Queen of the Clueless (Interim Goddess of Love) (16 page)

BOOK: Queen of the Clueless (Interim Goddess of Love)
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Hannah's story concludes in
of the Indecisive (Interim Goddess of Love #3).

Author's Note

Throughout this story, I've referenced some chess games. I wanted to try patterning dialogue after the back-and-forth of a chess match, and my husband Mike (so into chess) was supremely helpful. Here are the notations in context:

aud vs Lazard - Indian Game - Paris, 1924
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nd2 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. h3 Ne3 5. fxe3 Qh4 6. g3 Qxg3
A relatively short game. I wanted white (Sol) to resign quickly, before she gets to bring out the big guns.

Schiffer vs Janny - Budapest, 1898
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Be2 Bc5 4. Nxe5 Bxf2+ 5. Kxf2 Nxe5 6. d4 Qf6+ 7. Bf3 Ng4+ 8. Kg3 h5 9. h3 h4+ 10. Kxg4 d6#
This game pretty much matches the scene it's referenced in. White (Sol) is checked four times, and by checkmate it looks like she's been trapped.

Morphy vs the Duke of Brunswick and Count Isouard - Opera Game - Paris, 1858
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 Bg4 4. dxe5 Bxf3 5. Qxf3 dxe5 6. Bc4 Nf6 7. Qb3 Qe7 8. Nc3 c6 9. Bg5 b5 10. Nxb5 cxb5 11. Bxb5+ Nbd7 12. 0-0-0 Rd8 13. Rxd7 Rxd7 14. Rd1 Qe6 15. Bxd7+ Nxd7 16. Qb8 Nxb8 17. Rd8#
I wanted a game that involved putting yourself in harm's way, and this one involves a crafty sacrifice of the queen. It's a risky move, but in the end, white (Hannah) wins.  



I could not have done this without the help of Michael Co, L
ayla Tanjutco-Amar, Tania Arpa, and Rhea Bue. Please accept my thanks and cupcakes.

To the reader: Thank you for continuing this journey with me. One more book to go!


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