Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (117 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“We can’t,” he whines. “It’s occupied.”

“Haven’t you wondered what they do in there, because I
know I have,” I persuade him. 

“Yesssss…” He hisses. “I ache to know.”

“Uh… He’s your dad, though.” I make light of how badly I want in there.

“Watching is nothing compared to making him my first victim. What do you propose?” He says eagerly with an
evil glint in his smoky eyes.

“We sneak in there and watch them,” I offer quickly as I listen to the final groans of a satisfied pair of lovers echo down the staircase. I smile in satisfaction, too.

“The door beeps,” he says in giddy annoyance.

“We let them know we’re there. We give them a show if they’ll give us one,” I say flippantly.

“You’re seriously begging for me to fuck you right here if you keep talking like that. Jesus, my cock feels like it won’t be satisfied until it’s crammed balls-deep inside you,” he groans and bites his lip.

“What do you say?” I look a challenge at him and I watch with anticipation for the moment the challenge is accepted. I resist my need to jump up and down, and fucking cheer when
his eyes glaze over in hunger.

“We’re going to finally have this mystery solved. You have no idea how often I’ve finger-fucked myself to the
thought,” I seductively purr.

Ezra flies off the wall to attack me. His hands grip my ass and lift me up until I wrap my legs around his waist. The circling of his hips rubs his arousal against me in a strange version of a dry-hump. My fingernails grip his shoulders and dig in to hold on.

“Thanks, Ezra,” Whitt’s calm and smooth voice calls from the stairwell.

Ezra freezes and shakes his head. Like a bird settling its wings he regains his composure. He slides me down his body and scowls. He shuffles away from me until the wall hits his back
, and then he closes his eyes.

“No problem,” he says gruffly.

We listen as the lovers giggle
Beautiful, gorgeous, and I could fuck you forever

I pant in anticipation. My pupils are dilated with arousal and my body flushes with need. Ezra looks as crazed as I feel.

When Whitt and Dalton’s footsteps recede Ezra peels himself from the wall and grabs my arm.

“Now or never,” he huskily growls and punches in the security code
on the Zeitler private room.

Chapter Fifty

Wide-eyed, Ezra and I stare in awe. They didn’t hear the door beep or our entrance because all they know is one another.

We lean against the door panting and our eyes refuse to blink. We’re frozen in the position we were in before our eyes locked onto them. Nothing could force me to look away.

I watch Ezra from the corner of my eye and he watches me the same way. His mouth is gaping open, breath unevenly sawing in and out. His gray eyes glow blue and his shorn blond hair is darkened by sweat. A bead of sweat slowly slides, excruciatingly slow, down his cheek and caresses the corner of his cupid-bow mouth. I want to lick it. How can he tolerate the tickle and not brush it away in annoyance.

Ah- because his eyes can’t leave our lovers- our partners. Ours- mine and his, yet, the two men who are intimately embraced seem to think they belong to each other. I wait for the jealousy and anger to slam into my chest… I wait, and it never comes.

Marcus’ bronze skin wraps around Cortez’s golden flesh, molding into an intimate embrace. The pair of lovers is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen, and we just watched my husband possess his mate.

Beasts… Beast is the only word to describe their bodies. Long, lean muscles bunch and flex as they move to a rhythm of their own making. The symphony of their moans and breathing is music to my ears. Its dulcet sounds draw all of the moisture in my body to pool between my trembling thighs.

Standing at the foot of the bed, the lovers and entangled, and naked as the day they were born. Forehead-to-forehead, lips mashed together in a primal dance of euphoria. Golden fingers tangle in silken threads of spiral curls. Their broad chests fuse as one, and only part when they gasp and moan in unison. Press… Release… Press… Release… Breathe… Sigh… Gasp… Moan…  It’s breathtakingly beautiful.

I audibly swallow but the sound is eclipsed by the raspy breathing that echoes around the room. Ezra tries to swallow and it’s met with a dry, gravelly sound. I’d love to know what he’s thinking, but I fear that he’d lost the ability to think the moment he laid eyes on the lovers.

Fingers flex on the most devastating ass on the planet, clench and dig into the firm flesh in time with the sounds that flow from their throats. Thighs rub together as if it’s painful when every inch of their flesh doesn’t connect.

A fist in the back of short black hair angles a mouth for an eager tongue bent on deep penetration. A full-bodied shudder flows through Cortez’s body from the tips of his toes to the top of his head and back down again. Marcus eats his sharp moan of protest.

The Master of our Universe proves his prowess as he controls every breath of the man quivering in his arms. I bite back a whimper as Cort’s legs fail to hold his weight. Marcus holds the man in his arms like a damsel in distress, and he has just what Cortez needs to survive.

And what Cortez needs is his Master’s fist.
flows from my parted lips when Marc’s hand encompasses both of their arousals in his fist, and then gives a long, twisted stroke. The mastery he exhibits screams that this isn’t the first time he’s pulled this skillful maneuver.
Cort’s spine bows, his mouth falls lax and spills a silent moan, and his neck bends from the pleasure of experiencing his Master’s flesh upon his flesh.

My legs give out. I fall backward to the door behind me and a grunt is forced from my throat. Both Ezra and I freeze in fear that they heard the sound. We both let out a shaky breath as Marcus continues to twist and slide down their lengths with his strong grasp.

We share a relieved look when we don’t capture the lovers’ attention, and lean bonelessly on the door. My knees are the only thing that’s holding me up. I slowly slide down the door until only my ass to my shoulders is in contact with the steel door.

Ezra and I don’t move to touch each other. Our earlier arousal is forgotten in the wake of the choreographed dance between our partners.

Cortez is completely at Marcus’ mercy. His muscles offer no support as he quivers and spams in delight. Marc feeds from Cort’s mouth as his hand gives them both pleasure. Cort’s arms fall and swing limply, because with one intimate touch all function fled his body.

Marcus leisurely lowers Cortez to the edge of the bed and, “Master,” falls weakly from devoted lips. Gentle hands glide Cortez’s body into a position that is obvious. My eyes widen and Ezra’s gasp clarifies why his partner is half on and half off the edge of the bed with his legs dangling to the floor.

My body trembles and shivers in anticipation. Is Marcus going to do it? Holy shit! He’s really going to do it… and we get to watch!

My eyes dart to the side to look at Ezra’s expression. Awe, shock, fear, sadness, and wonder glow from his gunmetal gray eyes. He tries to swallow again and fails. I doubt he’s blinked since we stole in here. Slowly he slides his back along the door until his ass meets the floor. I do the same and settle in to witness the most amazing exhibit ever.

My mouth hasn’t closed since I walked in here. I’d suffocate on my rapid breath or drown from the saliva that flows in excess.

Firm, masculine lips kiss Cort’s temple, eyelids, cheeks, and even the tip of his nose. The intimacy and affections steals my breath. My fingers find Ezra’s, and we hold on for dear life. Our eyes connect- gray and green- and there is no shred of jealousy that flashes from their depths. We both swallow and turn our eyes back to the scene that plays out before us.

“Master,” reverently hisses between Cort’s parted lips when Marcus kisses down a golden torso towards a black nest of hair that cushions the exquisiteness.

A pink, wet tongue is flattened, and strokes up the throbbing length of Cort’s cock. He bolts upright and hisses, “Master!”

A chuckle, that always makes my heart burst, rumbles from Marc’s chest. “Behave,” he teasingly scolds.

My body electrifies into a tuning fork. Every sound, movement, and whisper of air hits my nerves with the force of a hurricane. That devastating chuckles ruins me for any other man.

“What do you need?” Marcus seductively begs.

“Aaaahhhh…” Cortez moans in surprise when Marcus takes his length into his warm, wet embrace.

I jerk forward and…
Oh My God… Holy fucking shit!
silently forms on my gaping mouth. My fingers bite into the slate tiles and find no purchase. It takes everything in me not to drag my useless legs across the floor and join them.

Sensing my distress, Ezra yanks me back to him, and it’s a long tow. I hadn’t realized I’d made it several feet across the spans between us and them.

“Marcus,” whimpers in a lust-fogged voice. “Jesus, I’m in your mouth,” he groans in awe.

“Promise me something, Cortez,” Marcus purrs with his lips firmly around Cortez’s exquisiteness. 

“Anything…” he acquiesces. “I promise,” he breathes.

I arch an eyebrow in Ezra’s direction and he smirks. Ain’t no way in hell I’d say that to an open-ended demand, especially from Marcus. I shove a fist against my mouth to contain the nervous giggle that wants to erupt from my throat. Ezra’s chest silently quivers and I know he’s laughing too. Marcus is playing Cort’s lust like a fiddle.

“Remember you just promised that,” he warns.

Marc lays his body over Cort’s until they’re flush. His mouth inhales the compliant man’s and they both moan. Thighs spread and heels prop onto that perfect ass. Bodies move in synchronization against one another. Golden fingers tangle in raven curls and bite into a firm bronze ass.

“Don’t stop,” he pleads, and rocks his hips up and back against his Master’s.

“Say yes,” Marcus commands, and upon hea
ring that Ezra loses his shit.

It’s my turn to return Ezra to our spot at the door. I yank the distraught man back to the door and tangle my arms and legs around his torso. I bite his shoulder as he tries to figh
t me.

“It’s his choice,” I breathlessly hiss against the shell of his ear. “It’s his choice… He’ll come to you once he understands how it
is,” I beg him to understand.

A sob builds in Ezra’s chest and sticks. I can feel it vibrate against my chest as I surround his body with my own. Tears dampen my cheeks as Ezra struggles in my hold.

He fears this last part of Cortez. If Cortez gives the last vestiges of his virginity to Marcus will he leave Ezra and Katya for good? Even in the face of their passion and obvious connection I don’t fear this for him or me. Cortez belongs with Ezra. I know it, as does Cort and Marcus. The only one who doesn’t is Ezra. Cort runs in fear- a fear I know better than anyone. He fears getting too close to his partner, and then losing him permanently. He’s had a taste of the dreadful anguish and suffocating desolation, and it’s plagued his nightmares ever since.

“Repeat after me,” Marcus prompts in an intoxicating voice and shifts
his hips in a circular motion.

The sound of his smooth voice liquefies Cortez. How do I know… because it liquefies me,
too. The skillful maneuvering of our Master’s hips forces Cort to writhe and twist in agonizing ecstasy.

Marc’s lips flutter rapidly against the shell of Cortez’s perfect golden ear. A sharp breath is drawn in and hitches in Cort’s throat.

Ezra freaks the fuck out and I can barely hang on as he drags me across the floor. My knees slide on the slate tile, wearing my jeans to threadbare. His fear, anger, and territorialism gain him strength to move someone who is of equal strength and weight. He vibrates with possessiveness. His tongue freezes any words that threaten to spill from his lips.

“Ezra, make love to me,” Cortez begs in a seductive p
urr, stunning us mid-struggle.

I expect him to be in a lust-filled haze as he speaks the words his Master commanded of him. But no, his eyes are lucidly leveled on Ezra and me.

Ezra’s body loses the fight to stay upright and we both fall to the hard, cold tile. I
from the shot of pain and I know it’s going to bruise.

I stare up to my partner in stunned silence, and I know that Ezra is mirroring the expression with his own partner. Marcus gazes at me with glittering amber eyes and gives me a sad smile. He knew… he knew the second we entered the room. Hell, he probably knew we’d enter the room before the
thought even entered my mind.

I help Ezra to his knees as he blindly crawls towards his mate. He’s yet to speak, completely speechless from the turn of events. I press my palms on his ass and push with all of my might.
He flies a good ten feet and lands near the foot of the bed. A nervous giggle escapes my mouth at the astonished look on his face.

“Do it,” Marcus commands Ezra. “You can cuddle and touch while you do. It’s time to finish this,” his throaty voice breaks with intense emotion.

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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