QueensQuest (3 page)

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Authors: Suz deMello

BOOK: QueensQuest
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A lifted brow hinted that he was surprised by my acumen. I
hoped not. Underestimating me would be insulting and unacceptable. He said,
“Yes, but Janus is almost perfectly spherical except for a slight thickening at
the equator of our world. We speculate that Janus’ natural spin was altered,
probably by the Terran Progenitors.”

Behind me I heard Maia stir restlessly.

“But why would they do such a thing?” I asked. “Such an act
would unpredictably alter all life on Ja—”

“We believe they did it as an experiment.”

He had interrupted me three times, I noted with irritation.
“An experiment? I cannot imagine such arrogance. That must be why there are so
few indigenous life forms here.”

“Yes. The Progenitors willfully destroyed the native

Maia appeared between us to ladle a spicy vegetable soup
into our bowls. Flavored with cinnamon and curry, it is one of my favorite
dishes. Stirring it with my spoon, I sniffed, appreciating its aroma. “After
having killed everything off, they then seeded the planet with Terran plants
and animals, including our ancestors. They left and haven’t returned for
perhaps three thousand starturns, even though they must have understood that
the chances of our survival were slim.”

“Yes. If legends are correct, Janus is quite different from
Terra, a planet with both tilt and spin.” Kaldir cautiously spooned soup into
his mouth. His teeth were quite even and shone white against his dark skin.

I was still trying to comprehend the extent of the
Progenitors’ presumptuousness. Why were they revered? “They killed all life
here and condemned the beings they left to an almost certain death. It is only
Chance that has allowed us survival. Chance, and gaining an understanding of
the Balance that had to be achieved.”

“Not all indigenous life forms died off. There are myths of
transforming creatures we call the Chimaerae.”

“I have heard the legends.” I kept my voice casual. “If they
exist, they must be few. Of more importance is the Balance that preserves our
survival and in its turn must be preserved.”

“Yes, the Balance, the central unifying concept that guides
everything you Shadowlanders do.”

I disliked his condescending tone. “Here we are aware that
we exist on a precarious point between Darkness and Light, intolerable cold and
searing heat. Even you DesertDwellers don’t dare to travel deeply into your
realm, just as the Lords of Darkness live as close to our lands as we allow.”

“Ah, the Lords of Darkness.” Kaldir leaned back in his
chair, affecting a casual mien as I ate my soup, concealing my smile behind my
spoon. He might have been a brilliant scientist but he was not a clever
diplomat. What he would say next was of true importance to him.

He continued, “They will also send a delegation, won’t they?
When are they expected?”

“I am not sure.” I set down my spoon and signaled a servant
to remove the bowls. “Rumor has it that Darkness’ nobles, um…contend among
themselves for the honor of becoming my sole suitor from the Nightside.”

“Clan warfare is common in the lands of eternal night but is
disruptive. We had hoped to negotiate a new trade agreement with their

“For what commodities?” I asked as Maia served the fish

“Ice from their glaciers to cool our machines and ourselves,
and the rare metals we use in our experiments.”

“Everything will have to pass through our realm,” I said
complacently. I ate a sliver of the fish, which was bathed in a delicate white
sauce flavored with capers and lemon and sprinkled with chopped, roasted nuts.

“Yes. Negotiations would be easier with all three parties in
one place at the same time.”

I smiled. “You and your delegation are welcome to stay as
long as you wish.” I had not learned everything I wanted to glean from Kaldir
and was pleased that he would remain.

Chapter Three


My time of the moon was close, and I was often in the grip
of an almost uncontrollable randiness. My only comfort was knowing that I was
not the first queen to face this dilemma and that I had outlets for my

After dinner, during one of my few unscheduled moments, I
entered a bower called the Royal Privilege and met my selected guards. They
were the same two who had pleasured me so wonderfully on my Exhibition Day, and
I had returned to them again and again. Parron and Rall had never failed me,
together or separately. They had sworn fealty to me and I could trust them to
observe the limits I also obeyed… I was not so sure of Frayn, Geoman or Kaldir.

The bower, a small balconied bedroom, had an overview of a
heated marble bathing pool that was a popular trysting place. Vines twining up
the castle wall as well as potted foliage on the balcony hid us from the lovers
below. It was ideal for self-pleasure as well as assignations, and as my
seventeenth starturn approached, I visited it often. Most frequently I was
alone but tonight craved more stimulation. The attentions of the males had
heated my blood. It might have been my imagination, but I believed that every
glance from Geoman, Frayn or Kaldir held erotic promise. By the time dinner was
over, more than spices, wine and tea had warmed me.

To preserve appearances, I accompanied Kaldir to the
anteroom of his quarters and bade him good sleep. I had wanted to test him with
a kiss, but the presence of our respective retinues quelled any advance in our
physical relationship. I did not know how I was going to get him alone, and I
would not consider mating with anyone without so much as a kiss or a touch
passing between us.

I pondered the question as I went back to my suite and,
dismissing everyone but Maia, asked her to order Parron and Rall to the Royal
Privilege. With immediate understanding, she said, “I will also ensure you are
undisturbed, Your Majesty.”

When I climbed the stairs to the fourth floor, the guards
were already in the room, lighting the fire. Dressed in formal black-and-red
livery, they also were armed, which surprised me. “Swords?” I said, with a
question in my voice.

“Lord Parlous’ orders, Your Majesty.” Rall kneeled before
me. “Caution, with the foreigners in the castle.”

“I suppose that is wise,” I said. While Parron tended the
fire, I took Rall’s hand and led him outside. Below us, flambeaux revealed
naked figures frolicking in the heated waters. I thought I recognized Frayn,
heard Lord Geoman’s low laugh and the titters of several of my ladies-in-waiting.
I wished them well but would not join them.

But watching was an option. Indeed, it was the purpose of
this bower.

Lifting my skirts, I pressed Rall’s blond head toward my
quim. He wore his hair long, often tied at his nape, and I loved to tug it free
of its confining band and feel it softly sweep my thighs. As he burrowed
beneath my dress, seeking the sweetest spot, one of the ladies sat on the white
marble coping at the pool’s edge. Opening her legs, she crooked a beckoning
finger to Geoman. He rose out of the water, his body glistening with moisture,
damp hair clinging to his skull. Smiling, he kneeled before her and buried his
face in her muff. At the same moment, Rall kissed a sensitive spot behind my
knee. Geoman’s lady and I moaned in unison.

Parron left the fire, now crackling merrily in the grate
and, behind me, set his hands on my shoulders. “May I, Your Majesty?” He tugged
the ribbon securing my gown.

“Yes.” I tipped my head to one side.

He knew me well enough to take the hint and slid his lips
along my neck, raising shivers of desire. His hands were busy unlacing my
dress. Rall was just as busy. He stroked my thighs, separating them, then
reached my pussy and tugged my labia apart so he could kiss me. That simple
act, so laden with promise, drew a sharp ecstasy that stabbed through me.

He rubbed his tongue on my clitoris and the rapture
increased. My gown fell away, its folds brushing my sensitive skin. I gasped as
Parron pulled down my chemise, exposing my breasts above the corset. He plucked
my nipples, naked in the cool night air, to achy points. Rall continued to
assail my pussy with tongue and lips, fingering my slit. He then spread
moisture along my crack, lubricating my arse.

He inserted a finger and pleasure rushed through me. My
cries rose in pitch. Below, Geoman still gave his lady a tongue-lashing while
behind him another woman caressed his fine, tight rear, reaching between his
legs to tease his cock and balls. Behind her, Frayn stood, his hands separating
the halves of her buttocks with his cock head poised for entry.

Parron cupped my breasts while nibbling on my earlobe.
Rall’s tongue pushed against my clit and I wantonly ground myself against him.
Each movement drove his finger farther up my rear and more bliss through my
body. Another finger joined the first… He was opening me, readying me.

Parron unlaced my corset and tugged it away, freeing me, and
I came, gasping, with Rall’s tongue on my clit, his fingers in my bottom and
Parron’s hands squeezing my breasts.

Rall disentangled himself from my gown, stood and kissed me,
taking me into his arms and thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I tasted my
juices on his lips. Still behind me, Parron gripped my arse, one cheek in each
of his strong hands, and kneaded the flesh through my chemise.

I heard a shout from below and I pulled away from my lovers
to look. Geoman was now atop his partner, who lay back on the turf as he pumped
in and out of her. It was Frayn who had shouted. I recognized his cry. He
sounded the same way each time. A bit boring, really. His lady was facedown,
draped over the marble coping that edged the pool, and Frayn, his back arched,
surged in and out of her while slapping her round bum in time with his strokes.

I gripped the balustrade and leaned over to get a better
view. The breeze lifted my chemise, fluttering the light fabric over my bottom.
Parron came up behind me and stroked my arse, gentle where he’d previously been
rough. His voice was low and intimate in my ear. “Do you remember…”

“Yes,” I murmured, smiling. He didn’t have to complete the
sentence. I recalled the first time Parron and Rall had spanked me. Shortly
after my Exhibition Day I had, against all wisdom and orders from my parents,
ridden a half-wild stallion that had been lately been brought to the royal
stables. The stallion had been a gift from the prince-scientists of the desert,
who were very proud of their steeds. I had been fortunate. Though I had been
thrown, I hadn’t been injured. But Parron and Rall had raced after me, falling
far behind while seated on less-speedy mounts, and had found me flat on my back
on a pile of leaves in the forest, winded but unhurt.

Relieved to the point of anger, Parron had sat on a log, turned
me over his brawny knee and spanked my thirteen-starturn bottom. Mindful of my
status, he hadn’t struck me hard enough to really hurt me, but instead had
caused a different response. Heat had flashed through me, radiating from my
well-spanked bottom to my clit and throughout my body. I’d found myself
squirming, pussy hot and wet, over Parron’s thigh, moaning, scrabbling for
Rall’s hardening rod. After I opened his codpiece, he’d stepped behind me, torn
off my riding breeches and buried his cock in my ready quim. Parron had slid
out from beneath me and, draping me over the log, unlaced his cod and put his
erection between my lips.

Parron had caressed my face while Rall slapped my arse in
time with his vigorous fucking. Each movement of Parron’s rod in my mouth, each
spank, each deep thrust had taken me higher and higher… I’d torn my mouth away
from Parron’s cock and screamed out my orgasm.

That scene had been repeated again and again, with
variations, of course. But after I had ascended to the Golden Throne, vaginal
intercourse was forbidden to me until I decided upon a mate, a king for the
Shadowlands. Political necessity forced erotic creativity.

Now, leaning against the balustrade with Parron caressing my
bottom, I sensed that a repetition was nigh.

He nipped my ear, put a hand on my breast, pinched the
nipple. He’d fondled me to the point of soreness and still I longed for more.
Still clothed, he pushed one boot between my bare ankles and kicked out,
separating my feet. I leaned over the balustrade, offering my buttocks.

I turned my head and saw Rall, now naked, approaching me
with a polished rod of taqqa horn in his hand, carved to resemble a man’s tool,
from which dangled straps of leather. He kneeled near me and slid the smooth
rod up my pussy. Ahh… Pressure and desire… Again I ascended toward pleasure’s
heights. As I moaned and clenched, Rall secured the straps. One went around my
waist and the others attached the rod to the waistband, front and back. They
were designed to leave access to my back hole.

“Thank you,” I whispered. My guards knew that I could not
risk impregnation in the heat of passion, and the horn-rod in my pussy
protected me from penetration. And it was cleverly carved, with a smooth
protrusion inside me resting on my channel’s most sensitive spot. The leather
strap pressed against my clitoris when I moved or when a partner touched me.

“You’re welcome.” Parron slapped my bottom, and I whimpered,
clinging to the rail. He spanked me again. I cried out, my hips jerking. Rall,
still kneeling beside me, reached for the horn-rod and rotated it. I moaned,
the heat of lust again spreading through me, a delicious contrast to the cool
marble railing. I was limp, my knees weak.

“Shall we to bed, Your Majesty?” Rall stood with my relaxed
body draped over his shoulder. When I murmured “yes,” he carried me inside and
eased me onto the bed, then joined me.

I watched Parron strip while Rall suckled my breasts,
caressing the nipples with his lips, circling the areolas with his tongue,
nibbling and nipping the tips, but using his teeth with care. His soft fair
hair flicked my breasts, stoking the fire within me. He was slim and somewhat
bonier than Parron, who was dark, with a wealth of curls furring his
barrel-shaped, muscular chest. With a pang, I realized that I would miss them
when I married. Unlike everyone else in the Shadowlands, I could not fuck at
will anyone I pleased, at least not until I had borne a couple of babes. But
after the succession was secured, I could have whoever I wanted.

Parron’s cock sprang from his loosened codpiece. He was
thick and red, shorter in length than Rall, but he made up for that slight lack
in girth. At the sight of the member that had pleasured me so well in the past,
I drew in a hissing breath and gripped Rall’s equally hard tool. Leaving my
breasts, he pulled me atop him. I shoved my hands underneath his shoulders,
holding them for support.

He lifted his hips, grinding his cock against the leather
covering my pussy. Need roared through me as he groaned, digging his hands into
my buttocks, pulling me apart. I tightened around the rod inside me and felt it
push up against my clit. I moaned, and Rall slapped my arse. I jerked with the

The bed creaked as Parron joined us. I felt his weight
between my spread legs a moment before his hand slid up and down my crack. He’d
moistened his fingers with perfumed oil, and I scented the invigorating aromas
of peppermint and cinnamon, herbs that would stimulate my sensitive tissues,
make them swell and tingle.

One thick finger entered my bottom. I groaned with pleasure
as his slippery digit pumped me slowly. Rall spanked me again, not hard—enough
to surprise me, heighten my awareness. I felt his chest rub against the nipples
he’d so thoroughly loved. The hard nubs slid along his skin, well-lubricated by
our combined sex-sweat.

Another slap on my rear before Rall palmed the halves
farther apart. Another finger joined the first, and I trembled, anticipating
Parron’s invasion. Rall’s cock pressed against the leather holding the taqqa
rod in place. Ecstasy seized me and I screamed and writhed.

Parron withdrew his hand and I whimpered. Rall spanked me.
“Did you say something, Your Majesty?” His voice was low, sweetened with the
hint of a tease.

I found myself giggling. “N-no.”

“I thought I heard you…beg.”

I gasped. “Never.”

“Or perhaps…you said, yes, do that again.”

“If I did not say it I meant to.”

“With pleasure.” He spanked my bottom again, and when he
gripped my buttocks, he opened me and Parron pressed his cock inside.

Though he’d taken me there before, still he stretched the
ring of flesh guarding my most private portal, and his tool felt like a lance
spearing through me. Fiery rapture engulfed my body, radiating in flaming waves
from his cock up my arse to the rod in my quim, to my clit, tortured unbearably
by the leather strap. I shouted with joy, arched and bowed, pressing my nipples
against Rall’s chest. He grabbed my head, pulled me down and kissed me deeply
as Parron fucked my bottom. I squirmed, reared and bucked, but Parron controlled
me, gripping my hips and spanking my buttocks while Rall wrapped one arm around
my waist to hold me firmly. I clung to his shoulders in a frenzied agony of
pleasure and pain as I cried out my release. Hot seed filled my rear and
spurted over my belly as my lovers joined me.

Aftershocks rippled through my body as Rall took my face
between his hands. “I love you, Audryn,” he whispered.

Tears spilled down my cheeks. Though I was the Queen of
Shadow, that night my body belonged to them, and they knew exactly what to do
with me.

* * * * *

Later, alone in my bedchamber, sleep eluded me.

I love you, Audryn.

This was the first time I understood that Rall’s feelings
exceeded the fealty he owed his queen.

Regret stabbed. I had not meant for Rall to fall in love
with me. Whatever I did, whomever I chose, I would hurt a good man, one who had
done nothing to deserve the pain I would surely deal.

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