Quinn (The Waite Family) (19 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

BOOK: Quinn (The Waite Family)
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Quinn woke up on a couch.
It took her a couple of seconds to realize where she was, but when she did she sat up quickly.
Then immediately lay back down with a groan.

“Cain said you should try getting up slowly or try eating a few crackers before you sit up. He said the baby and you are fighting for supremacy right now and he’s winning.”

Quinn looked over at Drew. He was sitting in one of his chairs facing her.
He had his injured arm resting on a pillow.
The room was dim and she could see out his windows that it was going on evening.
She hadn’t meant to lie down for quite so long.

“I seem to have taken up more time than I should have.
I’m so sorry.” She sat up slower this time and put her feet on the floor.
She was surprised when he came over and sat next to her. She took the package of crackers when he held them out.

“I didn’t have anything going on. Caroline cleared my calendar for the rest of the week anyway because of the accident.”
He pointed at the thermos on the floor.
“Ice tea, no sugar, no lemon.
If it’s too warm I’m supposed to tell you Charlie will personally bring you some up to replace it. He said he’s your slave.”

“He’s nuts is what he is.
Thank you, I’m sure it’s fine.”
Embarrassed for reasons she couldn’t understand, she held the cold container in her hand.
They sat there for several minutes not saying a word while she ate a cracker.
Not because she was sick, but because she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do.
She was about to get up and go when Drew spoke.

“I found your list.” She looked at him, confused.
“The one marked ‘For the Prick.’”

She flushed. “You weren’t supposed to see it.
And I was mad when I wrote most of that.”
She started to stand up, but he grabbed her by the arm.

“You have every right to be mad at me.
I’m an ass.” She started to speak when he stopped her.
“Please, let’s talk, Quinn.
I want…I would like us to discuss some of the thing
you have on your list.”

She didn’t know why he was being so nice and so…well, reasonable all of a sudden. But she wasn’t going to fall for it. Her ex-husband used to—

“Why?” she demanded.
“Why do you want to talk to me now when all you wanted to do before was yell and throw around orders like it was your job?”

He seemed to be thinking about something. She was sure it was about something she didn’t want to know. When she walked over to the chair and started to gather her things up he came to stand beside her.
Too close, as far as she was concerned.
Taking a step back, she nearly fell over the desk at her back.
And would have if he hadn’t reached out to steady her.

He didn’t let her go. When she put her hands on his chest to push him back he groaned and she felt it rumble beneath her fingers.
Then before she could think not to, she curled her fingers into his shirt rather than push him away.

“Quinn.” Drew moaned before he lifted her chin with his fingers and gently brushed his mouth over hers.
The second time his mouth touched hers she felt his hand slide up her neck. Even as she opened her mouth under his she could feel her body responding. Need coiled inside of her.

Tilting her head back and against his arm that was now wrapped around her, Quinn moved her hands down his chest and put her arms around his waist.
He was hard; his cock rocked into her before he pulled back slightly.
It was just enough to where she knew he was there, yet not where she could really feel him touching her.

He moved back from her slowly, his mouth gentled, then he lifted his head.
Another kiss, powerful despite its briefness, left his taste in her mouth and along her lips. Tasting him now, running her tongue over her lips
she looked up at him when he moaned.

“How is it that you can do the simplest things and nearly bring me to my knees?
I want you, Quinn. Right now and any way I can, but we need to talk.” He stepped back, but didn’t let go.
“My arm is killing me and I’m hungry. I bet you are too.”

“No. Yes. I…”
She stepped away from him.
“What’s going on with you? You hate when I make lists, you usually yell at…who are you and what have you done with Drew?” She was startled by his bark of laughter.
“I don’t find any of this to be the least bit funny, Mr. Miller.” She went around him and started gathering her things up again.
When he just stood there and smiled she couldn’t decide whether to be impressed with how handsome his smile made him or smack him.
Holding out her hand, she glared at him. “My list, if you please. I’d like to get back home.
I have things to do.”
When he continued to stare at her with that devastating smile, she huffed.
“Damn it, what’s wrong with you?”

“We are going to get something to eat, all right?
Then we’ll talk about your list.
But for now…”

She was against him immediately, her body pressed against every bit of his. His fingers tangled in her hair as he deepened the kiss until she felt devoured, consumed, and conquered.
This time when she wrapped her arms around him it wasn’t so much as to touch, but to hang on, to keep from tumbling back to have him take her. Quinn had never been kissed like this, like she was wanted, needed even. When he pulled back this time she staggered and let him hold her. Not sure what had caused this change in him she was suddenly nervous.
This man, this Andrew Miller, was confident in himself, more sure of her reactions to him. She looked up at him.

“Come on, love.
Before we both end up on this floor.”
His voice was husky, dark, and deep. She didn’t want to leave.
“Quinn, you keep looking at me like that and I’m going to take you against that wall over there.”

Quinn turned to look at the wall. When he chuckled she turned back and looked at him again.
She could see lust in his eyes; need like her own was there as well.

“I don’t understand you,” she whispered.
“Are you trying to make me crazy?

He didn’t answer her for a long time. She was beginning to think he wasn’t going to when he finally did. “No. But you would be surprised if I told you what had happened.
And before you stomp your foot and demand answers, I need to get a pain pill and you fed.”

She immediately felt awful.
It was the second time he’d mentioned the pain.
She didn’t want to hold him up from getting medicated when she could feed herself.
She tried to pull away, but he simply held her.

“I’ll go home.
You go to your house and take something for the pain.
I have my own car—”

“Quinn. You’re going home with me and to eat. My parents have already made plans to meet you.
We’ll go—”

“I don’t want to meet your parents,” she squeaked.
“You can just tell them…tell them you haven’t seen me.
I have to…you call them right now and tell them that—”

He kissed her. This one was different. It was more demanding, needier. His tongue didn’t as much as swirl in her mouth, but invaded it.
He pressed her hard against the wall she hadn’t even realized they’d moved to and she moaned.
Her body tightened and then expanded.
Her breasts swelled and her nipples hardened and brushed erotically on the inside of her bra.
When she reached her hand between them and cupped his hard cock in her palm he surged against her.
He was so thick and long he filled her hand.
When he tore his mouth from hers she felt his hot breath against her throat as his mouth nipped and bit at her.

“I want you, baby.
Now. I want to be buried deep inside of you. Please, come home with me. I want to make love to you all night.”

His mouth was doing sensual things to her. He was biting her throat and then her shoulder. She couldn’t keep up with him.
When she felt his hand slide under her skirt she nearly came right then.

“Drew, we shouldn’t.
We have to…yes.”
As his fingers brushed against her pussy she moved with him, rocking into him.
When he slid inside of her she moved her legs wider as he moaned against her mouth.

“I need to taste you, Quinn.
I need to lick you until you come in my mouth.
Please, baby, I need you.”

Suddenly, he was on his knees and before she could protest he had her skirt up over her hips and her panties moved to the side.
The first brush of his tongue nearly had her screaming.
As his fingers rocked inside of her she laced her fingers in his hair and held on.
When he suckled her clit into his mouth and nipped she came apart.
Screaming out his name, she rode his mouth. Over and over she moved as his mouth continued to take her.
When she came again, her body barely recovered from the first climax, her knees trembled with it.
Suddenly he was standing before her, his cock rocking against her hard like he was fucking her.

“The desk, go to the desk and lean over it. I’m going to take you from behind, I can’t…hurry,” he said, his voice barely recognizable to her. “Christ, I need to be inside of you before I come like this.”

On wobbly legs, she went to the desk, pulling her panties off as she went.
She wanted to feel him there, his cock deep inside of her pussy. When she braced her hands on the desk Drew slid up behind her and she felt his cock at her entrance.
Her breath caught when she felt the tip enter her.

“Please, Drew.
Take me, please.
I need you inside of me.”

He pushed her head down to the desk then grabbed her hip.
She’d be bruised tomorrow, but now all she could think of was him fucking her.

“Christ, you’re so hot.
I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t wait. I’m so close to coming we’ll be lucky if I don’t enter you and come right now.”
As soon as his cock was seated in her she came.
She pushed back against him every time he pulled back and then slammed deep.
When she felt him stiffen, his cock deep inside, she knew he was coming and reached between her legs and cupped his balls.

His release was loud; he came yelling out her name.
His hand at her hip held her tight and when he reached around, took her hand, and used her fingers with his to touch her clit, she came again.
Shouting out his name and that she loved him.

For several seconds neither of them moved.
As their bodies came back to earth and their hearts slowed Quinn realized what she’d said and wondered if he had heard.
When he pulled her up from the desk and held her tight against him with his arm around her waist she leaned back against him. His cock, still semi-hard, was inside of her.

That’s when she felt the sling. His arm.
She’d probably hurt his arm.
She started to pull away.

“No, please don’t. Not yet. I just want to hold you for a minute.
He kissed her neck.

“What about your poor arm? I know what we did…that when you…Drew, you have to hurt.” He laughed and she felt it rumble along her back.

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