Pygmy (4 page)

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Authors: Chuck Palahniuk

BOOK: Pygmy
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Mouths of operative me say, “Happy to engage you, crafty stooge of superstition.”

Mouths of operative me say, “How is your health, puppet of Satan?”

Worship leader fashion forehead to lift single hair brow arching above eye. Devil Tony preserve smile. Say, “This little young ’un needs to practice his English.”

Hand of operative me begin compact fingers of worship leader, to grind, bones collapse, skin muscle press so wring of moisture, squeeze as fabric rag soaked in blood. Could be, with pointed knee,
, explode worship leader rib cage.
Could be, crash head into reverend head,
, contusion brain. Instead, merely this agent say, “Meet repeat soon, please, licking viper of evil.”

Worship leader snatch retreat crushed hand, cradle in other own hand. Crushed hand wrung white, leader say, “If you’ll excuse me, we have a new lamb to welcome into our flock this morning.” Cast eye upon this agent, devil Tony say, “If I’m not mistaken, little Pygmy, our new lamb comes from your own colorful native land…”

Here worship shrine, all male neck must bind around with knotted banner, silk banner knotted at windpipe so dangle two long strands down chest to waistband trouser. All female must shelter head inside hat cover. Location enter accompany breathing cow father, twitching chicken host mother, pig dog brother, and host cat sister. Make small parade until seated long bench.

Strategic station, positioned among venomous Christian vipers, seated operative Ling, agent 19; operative Tibor, agent 23; operative Bokara, agent 54; operative Sheena, agent 7. Eyes of all operative, witness, monitor, scrub worship location. Hone sharp fangs. Prepare: Operation Havoc.

In distant, behind swinging curtain of clear-yellow hair, purple bruise surrounding both eye, nose folded to sleep sideways against one bruise face cheek—clear-yellow bully electric-bolt blue eye rest on operative me. All muscle stiff from hate. Bully mouths parted one end reveal teeth clench behind. Single front tooth, corner chip.

Remain embed on bully face cheek square grid lines of ceramic tile grout.

Stealth cat, host sister say, “Poor Trevor.” Sister cast eye on clear-yellow bully, say, “He looks like he was in a car wreck…” During host sister rest eye long away to clear-yellow
bully, sister vent all gas out lung, single long breathing, shoulder melt, host sister head wilt to one side, hang slanted, cat mouth make smile, say, “Trevor Stonefield is so dreamy…” Sister hand lift to touch location own heart muscle.

Clear-yellow bully fire blue eye no blink. Muscle spasm clench both corner bully jaw. Blood tunnels descend from jaw, worming thick under skin, swelled, many branch to vanish behind fence of white blouse collar bound around bully neck with knotted silk banner, narrow banner stripe red then blue. Face of clear-yellow bully fill with blood glow. Mouth edges together pinched white of no blood. Arm hang, no bend, only beneath wrist collars of blouse sleeve fingers fisted, also stony white of no blood.

Head cover of cat sister, embellish with fake petunia genital craft of fabric. Red color, yellow color. Crowning hair, suggest many ready vaginas. Eye of host sister remaining rest upon clear-yellow bully, remain smile, cat sister say, “I wonder what Trevor’s like in bed…”

Both shoulder of operative me spasm to rise near ear, make shrugged, say, “Bitch anus rough scabbed too narrow around in scar tissue.”

Immediate, cat sister eye rest upon this agent. Sister eye go round, skin of face smooth open, mouth hang until say, “For your information, he’s

For official record, dermis of cat sister indicate harboring full many viable human egg for reproduction of future operative. Within cotton bodice, mammary swell to manufacture diet for many future agent. Judging long strand hair, no break, no dry, no louse, cat sister vector no disease. Pelvis function easily to accept seed, then alternate issue constant offspring. Loins needing much seed.

Weapon of operative me moving turgid within trouser of
this agent. Scrotum constrict size. Must saliva of operative me swallow.

Eye elsewhere location, cat sister say, “Who’s the

This agent follow sister eye through religion peoples, beyond clear-yellow bully and fragrant severed genitals of variety plants life. Ignited threads embedded within cylinder white paraffin, to below crossed wood sticks where hang naked fake male painted fake blood on hands, feet.

Cat sister eye rest below fake torture male.

Eye of this operative discover that location, standing, mouth tight as fist, eyeing back, operative Magda, agent 36. Electric bolt out Magda brown eye, to attack cat sister.

Cat sister say, “You want to talk bitches…” Say, “That one looks like she could kill me.”

In Magda hands already knotted finger ready Cobra One-Strike No-Blood,
, inflict cat sister instant dead. More fast most eye able look.

For official record, operative Magda sole state designate reproductive coagent operative me. Forever permanent. Extensive chromosome test establish best premium coagent, assigned from birth, only Magda egg to fertilize. Agent 36 egg apportioned legal property solely operative me copulate. Atop vagina of that operative, noble best duty must lifetime fornicate.

For official record, during current now, eye of operative me rest on operative Magda. Magda brown eye rest on host cat sister. Sister eye rest on bruised clear-yellow bitch, Trevor Stonefield. Bully eye rest on this agent. Eye of four persons describe rough square within worship shrine.

Voice say, break into head of operative me, male voice say, “My, my…”

Voice worship leader eye cat sister and this agent, devil
Tony say, “I do believe that love has found Andy Hardy.” Fashion face of half smile. Blink eye at operative me.

Next then shrine filled roaring noise. Bellows powering keyboard instrument tremble atmosphere, fill with location wind noise. Baying out mouths all worship member, wailing, scream word off insides paper book unfolded in hand. Baying cacophony of gaping fish mouth, all gape unison, head tilted backward to rest eye against fake torture male painted blood. Many dog bay at moon. Shrine air fogged many stink breath. Barking. During herd dog bay, all eye on fake moon, fake blood, fake metal spike, fake protrude fake male feet.

Eye of operative me look up, look under loincloth where only plaster. No weapon. Plaster no painted. Layer on fake feet blood, old dust. Painted blood out plaster hat cover of sharp sticks, plaster eye bleed water painted blue.

Under foot of fake male, bin filled water, big of swim bath. Located there operative Magda appareled gown sewn white fabric. Belted around waist. Feet revealed below gown naked, belted around neck gold chain of metal suspending miniature of fake torture man burdening crossed stick. Cold shark eye of operative Magda rest on this agent. Behind heels of naked feet yawn water bin. Filled deep of clear water. Located front, elevated. Worship leader stance agent 36 to edge of bin, backside to deep water.

Worship leader cup both hand in air, patting air until baying stop. Bellowing keyboard stop. “Dear brothers and sisters,” say devil Tony, “we’ve come together on this beautiful Sunday to welcome a shining new lamb into the bosom of Christ.”

Among the worship, Magda look at cat sister look at clear-yellow bully look at operative me.

Worship leader during say, “As John the Baptist washed clean the sins of Christ, let us also redeem the soul of this
pagan child.” During say, devil Tony step out of own shoe. Step foot over lip of bin, immersing own trouser in water. Immersing more deep until water deep lap to own trouser waistband. Leader finger open button own blouse, tuck neck banner inserted between gap placket blouse, weave button fastener returned through hole. Silk banner safe so no fish into water.

Face muscle of operative Magda spasm, smooth becoming mountains, canyons, as worship leader hands grab from behind, pull backward to topple agent 36 backward toward water. Could be
, could be jump, Magda tuck legs, Leaping Kangaroo Punch Escape, pulverize sternum of worship man, leap free of water bin and retreat. Could be, except no. Agent 36 permit hands carry backward down until buried in water. Eyes of agent look up through lens of shifting clear water, look during mouth of worship man move.

Waters swallow operative Magda. Agent 36, official womb of future operative.

Hands spread to remain agent submerge, worship leader say, “Let us pray…”

Lungs of operative Magda suffer air starvation.

Mouth of worship leader say, “We wash clean this child, born into the bogus faith of a false prophet. The misguided lies of a dead Mohammad or Buddha or Hindi.” Say, “In this immersing, let this child die and be reborn in the name of the one true everlasting Lord.” Say, “Let this death be not in vain, but may this tiny child arise in perfect union with Jesus Christ…”

From embedded water, read lips of worship leader, ears of operative Magda decipher only, “Dead…die…death…”

Is making of agent 36 human sacrifice. Both lung of that agent crave hanker for oxygen.

Fellow Christian viper serving all seated upon benches, serving plates heaped many monetary notes. Stinking feast many cash denominations. Plates filled mass legal tender. Seated vipers feeding plates, paper money dollar out pocket-book. Host chicken mother, bony claw gut innards of shoulder purse until retract crumple cash money, feed to hungry plate. Abandon plate to host father. Cow father abandon hungry plate to cat sister.

Just as rapid, stealth operative Tibor abscond paper fortune from plate. Operative Chernok secret purloin much lucre.

Hand of worship leader shove retain sternum Magda embedded water. Opposite hand of leader flat palm held above own head full-length straight arm, open to inside of roof. Arm made straight at roof, both eye close. Mouthing lip of devil Tony say, “May this tiny child of God perish and be reborn in perfection.”

Torso of worship leader tilted over water surface of bin. Legs of leader rooted in water neighboring operative Magda. Leader mouth move, say, “We ask only that this humble child open her heart to the goodness of Your blood…”

Next then, silk striped banner of worship leader, out tuck from between placket at front of leader blouse. From tuck between buttons, banner flutter, dangle, flop so settle in water liquid, sink snaking spiral into clear water to tickle, lack of air, face of operative Magda. Both hand of that agent erupt out flat water, snatch tight fist around striped banner. Dual arms pull
until, flash-splash
, topple, embed devil Tony full in liquid. Famish for oxygen.

Inside head of operative me echoing English word
. Echoing
. Echoing

Magda pull wrestle worship leader buried in water, agent
36 seize full wrapped arm and leg. Force leader helpless. Captured, thirsting to inhale.

For official record, nest American Christian vipers no able venture into water bin. Only witness, so fast occur. Vipers seated steps below bin level, below fake blood statue, below burning paraffin and bunched genital of plant life. View from vipers, witness leader man sunk into water. Gone. Next then, water splash froth, wash out edge of bin. Next then, water smooth still flat. No bubble. No viper move, only await.

Operative Bokara extract of hungry plate rich sum cash money. Operative Oleg deduct stinking fortune capitalist nation dollars.

Could be, embed deep, ruthless hand of Magda,
, make drilling Barracuda Deadly Eye Gouge. Could be teeth,
, Piranha Strike, major blood tunnel at windpipe savage chew.

Mouth lips of operative me quote glorious tyrant Mao Tsetung, total to admire, quote, “Women hold up half the sky.”

Next then, red cloud bloom in water, red billowing in water, more dark red until no clear. Until generate all Christian viper rush to bin edge, no more able witness into water. Opaque red. No wave or bubble or splash. Only devil Tony and agent 36 gone, buried, full below red liquid.

Settled full deep against floor of water bin, Magda fisting neck banner of worship leader, hands of that agent grip tight to starve oxygen. Allow leader once time heave up, leaping dolphin, break surface of red liquid, leader eye bulge, mouth devour air. Hands of leader climbing air ladder. White blouse, hair flat down sides face, streaking blood, red.

Next now, arms of operative Magda streaked blood jerk leader back to floor of bin.

Worship man scream bubble burst from water. Next now, silent.

Allow red surface smooth, no bubble. All Christian viper twist together own hands, breathing seized. Surface flat of water bin, full smooth, full red. No more leader splash up.

No worship leader able visible. No visible Magda.

Christian plate hungry for money, arrive, cat sister abandon plate to pig dog.

“Geez, Pygmy,” say pig dog host brother, remain sit, squinting peer over edge of bin. Pig dog hand pinching paper American dollar out own trouser. Host brother say, “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the baptism font…” Host brother hand release cash dollar into money plate, paper bill smear stained fingerprints of blood, reek of Trevor bitch anus, seed of operative me.

Next then, cat host sister say, “Gross!” Say, “What is that smell?” Wave hand so clear away air surrounding own nose, blink eye cover skins and fashion squint eye upon operative me.

Quote, “Women hold up half the sky.”

Host sister say, “Pygmy, did you take a bath in


Begins here fourth account of operative me, agent number 67, seated among sleeping vault of host sister. Domestic structure Cedar. Suburb community
. Date
. For official record, have no yet violated secure entry host sister vagina. More easy this agent able violate secure American nation border.

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