Purge of Prometheus (25 page)

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Authors: Jon Messenger

BOOK: Purge of Prometheus
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Alcent chuckled appreciatively, leaning forward in his chair.
“If you keep my secret, I’ll keep yours.”

Keryn mirrored his move and leaned forward in her own chair.
“And what secret do I have?”

“You know how to get out of this city,” he whispered into the space between them.

Keryn leaned back, surprised.
Her mind ran through the possibilities that she had been followed during her stealthy departure from the city.
During that time, she had only moved from the house to the store, then to the sewer.
The Terrans hadn’t seen her at all, so was it possible that someone else, someone like Alcent, had?
As she pondered this question, another memory rose in her mind, a memory of retrieving her weapon from the store.

“You were in the store when I came by yesterday,” she said, suddenly having a new appreciation for the Uligart.

Alcent shrugged.
“Guilty as charged.
One of my men saw you moving through the city after curfew and we followed.
You can imagine my surprise when I saw you enter this very store and retrieve a fairly impressive array of weapons.
I would have introduced myself then, but you seemed a little on edge and I have a great adversity to being shot.”

Keryn’s brow furrowed as she continued.
“Exactly who are you people?”

“We are the closest thing Miller’s Glen has to a resistance,” Alcent replied, quickly adding, “aside from yourself and anyone else you may have under your command.”

“And the Terrans don’t know about you?” she asked, eager for more information about the Uligart’s group.

“No, not yet.
But they’re starting to grow suspicious.
They’ve had a few equipment malfunctions that can’t simply be explained away by every day wear and tear.
A few of their Soldiers have also gone missing, which I think they almost expected after their aggressive invasion.
We’ve been content with a little sabotage now and again, but the Terran’s are growing suspicious.
Our timetable is being moved up, and we’re caught without a plan.”

“So you are approaching me now,” she surmised.
“It can’t just be because I know how to get out of the city.
Getting out of the city doesn’t mean a damn thing unless you have a way to survive out there.
Otherwise, you’re just trading one death sentence for another.”

“If it were simply getting out of the city,” Alcent replied, “then I would have just followed you the rest of the way yesterday and found the way out for myself.”
He eyed her clothes and grime-covered skin.
“Though I already have a pretty good idea of how you escaped.”

His remarks drew some light guffaws from the bodyguards.
“No, I’m interested in you because you move like a soldier.
More importantly, you have the single-minded ambition to escape the city.
So far, aside from my own organization, you’re the only other person I’ve seen with a deep-seeded desire to overthrow the Terrans here in Miller’s Glen.
I can use your information about what’s going on outside the city, but I would prefer just to have you… you and whatever plan you may have already surmised for getting off this freezing rock.”

“Flattered,” she replied coyly.
She took a moment to think about his offer.
“I have others in my group.
Not many, but exceptionally well trained.
If we join you, what guarantee do we have that this will be anything more than a suicide mission against a much better prepared opponent?”

Alcent leaned forward again, blood flushing his face red.
“I want my revenge!
I lost a lot of good men during the invasion, people I cared a lot about.
I won’t stop until I see every one of the Empirical filth sent straight to hell!”
He closed his eyes, his breathing calming and the blood draining from his face.
“If you can figure out a way off this planet and help me get the revenge we all so richly deserve, then I will provide you with enough men, weapons, and explosives to level this city a second time.”

Keryn smiled and stood.
She extended her hand.
“Then it sounds like we’ve reached an accord.”

Alcent rose from his chair and took her hand in his, careful not to harm her with the bony ridges along his knuckles.
“I see the start of a beautiful relationship.”

“If you think this is beautiful,” Keryn said, fidgeting with her crusted hair, “then you should see me when I’m clean.”

“Then let’s see you clean,” Alcent replied.
Looping his arm through hers, he led her toward the back of the building.
The bodyguards, close behind, brought the lamp so they could see.
Alcent took her through one of the doors labeled “Authorized Personnel Only” and into a back room, a room littered with fallen chairs and long forgotten personal effects.
Pointing at a second door, Alcent continued.
“You’ll find a bathroom with a shower back there.
It’s one of the few that my men have managed to hardwire for use.
The water still works and is hooked up to a hidden heater on the back of the building.
Go enjoy your hot shower.”

Keryn slipped into the back room and peeled away the filthy clothes, letting them drop to the ground.
Naked, she stepped into the shower and turned the water knobs.
Hot water cascaded from the showerhead, coating her body in warmth and steam as it washed away the waste that had covered her body in the sewer.
She gasped in delight as chills of pleasure rolled through her body, the heat brushing away the cold that had infused her skin.
She reveled in the feeling of the hot water as it coursed through her hair and traced the curves of her body, running over her breasts and following the lines of her stomach.
Tension finally fled from her muscles along with the last of the dirt that had covered her skin.
After spending only a few minutes enveloped in the steam and warmth, Keryn, with a hint of sadness, reached over and turned off the water.

She realized awkwardly that she had no way to dry herself, nor did she have any clothes to replace her ruined outfit.
A polite cough interrupted her thoughts.
Slipping her head around the flimsy curtain, water still dripping from her silver hair, Keryn was not surprised to see Alcent standing only a few feet away, kindly holding a towel in her direction.

“I have some clothes set aside for you as well,” Alcent explained as she took the towel and started drying.
“They’re a bit sturdier than the ones you had been wearing and more fitting for the weather.
If we’re going to be partners, I’ll need you to survive long enough to hold up your end of the bargain.”

Keryn finished drying but stayed behind the curtain, sure that Alcent had not left the room.
“If you would be so kind as to close the door as you leave, I’ll see if I like your taste in clothing.”

She heard a bemused chuckle as the door to the bathroom closed softly.
Stepping out of the shower, Keryn found the pile of clothes on the counter and quickly dressed.
Alcent had included an insulated jacket as well as more practical clothing for the cold.
Appreciative, she dressed quickly before stepping back into the break room, where Alcent and his bodyguards waited.
He whistled in admiration.
“You’re right, you are impressive when you’re clean.”

Keryn picked up her Terran rifle as she walked past him and back into the department store.
She looked at the ruined front window and paused before turning toward Alcent.

“I’ll need you to hide this for me,” she said, holding up her rifle.

He took the weapon politely and nodded.
“It will be available whenever you need it.
Just let me know if you do.”

“Speaking of which,” she continued as they made their way toward the front of the store, “how am I supposed to get in touch with you?”

“You won’t find us if you come looking, if that’s what you’re asking,” he explained.
“You’d be surprised at how many people I know here in Miller’s Glen.
If you need to get in touch with me, I’ll know almost before you do.
But I’ll be in touch.
Just don’t be alarmed when you’re approached by strangers.”

Keryn stepped up into the display case, crouching next to the naked manikins.
She turned as she worked on formulating a plan for their escape.
“One more question before I leave.
Did you disable the turret gun when I came back into the city?”

Smiling modestly, Alcent nodded.
“I have people that can sabotage most anything in the city.”

“I’m probably going to need you to do that again,” she said finally, before turning and disappearing out the window.

The rest of the walk back to House 12 went quicker than Keryn had remembered when she was leaving the city.
Even while moving with caution, her step was lighter; she was elated to have found someone of a like mind.
The Terran patrols were light and she only had to avoid one as she moved through the buildings.
Finally reaching the house, she pulled free her lock picks and quietly opened the door.
The room beyond was dark, with the labored breathing of dozens of bodies filling the space.
Everyone was asleep from the hard labors in the fields and no one awoke as she crept silently across the room, stepping over sprawled figured.
Reaching the far side of the room, she finally found Adam; his blond hair jutting from the blanket as he tried to stave off the creeping cold.

Keryn stood, admiring his sleeping form, before she pulled off her jacket.
Wordlessly, she removed her shirt, feeling the cold air rush across her exposed chest.
Kicking off her boots, she unbuttoned her pants and let them fall discarded in the corner of the room.
Her heart racing and her body shivering from the cold, she climbed, naked, under the covers.

Adam awoke with a start, startled as someone crawled into bed with him.
Keryn placed a hand on his face and smiled.
His demeanor turned from surprise to relief at seeing her safe.
He threw his arms around her and pulled her close, relieved that she was alive.

“I was so worried you weren’t coming back,” Adam whispered.
“We hadn’t heard anything since you…”

He paused, suddenly aware as her firm breasts pressed up against his body.
She slid a naked leg over his and ran her hand along his back.
Adam looked at her bewildered, her face full of color and passion, even in the darkness of the room.

“Keryn…” he began before she placed a finger on his lips, stopping him in mid sentence.

“Now is not the time for words,” she whispered and leaned forward, moving her finger only to replace it with her lips.

Keryn could feel the warmth of his mouth, the saltiness caressing her tongue as she bit, gently, on his bottom lip.
His body responded to hers; his thick arms pulling her naked body closer to his as his fingers caressed the curve of her back, tracing the soft skin of her bottom and running along the length of the leg that pulled his hips into hers.
She clawed at his shirt, pulling it erratically over his head and tossing it onto the pile of her own clothes even as her fingers fumbled to undo his pants.
Their breath grew labored as their bodies pressed tighter together.
Elated, Keryn knew she had finally found someone whose passion and energy matched her own.


Keryn awoke peacefully the next morning, a small smile spreading across her lips from the memory of the night before.
As she stared out the window, she appreciated the tangle of limbs as their bodies remained pressed together having fallen asleep in much the same way they had spent the night.
Outside the small window, the world remained perpetually dark.
Though the clock on the wall said it was early morning, it appeared as though it was the dead of night.
A thin layer of frost had settled over the windows and she could see the fog of her escaping breath in front of her face.
She snuggled in further against Adam’s arm and pressing her body against his, not eager to leave his warmth even though she knew she needed to get up.

Grumbling, she gently removed Adam’s arm and slid out from under the blanket.
The cold washed over her like a tidal wave; her naked body shivered uncontrollably as she pulled away from his warmth.
Keryn paused to admire his muscular upper body before covering him again with the blanket.
Reaching over, she pulled on the new pants, shirt and jacket that Alcent had provided before turning back toward their spot on the ground.

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