Quarterback Sneak (2 page)

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Authors: Unknown

Tags: #interracial romance, #white men, #football, #black women, #anal, #Erotica

BOOK: Quarterback Sneak
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“All right, well, you’re almost completely soaked so lets get you in your car. Is this it?” He asked as he pointed to the little red box sitting next to them.


“Okay, well open it up so I can put this stuff in there.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Galynn said as she tried to take her belongings from him. Alceo was having none of it. He brushed off his hands and stood to his full height making Galynn gasp.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone this tall before.
She knew from his stats that he was six foot six, but she never imagined he would be so…big.

“Nonsense,” he said as he moved toward the trunk. “Let me put this back here so it doesn’t get your seats all wet.”

“Really, you don’t have to do anything, umm just leave it there.” The wind picked up and Galynn started to shake.

“Stop being stubborn. What do you have dildos or some shit in here?” Alceo watched as Galynn’s face heated. She was easy to flush; he liked that. “Just open it before we both freeze to death.”

Galynn looked at Alceo Russell standing at the back of her car demanding she open the trunk. There was something sexy in the way that the dark locks of hair had escaped his hoodie and were now slick against his forehead. His cheeks were pink with cold, as his hoodie started to mold to his body from the rain, his green were eyes watching her expectantly.

“Umm, I can’t,” Galynn, said into her feet. If this wasn’t the most embarrassing thing of all time, she didn’t know what other experience could possibly qualify.

“What do you mean?”

Galynn held up the broken end of her car key. “What the hell is that?”

“It’s the key to my car. It broke in the lock when I tried to open the door.” Her head snapped up as she heard him chuckle. “It’s not funny!” she exclaimed.

“It’s a little funny.”

“No it isn’t,” she said defensively. “Just give me my stuff back, and I will go to the café and call campus police.” Right then she noted that her cell phone had also dropped into the puddle and she hoped the people at the coffee shop would let her use their phone.

“Well darling, I hate to break it to you, but its past 12 and the café is closed. As for the campus police, what exactly do you think they can do for you? They are students with flashlights. They cant do shit.”

Galynn’s face paled. “What am I supposed to do?” She had asked the question more to herself then to him, but he responded anyway.

“How far is your apartment?”

“I live in the Farris Building.”

“Shit, that’s far.”

“Yea, I’m aware,” she said sarcastically. He shot her a stern look.

“Do you have any place you can go?”

“Yea, back to my room.”

She could feel Alceo’s eyes on her, but she wouldn’t meet them. The last thing she wanted him to think was that she was pathetic. Snatching her things from his arms, she clutched them to her chest and prepared to stomp away.

“Can you jog?” The words halted Galynn.

“What do you mean can I jog? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
So I’m not as secure about my body as I pretend to be, so sue me,
Galynn thought to herself. “I’m not that fat.”

“I just meant I know you are wet, and I was just wondering if you weren’t too cold to jog. My place isn’t a long ways from here, but we need to go now.”

“We?” Galynn asked incredulously, her heart hammering in her throat.

“I can’t just leave you here. What if you freeze to death? I’m not going to be responsible for that.” Alceo snatched her things from her arms and started off at a slow place toward his dorm room.

“Wait! You’re not responsible for me! I’m responsible for myself and I can take care of myself!”

“Yep, and you’ve done a marvelous job thus far,” he shouted back over his shoulder.

Galynn didn’t really see any other alternative. Begrudgingly she started off after him.
I hope to god he doesn’t live far. I’m not sure how long I can keep this up.


Alceo wouldn’t normally have stopped to help someone in the freezing rain when all he wanted was a cup of coffee, but he could hear her soft sobs carrying in the wind. He certainly didn’t think he’d ever invite the girl back to his place but there was something about her. Something so innocent and vulnerable.

When he happened upon her, she looked so ordinary. He smiled to himself when she finally met his gaze and realized who he was. She sat staring for a full forty five seconds before she could speak. He had that affect on a lot of girls, but for some reason with her, he was happy he could rouse her interests.

He wasn’t expecting her eyes to be so wide or the swell of her breasts to catch his attention. She had been standing there glaring at him when he told her follow him, she didn’t notice the rain had soaked her sweater and he could pick out her prominent nipples poking through her shirt.

The water that had soaked though her clothes made her pants cling to her body. Jesus, he hadn’t seen a girl with real curves in so long, he forgot how much he loved them. Alceo had suggested they jog for a reason – he wanted to keep out in front of her so he couldn’t get caught ogling her body.

He could hear her footsteps behind him and he slowed a touch not wanting her to pass out. He wanted to ask her is she was okay, but judging by the way he asked if she could jog, he didn’t think that would be met well.


Galynn was trying her best to keep her breathing even as she jogged behind him.
Good god he’s got a marvelous ass.
Twice she almost feel because she wasn’t watching where she was going, she was watching his buns shift in his jeans.

She was really going to Alceo Russell’s dorm room! Of course, it would be naive to think she was the first girl to enter the territory, but she was excited nonetheless. Now, she wasn’t sure if the panting was from the running or from excitement.

Just as she thought she was about to pass out, Alceo stopped in front of the Hollis Building. He buzzed open the door and held it open for her, politely ushering her inside.

What do we talk about, what do I say? How long will he let me stay here? I can’t believe I’m in the Hollis Building!

For the most part, only the really rich kids and the athletes stayed in the Hollis Building. It housed the nicest dormitories on campus. The rich kids were there because they could afford it, and the athletes stayed there because it was apart of their scholarship. Galynn had heard that the rooms were more that twice that of the normal dorms, and they were singles. Each dorm had it’s own bathroom and kitchen and even a queen sized bed. Well, she was about to find out if that was true.

They hopped on the elevator and got off on the sixth floor. The butterflies in her stomach multiplied ten fold as he stood outside his room and pulled out his keys. She watched as he opened the door and stepped in. He put her wet stuff on his desk and rushed to pick up random pieces of clothing – boxers, and a girl’s bra.

“Sit there.” He pointed to the chair at his desk.

“Thanks.” Galynn couldn’t stand how small and nervous her voice sounded. She bristled at his tone but sat down in the chair, not sure what to do. She quickly glanced around the room, trying to take in all the details before her dream ended and she woke up.

The room was easily twice the size of hers. There was a queen-sized bed pushed into one corner with a small nightstand next to it. She could see a couple of books with wrinkled covers and creased pages from where she sat. She wondered what he liked to read in bed. Just inside the door was a full computer desk. A massive computer with a huge screen took up the top of the desk along with his printer and a lamp. Across from her was a small kitchenette and what she assumed was the bathroom. Wow, they really did live better on this side of the tracks. This place made her room look like a rat hole.

“Do you have a friend you can call to come pick you up?”

Galynn turned to answer him but quickly looked away. “Umm,” she stammered as she tried to get her brain to focus. Her face heated as she tried to come up with an answer. “No – no, I don’t know anyone that has a car.”

She tried not to look but couldn’t help herself. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as he threw his hoodie and t-shirt on the bed and looked around for something else to put on.

Good god he’s gorgeous.
Her eyes traveled along his collarbone and snaked down the lines of his stomach. His chest was broad and solid with a fine sprinkling of hair. His naturally tanned skin looked smooth. She felt her tongue wet her lips as she could feel her heartbeat between the apex of her thighs. Her eyes settled on the V leading to what was hidden beneath his jeans, the sexy line of hair from his navel pointing as a guide.

Her mouth opened and she forgot to close it as her breath hitched.

“Here, why don’t you change your clothes too?” Alceo’s dark voice pulled her from her haze as he turned to face her full on.

“I – I don’t have a change of clothes.” She had a hard time meeting his eyes, but eventually she was able to pull her gaze away from his body.

“Put these on.” There was something about his tone. Galynn didn’t feel as if she had a choice in doing what she asked. It was as if he just expected her to do it. She watched as Alceo stepped closer to her, his chest still bare. She could almost make out the drops of water that had soaked through his clothes and settled on his skin.

She stood slowly, hesitant to say anything, but knew she would be grateful for whatever dry piece of clothing he was holding out to her. She took the cloth from his hands; it was a pair of sweats. She turned from him anxious to change but not wanting to show him her body.

Hands shaking she snapped the button on her jeans. She turned to see Alceo still staring at her. “Aren’t you going to turn around?” she asked him over her shoulder.

“You got a free show, why shouldn’t I?” Galynn’s mouth dropped open as Alceo’s eyebrow hitched.

He’d caught her staring at him. Again. Her face burned hot, but she didn’t budge. “Turn around.”

She watched as Alceo turned his back to her as she shook her head. She waited a beat then turned and quickly pushed her pants over her hips. She stepped into the sweat pants quickly pulling them up over her hips. She was surprised they were big on her, hanging off the curve of her hips. She groaned wishing she were wearing a longer shirt.

“Umm, do you have a shirt I could borrow?” she asked as she turned back to Alceo. Her frown deepened as she took in the sly smile he was sporting.

“You shouldn’t hide, but if you want a shirt, I’ll get you one.”

He was still naked from the waist up, his pants having slid a little further down his hips. Alceo turned his back and pulled a shirt from a pile next to his bed. “Don’t worry, it’s clean.” He tossed her the shirt and sat back down on the bed eyes fixed on her body.

“What is your problem? Stop staring.” She felt defensive. He was probably comparing every inch of her skin to all the other coeds he’d been with. Galynn didn’t like her chances. “Don’t you have to finish getting changed or something?”

“Nope.” He leaned back on his elbow and continued to smile and stare. She looked down at her body and her face heated further. Galynn could see her nipples standing out proudly from her body. The whole time he could see her nipples and she hadn’t even known. Her shirt was stuck to her in the most revealing way. In a way it was almost worse than having stood in front of him with no shirt on.

Galynn thought to herself. She turned her back once again, sucked in her stomach and peeled her shirt over her head.

When she turned back around, Alceo was facing away from her slipping a dry shirt over his chest. She couldn’t help but feel let down. Obviously he didn’t like what he saw.

Galynn looked down at her self. “You gave me a shirt with holes in it.”

“You wanted something dry didn’t you? That’s the only other shirt I have that’s clean enough for me to give it to you.”

Galynn crossed her arms over her chest trying to hide the view of her bra peeking through the holes and cuts in the shirt.

“What were you working on?” Galynn was startled by the change in subject.

“Oh god, I totally forgot. I have a biochem paper due tomorrow and I don’t know what I’m doing. And my computer is gone as are my notes and so is my notebook. I should probably get going. I need to get started at some point if I plan on ever getting done.” Galynn turned to gather her stuff.

“I will help you.”

Galynn eyes him curiously. “What do you mean you will help me?”

“I’m a biochem major.”

“Seriously?” She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her lips.

“Fine, you don’t want my help, don’t take it. But it will probably take you all night to get that done. Besides, all your shit is destroyed.” He stretched his long body in his chair, looking at her like he knew he had her. She had no place to go, no way to get there, and nothing to do once she got there.

“Alceo, I don’t even have anything to start with.”

“Call me Ceo. Everybody does. Who’s your professor?” Alceo asked as he turned on his laptop.


“Oh, he’s easy. All he ever talks about is NADH.”

Galynn stared at him with her mouth open. She had heard the term NADH and thought it was vaguely important but she had no idea what it was really about. “I have no idea what that is.”

Alceo smiled. He turned back to his computer and started typing away.

After two hours of explaining everything to her and typing furiously at his computer, her report was written. Galynn didn’t even have to lift a finger. She watched as his eyebrows bunched and his strong fingers flew across the keyboard. She had spent time sitting next to him, their legs touching and her pretending not to notice.

“What name do I put on the cover page?” How could she have forgotten? She never told him her name.

“Galynn Pierce.” He typed it in and stared at the screen for a second. “Galynn, is that Greek?”

Galynn smiled. “Yep, and you pronounced it right. Everyone wants to call me Gay-Lynn. I have no idea why, but you got it right. Gah-Lynn.”

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