Queen Bitch: Part 4 (Bitch Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Queen Bitch: Part 4 (Bitch Series)
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As Nico turned the corner onto the block of a quaint street
in the Astoria, Queens neighborhood, the longing feeling of
holding my child again was put on pause. "This is it," I said,
as a calmness came over me.

"Huh?" Nico turned to me like he didn't understand or
hear what I said.

"This is it. This is where the apartment is." I sat straight
up in the seat looking for the address that was written on the second to last page in the book. It simply had
`Mildred' as the name with the address underneath, but I
knew this was the spot. No matter how hard I had tried to
make myself get that feeling of hope when I had pulled
up to a minimum of twenty-five apartments in the last
few days, none of them gave me that, until now.

"What makes you sure?"

"I'll put it like this: Remember when we were together and
my gut told me you were fuckin' around on me? My gut instinct
is doing the same shit right now about this apartment."

"I can't knock that shit."

"No you can't, now pull over. There's the building," I
said, pointing straight ahead."

When we got out of the car I practically ran to the
entrance of the brownstone building. The door was
locked and I reached in the back pocket of my jeans and
pulled out the set of keys. I knew this was do or die time.
I put the first key in the lock but it wouldn't open the
door. I could hear Nico letting out a disappointing sigh.
He knew how desperately I wanted this shit to work out
in my favor and he didn't want me to hit another dead
end-and he wouldn't have to. When I put the second
key in, that shit turned and the lock popped as if I had
been opening this very same door all my life.

"Motherfuckin' right!" Nico pumped his fist in the air
sharing in my enthusiasm.

"It's apartment Number 2. There seems to be one apartment
on each floor so it must be one flight up." We skipped up the
stairs, and when I got to the apartment that had #2. I put my
ear to the door to make sure no one was there. Nico did the
same thing and neither of us heard anything suspicious. I put the first key in, and again that shit opened right the fuck up.

Surprisingly, the joint was in great condition. It was
apparent that whoever Mike had checking up on the spot
was on top of their job. The two bedroom apartment was
sparsely furnished but very clean. The place wasn't huge
but it was spacious enough that the gun could've been
stashed in numerous places.

"Where do you want to start?" Nico asked, reading
my thoughts.

"I'll take the first bedroom, you take the one in the back
and we'll work our way out front."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's get to it."

When I went into the bedroom, the first thing that
caught my eye was a picture on the nightstand. It was
Nina standing next to a young man that I assumed was
her brother, Terrell. The resemblance was undeniablethe thick black eyebrows, rich brown complexion, full
lips and high cheekbones, gave both model-type features.
Now I understood what Mike meant about all the women
this cute, young nigga had. Maya didn't stand a chance.
He had `heartbreaker' stamped on his forehead.

I put the photo down and got down to business. I
looked under the bed, mattress, drawers, closets, behind
the television, anyplace that could remotely conceal a
gun. I thought finding the correct apartment would be
the hardest part, but finding the gun was already proving
to be an exhausting chore.

"Any luck?" I heard Nico ask after I had been up down,
and around, back on my hands and knees for over an
hour, not missing a crack.

"No, you neither."

"I searched the bedroom and the bathroom, now I'ma
search the living room and kitchen."

"I'll help because it's definitely not in here."

Nico started in on a hardwood floor check, making
sure there weren't any secret compartments underneath
us. I began with the couches, and again coming up
empty. After what seemed like an eternity we took it to
the kitchen with no such luck. After over three hours of
nothing, I was running on empty.

"Maybe Mike was lying and he didn't hide the gun here."

"I didn't get that vibe from him, plus I can feel that gun.
It's here, I'm telling you. It's crazy, but I think after you have
kids, if you listen carefully, your female intuition triples."

"I'm really scared of you now. Women don't need no
more extra power over us."

"Nico, I'm being serious."

"Shit, me too."

We both fell back on the couch, tired as hell. "Never did
I expect this to turn into a real life treasure hunt game. I
figured it wouldn't take us no more than fifteen minutes
to find this damn gun-thirty at the most. The way it's
looking it's turning to an all day and night affair," I said,
looking at the bookshelf against the wall.

"You got that shit right. Baby girl, you know I would
stay and search this place for as long as you like, but I'm
becoming skeptical about the information Mike gave you."

I got up while Nico was talking, halfway listening and
halfway remembering things Mike had said to me: "...It's
proper resting place... My gift to Nina... Me stashing it at the spot Terrell
would hold down for her was like meputting the shit to rest... "

I looked intently at the cream-colored photo album with the gold script words engraved on the front that read
"Nina and Terrell Douglas". I smiled and picked it up. It
was so heavy I almost dropped it.

"Precious, what are you doing? We don't have time for
you to be looking at some photos, we have to find the
gun, and looking at that clock on the wall, we're running
out of time."

"Our work here is done. We can go now."

"You're giving up? We haven't found the gun, unless
you believe I'm right and Mike didn't stash it here."

"It's here. Look inside," I said, opening the bootleg
photo album. The first two pages had photos, then the
third page was blank, and when you turned it, there was a
deep opening, and sitting pretty was that smoking gun.

"How did you know? I would've turned everything in this
place upside down and still not touched that fuckin' album."

"One, getting into Mike's twisted mind, and two, that
female intuition I keep stressing."

"Your odds are on point. Now let's break the fuck outta
here. We have a flight to catch in the morning."

When our flight landed at LAX on Saturday afternoon, I was
thrilled to be coming home. I replayed the million questions
Supreme would have for me when I walked through the
door and what my response would be. Then I wondered
if Maya would be there and visualized the stunned look on
her face when she saw the person she left for dead was not
only alive, but had the weapon that would send her away
doing football numbers. Then, most importantly, my baby.

"How are you feeling?" Nico asked, squeezing my hand as we sat in the back seat of the chauffeur driven car.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. There's nothing wrong with being
nervous, Precious."

"I didn't say there was."

"You didn't have to."

"You know me too well, Nico."

"You're right, I do. I want you to know that being with
you these last few weeks have been wonderful. It was like
old times you know, besides the fact we weren't sharing
a bed," he joked.

"Yeah, that does a make a difference. But seriously, I
enjoyed spending time with you too. I'll never forget that
not only did you save my life, but you nursed me back to
health. Our bond is thick, baby."

"It is and it always will be. But I have to let go. You don't
belong to me anymore. You're another man's wife and you
have to go home and claim your family.

"The way you know me so well, I know you too.

This is difficult for you but you're being such a man about
it, and it makes me love you that much more."

Nico lifted my chin and placed the most endearing kiss on
my lips. "My beautiful, Precious. No longer are you just radiant
on the outside, but you're finally just as radiant on the inside. I
always knew you had it in you."

I kept my composure refusing to shed a tear. This was
no time to soften up and be weak. I was about to enter
a territorial war zone with Maya and my shit had to be
solid as steel. There would be time for me to rejoice in
my newfound inner peace after I brought Maya the fuck
down. When the car started driving up to the estate, I couldn't wait.

"I wonder why the gates are open and there is no
security out front. That's strange," I commented.

"It could be the middle of a shift change or something
like that."

"True." When we drove up to the driveway the only car
I noticed was a silver big body Benz parked in front. "I
wonder whose car that is."

"You'll find out shortly."

"Are you sure you don't mind waiting in the car? I feel bad."

"Don't. You didn't want me coming at all."

"It's not that, it's Supreme's paranoia about us."

"Precious, you don't have to explain. We've been through
this. All I want to do is make sure that you get home safely
to your family. I'll wait here for a little while until I know you
have things under control. Then I'll leave."

"Thank you, Nico."

"Stop with all that. Make me proud. Go in that house
and let everybody know the queen is back!"

I got to the entrance and rang the doorbell. I could
hear heels clicking on the marble floors and my heart was
racing. This was my moment and I planned on embracing
every second of it.

"Hello there, you must be my three o'clock appointment."
The extra bubbly blonde greeted me after opening the
door. "Are you alone, or is your husband coming in?" she
said, looking over my shoulders at the car Nico was in the
backseat of.

"Who are you and what appointment are you
talking about?"

"I'm Kitty, the realtor. It's a pleasure to meet you," she said, extending her hand. I brushed her hand away
because I was afraid I would break each bony finger if I
got a hold of them.

"Well what do we have here? Is there a problem,
Mrs. Hughs?"

"My name ain't Mrs. Hughs. It's Precious Mills and I own
this house with my husband, so get the fuck out!"

"There is no need to take that tone with me. I was hired
by Mr. Mills' attorney to sell this house. This is its first day
on the market..."

"And its last," I cut in.

"I don't even know you. The only woman I know Mr.
Mills to be involved with is his girlfriend, Maya Owens. She
was the sweet young lady that introduced me to Mr. Mills."

"And where might they be? Are they inside right now?"
I asked, mowing my way past the silly broad.

"Excuse you!" she snarled, patting her tweed suit.

"Where is Supreme?"

"Who?" she asked, revealing a heavy southern accent
that she had been covering up thus far.

"Mr. Mills, where is he?"

"I have no idea. All I know is that they wanted to start
fresh in a new place and moved."

"Where, to a new house in Beverly Hills?"

"No, out of state."

"Out of state? Are you sure?"

"Yeeeessss," she said, singing the word. "I'm very sure."

"But you don't know which state?"

"No I don't, because the only place I sell houses is here
in Beverly Hills. I have no idea where they went, but I'm
sure they're going to be just fine."

"Lady, get the fuck out my house!"

"This isn't your house."

"Take a good long look at that portrait on the wall right
there," I pointed my finger firmly in case the dizzy chick
had vision problems.

"Well, I'll be damned! That is you! What a beautiful
picture. Are you some sort of model?"

"Listen, I'm in a very bad mood right now. So get your
skinny, plastic ass out of my face before I break it."

"Precious, what's going on?"

"Are you Mr. Hughes? I think you need to calm your
wife down."

"Did you just not see the picture on the wall? I'm not
Mrs. Hughes. My name is Precious Mills and my husband
is Supreme AKA Xavier Mills. Now remember that as
you're walking out the door and don't ever come back!"

"But I have a three o'clock appointment. My clients are
my first priority."

"Even before saving your own life?" I balled up my fists
so she completely comprehended my question.

"I'll be going now. But I will be calling Mr. Mills' attorney
and informing him of what took place today."

"Do that. . .after you get the fuck out."

"Goodbye. Oh, and here is my card in case you change
your mind," she said, handing it to Nico. "Again, my name
is Kitty and I sell the most luxurious houses in Beverly
Hills," were her parting words as she closed the door.

"What the hell was that about?"

"Supreme has vanished with my daughter and Maya is
with them."


"Yes. That was some realtor that Maya introduced
Supreme to, and he hired her to sell our house before
they left town, to start fresh, as Kitty put it. But that's cool.
I will turn this motherfucker upside down and find my
husband and child. Maya can play if she wants to, but I
will be the last bitch standing!"

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