Quick Trick (A Rough Riders Hockey Novel Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Quick Trick (A Rough Riders Hockey Novel Book 1)
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“Next time you touch me without permission,” he rasped, “I’m pulling out and taking all this pleasure with me.”

No, no, no. She closed her eyes and swallowed, preparing herself to be patient.

But Grant started moving again. Moving inside her. Deep, deep inside her. Strokes, shallow thrusts, and pressure. Lots of pressure. The kind of pressure that made her want to move and beg. The kind that made her insane.

“I want…to come…” The words fell from her mouth.

“You’re so impatient. We’re going to have to work on that.” He pulled from her body, and she felt so empty. But then he was back, pushing in with what felt like two fingers, bringing more pressure.

“Fuck, yes. Oh God…” He did something that made her burn and ache and crave.

“You like that?” he murmured, thrusting deep and slow with thicker penetration.

“Yes, yes, yes.” She moaned and cried out and whimpered her pleasure. “Yes, yes, so good.”

“You’re tight, baby.” He pushed, then circled, stretching her body until she burned while rubbing places that made her want to scream. “You’re gonna clamp down on me like a vise, I’ll lose it on my first plunge.” Another moment of excruciating torture, and he murmured, “Okay, baby, give me some juice.”

He stepped back, bent, and pressed his mouth to her silk-covered clit. The shock of it vanished when the warmth of his mouth overwhelmed her sex. She released the table to grab his head, but realized what she was doing and slapped her hand down on the wood again.

Grant pulled back enough to stroke the throbbing, silk-trapped flesh with his tongue. Back and forth. Back and forth. She cried out and bowed. The touch was whisper soft and warm, shocking her body with shards of intense pleasure and flooding her sex with languid heat. While inside her, he continued to do something that created a delicious pressure that kept rising and growing and intensifying. The way he watched her moan and writhe, knowing she was helpless to do anything but absorb his assault, taking what he gave, the way he gave it, added a dark, edgy intensity to the thrill, and nearly drove Faith out of her skin.

“Please, please, please…” She panted, openly begging. “Oh God…please Grant…”

Instead of licking her clit, he dragged his teeth over the silk. Bursts of electric pleasure stabbed her sex and made her whole body jerk. Then he came back with slow, smooth, warm pressure from his tongue, and Faith bowed backward, dropping her head, letting her mouth fall open on a moan. Grant rewarded her with a long moan that vibrated over her sex.

He repeated the scrape. The lick. The moan.

Faith’s fingers were numb on the table’s edge.




” Her entire body trembled with the need for climax.




“Grant—” She opened her eyes, lowered her head, and found his eyes on her.

She watched his mouth move over her in the scrape.

She flinched, trembled…

His tongue stroked her, slowly. But this time, with his eyes locked on hers, he continued to lave her in a lazy, hot back and forth. And he pushed deeper with his fingers. Did something that created more pressure.

A sound of surprise ebbed from her throat as she rose to the edge. Grant used his free hand to spread her sex and took her silk-covered clit between his lips, sucking and licking. Sucking and licking.

All the pressure and heat coalesced, and the orgasm roared forward, breaking in a full-body explosion. Every muscle contracted, bowing her back, twisting her waist, contorting her arms. Flash after flash after flash of ecstasy blasted through her body finally releasing her only long enough to draw air before another wave of blissfully decadent tremors racked her body.

* * *

rant drank
in the wild sight of Faith’s beautiful body twisting and convulsing with pleasure. He always took satisfaction in a job well done. But this… There was something different about this. Something fierce. Something intense. He didn’t know what, exactly. He just knew he’d never taken any woman’s pleasure as seriously as he took Faith’s. He’d always been aggressive on the ice and assertive with women, but in the bedroom, he lay back, let the woman do her thing and find her pleasure.

He had no idea where this sudden need to possess her had come from. But it burned so hot, Grant felt like it was eating a hole in his gut. A hole that could only be filled by filling her.

When she listed back against the wall, limp and panting, Grant kissed a path down the inside of her thigh, to her knee. He sat back on his heels, pulled out his wallet, and dragged out a condom.

All he could think about was pushing into all that wet heat. Driving long and hard into a pussy so tight, it would take everything Grant had to last until she came again. Later, he’d fuck her until she’d had more orgasms in one night with him than in her whole relationship with Dillon. Later he’d show her the array of orgasms awaiting her until she was so wrung out, she begged for mercy. And before the sun rose, he’d be introducing her to some rougher, edgier play sure to fire her up for the rest of his time in town.

With the condom in place, his jeans clinging to his hips, Grant dragged her panties over her hips and down her legs. He left them on the floor with the rest of her clothes and dragged her upright by her arms.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into him with a long, deep, wet kiss that flashed fire back into his veins. Her mouth was loose and soft, her tongue searching and hungry. Her hands threaded in his hair and her head tilted to take the kiss deeper while her legs wrapped around him and pulled him in.

Grant stroked her body, memorizing the curves while heat and pressure continued to build at the base of his spine. He trailed his hands down her sides, over her hips, clasped her thighs, and lifted her from the table. With one turn, he pressed her back up against the wall and rocked his erection against her pussy.

She moaned into his mouth and pushed a hand between them, circling and stroking his cock. Sensation ripped a path through his pelvis and up his spine. He broke the kiss on a curse and covered her hand with his.

“You want this?” he asked.

She licked her lips. “So bad.”

He moved her hand from the tip farther down the length where his girth took a significant turn, and watched her eyes widened. “You want it all? Because it’s all or nothing, Faith.”

“I want it all,” she said without hesitation.

The girl was ballsy. He released her hand and gripped her chin. Anticipation made Grant’s mouth water. “Then take it. And look me in the eye while I fill you with every fucking inch.”

Lust sparked in her eyes, and her lids lowered another fraction. She was the most unique combination of sweetness and seductress. She liked the dirty talk. Liked the rough stuff. Let him have control, then played by his rules. She took her share of discomfort to get to the reward of extreme pleasure.

She was very close to winning Grant’s complete respect.

But those thoughts vanished as Faith rubbed the head of his cock across her pussy, settling him at her entrance. She pressed her hand to his abdomen and licked her lips again. Grant didn’t waste a second; he rocked his hips and pushed his head into her heat.

She inhaled sharply, and her eyes glazed over. Another wave of pleasure flooded Grant’s body, and he gritted his teeth around a groan. But that didn’t control the need to move. And after controlling himself so completely while delivering pleasure to Faith, he let go now, withdrew, and thrust again, still just a couple of inches.

…” he rasped. She was so goddamned tight. And hot. And slick. And soft.

She was fucking heaven. And he was so fucking high on her.

“More,” she murmured. “Feels so good.” Her hand clutched at his gut, her nails scoring his skin. “More, more, more.”

Her little pleas in that cloud-nine voice was as effective as her pussy around his cock at making him give her exactly what she wanted. He tightened his hand on her face as if that would give him a deeper connection and held her gaze as he thrust.


Her little high-pitched sound of pleasure and surprise spurred him, and he rocked back, contracted the glutes he worked on all year and thrust again.

“Oh God…” She tipped back her head, pulling from his grasp, and hit the wall. “Again, again, again.”

“Look…at me,” he ordered in a voice that sounded like something from
The Lord of the Rings

She lowered her gaze, but her head listed sideways and ended up resting in his palm. And that was where she stayed as he thrust until he’d scored a path for his entire cock into her pussy and his balls slapped her flesh.

Then, leaving her shoulders against the wall, he took a step back, putting her body at a forty-five-degree angle to his. Her breath came fast and shallow. Her skin was smooth and flushed. Her body toned and supple. God, she was gorgeous. And all his.

All his.

His gut fluttered. He didn’t understand the thrill of that. Or the drive to exploit it. But he’d have to think about that later, because his body was out of patience.

He pushed Faith’s head upright and closed his fingers in her hair until she winced. “Are you ready to scream, Faith?”

Already panting, Faith licked the seam of her lips. And nodded.

Grant pulled out, engaged his glutes, and thrust. And his first free, rabid drive into Faith Nicholas was more glorious than his best fantasy. Smooth. Soft. Warm. Slick. And so fucking tight. Heaven. Absolute heaven.

Faith’s hips hit the wall. The head of Grant’s cock slammed Faith. And she cried out, half shock, half pleasure.

His second drive was euphoric, ending in another cry of pleasure from Faith along with a tight squeeze of her pussy.

Grant put all of himself into his work, his mission, and this moment. Faith on display and at his mercy. Her perky tits rocking, her abdominal muscles flexing, his cock impaling her sweet pussy. Their bodies in perfect sync, striving for the same goal—mutual ultimate pleasure.

“Ah God, Grant—” Her fingernails dug into his forearms, and the sting added an edgy excitement. “Grant, fuck… So good.”

Sweat slipped down his temple. It felt amazing. This was great sex. The kind that worked up a sweat when you didn’t notice because it was so good, it hadn’t seemed like work at all.

Faith lifted to meet him, and Grant put more power behind his thrust until his balls stung with each hit. And
that was good. Everything about this was good.

He gritted his teeth and growled, picking up speed to satisfy Faith’s demands, which drove his own. Faster than he preferred. Damn woman. She fucked up his control.

“Oh my God… Oh my God…” She half laughed, half cried the words, arching, head dropped back, every muscle in her beautiful body stretched tight. A sight Grant wished he could memorize. “Ah, fuck, Gra—”

Her whole body convulsed. Her pussy cranked down on Grant’s cock so hard, his throat closed. His body broke, and his orgasm slammed through him like a lightning crack. He lost his balance and put out a hand to catch the wall, wrapping his other arm around Faith, and steadied them as they both floated back to baseline.

Once Grant’s muscles released the last orgasmic quake, they gave. Still, he reluctantly pulled from Faith’s body, making a mental note to take her to bed next time so they could both sink into a comfortable mattress after. Then set her down. She wasn’t any more stable, using the wall to keep herself up.

He wrapped the condom in a tissue from a box he’d pushed to the floor earlier and tossed it in the trash, then looked around at the mess he’d made. He scratched his head. “I’ll…clean this up in the morning.”

“Holy. Shit.” Her whisper drew Grant’s gaze back. She was scraping a hand through her hair and pulling it off her face. A face flushed and relaxed, with a look of awe and shock in her eyes.

He slipped his arm around her waist, pulled her close, and kissed her neck. She pressed her cheek to his chest and ran her nails lightly up his side, sending tingles over his skin.

Warmth and affection swamped Grant out of nowhere. “I can’t remember the last time it’s been that good.”

She lifted her heavy-lidded gaze to his. “So it’s not just me?”

He smiled. “Oh, it’s you baby.” He kissed her. Softly. Slowly. And sighed. “It’s definitely you.”


,” Grant called from the ground, “this is a fantastic view of your perfect ass, but I gotta tell you, you’re freaking me out.”

She laughed and dropped her hand from the roof’s eave to press a hand to her stomach, aching from all the laughing she’d done with him today. And all the sexual gymnastics he’d put her through the night before. “Would you stop? I’m almost finished, and it’s getting dark.”

“You’re not almost finished,” he complained. “You still have the whole front, which includes three more gables. But you’re right about it getting dark. I swear my heart’s not going to make it through this. If you hurt yourself, you won’t be able to set up for the Winter—whatchamacallit.”

“Winter Wonderland,” she corrected him for the third time.

“I don’t care. Get your beautiful self down here. I’ll finish the rest.”

Grinning, she hooked the end of the light string to the corner of the gable, then twisted to look down at him. He was standing at the base of the ladder, holding it stable with one gloved hand, aiming the video camera at her with the other. He looked adorable all bundled up in his parka, a knit hat warming his head, his dark hair sneaking out from underneath the edges, and a few days of scruff darkening his jaw.

“You may have gotten away with telling me what to do last night,” she said, “but don’t expect that to continue during the day.”

He lowered the camera with a big, bright grin cutting across his face. “Is that right?”

“Yeah, that’s right. And you’d better be able to dub over that tape like you promised or all this effort is going to be wasted.”

“Someone’s getting bossy,” he told her as she climbed down the ladder. “Sounds like she needs a spanking.”

As soon as she got within his reach, Grant slapped her ass. Hard.

Faith gasped. “Ow.” She half laughed the complaint and shot a scowl over her shoulder. “You little—”

Another crack stung her cheek. Her sex clenched and flooded with heat, shocking her.

“No name-calling,” he told her.

Faith gritted her teeth against the flare of desire. This had been happening all day—these sudden, intense bursts of lust, erupting out of nowhere like the strike of a match. She’d chalked it up to residual hunger from their wicked night, a desire awoken from hibernation and greedy for fuel. And after a day of close proximity and teasing, she was seriously ready to do something reckless for a fix.

She continued down the ladder, stopping a couple of rungs from the bottom to turn to face him, eye to eye. He circled her in his arms and stepped close until their jacket-clad bodies pressed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and stroked her hand across his rough cheek. “I may be laying down a few of my own rules tonight, Saber. So don’t get too comfortable with all this

“Mmm.” He set the camera on a higher rung and squeezed her butt, pulling her closer. “I like the sound of that.”

And he kissed her.

The move had become familiar over the course of the day. He’d hatched this filming plan the night before during lulls in their sexual activity. And later today, after the store had closed and he finished with the high school hockey practice, he’d promised to show her how to take the video from camera to YouTube.

Before Faith had even stirred from their nonstop night of bliss, Grant had repaired the broken pipe in her basement, then driven into Ashville, the next largest city, to buy a video camera and video editing software. And he’d followed her with that damn camera all afternoon, recording nonstop.

He’d also been touching her nonstop, kissing her nonstop, and smiling nonstop. Her passion had built and built, filling her with an ache she wanted him to ease. And the way he was adding to that fire with his teasing, talented tongue wasn’t helping her ignore her desire.

Faith slowly, reluctantly pulled from the kiss and stroked his jaw, running her thumb over his bottom lip. “Have I mentioned you’re the best kisser in the entire universe?”

Grinning, he pressed his lips to her forehead. “Maybe, but I doubt anyone could hear that enough.”

His lips trailed over her cheek and down her neck. Faith hummed in pleasure. “Have I mentioned last night was the best night of my life, and that I can’t wait to get you naked again?”

“Maybe,” he murmured against her throat, gripping her ass with both hands and pulling her hips against his, making her groan. “But tell me again.” He lifted his head, brushed her hair off her forehead, and cradled her jaw. “Tell me in a way you haven’t told me before.”

She sighed. Her gut ached. Her body yearned. Faith met his eyes. “Last night…opened a new chapter in my life. You make me feel…strong and treasured and beautiful in a way I’ve never felt before. You make me realize there’s more to life than Holly and St. Nicholas Hardware. I was starting to believe I wasn’t capable of handling things on my own. You changed that.”

His devilish smile had softened into a look of surprise. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, just searched her eyes. “Really?”


“I…don’t know what to say. No one’s ever…”

She shook her head and kissed him lightly. “Don’t say anything. You asked, I answered. Now let me go so I can move the ladder. The sooner I get this done, the sooner I can get you back to bed. And I’m
to get you back to bed.”

She stepped to the ground and turned toward the ladder. Gripping the sides, she pulled it carefully away from the house.

Grant’s hands covered hers and pushed the ladder back against the house with a clatter.

“Grant…” she said, annoyed.

She cut a look over her shoulder just as one of his arms circled her waist and hauled her up against him, forcing all the air from her lungs. But there was no mistaking the erection pressed against the curve of her ass. Or the rasp of desire in his voice when he put his lips to her temple and said, “Why wait?”

Faith fought to pull her gray matter back together. “Why wait for what?”

“To take the edge off that need.”

She groaned and rubbed against him. “Because you have practice in half an hour, I have to close the store, and there are lights hanging off Dwayne’s roof. If you’d stop distracting me, I’d get it done.”

“If you let me do it, it would get done faster.”

“Says you.”

“I don’t want you up on that ladder in the dark.”

“Same. And you need to let your shoulder rest. You’re supposed to be
, remember?”

“I stopped by another store while I was in Ashville.” One of his hands moved lower, pressed between her legs, and closed over her sex.

Shock and excitement twined. She sucked a breath and rocked away from his hand, only to meet with more pressure behind her from his hips…and that iron swell.

“Grant, Dwayne’s going to be home soon.” She glanced around the front yard, to the quiet street and the houses with lights shining in the windows surrounding them. “And we’re
in public

“Don’t you want to know which store?”

He gripped her sex tighter and all the built-up lust from the last twenty-four hours spilled between her legs. A groan ebbed from Faith’s throat.

“Naughty,” he whispered with wicked glee at her ear. “Bet you didn’t even know it was there. I swear it was like a speakeasy, the front door off an alley and unmarked.”

He clenched and released her sex as he spoke, and within thirty seconds, Faith was dizzy with the same clawing need he’d instilled in her the night before.

Without warning, his hand disappeared from between her legs, and while a minute ago all she’d been able to think about was getting him to stop, now all she could think about was getting his touch back.

The man seriously messed with her mind.

“I want to show you one of the little treats I picked up for you.”

While he reached into his pocket, Faith forced her head clear. She pushed at his arm wrapped around her waist, but he held her in a vise. And the more she moved, the more she rubbed his erection, exciting them both.

“I want to see it,” she told him, “
I’m done with the lights.”

“I can’t wait that long.” He reached around her with the other hand and jerked at the button on her jeans, making her gasp. “And I don’t think you can either.”

“Grant, what in the hell—”

His bare hand pushed against her belly and slid down, down, down. Beneath her panties and deep between her legs. The warmth and pressure combined to swamp Faith with pleasure and lust and a need so rabid, it clawed at her.

She grabbed a rung of the ladder with one hand and curled the fingers of the other around Grant’s wrist. But that didn’t keep her from rocking against his hand as if she had no control over her body. “Ah…my

“That’s just the beginning,” he rasped at her ear. He did something with his fingers, kicking off a vibration.


He opened his mouth on her neck and pushed his hand deep with a low groan. Something attached to one or two of his fingers vibrated over her sex.

“H-holy—” A wicked and wild pleasure cut off any ability to think. “Oh my

“You can’t wait, can you?” he asked.

She couldn’t answer. The only thing she could focus on was the buzz between her legs making her go cross-eyed.

He stroked circles around and around her opening. Faith’s mouth dropped open, and her breathing grew choppy.

Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck.

She would have said the words if she’d been able to speak. This level of pleasure was unthinkable until this moment. And just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, just when she saw the horizon of that delicious orgasm she’d been craving for hours, Grant pushed two fingers past her opening and up into her pussy.

Two thick, vibrating fingers.

She cried out in pleasure, in shock, in need.

“Shh, shh…” Grant’s whisper at her ear dragged her back down to earth. “We’re in public, remember?”

Holy shit. She forced her eyes to focus. The night had grown a little darker, but not dark enough for Faith to be letting him do what he was doing. Nor did she have
intention of stopping him. And just how twisted was that?

“Need more room.” The hand at her waist pushed her zipper down and wiggled her jeans lower on her hips. Then he stroked over her ass, down her thigh, and caught her behind the knee. And lifted her foot to the second ladder rung. “There we go…”

The fingers inside her moved freely, pushing deep, immediately finding the place that made her moan and whimper and bend and shatter, and manipulating it mercilessly with those soft, vibrating fingertips.

The sensation gushing through her pulled Faith into an arch with a high-pitched “Oh God…” Her head dropped back against Grant’s shoulder, mouth open with sounds she absolutely could not control. “Yes, yes, yes.”

God, she’d used that word a lot over the last twenty-four hours.
. More than she’d used them in all her years combined.

Grant covered her hand curled around his wrist and pried her fingers loose. “I need more room, baby.”

With his hand over hers, he pushed them both beneath the hem of her tee, up her abdomen, and beneath one bra cup, so her own hand covered her breast. She barely noticed when his other hand pushed even deeper inside her and Grant finger-fucked her in long, slow, deep, vibrating strokes.

He thrust deep, rubbing her back wall with the vibration and rasping, “You are so fucking sexy.” Then twisted his hand and pulled out halfway, holding it there to circle and circle and circle. “I can’t wait to get you naked and use this all over your body.”

“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she begged.

“Touch yourself, Faith,” he whispered at her ear. “Pinch and roll your nipple.”

She did, without question, without resistance. He’d broken down barrier after sexual barrier in one twenty-four-hour period and conditioned her for pleasure. And his murmured “Good girl” tipped her closer to the edge.

“Oh, fuck, please, Grant. Harder, harder, harder.”

“Mmmm, damn, baby, you’re a trip.”

He thrust deep and hard, and pleasure exploded through her body. “Yes, yes, yes. More, more, more.”

“Talk dirty to me, Faith.”

Always pushing her. This was how he did it. He got her to this place where she needed release, craved the pleasure, then pushed her for one more inch.

“Give it to me,” she said, her voice thin and rough. “If you’re going to fuck me, fuck me, don’t play with me.”

His laugh was quick and hot, followed by a growl of fire and deep, steady, hard thrusts of vibration.

“Ah, God… Don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop. So good. Mmm, so good. Can’t wait, can’t—”

She shattered with a scream of shock and ecstasy—one Grant cut off with his hand over her mouth. One he perpetuated with continued hard thrusts and manipulation of her G-spot. Faith could have been in the middle of a crowd and not given a damn at that moment. All that mattered was soaking up every last drop of bliss spilling through her body.

Faith was panting and still shaking when her mind came to a sluggish focus. She leaned against him, while Grant’s hand stayed between her legs and continued to explore her. “I
how wet you get.”

“What…in the hell…is that?” she asked, barely able to keep her eyes open. Her skin tingled everywhere he touched, and he was getting adventurous.

“A fucking fantastic investment is what this is. That store in Ashville was the best find ever.” His fingers stroked her perineum, and her blood kicked right back to simmer. She rocked her hips back against him, and he groaned. “Imagine having me inside you, filling you, stretching you, hammering you, while I run these over your body.”

That thought pushed her breath right out of her lungs. “How long until Dwayne gets back?”

He chuckled, low and hot. Leaning over her, he kissed her throat, grazed the skin with his teeth, and pushed his fingers farther back, vibrating a path between her cheeks.

A zing of sexual current cut through her ass, and she gasped. He worked circles over the pucker there and shot Faith right back toward climax. “Oh
… Grant…”

BOOK: Quick Trick (A Rough Riders Hockey Novel Book 1)
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