Pure Passion (17 page)

BOOK: Pure Passion
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“I need to feel your insides,” Max protested, but he hadn’t
begged the way I wanted him to yet.

Alright, I’ll give him a small taste, but then I’m going
to get him to beg for it.
  I lowered myself, taking him all the way in. 
he fills me up.
  I just sat there motionless, enjoying the feeling of
having him inside me.  If I hadn’t been so horny myself, I know I could’ve made
him beg.  Unfortunately, once he was inside, my carnal instincts took over.  I
had wanted it Sunday night, but I had to work. I had wanted it Monday night,
but his door was jammed. I had wanted it Tuesday night, but he was practically
in a coma. Now, I had him right where I wanted him, and I just wanted to pound

I lifted myself slowly off him, at first.  I could just feel
the ridge of his head as it moved inside me.  I saw why some women liked to be
on top, as it was awesome having full control.  After several strokes, I got on
my feet and leaned back, placing my hands on Max’s knees.  He immediately
groaned as the increased tension combined with my faster pace.

“God you feel good,” he moaned.

I heard the cuffs rattle as he tried to reach for me but

After several more strokes, I leaned forward, placed my
hands on his rock hard abs, and began sliding up and down his rigid pole.  It
was fucking perfect as I began coming down on him harder and harder each time. 
He began to groan, and it became obvious that my teasing had taken a toll on
his stamina.  His muscular arms rippled as he flexed against the handcuffs, and
I took that as a sign that my ride was soon coming to an end.  Giving it
everything I had, I continued to thrust down upon him in an effort to satisfy
my own pent up lust.

“Oh God stop, please stop….” he pleaded, as I felt him gush
within me.

Unfazed by his words, I continued to ride his cock, nearing
a release of my own.  I was right on the edge of something magical when he
actually said, “Lara, I’m begging you… please… please stop.”

“I knew I could get you to beg,” I whispered, as I relented
and fell forward to kiss him.

Even though I didn’t hit my magical point of no return, it
had been a night that would never be forgotten.  The look on Max’ face as I
pulled off the blind fold was priceless.

“You were trying to give me a heart attack, weren’t you?”

“Of course not, Max. I just wanted to hear you beg like

“I didn’t beg like Derek,” he refuted.

“We’ll see about that,” I replied, as I picked up my iPhone
and stopped the recording. 
Believe me, you sounded just like Derek.


Oh, shit!
As I crawled off him, I suddenly realized
that I had completely forgotten about using a condom.  I had started taking the
pill soon after my last cycle, but we were definitely playing with fire.

“You forgot again?” Max asked, sensing my apprehension.

“Yeah, I just got carried away.  I think we’ll be okay
though.  My period is only a couple of days away.”

“So we’re just going to sweat it out?”

“Yeah, we’ll be okay,” I tried to sound reassuring. 
birth control is a little too important to be so careless. 

Max could apparently tell that I was beating myself up for
being so stupid.

“If really you’re worried about it, you can always use that
morning after pill.”

“No, it’ll be fine.  I just know it will be fine.”

Chapter 22


Jesus she’s a prick tease….
   She definitely got even
with me for the last couple of nights of neglect.  If it hadn’t been for those
handcuffs, I would’ve taken over after the first ten minutes and nailed her
like she’s never been nailed before.
 I just wish she was a little more
careful with birth control.  The last thing I want right now is a damn kid to
take care of; that would be a fuckin’ nightmare!

Just as my apprehension began to fade, I heard my phone
buzz.  It was a text from the web designer, and it appeared he had run into a
Great, now I have to go back over there tomorrow afternoon.  There’s
always something slowing me down.  Oh well, at least I’m almost done with RJ’s
guitar.  I’ll have plenty of time to finish it tomorrow.

I put my arm around Lara, whispering reassurances that
everything would be fine
.  I wonder where she learned to tease like that. 
It’s so frustrating and so hot, all at the same time.


Since we were asleep by nine, I woke up at 5:30 the next
morning.  Lara was still sound asleep, so I snuck out of bed and went to check
on how the finish had dried on RJ’s guitar.  The magazine cover turned out
perfect on the back.  All that was left was one final coat, and after that
dried, I could install the hardware.  I had the final coat on by 7:30, so it
had plenty of time to dry while I met with the web designer.  Lara was still
asleep when I walked by her room so I left her alone. 
I’ll catch up with
her after my meeting.

My phone rang as I got in my car. It was Felix.  He had been
on the website and was questioning the fact that I had limited the scope of our
business by promising to singlehandedly make every guitar.  He couldn’t imagine
why anyone would want to commit to working so hard.  After that, he pointed out
my total disregard for outsourcing the contract suppliers.  “All of your
competitors are doing it,” he chided.

“It’s something I have to do, Felix. It’s the way my
Granddad operated, and it’s the way I want to do it, as well,” I replied,
letting him know that none of it was up for negotiation.

“Well, we can start out this way, Max, but if you get

“If I get buried and can’t handle it, I’ll be the first to
let you know.”

“Alright, I don’t want this to get messed up right out of
the gate.  Nothing blows a business opportunity faster than pissed off
customers waiting for what they ordered.”

As I hung up, it occurred to me that Felix may have
understood marketing, but he knew nothing about the custom guitar business. 
The longer people had to wait, the more they would want one.  My Granddad
stopped accepting orders when he was 75 years old, and it took him nearly five
years to finish all of the work he had on the books.  I didn’t want a five-year
backlog, but if people ordered 100 guitars when the magazine came out, I was
comfortable with that. 
Felix should be, too, because he’ll make a ton of
cash without lifting a finger.  Forty percent is a lot of money, especially
since I’m doing all of the work.


Where the hell is Max?  I hate waking up alone.  The
least he could do is snuggle me and give me a kiss before he ditches me. 

I had to smile, thinking about how I worked him over the night
before.  I’m pretty sure that was a first for him, as well as for me.  It was
really hot to see him flexing in those cuffs. It looked like the veins were
going to pop right out of his neck. 
God, I hope I’m not pregnant,
the next thought that flooded into my mind, stealing the joy from the moment.

Enough thinking, I had to get moving and go into work
early.  Since Derek was covering my Friday night shift, and one of the other
bartenders was covering for me Saturday night, I had to put in some hours
before we left.  Not only was I working a double shift Thursday, but I would
have to be up the next morning to work an early shift, too.  Then I would race
home, clean up, and get changed so we could head for Destin to see J.T
.  I
can’t wait to meet him, he sounds like quite a party guy. Not someone I would
ever touch with a ten-foot pole, but I'm curious to see if he is as much of a lady-killer
as everyone claims.

There were several details to wrap up for Max’ Saturday
night party, as well.  However, I knew there would be plenty of down time at
work to get everything done.


Friday Afternoon


I’m glad this week is over because I’m exhausted.  The
last thing I want to do is drive 2 ½ hours to Destin and drink 'til dawn.  Going
to one of J.T.’s parties would be fun, but I’m not really in the mood.

“Max, are you home?”

“Up here!” 

Lara was home.

“Hey stranger,” she cooed, giving me a sexy kiss.

Other than a few texts back and forth, we hadn’t had a
chance to talk since the lesson she taught me Wednesday night. 

“What time do you want to leave?” she asked, seeming full of

“I was just thinking of blowing it off.  I’m so tired.”

“You pansy…  Let’s go party on the beach!  I’ve been waiting
all week.”

“I’ll show you pansy…”  I scooped her up, threw her over my
shoulder, and tossed her into her bed.  “Get ready. We’ll leave in an hour.”

“That’s better,” she giggled.


I had worked out all of the party details with Derek and
Hadley, so getting Max out of town for the night was mandatory.  The ride to
Destin wasn’t bad at all since we hadn’t talked much all week.  We talked about
RJ’s guitar, the
Rolling Stone
Cover (
and finally, the
talks he had been having with Felix.  I assured him that Felix had no
intentions of screwing him or taking an unfair share of the profits.  That’s
not the way Max saw things, though.

“I’ve been around rich people my whole life, and most of them
are just like my dad.”

“Well, that’s probably because they were your dad’s
friends,” I offered.

He agreed that he hadn’t really thought about that fact. 

“Just wait and see.  I guarantee he will treat you right,
unless you cross him somehow,” I added.

Max fell quiet following that last statement. 
seemed to get along just fine, so why is he acting so weird all of a sudden?  Did
they talk about something else?

After five minutes of unbroken silence, I just had to ask.

“What’s wrong, Max?”


“That’s bullshit.  What’s wrong?”

“Well, when we were out on the boat last weekend, he said
something to me.  It’s kind of been bothering me.”

“What did he say?”

I couldn’t imagine him saying anything threatening.

“It wasn’t anything bad, but just the way he said it.  He
said you mean the world to him and he expected me to take good care of you.”

“Ok.  He probably just meant that he didn’t want you to
intentionally hurt me.”

“Yeah, I don’t know.  We really only met a month ago, so it
kind of shocked me a little.  It’s not a big deal, but I have to admit, it’s
been bothering me.” 

“Max, don’t worry about it.  I’ll talk to him and let him
know that regardless of what happens between you and me, it shouldn’t affect
your business.” 

“I appreciate that, Lara.  You know how much my business
means to me.”

I know, Max.  It means as much to you as you mean to me. 

As we rolled into Destin, it was my turn to be the quiet
Why would my uncle saying that he expected him to take good care of me
bother him so much?  Is he planning to dump me or something?  Of course, my
uncle is a little protective, but I’m sure he didn’t mean it as a threat.

Once we got to the south end of Destin and began driving
along the Gulf Highway, the beautiful white sand beaches and turquoise waters
eased my mind.  What a beautiful view! I couldn’t imagine living in one of
those homes. 
Talk about waking up to heaven every day.

About 35 miles west of Destin, we hit another community out
by Pensacola Beach.  We turned off the highway and followed a street that led
right to the beach. 
What a lucky bastard
, I thought as we pulled up to
J.T.’s beach house.  His house was huge with a wrap-around deck on three sides,
and it literally sat right on the beach.  It couldn’t have been more than about
150 feet from the water. 
I wouldn’t want to be here in a hurricane, but any
other day would be freakin’ awesome!

“Hey, Max, who’s your friend?” J.T. asked as he came out to
greet us.

“This is Lara, she lives with Derek, Hadley, and I in the
house that Derek renovated.”

“Nice.  Welcome, Lara.  Make yourself at home.  Things will
get rolling in about an hour.  You guys are staying over, right?”

“Yeah, we brought extra clothes.”

“Good, we can party then.  It’s good to see you again, bud.  How’s
the tat?”

“I love it,” Max replied, pulling his shirt down off his

“So… I take it you have something to do with the happy
mask?” J.T. asked me.

“I hope so, otherwise I’ll end up being the sad one,” I
replied, still feeling a little apprehensive.

After throwing our bags in one of the bedrooms, Max and I
went for a walk on the beach with J.T.  It was a gorgeous night with just a
slight breeze coming off the water.  It was a perfect night for a beach party. 
We sat down by the water for a while, just killing time until guests started
arriving.  As soon as we saw activity up on the deck, we headed back so J.T.
could play host.

As people started showing up, it didn’t take long for the
anxiety to start multiplying inside me. 
When someone tells you we’re going
to a beach party, wouldn’t it seem appropriate to wear a cute little sundress
and flip flops?
 Women began to show up wearing high heels and dresses, as
if they were hitting the Miami nightclub scene
.  It never even occurred to
me to bring clothes like that. Oh well, it doesn’t seem to bother J.T., so I
guess I’ll just be the underdressed one, like the old days.

“You must be Max,” a blond woman said enthusiastically, as
she and her twin sister came out of the house onto the deck. 

Great, more blonds…

“Yes, I am,” Max replied, with a surprised look.

“Hi, I’m Tina, and this is my sister Traci.  J.T. told us
all about you last night.”

“Really?  What did he tell you?”

“He was showing us the picture of you on
Rolling Stone
magazine at the bar last night.  He said you would be here tonight. 
? Wow, that’s really cool.”

“Thanks,” Max replied with a smug look, “I’m still a little
in shock myself.”

“Hi, I’m Lara,” I said introducing myself.  “I’m the one who
got him the cover.”

“Oh yeah, I’m sorry.  This is Lara.  I definitely owe her
big time for hooking me up with her uncle.”

“Cool,” both girls said, before going back to talking about
Max and his awesome guitar business. 

Most of the conversation centered around which stars Max had
met and which famous musicians played his guitars.  The girls weren’t into
blues of course, so Tag McCoy meant nothing to them. Max proceeded to drop a few
high-profile names that he “hoped” to get for clients, and that seemed to be
enough to keep them mesmerized. 

Watching how they overtly flirted with Max reminded me of
the first night I ran into him at The Deuce, when the girls I was with did the
same thing.  I’d often thought about how he had ignored them and given me that
incredible kiss right in front of them
.  I wish he would do that right now. 
Instead, he seems to be enjoying the attention a little too much.

“Max, do you need another beer?  I’m going to get another
glass of wine,” I offered, thinking that maybe I could draw him away from the
two piranhas. 

“No, I’m fine.  You go ahead; I’ll get one in a bit.”

Okay, I guess I’ll just go by myself and get one then.
 As I turned to walk back toward the house, a girl about my age smiled at me
saying, “Welcome to the club.”

“The club?” I asked, not making the connection.

“Hi, I’m Marin, J.T.’s roommate.”

“Nice to meet you, Marin. I’m Lara.”

“Yeah, I heard you introduce yourself to Tina and Traci.  What
do you think of those two?”

“I’d rather not say.  Why is everyone dressed up so much?” I
asked, still confused about that.

“Are you kidding me?  You and I are probably the only two
here who aren’t gold digging.  That’s what J.T.’s parties are all about.”

“Ok, that makes sense.  They do all seem the type.”

“J.T. normally invites about a dozen of his rich friends and
then there are 25 or 30 women competing to see who can land them.  It makes the
guys feel special, especially J.T.  I’m surprised he doesn’t walk around in a
smoking jacket and slippers,” Marin joked.

“Yeah, someone told me this place was a lot like the Playboy

“Yeah, and you know who is definitely his idol,” she
replied, rolling her eyes.

“That’s gross,” I replied, thinking back to Max’ dad being
with Celeste.  “How can you live here?”

“I like to torture myself,” she replied, with a depressing
look.  “I’ve been in love with J.T. for as long as I can remember.”

I felt a sharp stab in my heart as I absorbed her words. “I
know exactly how that feels.”

“That’s what I assumed. That’s why I welcomed you to the

“Ahhh, alright.  Well, Max and I have been dating for almost
a month now,” I informed her.

“That’s great.  J.T. and I have our moments, too.  Then
something better comes along, and I’m tossed to the side.  Deep down, I think
he really does love me, but any type of commitment scares the shit out of him.”

BOOK: Pure Passion
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